Seeing them get excited, Zhou Jiang became curious about what they said, but he was a scumbag, and he knew Chinese and a little Japanese. This little Japanese was learned while watching the film.

Keke, don’t get me wrong, this film is not the other one. What he learned is from the animation.

I watched a lot, and some things were mostly understandable, so many people in the previous life said that he was not good at English, so he asked him to watch American TV shows.

But in the end he didn't care about it... Zhou Jiang now regrets why he didn't learn English well, and he didn't understand it at all. If he was given another chance, he must...well, he still couldn't learn it.

Actively admit your mistakes and never repent!

Not understanding what they were talking about, Zhou Jiang looked to the side and found that Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui didn't seem to understand either, which made him feel much better. Even Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui, who are good-looking girls and good students, don’t know how, so he has no psychological burden...

It's like you got 59 points in the exam, but the top student who has always been the number one in the province didn't get a full score. At this time, you won't be too self-blaming. What if you failed? This must be the fault of the test paper!

Um, people are such strange animals. They can comfort themselves and make excuses for themselves.

Zhou Jiang's eyes moved again, and he saw Mr. Lu Ran and the others, as if... Mr. Lu Ran and Mrs. Chen Qizhen understood? As soon as Zhou Jiang wanted to ask, he heard some passers-by start talking.

"Great, I'm finally going to fight, you guys start quickly, you've been waiting impatiently!" "That's it!"


Several Huaxia trainers were booing, and they all spoke Huaxia, which happened to solve Zhou Jiang's confusion.

The voices of those passersby are not small, and I don’t know whether the two arguing in the middle of the road can understand or not understand, but their expressions haven’t changed. I guess they don’t understand, so the yellow skin is not Huaxia. people?

But this is not the point. The point is that at this time, the two people have already agreed. At this time, the two have stopped arguing and walked in one direction together.

Although Zhou Jiang could not understand what they had said before, it could be seen from their angry expressions that they at least hadn’t made an agreement. Combining the directions they had been pointing at before and what the passers-by said, they probably wanted to go. Let's fight.

They are going to fight, and the spectators here will naturally not let go. There are already many spectators who stopped moving with them. Just when Zhou Jiang and the others were about to follow, there was a commotion in front of them and people from all over the world. I don't understand the bird language.

"What's wrong, what's wrong?" Zhou Jiang asked subconsciously.

"The robot is coming!" Lu Ran answered Zhou Jiang's question with a weird expression.

In fact, even if she didn't say it, Zhou Jiang knew it, because the crowd in the place where the commotion occurred in front began to disperse, revealing more than a dozen security robots.

"High police, high police, please stop arguing, please stop arguing..."

More than a dozen security robots broke through the melon-eaters outside and rushed in, directly surrounding the two people.

How does it feel to be surrounded by more than a dozen robots and keep sounding alarms? At this point, the two can answer you... well, they can't answer, because they dare not move...

Although the robots did not take out any big treasures, they still know who owns the site. They are all trainers. These robots will not affect them at all, but they still dare not move and just stand like this... …

"Oh, it seems that the battle is impossible." Zhou Jiang shrugged.

Even the guard robots are here, and looking at them, they don’t dare to break out. He probably knows the next ending. Although the two will be fine in the end, it is estimated that they will be taken away for oral education. .

And it might be "killed" as a chicken?

After all, there will be more and more people here at that time. If you don't do anything about it, it is estimated that there will still be conflicts on the street. After all, people from many countries are here, with different customs and habits. It is inevitable that they will touch each other and then quarrel.

If you don't warn or warn you, you might make big news. So, if it really reaches that level, it won't look good. After all, there are many reporters staring here at this time.

Fortunately now, only the leaders of the news media industry in various countries can enter in advance. Others have to wait for the opening of the future before they can officially enter.

If it can be cured now, it is natural to cure it now. Otherwise, is it possible to wait for a large wave of tourists to come in after the opening up and then take care of this?

"Go back, the milk tea is ready," Lu Ran said.

Zhou Jiang nodded. There is really nothing left behind. Let's go and go shopping after getting the milk tea. I thought it would be fun to watch, but it's a pity...

Cheng Yaojin halfway through.

But it’s not a big problem if there is no liveliness. If you don’t have it, you should continue shopping. It’s just a pain for him. With four girls on the street with so many people, it is as attractive as a light bulb. eyeball.

If it’s all in China, everyone is quite reserved. There are so many foreigners here, and they will whistle and laugh at you when they meet someone who is unrestrained. Everyone saw it, and Zhou Jiang was very embarrassed.

But fortunately, after he became thick-skinned, he would not blush easily. With acting skills, Zhou Jiang seemed to ignore them.

After all, there are only a few strange foreigners. Zhou Jiang and the others wandered outside until noon, ate a meal and helped Zhou Nan and the others to bring some, and then went back.

They all turned around, but they didn't see much. After all, the time was only that short. They returned to the dormitory apartment and threw the food to Zhou Nan and others, and Zhou Jiang lay on his own bed.

Lu Ran and the others did not go to this room with him, they went back to their own room.

After being in bed for a while, Zhou Jiang got up and went out again. This time he went out not to go shopping or something, but to feed the elves, and take them to find a place to train and adjust their state.

In this league competition, to be honest, Zhou Jiang intends to let other elves go on the field first, and then let Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo take the plunge.

Although it is his first time to participate in a major league tournament, he is not excited at all, because as long as he participates, the champion won't have to run, it must be his...

The battle without suspense made him feel a little boring.

Okay... In fact, he prefers this kind of battle without suspense, his side is overwhelming.

After all, he likes victory more!

Even if you are crushing the children, isn't it a win? If you win, it means victory!

In short, at least it is happier than losing.

Even if he loses after a fierce battle with a strong enemy, he doesn't think it is as cool as winning against a child. to put it, of course, the premise is that the "child" is not a real child, it's just a metaphor.

You are a child in strength, you can’t ask for age. If you are a child in age, it would be really shameful. Even if you win, there is nothing to be proud of.

When shopping with Wang Qingyan and others before, Zhou Jiang found the training venue nearby, but didn't know if it could be used.

But no matter whether it can be used or not, I will find out after seeing it.

However, Zhou Jiang still thinks it should be open. After all, now so many participating trainers have arrived, and the league meeting is approaching, everyone, whether strong or weak, will definitely "grind their guns".

Moreover, in the early stage of the battle, the state of the elves is still quite important. If you want to adjust it, you naturally need to use the training room.

Following the route in his memory, Zhou Jiang arrived outside the training hall.

To get to the training hall, you need to climb a concrete ladder with more than 20 steps, so when he was walking around before, he didn't see if the place was open.

After all, at that height, you can’t even see the glass door when you stand below, unless you stand on the opposite side of the road, and they didn’t go this way when they came back...

Soon Zhou Jiang climbed up the stairs, um, very good. Although the door was closed, there were people sitting behind the desk inside, and as he approached, he heard some subtle sounds inside.

Although the training room is responsive, there will always be sounds in the elf training, and more than one person in a training hall can use The sounds are mixed up, and no matter how small it is, it can float outside.

But fortunately, it does not reach the level of disturbing the people, and the surrounding areas are all shops, and there are no residential buildings.

After pushing open the glass door and going inside, Zhou Jiang didn’t need to say anything. The girl sitting at the front desk got up and took Zhou Jiang to go through the formalities. While going through the procedures, she explained to Zhou Jiang patiently. The girl looked kind. Zhou Jiang was confused.

When he came back to his senses, looking at the personal identification card he had sent when he entered "Battle Island" before, Zhou Jiang was still a little confused, who am I? where am I? what happened?

Although still in a daze, he still walked inward. As for what happened before? Just think about it slowly, at least don't stand there blankly, stay there like a fool.

Walking slowly, Zhou Jiang's mind finally started to turn, remembering what had happened before.

After he came in, the girl at the front desk enthusiastically led him to the front of a big machine, and he was directly stunned by the strong perfume of the other party. Although he was confused at the time, he still remembered the operation of the other party. , After all, it is not difficult.

She put his identity card in a small card slot on the machine, and then waited for a minute or two for the information card to pop up. During this period, she had been briefing Zhou Jiang about the situation here. It turns out that this training hall will be fully automatic in the future, and no one will manage the training hall. If they want to go in for training, they only need to insert the personal identification card into the small hole of the previous machine and wait. It will be automatically assigned. Free training room for people in need.

And she only served here for the past two days to introduce you. After a few days, there will be no "novice guide" here.

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