I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 650: Auxiliary forces and limitations

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In the next few days, Zhou Jiang did not go out again.

He stayed in the hotel and read some basic information about the elves on the phone.

He has seen the previous [Auxiliary Power], and it's awesome!

He has already changed one for Shanaido. The biggest problem with other people's elves is that they can't learn too many state-increasing skills. It is estimated that they can only learn two at most, but Zhou Jiang has a system, and these are not problems!

But the strength of the wizard itself, this is the difficulty.

After Zhou Jiang changed the [Support Force] to Xanadu, the matching skills were naturally indispensable.

The meditation to increase special attack and special defense is already there, and it lacks physical attack, physical defense, speed, dodge and hit.

In terms of material attack, Zhou Jiang first thought of sword dance, but Shanaido could not learn sword dance. It is estimated that his physical fitness is not up to standard or something. In short, he lost the warehouse...

Finally, she changed a dragon dance, which she had learned.

Dragon Dance increases physical attack and speed, so there are four things, and three things worse.

In terms of physical defense, she learned how to harden it, but she can also learn it. In the end, it was dodge and hit. To be honest, these two things gave him a little headache.

If you dodge these, you can think of shadow clones, high-speed movement, etc., but these are okay in the game. After using them, it will really increase the attribute panel for dodge, but in reality...

Well, dodge him and gave up. Let's do this first, anyway, she has the shadow clone skill, and then I will know if it works.

Next is the hit... if he hits, he doesn't know what skills he has. Finally, he slaps his head, he doesn't know that he can check it!

Go to the system to check first, and silently say "Increase the ability to hit by yourself" to the system.

Zhou Jiang's eyes lit up, as expected!

In an instant, the whole page of the exchange page, as large as a TV and as small as a nut, disappeared, and replaced by three short exchange items.

[Acupuncture]: Increase the target's attack, defense, special attack, special defense, speed, hit rate, and dodge rate by 2 levels. When the ability cannot continue to be improved, it will not be randomly selected.

【Claw Grinding】: Increase the user's attack and hit by 1 level each.

【Curling】: Increase the user's attack, defense, and hit rate by 1 level each.

"Fuck, do you still have these skills!" Zhou Jiang was dumbfounded.

They are all supernatural skills!

Needless to say, acupuncture points immediately increased by 2 levels, and it can be used by his companions. He didn't know such a good skill before!


And curled up, attacking and defensive hits, all three are improved...Well, his positioning for Qingteng Snake and Minas are mobile fortresses for long-range attacks, but even so, the physical attack is not very useful, but the defense and Hits are still essential, especially hits.

As for grinding claws? forget about it.

I changed a point, and I saw that Xanaduo could be used, and it was good. As for curling up, I exchanged two for Qingteng Snake and Menas, Xanaduo couldn't learn this skill.

Next, look at the dodge rate. If the dodge rate is only three skills, smaller, shadow clone, and acupuncture, the high-speed movement in his impression is not counted?

After thinking for a while, Xanadu changed a small one.

Shanaiduo is really good, except for the fighting system or the skills that require physical fitness, she can learn everything else, which is like other elves, with a lot of restrictions.

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jiang also made a set for Minas.

After learning the dragon dance for him and losing his memory for an instant, Zhou Jiang also changed his auxiliary power.

If Minas is like this, except for dodge, everything else can be improved by himself.

As for evasion, whether it's getting smaller or tapping acupuncture points, Zhou Jiang felt that it should not be able to learn it, so he didn't bother to change it. Otherwise, if he couldn't learn it, he would still have to lose the warehouse.

To evade, just wait for all of its attributes to be improved and let Shanaido give it acupuncture points.

It's so awesome!

Although the auxiliary power is very limited, its skill power lies there. If it is really strengthened, it is afraid that it can really destroy the world?

Maybe we can fight with the beast...

As far as Zhou Jiang is concerned, the auxiliary power is not a regular elven battle, but a "war"!

It’s like destroying the Rockets’ base. It’s fortified outside beforehand, and then it’s time to go in for an auxiliary force. What won’t be flattened?

It's a pity that it's night, and he can't go out to experiment with skills.

Skills with such an explosive intensity must not be used in urban areas, nor in training venues. At that time, I am afraid that the entire venue will be gone as soon as it is released. If it is really gone, then he will lose money or die.

He plans to experiment in the forest outside the city. No one is there. Even if a mountain is blown up, it won't hurt. As long as he runs fast, no one knows who did it.

All night Zhou Jiang was thinking about how awesome the auxiliary power was, and then yy came out with a mythical beast, and then his Xanadu and Menus went to fight with it. After falling asleep at night, he even dreamed...


After Zhou Jiang got up the next day, he was ready to go out. He really couldn't wait.

He didn't call Zhou Nan and the others. He just said that he went out and then ran away. After all, if you think about it, don't tell them. Otherwise, he always feels like something troublesome.

I didn't want to wait for the bus, so I took a taxi and drove outside.

Fortunately, there are few cars and no traffic jams. After driving for more than an hour, I finally left the city.

It was past eight o'clock in the morning. Now, in the winter, there are still a lot of water drops in the forest at this time. The sun is not shining in, it is a bit cold, and a gust of wind blows in, so it can't stand it.

However, after thinking about the awesome power of assistance, Zhou Jiang still didn't flinch and went in.

This coldness is nothing. When I traveled before, wasn't it all dew that morning? Didn't you come here?

But those dews... After thinking about it, let's release the little nanny Shanaido.

With the power of thought, this dew is nothing at all, and he can fly directly without having to walk on his own.

Shanaiduo's strength is strong, and the speed of flying with thought force is still very fast. In about ten minutes, they have already entered a fairly deep place.

"Xanaido, it's almost here." Zhou Jiang gestured to Xanaido looking at the small open space below.

"Thank you." After falling to the ground and withdrawing his thought power, Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaiduo, "Xanaduo, do you need a rest?"

Xanadu shook his head, indicating that there was nothing to consume.

Zhou Jiang nodded, "In that case, let's start the experiment, Shanaido. You first use meditation to fill up special attacks and special defenses, then use Dragon Dance to fill up the physical attack and speed, then use to harden and reduce, and finally Use acupuncture!"

"Xanaido~!" Xanaido nodded, and then began to execute the order.

She was sitting with her knees crossed, her eyes closed, and then she floated in the air.

There was a gleam of purple shimmer on her body. This was different from the meditation she used to fight. Zhou Jiang didn't understand why. It was estimated that the time required for the battle was tight, so she accelerated her speed?

He didn't know, but he didn't need to know, he didn't need to study in depth what was what, he just had to know that this thing was harmless and so on.

Zhou Jiang stood by and watched Xanadu meditating. I don't know how long it took before Xanadu finally finished meditating. She added six layers of special attacks and special defenses to her one-time, uninterrupted direct meditation!

"Sannaduo, is it all right?" Zhou Jiang asked, and after getting her affirmative reply, Zhou Jiang nodded, "Well, the next step is Dragon Dance, come on!"

Zhou Jiang retreated a little bit, giving her room to perform the Dragon Dance.

Dragon Dance...It’s just dancing a mysterious dance, and then getting blessings, but he can’t understand any dance anyway, it doesn’t matter, just watching Shanaido dancing this weird dance, how do you feel, some Magic? The body is swinging.

Only this time soon, Xanadu stopped.

Zhou Jiang was a little puzzled. After meditation for so long, would Dragon Dance be healed so quickly? This is obviously abnormal.

Xanadu is a super power spirit. Compared with Dragon Dance and Meditation, she must be more prone to super power meditation. In other words, she should spend less time in meditation, and compared to Dragon Dance. The first time I used it, she was very familiar with meditation.

But the time difference is so much, it's probably three or four minutes, this is absolutely abnormal!

"What's the matter?" Zhou Jiang asked ~www.ltnovel.com~ It doesn't work anymore, can't it continue to increase? Shanaido's voice sounded in Zhou Jiang's mind, but compared to the usual gentle and relaxing voice, her voice is interestingly weak now?

"What's wrong with you, Shanaido?" Zhou Jiang was a little panicked. Could something be wrong with Dragon Dance?

Suddenly, he thought of his previous yy conjecture.

Dragon dance, sacrificial dance, only the selected elves can dance this dance, and then gain power from unknown places.

Could it be that Shanaido, who could not use this skill, was discovered by something with this skill, and then he was punished?

Zhou Jiang's brain was wide open, and his thinking instantly became empty.

At this time, Zhou Jiang and Xanadu were connected in spirit. Zhou Jiang didn't deliberately conceal these things, so Xanadu naturally knew what he was thinking.

"Looking" at what Zhou Jiang was thinking, Shane Duo felt a little helpless. The master's brain was really big... he dared to think about anything.

‘It’s okay, it’s just that I’m not strong enough. I’ve already reached the limit and cannot continue to increase. ’

"Huh? That's the limit?" Zhou Jiang was startled, but she quickly reacted. What she said was that she was not strong enough and that her body had reached the limit of strengthening.

"Dragon Dance can't be strengthened, so can you still use the hardened ones?"

‘No. Shanaido shook his head.

"Okay..." Zhou Jiang was a little helpless. In this case, it's a lot worse... But he soon figured it out, too, if it was strengthened casually, then the elves who learned the auxiliary power would have long gone against the sky.

It's a bit restrictive, otherwise, his plug-in will have an opponent.

Although he feels invincible and boring, he doesn't really want to threaten his opponent.

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