I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 670: Watch the excitement and challenges

After Zhou Jiang left the arena, he followed the large group to the wizard center on the edge of the main venue.

This wizard center is much larger than the wizard centers in ordinary cities. Zhou Jiang took a look at it. There are probably more Miss Joey who are busy here than there are in a city.

The rules of the knockout round are on a large electronic public screen, which Zhou Jiang and the others can see when they enter the Wizard Center.

The rules of the knockout round are very simple, and Zhou Jiang is also very familiar with it. The "Battle Island" is made of several small islands and some artificial fillings, but when the "Battle Island" was built, not all the islands were included. There were still some small islands in the "Battle Island". "Battle Island" around.

The playoffs were played on one of the islands.

The rules are very simple. The league has placed a special sign in it, and the trainer only needs to go in and get the sign. There are only 256 special brands in total, exactly one for each person, and each person can only take one at a time.

The brand can be grabbed from other trainers, or you can find it on the island yourself. As long as you bring the brand outside the designated area, you will be qualified for promotion.

During the competition, the league will send three-in-one magnetic monsters to act as photographers to follow up and report on their situation at any time.

In general, the rules of this knockout match are similar to those of the Gufu Amusement Park that Zhou Jiang participated in in City G before. They are all of the jungle fighting type, but this one is biased towards searching. .

Before going to the island to search for them, they will get an instrument, and they can see where the brand is stored, but once the brand is taken away, the display will not be visible on the instrument. After that, if you want the brand, you can only Grab someone else's. In a battle, even if all your elves have lost their fighting ability, as long as you don't admit defeat, you will not be eliminated. You can continue to find someone to face off or go to the Wuzhu brand. In short, the brand decides everything!

As long as you can reach the designated place with the sign, then no matter how bad your strength is, you can advance. If you can't get the sign, even if you are the champion of the king, your strength is useless.

After all, the whole process was broadcast live. The rules are here. How could the league slap itself in the face for a player?

Just after reading the rules, Zhou Jiang was about to leave, but found that a large number of trainers were looking in one direction.

Zhou Jiang turned his head and looked around and found that two trainers were "confronting" not far away.

"Tsk tut, it's Fu Nuo and Zhao Yongnian, there is a good show to watch!"

"Hehe, I heard that they almost fought because of a woman, I didn't believe it before, now~"

"Tsk, it's exciting!"


Zhou Jiang listened to the soft whispers that didn't know where he came from, and he also showed an expression of watching the show.

Fu Nuo and Zhao Yongnian know that they are the "big men" on the "Celebrity List".

This "Celebrity List" is not the "Celebrity List" of senior high school students that I have seen before. This is the list of celebrities participating in the league competitions. Those on the list are all powerful bosses.

The celebrity list is tentatively set to have only 16 people, that is, the 16 trainers who are optimistic about becoming the top 16 trainers. Fu Nuo and Zhao Yongnian are on the list. The former is eighth and the latter is ninth. The two are about the same strength.

Of course, for Zhou Jiang, their strength is not enough.

In any ranking, the popularity of the first place is much higher than that of the second and other places, of course, unless it is a beauty...

Now the information of the oldest one on the list has basically been picked up.

The old one is named Jin Yujie, and he is the only son of the chairman of "Lander", a listed company in China's V City. His main spirits are Miao Frog Flower, Overlord Flower, Water Arrow Turtle, Mischief Sister, Lizard King, and Turtle .

"Lauder" is a cosmetics company, and the cosmetics and perfumes of this world are mainly made from the juice obtained from the elves and then refined, so Jin Yujie mainly used the grass elves to say the past.

The family runs a large company, and it is related to elves, and specializes in grass elves. He has been in contact with grass elves since he was young, and there is also a training plan for grass elves at home. It is natural to be able to achieve something.

And most of his elves are from Yusanjia. Although Lizard King and Tutai Turtle are Yusanjia in other regions, they are rich, why can't they buy them?

Yusanjia can be said to be the most suitable elves for everyone to cultivate and use, especially those obtained from the alliance. They are not low-qualified, and because they are young and specially trained, even if they are bought, their favorability will not be low. There will be a phenomenon that takes a long time to run in to command, and their growth ceiling is high!

But even so, the twenty-eight-year-old Jin Yujie's strength is only that there are three elves to reach the quasi-king, three high-level elites.

Of course, he doesn't know if there are other more powerful Zhou Jiang, but even if there are more powerful ones, at most it is only the level of the king?

After all, the elves of most trainers are about the same level, especially when it comes to the back, they are only one level worse at most, and those with two or more levels are not the main elves.

The old one is only at this level, and other people's words are nothing to Zhou Jiang at all.

However, although Zhou Jiang looked down on them in terms of strength, it did not prevent him from stopping to watch their excitement.

He is not a busy person, he still has a lot of time to watch the excitement.

what? Zhou Jiang relies on the system to be so good, so what face does it look down on others? Why not exercise by yourself?

Haha...Is there a convenient system that I don’t need to keep for the New Year? Getting the system itself is a kind of ability, how do you know this is not the reward he got after saving the universe in his previous life?

With a system, you can do whatever you want!

If you have the ability, you can do one too...

At this time, the two protagonists in the middle of the scene are "looking at each other affectionately". Although the trainers around are not able to help them, they will not be persuaded.

The trainers who can come here to participate in the league competitions are all capable and proud trainers, and they will not even dare to watch the excitement.

And at this time the attention of the two protagonists in the field is not on them. After all, they are the "masters" on the "Celebrity List", although they will say "Really boring" when they see themselves on the list. Kind of words, but the heart is still happy. In layman's terms, it means that the mouth is upright!

Of course, at the same time they also "look down" on people who are not on the list.

They subconsciously regard the people on the list as their opponents, and are "at the same level" as themselves. As for others, they are all "inferior people" and are not worthy of attention.


"What are you doing!"


The two people who had been staring at each other for a long time were about to say something cruel, and suddenly a Miss Joey with a lucky egg appeared next to her.

At this time, Miss Joey walked in from the separated crowd and walked to the two of them, showing a three-legged attitude. She looked at Fu Nuo and then at Zhao Yongnian. "Fights are not allowed here, if there is a fight. , But will be disqualified!"

Although the two were arrogant and cold before, they still couldn't stand up to Miss Joey. They didn't mean that they couldn't fight or dared to fight, but they respected her!

Any non-black heart doctor is respectable, and Miss Joey and the others are, and they are all! Who dares to be disrespectful when the sign "Joy" is played out?

The two obediently apologized to Miss Joey, then glanced at each other, snorted and left in one direction.

"Okay, okay, everyone has scattered, don't be around here anymore."

Miss Joey clapped her hands to "catch people", but in fact she didn't need to catch them. After all, the excitement didn't have to be seen, and everyone wouldn't stay for long. Soon the crowds in the hall disappeared.

Naturally, Zhou Jiang would not stay. He also slipped away early. Although Zhou Jiang was a little shorter and younger, he was inconspicuous. Although he was a little hotter by Mega's evolution before, he was not so hot. He is a person, but their team, he is not too famous even among them.

The only fame is the Dawn Cup champion and the brother of the disciple of the king.

As for the Dawn Cup champion? Although this name is awesome and has a high gold content, the college league champions will not be so famous no matter how famous they are. After all, they have traveled for less than half a year. This can only say that Zhou Jiang has potential. As for the future, we need to consider a lot. For things, it can only be said that he can win this championship and it is not difficult to become a powerful trainer in the future, and this honor is basically an increase in his resume.

In addition, the number of times he appears under the camera is too few, no one can recognize it, and it is normal, unless someone has a good memory or is his fan...

After arriving in line at a counter and obtaining a number plate, Zhou Jiang left.

The number plate does not need to be carried with him. The number plate is just his "identity" afterwards. His number plate is 152. Afterwards, he will also have an electronic lottery for battles. Then he only needs to find information about the "152" number. That's it.

After drawing the number plate, it's all right, just wait for the knockout in the afternoon.

After leaving the wizard center, Zhou Jiang was going to book a private room.

We still have to eat lunch together.

There are more than a dozen and nearly twenty people, and the indefinite private room will not work.

Anyway, he has money, and he is a contestant, there is a high probability that a discount is available, so it doesn't matter.

Zhou Nan and the others were still watching from the audience, Zhou Jiang didn't want to go, so he could only wait for them slowly.

Soon Zhou Jiang found a good restaurant.

It's a restaurant, but it's actually a small hotel.

When Zhou Jiang found it, there was a "challenge activity" at its door, but this challenge was not the other challenge, not the elves fighting, but eating!

Five people eat the extra-large roasted whole lamb made in it. As long as they eat all of them and the challenge is successful, then those who challenge successfully will have their meal for free, of course, including their friends.

In other words, as long as they succeed in the challenge, they will be able to win the food of nearly twenty people.

However, there are conditions for participating, but this is not a condition for them, because the condition is only that one of the five people participating in the food needs to be a league contestant.

A meal for more than 20 people is also a lot of money, even if they eat ordinary meals, thousands of them have to be pulled out. Although there is money, it is still necessary to save it?

Of course, the most important thing is that Zhou Jiang sees that the decoration inside is good, and the food shouldn't look bad, otherwise he won't even be sent to him for free.

Zhou Jiang went in and asked, it was good. There was a private room. After booking a private room enough for them to sit down, Zhou Jiang sat in a chair and waited.

Fortunately, when he came in, Zhou Jiang and the waiter said that he would challenge the event, and then showed his identity as a contestant. Otherwise, if he just sits like this without ordering any dishes, I'm afraid he will be regarded as looking for trouble... …

To order food, Zhou Jiang will have to wait for Zhou Nan and the others to order again, but there is one dish they need to cook now, and that is the extra large roasted whole lamb that Zhou Jiang and the others are about to challenge!

They cooked the whole lamb freshly, and Zhou Jiang also had to wait.

Sitting on the chair, Zhou Jiang sent messages and positioning in the group, asking them to come over for dinner after watching.

It's about nine o'clock now, and it's almost ten o'clock. Although it's a bit early, it's already early, anyway.

Zhou Jiang estimated that if they came, it was estimated that they would have to wait for the end, that is, around 10:30, but not long after he was sitting in a chair and playing with his mobile phone, Zhou Nan and the others pushed in.

Zhou Jiang glanced at his mobile phone with a little surprise ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was only ten ten.

Looking at the people who filed in while looking at the private room, Zhou Jiang asked, "Why are you here so early? It's not over yet, right?"

Lu Ran and others took their seats, basically Zhou Nan and the others sat next to Zhou Jiang, and then Lu Ran and the others sat in other places opposite.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Bai Ya who was sitting diagonally across from him, and found that there was nothing abnormal about her, so he sat down normally, then looked at the girls chatting and smiling, as if she was not the one who had sent him a private message before.

Hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Zhou Nan smiled, "You have to eat roasted whole lamb while it is hot. If it is cold, you can't eat it!"

"Yes, that's right! I'll leave such an interesting activity to me!" Chen Yongan patted his stomach and promised.

The two of them are fat guys, naturally they want to take part in the challenge, which is nothing to say.

After all, no one here can eat better than them. As for the other two people, Zhou Jiang thinks Tian Zhengjie and Zhou Nan's father can participate. As for the other two men who were eliminated, Zhou Jiang's father and Xu Feng , They are all hunger.

As a group of them, the girls are not appetizing, so naturally they are excluded, so they are the boys. This is ruthless, and more than half of them are directly cut off. There are only seven men left for 18 people...

As a result, I can only pick tall ones from short ones.

Of course, just a few of them, this challenge activity is likely to fail, but it doesn't matter if it fails, just eat happily anyway. The waiter was called and started to order.

There are only five people who eat roasted whole lamb. It is impossible for other people to watch them eat, and it will take a long time to eat if they want to eat. They cannot waste too much time, so they will do it together. Zhou Jiang and the others challenged roasted whole lamb. Task, and the rest and others are to destroy the rest of the food.

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