I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 669: Private message from Bai Ya

Zhou Jiang and they separated soon after.

He is going to the designated place to wait for the ceremony to begin.

After all, this is an league competition, all honors, oaths, and the like.

After the "Olympic Torch" enters the arena, it won't take long for the contestants like them to go through the field. At that time, they lined up and walked to the middle of the main field, and then waited for the official personnel to take the oath. After that, the following things have nothing to do with their trainers, they are all official operations.

After finishing, wait until noon to start the elimination game.

Zhou Nan and a large group of people went to the auditorium to watch, while Zhou Jiang followed the staff towards the rest. The two large lounges in the main venue can accommodate five to six hundred people. There is no problem with their more than three hundred trainers staying in it. The only trouble is that if you are late, there is definitely no place to sit.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang saw the staff member glance at him frequently, but he did not speak.

He is almost used to it.

After all, there are really not many contestants with such a "face tender"...

Zhou Jiang wondered if they thought they had dwarfism or something. When he arrived at the lounge, Zhou Jiang glanced at the trainers waiting for the ceremony to begin. He ignored their strange look, and Zhou Jiangjing found a place to sit down.

He didn't expect that there are not many people here? He thought he was already very late, and everyone was almost there... In the end, he didn't expect that there were only 20 or 30 people, and if there were two lounges, that would be 50 or 60, and only 300 people. Fifty or sixty people came?

Although there is still a long way to go, but logically speaking, shouldn't they have come early? Maybe they are all "old fritters" and have participated in the league competition more than once?

Well, it’s not impossible, but Zhou Jiang thinks that there are not many people who have participated in the league competition more than once. After all, it’s the first time to try the water to see how strong you are, or else. Just want to get some rankings.

But in terms of ranking, it must not be too low. After all, it is not interesting to be too low. It is estimated that the top thirty-two are their goal. If it is conservatively estimated, forty or fifty people feel that they can enter this and continue to participate in the league. Contest, and other contestants will choose to continue precipitation and exercise.

After all, instead of participating in the league competition every time and failing again and again, it is better to exercise more and get even one success.

The heart of the elves is still very fragile, and the league competition is not only a hall for human trainers, but also a place that the elves look forward to.

They are constantly striving to become stronger, one is to protect their masters, the other is to prove themselves, and fight with other powerful elves, and the league tournament is the best place, they also have vanity, the number of people watching the league tournament and the number of elves can be Calculated in billions, how could they not yearn for it?

So every time they participate in the league competition, they will be passionate, but after repeated failures, they may lose self-confidence, some elves may doubt themselves after more than a dozen failures, but there are also some elves, they have three or four consecutive failures. After failure, you will doubt yourself and your strength will drop!

If that time comes, the elf will almost be a pill.

They need to be sent to a specialized elf psychologist for treatment, which is an expensive treatment fee that many ordinary people can't get out.

And even the treatment may not be effective. If the treatment is over and you go to any competition and let it lose, then the elf may be completely abolished, and it will be impossible to save it.

The strength will not drop. After all, the level and the strength gained from training will not disappear in vain, but the self-confidence will be gone, and there will be fear in the game. What is the difference between it and abolition.

Those who can become the main elves to participate in the league competitions are those who are free to live. They all like to fight. Once they can’t continue fighting, they can’t bring victory to the master...

Zhou Jiang sat in a corner with not many people and no one beside him. Without anyone familiar with him, naturally no one would come to him to talk to him, but he was very happy.

The large LCD TV hanging on the lounge is showing the image of runners holding the "Olympic torch" jogging. There are pedestrians on both sides of the road. Now next week Jiang knows why there are not many people here. So I went to see someone running!

This is the first time Zhou Jiang has watched this. Although it is a bit new, it is very boring to watch it this way. After watching it for a while, Zhou Jiang gets tired of it. It's not interesting to watch a person running. No wonder he came in before. At that time, no one else was watching TV except watching him.

Having nothing to do, Zhou Jiang took out his cell phone to prepare to chat with Zhou Nan and the others.

As a result, as soon as he clicked to open the group, before he had time to type, the phone vibrated. Zhou Jiang knew that someone had sent him a private message.

Some curiously quit the group chat, Zhou Jiang found out that it was actually from Bai Ya!

[Bai Ya]: Do you have time at noon? I have something to say to you alone.

? ? ?

Zhou Jiang was full of question marks.

What does it mean? According to Zhou Jiang’s experience in watching anime for many years, is this the rhythm to confess?

"No, no, no!" Zhou Jiang shook his head and touched his chin in thought. "Anti-routine animations are popular now. If you say this, it is definitely not a confession."

Zhou Jiang did not continue to think, with his forgetful mind, how could he analyze something with such a little intelligence.

What she wants to do can only be seen later.

Zhou Jiang replied to her after thinking about it.

[Zhou Jiang]: Okay, no problem, where will we meet?

Zhou Jiang would not ask her why at this time.

He had been thinking about it for a while before, and she hadn't sent a word of why, so there was a high probability that he didn't want to say it now, so he didn't bother to ask, so as not to be embarrassed.

Anyway, as long as the time comes, he will know, and he can still afford to wait for this.

After Zhou Jiang's message was sent, a message was sent from the other side, and there was also a location. It seemed that she was staring at the phone and waiting for him to reply.

[Bai Ya]: Thank you! I will tell you again when the time is up, please come here when the time comes.

Zhou Jiang clicked on the location and found that it was a coffee shop in the commercial street where they often went.

The coffee shop... It's probably about talking about things.

Before he could finish thinking about it, she sent another message.

[Bai Ya]: Can I bring someone here?

Seeing this news, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly.

With people?

Since she asked him if he could take someone, he must not know that person, but...why should he let him meet up alone and introduce him to someone?

Zhou Jiang naturally thought that her purpose was to introduce him to the person she brought, but she didn't know why she did it, so I couldn't figure it out.

In the end, Zhou Jiang felt that his brain was sore, so he didn't want to think about it, and directly replied "Yes" to her, then rubbed his temples and stopped thinking about it.

Let's talk about everything when the time comes, anyway, there is power at hand, no fear.

Zhou Jiang waited for a while, except for sending another "thank you", she didn't say anything more.

Zhou Jiang quit the chat with her and reopened the group chat.

There are Zhang Ning and Bai Ya on their side, so their group chats are all in their group chat, and they are only in a group of ten of them.

There are many groups of them.

There are those with the "Barbecue Five", Shui Qingrou, Zhou Jia, and Zhong Xingchen, who have parted ways with them, Dr. Wu and Xiao Ai, and many other students...

At this time, Zhou Nan and the others were not in the water group. After all, there were so many people there, it was too late to chat.

Zhou Jiang's group has always been the leader of Lu Ran, and then everyone is "civilian", so Zhou Jiang can't @ all, but one by one @ past, let them come out and chat.

Well, considering the existence of Sirona and Dad, he then @陆冉, let her create a chat room or group, and then pull everyone in to chat.

The mobile phone was by their side, so they soon discovered what Zhou Jiang was saying. It didn't take long before Zhou Jiang received Lu Ran's invitation.

【River Water】:……%*&

[Zhou Nan]: What happened to @周江? Isn't it boring inside?

【Zhang Ning】:……%*&


[Zhou Jiang]: Yes, it's boring to die. You can only watch the flame runners running there, and the camera has been aimed at the flame runners, not at all.

[Chen Yongan]: Hahaha, we are the same here, but we have a lot of people here, and it is very lively.

In the newly created chat room, everyone was chatting, and the news was immediately pushed up.

Zhou Jiang took a look at the topic Jiang Shui and the others were talking about, but he didn't understand it, so he selectively ignored the words of a few of their women and only chose Zhou Nan and the others.

Fortunately, Zhou Nan, Chen Yongan and Xu Feng didn't talk about the others, but chose to chat with him, otherwise he could only watch them and chat.

As for Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan's parents?

Although they came in, they just didn't speak and dived there.

Sure enough, the water group's time passed quickly. It didn't take long before the radio in the lounge rang to remind Zhou Jiang that the trainers they were waiting here were ready to go through the scene.

Zhou Jiang looked up and found that there were at least a hundred trainers who had arrived, and the seats were almost seated. Many people were standing there watching the big screen.

No one was sitting there beside him.

Hearing the broadcast, everyone in the chairs got up and moved around.

The crowd walked towards the outside in an orderly manner. Following the trainer in front, Zhou Jiang also walked towards the outside slowly.

As he approached the exit to the game site, Zhou Jiang heard the deafening cheers and some **** music from the audience outside.

Zhou Jiang was not agitated or expressed anything. He walked at the back of the crowd, but he was still in the middle position. After all, it was a square formation. There were more than ten people in a row.

But after all, they are not soldiers. They are just called the phalanx or something. The purpose is to prevent everyone from relying too closely on them and to make everyone show their faces.

As for the neatness of walking, these are not considered.

Behind you, even if you blow kisses to the audience, it’s okay. Anyway, as long as you show your face, just come and walk through the scene.

As a burst of light flashed, Zhou Jiang also walked out of the exit and entered the venue.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of two familiar figures standing behind the two microphones in front of the rostrum-Shui Qing and Zhao Feng!

Zhou Jiang was taken aback. He didn't expect that they were actually the personnel who took the oath of this league competition.

In the past, ordinary internal employees came out to do it. I didn't expect that this time they were actually two kings!

However, thinking of the place where the league competition was held, Zhou Jiang was relieved, and he also understood why two incumbent kings escorted the cruise ships carrying contestants to the "Battle Island."

I thought it was because the so-called Rockets would attack the cruise ship, so I sent two generals in order to avoid accidents, but now think about it, if you are really afraid of the Rockets and send two serving kings, then the league will be completely No need to exist anymore.

After all, there are only four kings and five champions. Such rare combat resources can be sent out just because of some wind, even if the Rockets really want to attack the cruise ship.

For the first league competition of "Battle Island", China is definitely going to do it well. The specifications and face must not be lost!

The main purpose of the league sending them out is estimated to be to participate in the oath~www.ltnovel.com~ Of course, it is not impossible to worry that the Rockets will actually attack the cruise ship.

If you want to make the league competition a little grander, heavyweight guests are indispensable. In addition to the Rockets, it is just right for the kings to go, have the strength to escort, and have enough "weight" as a guest.

Soon, the two players entered the arena and stopped walking out of the trainer. Following the people in front, they stood in the middle of the arena, standing in a roughly square formation, and then waiting for the oath.

The so-called oaths are just some official words that were said before the start of the league competition. Zhou Jiang has long been tired of listening to these things. When he went to school in his previous life, he used the "speech under the national flag" and the oaths of the sports meeting. I don't know how many times it has stopped, even if Shui Qingrou said this, he is not interested.

However, Zhou Jiang was not interested. The others were very interested. They all looked at the front podium with piercing eyes.

Of course, it is unclear whether they are interested in Shui Qingrou's status as the heavenly king or Shui Qingrou.

That's how the process is. Fortunately, there are a lot of clouds today. Otherwise, it's just standing here, so it's not too hot.

After the oath was over, Zhou Jiang and the others were liberated. This time they did not go out from the entry channel. There are three channels in a battle field. If there are two channels on both sides of the field for the players to enter the field, then The other one is right at the door. And they left from that ordinary passage.

After leaving the field, they are even a little free, as long as they go to the large wizard center on the side to learn about the next elimination rules and receive the number plate. After doing this, they will be fine in the morning. In the afternoon, it was decided to stay in the knockout game!

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