I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 662: Be made by others-make big news

"Tsk tsk, it is worth saying that it is an artificial island and sea city with the lowest ten years of technology ahead of the outside world. There is really nothing to say."

At this time Zhou Jiang had been exercising in the training hall for a while. At this time, he was collapsing to the ground, his chest undulating violently.

In the last exercise, after he ran on the treadmill for about ten minutes, he became like this. Looking at the other elves in the room, they are just warming up...

Sure enough, humans can’t be compared to elves. Even if the human body is much stronger in this world, it’s still not enough to compare with elves. Especially in endurance, it’s really inferior. If anything else, you can say that endurance elves are really Uniquely, human beings are completely incomparable. Humans can exercise, as well as elves, but the effects of elves exercise are obvious, and the upper limit is high.

If you compare endurance, the easiest way is to run. The most common elves have more than ten levels. Unless they are on an empty stomach and are really hungry, they will have no energy and may not be able to run humans. Other times , Humans on horseback may not be able to catch up with them!

Even the little Lada can run much faster than humans. Of course, if you insist on pulling out Jenny tortoises, Zhou Jiang will have no choice.

After resting for a while, Zhou Jiang got up and watched the elves exercise. His exercise was completed.

Anyway, his purpose is only to exercise with the elves, telling them that he is with them, and he doesn't need to really tire himself down, and he doesn't really want to exercise how awesome.

No matter how awesome he is anyway, he can't compare to his own elf, then slowly become weak, it doesn't matter...

There are quite a few elves exercising outside at this time. The fire dinosaurs and the vine snakes are just indispensable, and Zhou Jiang is still waiting for them to evolve.

Then there was Bibi Bird and Bi Diao. He wanted to return this Bi Diao earlier, but the amount of training was too small to explain, so he could only release it every time he trained.

It's just a bitter for Bibi Bird. It really thinks that other people of the same kind can learn the skills of spraying flames, so it has been teaching it with all its heart and responsibility.

If it knows the truth, its tears might fall...

But this is fine, after all, if you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

At most, give Bibi Niao some compensation...

In addition to them, there is a ghost stone who hasn't exercised for a long time. Although this guy is a sneak attack on others, he still needs to exercise. In ordinary battles, he will not be allowed out, but he should not exercise too much. Short.

You can exercise infrequently, but you have to come again from time to time. Don't let it be too comfortable, otherwise the fighting instinct will be rusty.

In addition to these elves, there are two little guys, Katy Dog and Ibrahimovic.

The growth of elves is very fast, the juvenile period will pass quickly, and the long lifespan can keep them young and mature for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are the sons of this world!

At this time, the Katy dog ​​has been able to exercise with double gravity. Although it is very difficult, at least it can exercise, and there is no need to worry about any danger.

As long as it continues to grow, it can fully adapt to the gravity environment with twice its own weight, and then it can continue to strengthen training.

Speaking of it, Katie hasn’t modified its attributes yet, but don’t worry, wait for it to grow up again. Although it is said to be out of its infancy, its body is still a bit immature. Don’t worry about the modification. It is not in a hurry to fight.

At this time, the exercise of fire dinosaurs is nothing but the most basic running!

But unlike ordinary running, they run very hard!

If you want to run in this environment, you can naturally only run on a treadmill, but the treadmill for the elves and the humans is far worse.

With the treadmill used by the elves, with full firepower, humans will definitely not stand for ten seconds!

That speed, tut tut.

I don't know how this machine is made. It's really awesome. The fastest speed can be comparable to that of a motorcycle. Except for the Elf, who can stand it!

Of course, even the elves can't run at the maximum speed all the time. This is also very tiring. The elves have good endurance, but at such a fast speed, 60 to 80km/h, no matter how awesome it is, they can’t hold it at such a high speed. Run...

Zhou Jiang still had hope for the fire dinosaurs and the green vine snakes.

Maybe they have evolved after exercising today?

If this is the case, it would be really happy.

But even if they didn't evolve, don't worry. After giving them a wave of strengthening, they are already capable of playing in the league tournament, and Shanaido is not panic at all.

It's just that he thought very well, but it's a pity that they still do what they want, and there is still no sign of evolution until now.

Non-Mo's law says that the more you worry about what comes, the more likely you are to come. Is there any law that can come as you want?

When he came out of the training hall, the sun was already slanting west.

Sure enough, summer is good. The daytime is long. Although the day is hot, heat is better than cold. In summer, it is comfortable to wear shorts and short sleeves for coolness. In winter, to keep warm, you must wear thick clothes. Uncomfortable, tied up.

And in summer, you can see the long legs of pretty girls on the beach or on the street.

Hey, even though he doesn't have any evil thoughts, he still feels very good just looking at it like this.


The phone in his trouser pocket vibrated, Zhou Jiang took it out and saw that Zhou Nan called again.

"Hello? I just came out, don't worry, wait." Zhou Jiang said as soon as he answered the phone.

Zhou Nan had called twice in the training hall before.

Once I asked him where he went to play. After Zhou Jiang talked to him and asked them if they would come, they couldn't even say...

Another time I called Zhou Jiang to bring food...

Zhou Jiang found that they were getting lazy and unwilling to even eat out.

He seemed to see himself in college.

The three people in the university dormitory stayed in the dormitory every day to eat takeaway, but the cafeteria was gone. Their school is not allowed to deliver food. If you want to get food, you need to go to an iron fence, and then the delivery boy will come in.

Since they have to travel far and wide to get takeaways every time, the three people with different tastes are unified and buy things from the same store together, and then the three take turns to get them...

This is really lazy to a certain level...

"It's not this. Let's get on fire. A reporter is coming to interview us!" Zhou Nan's excited voice came through the phone, but fortunately, he didn't use the speakerphone...

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang stunned.

what happened? I went out to exercise, and I haven't come back yet, so a reporter popped up for an interview?

Zhou Nan's voice on the phone was a bit vague, this guy couldn't straighten his tongue with excitement...

"Oh, go aside, I'll come!" Chen Yongan couldn't see it, and pushed Zhou Nan away and grabbed the phone.

After Chen Yongan's introduction, Zhou Jiang learned that it was Mega Evolution that was finally discovered and successfully evolved!

The fossil of Dajia that they had transported to Tokibandai before was a light bulb with a flash of light. After Dajia was taken back, doctors from various countries flew to China V City to study together, and then announced the results just now. The news was released, and now major media all over the world are reporting on this matter.

The Ph.Ds who have studied the evolution of Mega were naturally prepared for the interview before the results were announced. During the interview, they mentioned the importance of the fossil that Zhou Jiang and the others transported. Whether it is true or not, they are so. Having said that, Zhou Jiang and the others are also small and famous.

Although they are only responsible for the delivery, good luck can also be drenched.

After checking the information of Zhou Jiang and others, Zhou Jiang was the champion of the Dawn Cup in the college league, the brother of the disciple of "Goddess" Shui Qingrou, and other Zhou Nan and others also squeezed into the top ten, and the second place was even worse. Xu Feng, a companion from the same school, took it away, and the school where the three of them were in was once again on fire.

The reporters poured into the school, and the teachers and classmates naturally praised Zhou Jiang and everyone. They are all studied hard in the school. The grade of each course is S. They actively complete the homework and are usually happy to help the students, the teacher... …

Regardless of whether he has anything to do with Zhou Jiang or not, it’s just a matter of talking about it. Obviously Zhou Jiang doesn’t know a few people in school, and he doesn’t even know how to socialize. As a result, he is now a good boy with decathlon...

Zhou Jiang himself is ashamed of this!

In short, the doctors first mentioned them in the big news on their side. Although just one sentence, they are still hot~www.ltnovel.com~ and then many reporters went to their school. In the mouths of classmates and teachers, they thoroughly Being "deified", some reporters wanted to interview Zhou Jiang and the others.

Well, there are still quite a few reporters!

According to Chen Yongan, there are more than 20 people who want to interview them by phone. Although there may be overlaps, it is estimated that there are not many. If there is no greeting, it is estimated that more than 30 will not Less.

Zhou Jiang is a little helpless, his current mood is complicated.

Mega Evolution was finally discovered, and one of his hole cards can be used to show off, but those reporters who are like sharks smelling blood...

Trouble, and still super trouble!

If they knew that they were here, they would have to participate in the league conference, which would be explosive news again.

Although he is still very interested in this kind of pretense, if a reporter bothers him and pesters him, no matter how interested the pretend is, it will become dull.

What's more troublesome is that he will play in the league competition afterwards.

If the news didn’t come out, he might not be exposed until later, which is inevitable. After all, the more attention he gets later, but now... he was originally very low-key, even if he had a cup of dawn. The title of champion does not appear in everyone's field of vision. Now he has been almost forgotten by everyone. As long as he doesn't make a big news in the front, he can pass the early or even mid-term and reach the late stage.

At that time, even if someone recognizes him, it won’t be too long to harass him. After all, the farther you go, the faster the game will be. As long as you survive those days and wait for him to find a place to hide after the game. It's OK, but it's all right now. He didn't make a big news, others helped him make it...

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