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When I returned to the hotel in City G, it was already past eleven o'clock. Well, he would go back after lunch.

Pushing open the door, Zhou Nan and the others are still playing games, and even Xu Feng is cheering with them. After all, there is nothing to do.

Zhou Jiang took the slippers from the backpack, changed his shoes and went in, threw the backpack on the table, and then fell on his bed.

"What's wrong? Where did you go?" Zhou Nan asked without looking up.

"It's nothing, just tired..." Zhou Jiang murmured, thinking about when he was still in the wild before.

After seeing the big pit that Xanadu blasted out, he originally wanted to give Menus a try, but before he released the elf, he heard the voice of someone talking from a distance and talking to the bush. The rustle of friction.

Regardless of whether it is a forest ranger, a trainer or an ordinary villager, Zhou Jiang, who is a guilty conscience, naturally does not want to be discovered. He quickly retrieved the Big Needle Queen Bee and let Shanaiduo use his teleportation to take him away.

If the forest ranger finds out that such a big damage has been done there, he will have to pay a fine... Although his available amount is relatively sufficient, who wants to be fined.

Anyway, just slip away.

Shanaiduo had only consumed too much physical strength before, and there was no problem with mental strength. Moreover, if she had physical strength, she had recovered a lot after drinking the medicine, so there was no need to worry about any problems.

After Teleportation ran away, Shanaiduo opened the Mind Power Net to explore the surroundings, and used Mind Power to pull Zhou Jiang away.

No one was encountered along the way, and he ran out of the forest without any risk.

Since he couldn't continue the experiment, and he had some experimental data, he was satisfied. There was nothing to do outside, so it was cold, so he could go back.

Thinking about this, Zhou Jiang took the bus back to the city slowly, and then saw that the time was almost up, and then returned to the hotel after eating rice noodles outside.

Obviously the problem that was bothering me has been solved, but he couldn't help but sighed.

"Sleep to sleep!" shouted, Zhou Jiang took off his coat and got into the quilt.

"Huh? Zhou Jiang, have you eaten? What did you do when you went out, so tired, you will go to bed when you come back, etc..." Suddenly, Zhou Nan, who was holding his mobile phone, widened his eyes and turned to look at Zhou Jiang. You shouldn't go to that anymore! Go secretly, and come back so tired."

"..." The few people were speechless, and both Xu Feng and Chen Yongan, who were holding their mobile phones, looked up in surprise, looking at Zhou Nan and Zhou Jiang.

"Go away!" Zhou Jiang, who had already gotten under the quilt, got up slightly and got angry, "You shit, what kind of thinking all day, dirty!"

"Hey, what did you say you did?"

"Heh~" Zhou Jiang sneered, "Do you think your botched radical method is useful for me? The more you say that, the less I will tell you! The thing I like most is to say no to the self-righteous people! "


Xu Feng nodded next to him and thought, ‘my favorite thing to do is to say no to the self-righteous’? Very good, great, but from now on, it will be mine! Hmm, write it down!

Chen Yongan didn't pay attention to this. He was also aroused by curiosity. Where did Zhou Jiang go in the morning?

Before, he went to Gancheng Brilliant Amusement Park alone, but when he went, he told them about it, but he didn't say it today. There is a problem!

Zhou Nan is still arguing with Zhou Jiang, threatening if the law fails, and begging after the coercion fails...

In short, this guy has no ethics when facing acquaintances.

"Don't tell me, I told you to go before and you didn't go, no no, play your game, I fell asleep!" Zhou Jiang fell heavily on the bed after saying that, and then pulled the quilt over his head. The person shrank into the quilt.


Chen Yongan screamed.

Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan told him to play his game, and Chen Yongan realized that they were still playing games!

I quickly lowered my head and looked at the phone...Hey, hey, a big "failure" is displayed there.

"I'm going! Why did you lose!" Hearing Chen Yongan's cry, Zhou Nan's heart shook for a while, and quickly looked down, it turned out that the worst thing happened and he lost...

Obviously they were about to win, but the three of them hung up...

Xu Feng also lowered his head to see the red "failure" displayed on the screen, but he didn't care about it. Like Zhou Jiang, he didn't like to play this very much. He was only with Zhou Nan when he was bored. Play, pass the time, it doesn't matter if you win or lose.

"Ah! I blame you, Zhou Jiang, we lost for the damage..."

"Garbage!" Zhou Jiang couldn't bear being thrown away by Zhou Nan. Okay, he just felt that the quilt was too stuffy, so he came out and breathed it out, but he couldn't recite the black pan.

"If you are beaten, you must stand at attention, and the garbage will admit it. Learn from Xu Feng and Yongan. If you look at you, Caiji don't play "elf go". It's you who are dragging everyone up."

"You, you..." Zhou Nan was shaking with anger.

"What's the matter? I got it right? Nothing to say, right?"

"Wow, I'm fighting with you!" Zhou Nan lost his mobile phone and rushed towards Zhou Jiang.

"Fuck! What are you doing! Get out!"

Zhou Nan wanted to ride on Zhou Jiang. Zhou Jiang resisted desperately. He kept kicking his legs and waving his hands, just to prevent him from having a chance to hold on.

Although there was a quilt blocking him, Zhou Jiang was not able to exert his strength, but it was also difficult for him to grasp his leg.

Even if he was holding it, he was still holding the quilt, Zhou Jiang's leg was retracted, and he was able to give him a kick.

"Fuck, don't use your feet if you have the ability!" Zhou Nan, who had been kicked a few times through the quilt, was depressed for a year, stood up and shouted in a rough coat.

"Cut~ Caiji!" Zhou Jiang ignored him, Lao Gao with a quilt on his feet.

"Let's drive, if we don't come again." Chen Yongan sitting in the chair waved to Zhou Nan.

Hearing what Chen Yongan said, Zhou Nan only let go of the cruel words next time and got out of bed.

Zhou Jiang didn't say anything, but after he took care of the messy quilt, he fell down.

Sleeping... Sure enough, sleeping in a cup is the most comfortable in winter. Well, I forgot the hot water bottle.

Zhou Jiang got up, took out the rechargeable hot water bottle from the backpack on the table, and then put it on the bedside table to charge it.

Although the air conditioner is on at this time, there is no hot water bottle comfortable for air conditioners or something!

The burning hot water bottle, put it under your feet when you sleep, and the scorching sensation spread from your feet in an instant. It's hot, but it doesn't burn your feet. It feels like an eerie feeling.

He had heard of the Japanese kotatsu before. It was very comfortable to lie in. He couldn't imagine it. After trying it like this once, he finally realized it.

Of course, this is just how he feels. In fact, he doesn't know the feeling of the kotatsu. After all, he has never used it, so he can only guess roughly.

After it was cooked, he kicked the hot water bottle to the proper position, and Zhou Jiang made a soothing sound.

"Wow, Zhou Jiang, you are really good show."

Zhou Jiang ignored Zhou Nan, and didn't know who made it so loud, even the women next door heard it. Fortunately, he and Xu Feng stopped the angry river, otherwise he would be caught by the river.

When Zhou Jiang got up, it was already 3:53, and he slept for four hours at once.

It wasn't that Zhou Jiang hadn't woken up during this period, but the hot water bottle was so comfortable that he didn't want to wake up after waking up. In the warm feeling, he fell asleep again.

And then until now...

I heard that the human body has many acupuncture points, and there are many on the feet. It is estimated that the hot heat of the hot water bottle touched there and then caused this situation?

To be honest, when I was waking up, I couldn't resist this hot water bottle at all, and I had to sleep if I didn't want to sleep, as if I was hypnotized.

But sleep comfortably, wake up comfortably, refreshed!

At this point, Zhou Nan and the others are finally not playing games. They are separated. He and Xu Feng lie down on the bed. Both of them are holding their phones and looking at something, while Chen Yongan is not in the room~www. ltnovel.com~ I guess he went back to his room.

"Have you eaten?" Zhou Jiang regretted as soon as he said it.

The curtains were opened and the lights were not turned on, so it looked a little dim, so I felt it was late. In fact, he just checked the time and it was less than four o'clock.

Sure enough, Zhou Nan immediately began to complain, "It's only four o'clock now, but are you hungry?"

Zhou Jiang shook his head, "It's not true, it's just a little drowsy. It looks a little dim and feels a bit late."

With that, he turned on the light, and the room instantly lit up.

"Wow, turn on the lights at this time, wasting electricity."

"..." Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng looked towards Zhou Nan speechlessly, but Xu Feng didn't speak, but Zhou Jiang couldn't help it.

"You shit, Zhou Papi! What is this point of electricity called? The money you earn from going out to do a mission will enable you to turn on this light all year round." Zhou Jiang pointed his finger at the top and was still blowing. Turning to the hot air conditioner, "Where do you turn on the air conditioner? This air conditioner costs more electricity than electric lights."

"I'm just talking about it, why are you so fierce..." Zhou Nan said aggrieved.

"..." Zhou Jiang waved his hand, too lazy to pay attention to him.

Zhou Jiang fell back in bed and it’s not dinner time, so just lie down and play on the phone, otherwise what else...

Well, review and review, and continue to look at the skills. It doesn't matter if you don't know the characteristics. If you don't know the characteristics, the system will show the effect, but the skills will not work, only the name of the skill.

You still have to understand these well, otherwise you don't know if you are overcast.

It’s not a shame to be defeated, but unfortunately because I don’t know the effect of the skill on the other side and I am overcast and fail!

Although the probability is very small, it still needs to be eliminated, and even if you don't consider these, if you know more skills, if you have more abundant skills, you can learn those skills for your elves a little better.

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