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Although Invincible is a bit boring, Invincible also has the fun of invincibility. It's casual, with the backing of "Invincible", and you don't need to be timid to do anything.

Strength is confidence!

Zhou Jiang looked at Shanaiduo, "Can you feel how many layers of physical attack and speed the dragon dance has strengthened?"

Xanadu nodded, ‘It’s about two floors. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and thought.

Dragon Dance has strengthened two layers, meditation six layers, a total of 16 layers, 16 times 20 plus 20, then a total of 340 attack power!

Hiss~ The superimposed power of two more destroying dead lights!

"Sannaduo, use it to see, auxiliary power?" Zhou Jiang was a little excited, and the time to witness the miracle had arrived!

Xanadu nodded.

"By the way, you can make me some light walls first." Zhou Jiang stopped Shanaido who was about to use the skill.

I don't know how strong the auxiliary power of the 340 power is. If the attack power is too high, it will be bad if it is affected. It is better to let Shanaido build some light walls to be safe.

Well, to be on the safe side, let's release the Big Needle Bee. You can feel relieved with Big Needle Bee by your side.

Shanaiduo made an egg-shaped protective cover for Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang said ok to her.

"Come on!"


The big needle bee flew in front of Zhou Jiang in an array, and outside was the light-walled eggshell made by Xanadu.

Xanadu was floating outside the eggshell, purple smoke spreading all over his body.

The smoke was lavender at first, and then gradually thickened to a deep purple.

Suddenly, it seemed that it had reached a certain threshold, and Xanadu was like a sun, shining brightly, stabbing Zhou Jiang almost blindly.

Fortunately, there was a big needle bee in front of him blocking a bit. After his eyes were irritated, he quickly closed his eyes and lowered his head to cover his face, and the action was done in one go, without any muddle.

The light came fast, and it went fast. Although the eyes were closed, there was no strong light outside the eyelids. This was easy to distinguish. Zhou Jiang, who was squatting on the ground with his head in his arms, had not raised his head yet, and a roar followed. Come.


Along with the roar came a violent earthquake.

Zhou Jiang, who was in a half-rise state, did not expect this situation, so he softened his legs and knelt on the ground, then rolled on the shaking ground...


Xanadu teleported into the eggshell.

The big needle bee ignored it. It was staring at the front. As long as the protective cover was about to break, it would rush up and swing its spear, driving the air to block the aftermath of Shanaido's attack.

The gust of wind was howling, green grass, leaves, branches, and soil splashed around, and the shock wave generated by the explosion brushed on the egg shell. Zhou Jiang seemed to have heard the cracking sound of the egg shell.

Fortunately, Xanadu made this egg shell before, but fortunately, she built a few more layers of light walls when she made it.

Otherwise, under this storm, even with the protection of the big needle bee, he would definitely be uncomfortable!


With the fall of a big tree that was cut off by the waist, the storm of experimental auxiliary power finally stopped...

At this time, Zhou Jiang's ears were still buzzing, and the explosion was too loud.

Because he wanted to observe a little closer, he didn't go too far. As a result...

At this moment, his legs are still a little soft...

The Big Needle Bee flew by Zhou Jiang, looked at Zhou Jiang worriedly, and Zhou Jiang waved his hand to indicate that he was okay.

Looking around, Zhou Jiang found Shanaido, who was kneeling halfway behind him, panting violently.

"Sanaiduo!" Zhou Jiang was startled and ran over quickly.

‘I’m okay...but I’m using too much physical strength...’

Hearing Shanaiduo's answer, Zhou Jiang sighed in relief.

It's just that the physical exertion is too much, that's okay, it almost scared him. Shanaido can't have any shortcomings...

However, Zhou Jiang still changed a bottle of advanced wound medicine from the system.

Although she can use healing volatility and self-healing skills to restore physical strength, it is better to brush her favorability decisively at this time.

Trotting to her side, slowly supporting her, and then feeding her the wound medicine.

The wound medicine exchanged by the system can not only be applied externally, but the most important thing is that it can be taken internally!

High-grade wound medicine, if applied externally, can effectively treat the injury, if taken internally, it can heal the injury while regaining strength.

Zhou Jiang asked other elves who had drunk this medicine. They said that the taste of blue orange fruit was a little sour.

The potion was gradually drunk by Xanaduo, and Xanaduo's state was significantly different.

There were some scars on her body before, but now those small scars have completely disappeared, and she is no longer as weak as before.

"How is it? Is it better?" Although I can tell that she is in a much better condition, she still needs to ask. She will definitely say that she is better, then Zhou Jiang can just let go and get up. If you let go of her to get up, then the affection degree will not rise much.

Although he is a bit woody at times, he has to say that he still knows many things.

Sure enough, Shane Duo looked at Zhou Jiang's eyes more softly, "It's okay, thank you Master~"

Zhou Jiang smiled slightly, slowly let go of her, let her get up, and he looked at the surrounding situation, just glanced briefly, after seeing Shanaido, he did not look at it, and now it is time to observe. Fan, after all, the purpose of this trip is to experiment and observe how strong the auxiliary power is. Although it is not fully enhanced, it is not without the value of observation.

The first thing that catches the eye is the scene behind him. A large area of ​​trees was cut off and fell to the ground. However, it can be clearly seen that the fallen trees on the ground are far fewer than those stumps. In other words, there are Many of the shaved trees were blown away long distances, at least not in sight.

This is still the scene behind him. Calculating the distance, it's probably more than 20 meters. This is already the case. What will happen to the place that is bombarded by Xanadu?

Zhou Jiang didn't turn around in a hurry to look forward, he slowly turned to look at the scenery on both sides.

It's almost the same as the one behind, but the one next to it is even more miserable. Not only the trees were scraped off, but the roots were uprooted, and the ground was lifted by dozens of centimeters!

The grass that was originally full of grass has now become ragged and pitted. There are a lot of leaves, broken branches, and trunks on it.

As he slowly turned around, the scenery he saw in his eyes became more and more miserable, and even the dewy soil, leaves and green leaves stuck to the outermost light wall.

Xanadu stood beside Zhou Jiang, on the other side where Big Needle Bee was.

Right in front, a sinkhole appeared at the place where Shane Duo originally bombarded!

If you look at it this way, the diameter is tens of meters, just the depth?

"Big Needle Bee, break the light wall, go out and have a look." Zhou Jiang said to Big Needle Bee.

From the inside, you can't see the bottom of the pothole at all!

Although there is a distance, the depth of the big hole is not too shallow.

Big Needle Bee nodded and stabbed when he went up early.

After the strengthening of the strengthening liquid exchanged by the system, the spear of the Big Needle Bee is really powerful.

After using it now, there are no scars at all. In the past, there will be missing corners from time to time. Since the strengthening, there is no damage.

The power of the big needle bee is naturally extremely great. When it stabs the cracked light wall in front, the light wall in front is broken.

However, even if the egg shell is broken, it will not collapse. It will still stand there, only a gap is exposed.

The big needle bee made a gap that could allow Zhou Jiang to go out, and then flew out first.

Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo also walked out one after another. The ground was wet, mixed with a pile of grass and leaves. If you step on it, the soles of your shoes will soon be stained with mud.

Sure enough, Shane Duo took him to fly over...

In the air, Zhou Jiang once again sighed the practicality of superpowers, it was simply panacea!

There are also people in the animation who can use super powers, Nazi, Cattleya, and I heard that there are people who can guide and super power in this world?

Perhaps, I should go and ask, what if it works?

Being strong, even though it's cool, but it's still cool to become stronger.

After all, external forces are external forces, and only those that belong to you are considered the best.

It’s just this broken system, how good would it be to change skills for yourself...

Many of the skills in anime ~www.ltnovel.com~ He has been greedy for a long time, what super electromagnetic gun, vector manipulation, king's treasure, infinite sword system, flying god, spiral pill...


Envy to the separation of the plasmodium!

Being dragged by Shanaido to fly off the ground, Zhou Jiang was finally able to see the bottom of the pothole.

However, the reason for the distance cannot be estimated very well.

Getting closer, I can feel the power of Shanaiduo's auxiliary power more and more.

There is no problem with the diameter of more than ten meters, and the depth should be more than ten meters.

However, for the diameter, the moisture is a bit large, because a large part of the pits are created by blowing away the soil by the wind pressure generated by the explosion, so it looks very large. If you don't count those, it is estimated to be one or two meters.

But even this is very powerful.

Looking around, there was a mess. Zhou Jiang didn't believe that any elves could survive this trick.

Of course, mythical beasts are not counted...

He thinks it, he still can't beat the mythical beasts that can cause the tsunami and hurricane at every turn, but in the future...cough cough, hard to say...

But speaking of this, this trick is very powerful, but foreplay is also done. It is estimated that the meditation has been done for about five minutes. If you add other things, then what?

And after using it, Xanadu basically loses her strength, and her physical strength is exhausted. Even if she uses the earth to explode the stars, the physical strength she consumes is not so exaggerated...

However, the Earth Explosion Sky Star that she can use now is only a weakened version. After all, she doesn’t have the strength and physical strength. If she really wants to attack the Rocket’s base as he thought, this auxiliary power should be a bit more powerful, and it will blow up. past!

After all, the Rockets' bases are mostly underground or in caves in the wild.

Be an elf trainer in a parallel world

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