I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 663: Return to the ancestors!

When Zhou Jiang returned to the dormitory, it was already close to six o'clock. Mobile terminal

  As soon as the door was opened, a group of "hungry wolves" came over and almost kicked him in fright.

   took out the bought food from the storage ring and distributed them to them, while Zhou Jiang was sitting in a chair and watching the news.

   Before, he was at the entrance of the training hall after all. Turning on the mobile phone to read the news is a bit ugly after all, and Chen Yongan also said the general information on the phone. He can also make up for the rest, so he suppressed some little doubts and went to help them. Went to buy food.

   Now I finally returned to the dormitory, and I can sit down and watch the news.

   The news of Mega Evolution, which is against the sky, is now spread all over the world. He can hear people discussing it in the restaurant where he buys food and on the way back.

   Looking at the headlines on the mobile phone, it really is related to the evolution of Mega.

   In fact, he has already learned the general information from Chen Yongan, but what he said is only some basic information. He also wants to know more about what the information released now is.

   More than forty minutes later, Zhou Jiang finally got what he wanted.

Sure enough, as he thought before, Mega Evolution was not just discovered. The Alliance had already started researching it, but they didn’t find anything. The Mega-shaped fossils they transported this time were considered to have helped them. .

   Ancient murals related to elves have been found in many ruins, but the appearance of elves on many murals is different from the appearance of elves today.

   One or two may be said to be paintings or the like, but there are many, it is different.

Moreover, the elves on some murals are different, but many of them are the same as the current elves. This eliminates the guesswork that the ancients deliberately painted that way. Isn't it normal?

And even if it was deliberately transformed into another appearance, it was only painted because of worship or fear. In short, there was his reason. However, among the murals found, there were murals of elves that were different from the current elves. Actually there is the same!

   There are even some places far away.

   Does everyone have the same reason? And it's the same after deliberately painted differently. Could it be that a group of people painted it?

   After gradually excluding some things, the answer surfaced——

   The elves on the mural are painted in the same way as the elves. What has changed is not the elves on the mural, but the current ones!

   A doctor had made a conjecture a long time ago that the environment in ancient times and modern times is different, will these elves now differ from the ancient elves?

   In other words, will the appearance and habits of the elves be different from the ancient elves, and have the modern elves "evolved" and evolved.

   are like ammonite beasts and fossil helmets. Originally, these elves were all water attributes in ancient books, but after being resurrected as fossils, they have the attributes of rocks.

   And the elves like the fossil helmet have been speculated to be elves that survived 300 million years ago. Maybe other elves have also survived in such a long time?

   It may be that a world-wide natural disaster happened one day, and then the elves such as the fossil helmet became extinct or fell asleep, while other elves survived after changes themselves and evolved into modern elves.

   In short, after a series of complicated studies, the doctors finally reached a conclusion.

Mega Evolution is an ancestral phenomenon of elves. In ancient times, the environment was bad and the elves were difficult to survive, so they were very powerful, but I don’t know why, what happened to catastrophe, etc. The appearance of the elves changed and became It looks like it is now.

   Elves cannot "return to their ancestors" on their own, and need to be done through some props, such as Mega Evolution Stone and Key Stone.

  Each elven has an evolution stone corresponding to its own race, and coupled with it can stimulate the experience in it, the key stone worn by the trainer, so that the elves can complete the "return to ancestor" evolution, that is, Mega evolution!

At present, it has been found that the only elves that can successfully evolve Mega are the frog flower, the fire-breathing dragon, the water arrow turtle, the big needle bee, the eagle, the hudi, the sacred dragon, the big armor, the tyrannosaurus, the electric dragon, the Heracross, and the black lu Plus, Lizard King, Flame Chicken, Giant Marsh Monster, Boscordora, Charem, Thunderbolt, Fire-breathing Camel, Ice Ghost Guard, Long-eared Rabbit, Lucario, Elle Dora.

   These elves are all elves that have been found on the murals to look different from the current elves, and after many experiments, the fire-breathing dragon and the water arrow turtle have successfully evolved Mega, so it is suspected that the above elves can also be Mega-evolved.

There must be a lot of Mega Evolution Stones discovered so far. Who knows when the Alliance started researching them. There must be stones collected. By then, you only need to try one by one. Although it takes a long time, Mega Stones are all of the same type. It's the same, there is always one day to try.



   "How about it, finished reading?" Zhou Nan asked when Zhou Jiang put down his phone and collapsed on the chair.

   "Well, I'm finished." Zhou Jiang got up and rubbed his temples and then looked at them, "As for what are you discussing, I heard you have been talking before."

   They finished their meal a long time ago, and Lu Ran and the others went back to their respective rooms. At this time, Zhou Nan, Xu Feng, Chen Yongan and him were four in the room.

   "We are talking about the evolution of Mega..."

   "That's right! I remember Zhou Jiang, you have stones like that too!" Zhou Nan jumped off the bed and ran behind Zhou Jiang, holding Zhou Jiang's shoulders with both hands, and lowering his head to stare at his neck.

   "What kind of stone is the pendant you are wearing?"

   "Huh? That seems to be true." Chen Yongan's eyes widened, and then he ran over.

   Xu Feng also walked over, and he nodded, and then said: "Indeed, I remember that your big needle bee also has a pendant on it? Is that the big needle bee's Mega stone?"

   "I remember the first time I saw the pendant was a few months ago, right? Did you know that Mega evolved at that time?!" Zhou Nan opened his eyes wide and looked at Zhou Jiang in disbelief.

   Seeing the three of them approaching with curiosity, Zhou Jiang was helpless and forgot that there was another one.

   But since they knew it, they didn't hide it.

   patted Zhou Nan's hand, and Zhou Jiang pulled the keystone out of the collar of the T-shirt.

   "Yes, this is the keystone, used for the evolution of the wizard Mega."


   The three of them looked enviously at the rainbow beads hanging on the rope in Zhou Jiang's hand.

   "I used to think it was just beautiful glass beads, but I didn't expect to..." Chen Yongan said with envy.

   "Ahhhhhhh! Zhou Jiang, where did you find these things! Take me with you next time you travel, I want it too!" Zhou Nan held Zhou Jiang's shoulders with both hands and shook frantically.

   "Dogdan! Don't be against Lao Tzu!" Zhou Jiang shook his neck when he patted Fei Zhou Nan's hand. He was caught off guard before and almost made him flash his neck.

   rubbed his neck with his hands, Zhou Jiang said, "I tell you you don't talk to Teacher Lu Ran and others."

   "Huh?" The three of them glanced at each other, then nodded sharply, and then moved their heads together.

   "Actually, these things were found by the ruins in the deep and deep forest, undeveloped areas, you know?" Zhou Jiang smiled.

   This is an excuse I found very early, but I didn't say it. They just didn't ask about the ruins. If you talk about the ruins this time, it doesn't work, so if you just talk about the depths of the forest, they won't doubt it.

   After all, the undeveloped area is really a world that humans have never set foot in. The level of elves there is generally not low, and most violent elves will actively attack humans.

   said it was a treasure obtained from the ruins there, they should not doubt it.

   After all, there is no novel in this world. They don't know what system or exchange. Without knowing the system, where did Zhou Jiang’s mysterious things come from?

   must be a relic, so he used to say that it was a relic. They didn't suspect anything, but it would be a bit strange if the frequency was too frequent.

   But what if everything was obtained from one ruin?

   is a ruin in an undeveloped area after all. There are some amazing things. Isn’t that okay?

   There’s more stuff, that’s okay, right?


   The three of them were shocked. Zhou Nan pressed his shoulder again to shake, but Zhou Jiang threw it away.

   Zhou Nan didn't care when he was thrown away. What he cared more about was what Zhou Jiang said, "You went to undeveloped areas? Are you crazy!"

"That is, do you know how many trainers die in the national statistics each year? At least one thousand! These are all high-level trainers, and there are even stronger than you, even the heavenly-level trainers have died. One, do you know how dangerous it is!"

   Maybe Zhou Jiang's words were too amazing, Xu Feng couldn't keep his calm, and shouted at Zhou Jiang.

"Um..." Looking at Xu Feng with an angry face, Zhou Nan and Chen Yongan with worry, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, with mixed feelings in his heart, and he didn't know what to say for a while~www.ltnovel.com~ He always Lying to lie to them, although it was said that it was because of the secret of the system that the second person in the world could never know, but seeing their worries about him, Zhou Jiang suddenly felt that he had done something wrong.

   The room fell into silence, and Xu Feng and the others calmed down. After all, Zhou Jiang was fine, but the atmosphere became awkward.


   Don't know why, Zhou Jiang said softly.

   "Nothing..." Xu Feng took a deep breath, "Although you were fine last time, not every time is so lucky, don't go next time."

   "Hmm..." Zhou Jiang nodded and admitted his mistake obediently.

   Of course, admitting a mistake is admitting a mistake, but I don’t know if I will go in the future.

   The strength of Big Needle Bee and Shanaduo is enough to ensure his safety. Even if he is lost, he can make Shanaduo move and take him away, and the space ring is full of food, enough for him to be emergency.

   But he couldn't talk to Xu Feng and others about many things, such as Shanaiduo's teleportation.

   takes people to move instantaneously. Once they are known by others, the Rockets and others, then his trouble will be big.

   It's just that he can't ignore Xu Feng and the others' concern for himself, so he can only verbally agree, pretending to know something wrong...

   At most... I won't tell them next time...


   Be a wizard trainer in a parallel world

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