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Time gradually passed in the boring waiting of everyone.

And today, the ship sent by the alliance will arrive at the port of city g to pick up trainers participating in the league competition!

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the port and docks are already crowded with people who can participate in the league competition. The lowest level should also have the strength of the elite mid-level. Although the elite mid-level looks like a Chinese cabbage, they are scattered all over the country. The power is the backbone.

Here, not only the qualified trainers are waiting, but also some small vendors selling their own herbs and juices, and headhunters from companies, etc., are all here.

Needless to say, those small vendors are here to make a lot of money, while those headhunters are here to dig people.

Being able to participate in the league competition is itself a proof of strength.

In this world, badges are not so easy to obtain. The strength of apprentices is strong or weak, but the strength of apprentices who accept the challenge is not weak.

He still remembers the anime he watched in his previous life, the first Muji, and the players participating in the league are all rubbish. They are so weak that they can't be weak, like Xiaozhi's first opponent, Dowu... **** batch!

I was given a bunch of three by a squeeze crab that was stunted and had never participated in the battle... It was almost.

Zhou Jiang estimated that the strength was more than 30 levels.

Not only that, it seems that there are still many elves who have not completed the final evolution...

This is the league competition...the stadium competitions are higher than its specifications...

I won't talk about the league tournament, but the museum tournament.

In the animation, that gymnasium is also a lot of pitfalls.

It is also the first Muji. The league competition is about to start. Xiaozhi and the others are going to the Quartz Plateau, but on the way they ran into a trainer with a gala, and the trainer wanted to play against Xiaozhi, and the chips were all Badge!

It stands to reason that he can get eight badges, and his strength should not be weak. As a result...

As a result... his eight badges were snatched by the Rockets trio!

Ok? ? ? (Black question mark)

When the Rockets are so powerful, trainers with eight badges can grab them.

Later, after he lost to Xiaozhi, from when he said that he and Gala Gala had obtained eight badges together, he had some memories. One of them was that his Gala Gala rushed past a bone. Go down, Xia Bo's duck-billed fire dragon actually fell down!

Not to mention whether it is the old duck-billed fire dragon of Xia Bo, or the ordinary duck-billed fire dragon, the strength is not low! And it's Xia Bo's duck-billed fire dragon!

Although the attributes are restrained, Gal Gala is only a ground element, but it doubles the damage of the duck-billed fire dragon, but the duck-billed fire dragon hits it twice.

Can rely on the duck-billed fire dragon to win the duck-billed fire dragon, but the badge can still be snatched by the Rockets trio? And when he played against Xiaozhi, he was directly defeated? The key is to defeat Pikachu!

Being defeated by Pikachu is not the most irritating. The most irritating is that it killed the stubborn frog seed with a bone stick, and then was electrocuted by Pikachu who was on the field... It was shocked by the electric shock in the whole course without injury! electric shock?

Ok? ? ?

electric shock?

Was it due to his quack quack attribute mutation, not the ground system, or did Xiaozhi’s Pikachu mutate, the ability that was originally ineffective could kill the opponent?

It's simply not good...

This kind of stuff can actually get the Red Lotus badge. It's absolutely amazing. Think about the duck-billed fire dragon when Xiao Zhi beat Xia Bo. It was so terrible that it could only be killed by spraying it out.

Of course, Xia Bo must have released the water. After all, it is said that Xia Bo has the strength of the heavenly king, and even if it is not, Xia Bo is so old, and his old partner, the duck-billed fire dragon, can be low? Even if he is old, his strength has declined, but he shouldn't be killed by a poorly developed fire-breathing dragon.

Of course, compared to that quack, quack, when you fight with Xiaozhi, you can release a little less water. That quack can be beaten, and it's almost a vast ocean. The water when the ferret and the second pillar were released Compared with it, it's far worse.

People's second pillar is at least strong, so it's quack, it's trash!

Okay, it’s a bit farther away. To sum it up, the qualifications for the league competitions in this world are not very watery. Now there are a bunch of not weak elf trainers here, and those company headhunters are naturally impatient. It's coming to dig people.

After all, at this time, digging is earning!

The trainers here have already formed their combat effectiveness, the lowest are the elite mid-levels, and many of them are talented young trainers!

As long as you recruit, no matter if you can achieve any results in the league tournaments, it will be profitable.

It’s better if you have scores, and you don’t lose if you don’t.

However, in this age, there are very few trainers recruited. In a world where the technology tree is crooked, although there are few satellites, the Internet is still quite developed, and the world has gradually become a global village.

Even ordinary trainers have a lot of knowledge, so they will naturally not be tempted by those companies. Even after seeing individual cases, they feel confident that they can achieve something, and those who are excellent naturally know their abilities. , So it will not be easily pulled aboard.

However, although it is not easy to attract people, sponsorship and sponsorship are still very easy.

What sort of titles are the most popular rankings? "Enthusiastic" netizens have long been working out. Those companies and the like directly come up with money and ask you to endorse products. Would you refuse?

It’s easy to endorse or something. You only need to wear specially made clothes or ornaments during the competition. You don’t even need to say that you can get the money. You can even add money to the advertising. If you win the prize When you wear that clothes to receive the trophy, you can have extra money, and those who can have the award speech are even better.

You don't need to pay anything, you can easily get a large amount of sponsorship, who will refuse?

After all, not everyone is like Zhou Jiang who lacks this and that, and the wizard-related industry is a profitable industry chain.

The annual league competition is the stage for various advertisers. Even the first-year league champions wear advertising clothes and say their acceptance speech on the podium after they say the advertisement, the award ceremonies of the subsequent league competitions will not These two things are missing.

Regardless of whether it is the champion or the runner-up and third place, everyone is putting together advertising words. At first it was within a country, and the whole world knew it in the second year. Then the league competitions held by countries all over the world were distorted. ...



At this time, Zhou Jiang and the others were sitting on the steps where the dock could be seen and waiting.

It will take a while before the ship comes.

In front of them, a man dressed in a suit was chattering at them. Of course, his main target was Tian Zhengjie and the three of them, because only the three of them looked decent, after all, they were here.

Ten of them were sitting together, and they knew they were in a group. Although there were people sitting in other places on the steps here, and there were a lot of them, everyone was far away. They were sitting together, and Zhou Jiang At a glance, they look like high school students and college students. They are unlikely to participate in the league competition, and they are likely to be accompanied.

But Tian Zhengjie and the others are different. They look mature, plus they are waiting here with their bags at this time. They are obviously contestants!

At this time, he was chattering endlessly in front of the various trainers, men and women in suits, constantly talking about how good their company is, how high the salary is, and how good the benefits are. In short, joining in will definitely not treat them. !

However, Tian Zhengjie and the others are not children, and they don’t need to join any company at all. Tian Zhengjie and Lu Ran don’t say anything. Chen Qizhen’s name as the head teacher of the graduating class of Shuguang School is also a bit rich in gold, and it makes sense where it is used. These small companies of more than ten people.

And none of them are contestants...

But they didn't say that Zhou Jiang was a contestant.

You don't need to think about it. It's impossible for Zhou Jiang to consider any company, so they just have to take it down. Anyway, it's innocuous, just a little annoying.

Good upbringing can't make them directly ignore or verbalize at each other, and these dispatched employees, none of them are thick-skinned and strong-mouthed. Tian Zhengjie and their refusal can't stop him from chatting over there~www.ltnovel.com~ I don't know how long it took. The man in front of them finally gave up, but he still smiled and handed out his business card, even Zhou Jiang and the others were assigned.

Looking at the man who continued to look for the next "prey" after saying goodbye with a smile, Tian Zhengjie breathed a sigh of relief.

This time Zhou Jiang really knew why many people were scared when they talked about Tang Seng, and this time they were still facing the smiling "Tang Seng". They stretched out their hands and didn't hit the smiley people. The other party didn't do anything excessive, and kept facing them. Smile, ordinary people will not show it even if they are bored, hold back and then hold back and feel more uncomfortable.

However, they just breathed a sigh of relief here when someone came again!

This time, she was wearing a more **** workplace Yujie. The slightly divergent skirt was about to reach the base of her thighs. With the seductive black pantyhose and high heels, it made people unable to move their eyes.

Well, but everyone is still not tempted, because at this time a fat man who is covering his eyes and rolling on the floor and the river with his waist inserted and full of anger are reminding them to take care of their eyes.

Zhou Jiang and others shivered.

The woman saw that there was a "church" here, and the seduction was no longer useful, so she could only leave here with high heels.

This small area of ​​trainers naturally saw Zhou Nan’s tragic situation. Although they were not in the group with Zhou Jiang, they could manage their own eyes. After all, men are animals that think in the lower body, but only Not being dizzy at first, but still able to control his eyes and belt.

Although there is a woman left, there are still many men and well-dressed women here. There may be unspoken rules between them. When someone asks, others are not allowed to grab it.

Now that the woman left, someone came to Zhou Jiang and their side...

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