I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 660: Watch the excitement

The city is like that, to the forest of steel.

However, unlike other cities in general, the houses inside were built in a planned way and looked neat.

But if you don’t look at other things, that’s it, at best it’s just a city with a better appearance, but...

Seeing the flying robot half-suspended on the street, Zhou Jiang was a little spartan. Just like in anime, there are automatic robots floating in the streets of the city, and I don't know how the black technology is crooked.

These robots have different shapes and functions.

There are some triangle-shaped robots with patrol heads, cube robots like vending machines, and round robots that clean up garbage. These robots are all floating in the air, constantly driving slowly on the street.

"The robot, I didn't expect it to be used here. I thought it would take a few years to see it." Lu Ran sighed while lying on the window.

After listening to her, Zhou Jiang looked at her with some doubts, "Ms. Lu Ran has seen these robots?"

"Huh? Did you forget?!" Not Lu Ran asked, but Zhou Nan sitting on the bed.

At this point, they have entered the "Battle Island" and arrived at the contestant's dormitory assigned to him. Originally, Zhou Nan and the others were going to the tourist-only building, but it was different. They were also assigned to him. , Lives next door to him. The room was a two-person suite. At this time, everyone was in Zhou Jiang's room as usual. Zhou Nan and the others were playing, while Zhou Jiang and Lu Ran were lying on the window looking at the outside scenery.

Hearing Zhou Nan's words, Zhou Jiang turned his head and found that not only Zhou Nan, but also Xu Feng and Jiang Shui looked at him with strange expressions.

"Um...what's the matter?" Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed, did I say something wrong? Or……

Zhou Jiang had a hunch.

Sure enough, I only heard Xu Feng say: "This robot was invented three years ago. It was on the headlines at that time. For months, everyone was talking about this. I remember when you were in school, Zhou Jiang, Have you discussed this with other people?"

"..." Zhou Jiang secretly said as expected.

It's a pan of memory loss again, he is too difficult...

However, Zhou Jiang is considered old experience, and the title of "Actor" is not given for nothing. I saw that he faced everyone's doubts without any embarrassment, raised his head slightly, frowned, touched his chin and thought, then said , "It seems to be like this, for a long time, I forgot."

Of course, Zhou Jiang's acting skills have nothing to say, and they have no doubts.

Zhou Nan nodded and said, "I actually forgot about this stuff. If I hadn't come here to see those robots, I would have forgotten that there is still this incident. At first, this matter was raging, and then there was no production. Invest in it, and in the end it was nothing, I didn't expect it to be used today."

"Well, it's been so long, I forgot it. If you don't say it, the robot is a robot. It's no big deal. Keep playing and keep playing." Chen Yongan greeted Zhou Nan and the others to continue playing, and Lu Ran also left. On the window sill, go and talk with Wang Qingyan and others.

Zhou Jiang heaved a sigh of relief when they saw that they hadn't bothered too much, and then turned his head outside again.

Robot... At this time, Zhou Jiang once again thought of Xueyuan City. But he wouldn't think that this was the Academy City anymore, he almost recognized it a little bit, where there are so many anime hodgepodges, this is a parallel world with elves, nothing else exists.

In the case of robots, the world of elves is not without it.

In the theatrical version of "Visitor in the Split", the high-tech city Xiaozhi and the others went to had automatic robots in them, which looked like thief, at least better than the robots inside, which could take pictures and then be shorter. The "credit card" used in that city was directly produced within time.

Leaving the window, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan who were playing games greeted them, and he was going to stroll outside.

Zhou Nan and the others are playing games, but Wang Qingyan and the others are very interested here and want to go with Zhou Jiang.

Finally, Zhou Jiang went outside with the two girls except Jiangshui and two female teachers, and strolled around the edge of the residential area.

Fortunately, Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui didn't like talking very much, and Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen didn't speak much, so everyone was quiet along the way.

Of course, it is not only Zhou Jiang and the others who are curious about this place. In fact, most of the trainers who have already arrived have left their luggage and wandered out.

After leaving the residential area, they soon entered the commercial area.

There is a wide asphalt road in the middle. There are unknown trees on both sides of the road. There are no cars on the road, but there are many pedestrians on the street. They are probably trainers like them. After all, it seems that the tourists have not yet arrived on the island?

But this is only because no Chinese tourists have come up yet, not necessarily in other countries.

On the streets, there are many people of all kinds, with the most yellow-skinned and white-skinned people. Although there are few black-skinned people, you can see one or two from time to time.

The black skin between many yellow skins and white skins is still very conspicuous, at least Zhou Jiang glanced over from time to time.

At this time, the commercial area has already opened, a street selling clothes, coffee shops, milk tea shops, cake shops, crepe food stalls...

Zhou Jiang and the others went all the way to eat.

Of course, they are not the kind of walking and eating. After all, there are a lot of people here, especially foreigners. It is inevitable that they feel a little bad while walking and eating and eating, and there are a lot of benches on the roadside, so they Just stop and go, and stop basically eating, until...

"Huh? Why is it so noisy over there?" At this time, Zhou Jiang and the others were waiting for the milk tea to be released at the entrance of the milk tea shop, and suddenly there was a quarrel at the intersection not far away.

"Let's take a look?" Zhou Jiang subconsciously asked Wang Qingyan and the others. Listening to the voice, there should be a quarrel or maybe even a fight over there. His curiosity is quite heavy, so he naturally wants to go there for a look.

Watching the excitement can be said to be the nature of the Chinese people, but there should be very few people who don't like to see the excitement?

Wang Qingyan and the others said they would do it. Listening to him, Zhou Jiang looked at the small ticket in his hand and made a decision.

Well, let's watch the excitement, anyway, take the small ticket for the milk tea in hand, and then go back and get it. The excitement is over but it's gone.

There were already a lot of people there. Zhou Jiang and the others squeezed in. Of course, the girls had Lu Ran and Chen Qizhen, and they wouldn’t let people eat tofu, especially Lu Ran. If anyone dares to be bolder, Zhou Jiang thinks she would dare to kick his balls...

Fortunately, everyone is lucky, no one is asking for trouble.

Zhou Jiang fully carried forward the spirit of drilling and squeezing nails, and successfully led everyone into the crowd circle and saw what happened inside.

When I was outside, I could hear two loud male voices. After entering the circle, I could see clearly. It turned out that the two people quarreled. Okay, the same.

In the center of the circle, the two are not far away. Two people, one is a Westerner with blond hair and blue eyes, and the person is quite tall, but the other is not bad. It’s hard to say where the other is, but it is the face of an oriental. , I just don’t know if it’s Huaxia or R country or someone else, because they all speak English...should it be, so Zhou Jiang couldn’t tell from what they said that the black-haired and yellow-skinned person was Which country.

After all, although the people on the island are basically nationals of the thirteen countries that jointly built this "Battle Island", who knows if there are any foreign students or friends who have been brought here.

It is estimated that those black people who have seen it on the street came up like this. After all, there is no country that dominates black people among the 13 countries.

However, no matter which country it was from, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't stand up to persuade or something, they just watched the show.

Anyway, it’s just verbal quarrels, and they haven’t even developed a hand-to-hand fight or even take out the elves. As long as they don’t take out the elves to fight, it will be a small problem~www.ltnovel.com~ The two people are in a foreign language, Zhou When Jiang and the others came out, they didn't bring a backpack or any auxiliary equipment, so they didn't understand what they said to them.

Well, even if you bring it, you can’t understand it, because there are no science fiction movies or things in the future world that directly convert the words spoken into the language. The things on the market today are all that speak too fast. The equipment requires foreigners to slow down intentionally to translate things.

Obviously, this is completely useless in this case.

Fortunately, passers-by, among the Chinese passers-by, there are also many who understand English. In short, in the conversation between passers-by, Zhou Jiang finally understood the reason for their quarrel.

But after knowing the reason, he was confused again.

It turned out that the two people actually quarreled on this street because Ibrahimovic had evolved into a powerful wizard. It was absolutely incredible.

The two were originally pure passers-by, but they didn't know how to get together, and then the two began to argue.

The blond foreigner said that the Thunder Elf was the most powerful, but another person who didn't know which country said the Thunder Elf was not good, and the Sun Elf was the most powerful.

Both of them thought that the other was provoking themselves, and kept arguing, but no one could persuade anyone, and then they started arguing...

It was boring enough. The two people could quarrel with such trivial matters, which was an eye-opener for Zhou Jiang.

Suddenly, the two people who were talking about something became more excited, and they kept pointing in one direction and then squirting wildly at each other. Zhou Jiang saw that the blond-haired foreigner's excited face was sprayed with saliva, almost sprayed on the other person, and the two people quarreled more fiercely...

But both of them should have restraint, otherwise they should be fighting together at this time.

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