I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 675: The mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind!

It has been a while since    landed on the island. Zhou Jiang didn’t even bother to turn around after a while without thinking about it. With his shit-like luck, he would be a ghost if he found the brand.

   So when he got to the back, he didn't bother to look for it. He had to wait until it started and the machine displayed it.

   Now he is on a big rock, letting the big needle bee be on alert, while he is lying there, waiting to start.

   As for the three-in-one magnetic monster camera?

   Forget it, forget it...

   After walking for a while, he felt that he was going to be exhausted, so let’s take a break while the game hasn’t started...


I don’t know how long I’ve been lying down, the machine placed next to Zhou Jiang suddenly screamed. Zhou Jiang quickly got up and grabbed it. He found that a grid map was already displayed on the screen, with one in the middle. Small blue circles and red dots one by one!

   "Big Needle Bee, get up!"

   Zhou Jiang knew that this was the official start of the game, and he jumped off the rock with a backpack. Then he followed the instructions and ran away, and carried the backpack on his back while running.

   Big Needle Bee and Three-in-One Magneto can naturally keep up.

   No matter how fast Zhou Jiang is running, it is impossible to pass them faster.

   Although the three-in-one magnetic monster is not good at speed, no matter how bad it is, it can still keep up with the human being Zhou Jiang.

   Zhou Jiang's luck was good. According to the machine, a sign was not far away from him. He only had to rush to find the sign and he would be liberated.

   He didn't think he could be forced to hand over the brand in his hand.

   Although there are many brands, there are also many people. If one person is one, more than one hundred people will be eliminated. Nearly one-third of the people will be eliminated. The encounter will definitely be inevitable.

There are more than three hundred people. Even if the island is not small, there are definitely a lot of people in one area. As far as he found, there are three people nearby, and the rest are not all crooked here. may.

   Sure enough, not long after he ran, Big Needle Bee reported to Zhou Jiang that he had found someone in front and was running towards this side.

   Zhou Jiang chose to hide without thinking, and hid behind a tree, letting the big needle bee and the three-in-one magnetic monster fly to the tree and hide.

   Soon, Zhou Jiang came to a figure.

   It was a contestant. Zhou Jiang saw the same machine for checking the points brand and the three-in-one magnetic monster flying above him.

   Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed. From the blue lighted machine with the three-in-one magnetic monster behind him, it can be seen that he did not get the score card, that is, he and his own goal are likely to be the same.

   He is not afraid of the opponent. After all, his strength is here, but he is worried that if he goes out to fight against him, he will be dragged. Although he can crush the opponent, he doesn't need time to fight?

   I don’t know how strong he is. What if he has been dragged on for a long time, and if someone else gets on board first? That's not a loss?

   As for hanging behind him secretly?

   That's even more ridiculous.

   There are so many bushes here, there will be movement when he moves, and he will find out when he moves. If the other side insists on fighting him, it will be a headache.

   Finally, after thinking about it, Zhou Jiang still didn't let Shane Duo let her take her to fly and follow him.

   If Xanaduo was used, he would naturally not worry about finding it on the other side, but he still didn't want to expose Xanaduo.

   Sanaido should keep the cards as his hole cards, and don't show it easily.

   And even if you don’t use Shanaido, it’s not impossible.

   "I hope the other side is smarter." Thinking like this, Zhou Jiang walked out directly from behind the tree.

   "Who!" Hearing the movement, Chen Ming stopped his steps and drank vigilantly.

   "Don't be nervous, brother." Zhou Jiang slowly walked out from behind the tree.

   "Neither of us have a point brand, don't be nervous." Zhou Jiang smiled.

   Seeing Zhou Jiang's appearance and listening to Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Ming really relaxed a little. He was really nervous before, for fear of being killed by others, and he was in the elimination game.

   Zhou Jiang saw him relax a little, and then said, "I said, brother, if I guess right, our goal should be the same? Should we join hands first?"

   "Huh?" Chen Ming was a little confused, and joined forces?

"Anyway, we don't have a bonus card now. How about we first grab that brand together, and then we will get the internal part, and then, the one who has the brand will help another person get one, how about it?" Zhou Jiang suggested. After all, it's easier for two people to grab a brand than one person?"

   "Do you want to take it first? What if you run away with the sign!" Chen Ming obviously didn't believe Zhou Jiang.

"Then let's take the sign together, and after we exclude the others, how about playing with the elves to decide who will take it?" Zhou Jiang finished speaking, his mouth was slightly cocked, and then he acted and shouted nervously, "Oh! Brother, don't talk about this for now, let's go first, if we wait for others to go there and take the sign, we will have no chance!"

   Zhou Jiang shouted, and ran towards the direction of the location, greeted that buddy as he ran.

   This is Zhou Jiang's plan.

First pretend to cooperate with him, although he will definitely distrust him, but to a large extent, he will relax his vigilance against Zhou Jiang, and then he only needs to say that they will use the battle to determine the ownership of the score card, and then remind Others may preempt them to get the score card and run to make him nervous and force him not to think too much.

   In this way, the initiative is on Zhou Jiang's side. If he is a little confused and can't turn his mind, he will be led by Zhou Jiang's nose!

   Zhou Jiang, who ran in front, listened to the voice of Sa Sasha, who was getting closer and closer, and the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

   Regardless of whether he believes Zhou Jiang or not, since he has chosen to run up like this, it means that he has to choose to team up with Zhou Jiang temporarily.

   There are two advantages for Zhou Jiang to find him temporarily to form a team.

   One is to avoid being dragged down in the fight now, and the other is to avoid being gang fights.

   After all, no one knows how many trainers he will meet when he goes there.

   For example, if there is no such thing as Chen Ming here, he will go there alone, and then meet two team trainers, and the brand is in their hands.

   In this case, Zhou Jiang must be fighting with them, and he has to fight two. Of course, there is no problem with one fight. He has been able to fight, but the problem is that he has been able to fight.

   He can hit the opponent with one hit and two alone. It must show that Zhou Jiang is very strong. What if there are more than three of them, and there are still people in ambush?

   Someone was lying in ambush, or coming over from behind, and seeing Zhou Jiang hitting the other side by two, they would definitely choose to help the other side and Zhou Jiang fight.

   His strength is strong, one-to-many is not a problem at all, but who knows how many people will be there?

   What if I have encountered more than ten, twenty or more...

If there are really so many people, Zhou Jiang will be able to kill them slowly. After all, although it is a chaos, it is still a regular game. It cannot attack the trainer, but the person holding the sign will not run. ? What if they run away?

And even if Zhou Jiang can survive dozens of people, he will be held back for a long time. When he finishes playing, 80% of the score cards on the map will be taken out by then, and he can only touch I was lucky to find another trainer, if I had a little luck, it would be over if I couldn't find him!

   With one more teammate, that would be different!

If he meets two people, he can paddle as much as possible, let his elves help him, and then let his teammates show the limelight. If there are three people, then he can do something by himself. In short, there are two people. , Will not attract more attention than a person.

   Two-on-three is indeed quite normal compared to one-on-two.


   What if I meet four people?

   Hehe... what else can I do, cold...

   The probability of you meeting three or four people is much lower than the probability of two people, right? If you don't form a team, it will be difficult to meet two people. If you form a team, it will be difficult to meet four talents. Now you can eliminate some of the difficulties. Isn't that good?

After running with Chen Ming for a while, Zhou Jiang realized that he had also sent a detective elves. He didn’t see them. He thought he hadn’t sent them. He was still wondering about his boldness. He didn’t expect that he hadn’t seen it... …

Chen Ming sent a cat-headed night eagle. Zhou Jiang saw the next level. It was 48, and it was almost an elite high-level. However, after watching the skills, he found that the cat-headed night eagle was not only level, There is no other bright spot.

   Of course, it is also possible to have his own self-made skills, such as combinatorial skills, these systems are invisible.

But in fact, the skill list does not mean anything. It is only "for reference only". After all, the skill proficiency will not be displayed, and [Appraisal] will not display the battle intuition of the elves, the control of the battlefield and the rhythm. , It really only presented the most basic state of the elves, which could give Zhou Jiang a general understanding.

   As they ran with Chen Ming, Zhou Jiang discovered something strange about this cat-headed night eagle.

   Its flying movement is very small!

Because Zhou Jiang was there, it didn’t investigate. I don’t know if it was worried about Zhou Jiang’s sneak attack or something. It flew next to Chen Ming, and Chen Ming was very close to Zhou Jiang’s test. In other words, this cat The Nighthawk is not far away from Zhoujiang, and it has been flying for so long, waving its wings so many times, but it has hardly ever made any sound!

Although the voices of Sa Sasha running between him and Chen Ming were a bit loud, it was not even possible to hear the sound of the cat-headed night eagle flapping its wings, and I had never heard of it. There is a rumor that this kind of spirit "will not make a sound when flying", that is to say, this is the unique relationship of his cat-headed nighthawk!

   The score card is still some distance away from them. They have been running for nearly five minutes at this time. Looking at the map, it is estimated that it will be there in another five minutes.

   Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming have been looking down at the "map" from time to time, worrying about being boarded by others. Fortunately, the red dots on the map have not disappeared.

   "Om~!" Suddenly, when they arrived not far from the scoreboard, Big Needle Bee issued a warning to Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang stopped immediately and pulled Chen Ming.

   Zhou Jiang put his index finger upright in front of his mouth, motioning for him to be quiet. Chen Ming, who was about to speak, understood and followed the cat slowly towards the front cat.

   Big Needle Bee and other four elves also slowly hid.

   Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming successively poked their heads and looked into the distance.

   A rope is hanging from the branch of a tree in the distance, and a silver-white round metal sign is attached to the rope. There is no doubt that this is the goal of everyone's trip!

   But unfortunately, some people arrived there sooner than them.

   When Zhou Jiang and the others were hiding, a man was instructing his elves to remove the signs from the branches. When they looked out, the elves were jumping up and cutting off the hanging rope.

   "Just one person, shall we go out?" Chen Ming asked Zhou Jiang softly. He already took Zhou Jiang as the leader at this time. Although Zhou Jiang was not as tall as him, his aura was much stronger than him, so he subconsciously asked Zhou Jiang.

   "Look first, it's not just us around." Zhou Jiang didn't look back, staring at the man who had already got the brand in front.

   "But he..."

"Don't speak! Coming out!" Zhou Jiang pressed Chen Ming's head and pressed it down. Of course, his own head also shrank back, beckoning him to stop speaking, and then Zhou Jiang listened carefully. The movement outside.

He didn't let him wait too long, but only heard two cracking sounds resounding in tandem~www.ltnovel.com~ Then after an explosion, a series of sprite **** exploded, and suddenly the sound of crackling skills exploded. Make a ball.


   Listening to the movement on the other side, Chen Ming inhaled twice.

"Wait for them to fight first, we'll wait, there are probably people." Zhou Jiang took his hand off his head, shook it, and shook his hand on his wrist, then slowly stuck his head out. Look.

   Before the Big Needle Bee reminded them that there was also someone on the opposite side, so he resisted and rushed out the first time.

   Now there are two trainers fighting together, but the needle bee reminded before that there are three people, one is in place and two are coming.

   There is still one that hasn't come out. It should be the trainer who has come out to sneak attack. Then he hid, planning to take advantage of them like them.

   It’s just that he doesn’t know, the praying mantis catches the cicada, the oriole is behind, and there is an eagle behind the oriole!

   But this is the person that Stylus has discovered so far. Now the battle has begun, and I don't know how long they can fight. When the battle is over, I don't know if anyone will come over.

   However, they have the advantage of the big needle bee.

   Zhou Jiang secretly winked at the ghost stone hiding in the bushes, let it hide in the past, waiting for the time to come.

Anyway, Ghost Stone can go through walls and burrow. It will not be exposed as long as you be careful. After all, there are no canine elves on the opposite side, and no elves will be invisible, so even if there are two eagles, they will see through, but as long as there is no accident , They will not use this skill to see through.


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