At this time, Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming were trembling behind the tree, and they didn't dare to stretch out their heads.

   It is mainly because there are two eagles flying in the opposite sky. If they are accidentally found, they will probably unite and kill them if they are found.

   Hearing an explosion from the other side, the necks of the two of them shrank tighter...

   Chen Ming trusted Zhou Jiang even more, and the look in his eyes changed a lot.

   Zhou Jiang raised his head to look at the big needle bee hiding among the leaves. The big needle bee also felt his gaze, so he moved towards Zhou Jiang.

   But this is a bit embarrassing, Zhou Jiang can't understand it!

   There is no way, after all, Zhou Jiang had too few opportunities to interact with them. Big Needle Bee can communicate with him, but he can’t get through...

This is a one-way street!

   Zhou Jiang was annoyed and meditated secretly. It seemed that it was time to learn a sign language. Although there were some movements he could understand after a long time, they were only part of it.

However, although Zhou Jiang could not understand the movements of the needle bee, but the needle bee did not fly down from the tree, it means that it is indeed not just the person who came to the battle and the person who hid. There are still people nearby .

After all, judging from the previous signal sent by it, the two trainers who came behind them were opposite them. With this thick tree blocking it, it would be no problem for the big needle bee to fly down. Did not fly down, that is to say, there are people squatting beside them!

   Zhou Jiang said to Chen Ming, "There are still people squatting, let's wait slowly, don't expose."

   Chen Ming nodded. After a few times, Chen Ming was convinced of Zhou Jiang. Of course, he didn't mean that he had become Zhou Jiang's fan. He just said that he chose to believe in Zhou Jiang in this matter.

   is also funny, his investigative elf cat's head nighthawk has never spotted anyone.

Although Zhou Jiang took the lead in hiding before, Zhou Jiang did not find his cat-headed night eagle. The large needle bee may have discovered it, but he did not specifically inform. Therefore, Zhou Jiang’s hiding may actually be exposed. After all, Specifically for the idea of ​​flying in the sky.

   The one who found people here was also Zhou Jiang’s big needle bee. His cat-headed night eagle is basically the same as the decoration...

   Although his cat-head nighthawk has a strong concealment ability, its reconnaissance ability is too weak.

   Of course, this is also compared with Big Needle Bee, let’s find out about the "skilled" knowledge and domineering!

The four levels of skills, "learned", "mastered", "proficient", and "mastered". The sights and sounds of Big Needle Bee have reached the third stage. It is not strong, and it is comparable to Shanaido's thought power exploration. .

Compared with the big needle bee, it is indeed incomparable. In this way, the cat-headed night eagle looks very rubbish, like a decoration. This is why Chen Ming slowly convinced him. He naturally knew the strength of his elves. It may be strong or weak, but no matter what, Zhou Jiang is at least better than him.

   If what Zhou Jiang said is true, and there are people in ambush around him, then just like Zhou Jiang said, teaming up is indeed a good idea. If he is alone, he will definitely be killed...

   Although "killed" does not mean being eliminated, but the elf's status has dropped. Later, unless you are lucky and can pick up a brand, it will be difficult to turn over, unless you encounter someone who is more severely injured or weaker than his elf.

   He is still wondering whether he can propose to Zhou Jiang to implement the one he said before. After one person takes the sign, he will help another person take the sign.

   He suddenly wants to go back and kill himself before, if he agrees to come down.

   The more he thinks now, the more he feels that Zhou Jiang is awesome, he wants to hold Zhou Jiang’s thigh, if he teamed up with Zhou Jiang, maybe this knockout match would be stable?

   Although he thought well, how could Zhou Jiang bring him? Before pulling him into the team, it was just in case. The one mentioned earlier to help another person get the sign because he believed that he would doubt that he would agree to say so, and then lead to the following temporary cooperation, and then use the wizard to get the sign. plan of.

If he were to be a beautiful woman, Zhou Jiang would be in a better mood and he could help. After all, he had already obtained the brand, and he was not worried that others would take it from him. What he always worried about was that the brand was beaten and beaten in the process. If you can't get the sign, since you get it, there is nothing to be afraid of. But he is not a beauty, just a rough man, who wants to help...

   No matter what Chen Ming thinks, Zhou Jiang's attention is now on the opposite battle.

   Now the battle is getting more intense, and the shouts of the two trainers are also one after another.

   Twelve elves, all of which are at least an elite mid-level, are blasting each other, tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk tusk, really nothing to say!

   It's just a pity, he didn't dare to stretch out his head to look.

   Speaking of it, it's fortunate that they are not close to that side, otherwise a stray bullet or the aftermath of a battle could lift the bushes around them, interrupted by the thick tree in front.

   "Better than~!"

   I don't know how long it took, and Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief as a loud scream came.

The war between the eagles was over, and he was able to stick out his head appropriately to check the situation on the opposite side, but he did not dare to stand up, so he could only squat and stick his head out slowly. After all, he only knew that there were people around. But I don't know where it is. It would be no good if I stood up rashly and was discovered.

Now that no one else has found them, then they are in the dark, and they have been able to be "chess players" and "fishermen". If they are discovered, then they will be "end of the game", and they will be targeted by someone who hides deeper. Maybe, then they will become "snipe" or "clam".

   "Squat down!"

   However, Zhou Jiang didn't dare to get up, which doesn't mean that his teammates didn't dare. Seeing Chen Ming was about to stand up, Zhou Jiang quickly grabbed him.

   "There are still people squatting, don't stand up and look!" Zhou Jiang whispered.

   Seriously, he regretted the decision before.

   Mmp, if he knew so many people here, he would not team up with him.

   Anyway, they are all ambushes, one more or one less makes no difference, and if he is alone, it will be easier to ambush, as long as they are almost fighting before jumping out.

   Now that there is such a "cumbersome", he is really worried about being discovered by others.

   Fortunately, Chen Ming was not angry or resisted when he was dragged by him, otherwise Zhou Jiang's temper would suddenly rise.

   Zhou Jiang is actually a very impatient person, maybe this is the result of his never experienced social polishing...

   Two of them alone, poking out their heads slowly from both sides of the tree to look.

   At this time, the battle is still going on fiercely.

   Zhou Jiang counted, there were only nine elves still fighting at the scene, and three of them had already left the scene and were taken back.

   There are five elves on one side and four elves on the other. Five of the elves belong to the trainer who got the brand. In other words, the trainer who jumped out hit the iron plate... he couldn't beat it!

   This is a bit embarrassing.

Zhou Jiang is not in a hurry. Now the situation is obvious. The one who jumped out of the sneak attack will soon be overwhelmed. After they decide the victory or defeat, someone will definitely jump out again. Maybe they ran with him before. They may come from behind, or they may jump out together. In short, they still need to wait.

   Zhou Jiang is not afraid of someone playing and running away with a sign. Ghost Stone is over there. If anyone runs away with the sign, it will definitely catch up, and then find an opportunity to hypnotize him.

As long as it doesn’t cause physical or excessive mental damage to the trainer, then the attack is okay. This is part of the rule. Otherwise, if a tall trainer doesn’t release the elves, hide the brand in your arms. In, who dares to get it?

   If you can't use the elves, rely on the trainer to fight melee?

  Obviously unrealistic.

   Elves can’t attack, saying that they can’t cause too much damage. Ordinary hypnosis is still within the allowable range.

   I resisted the feeling of wanting to jump out and fight, and after more than ten minutes, the battle was finally over. The final result was just like that. The trainer who jumped out was defeated.

   At this time, only one of his elves was struggling, really pitiful.

In fact, he didn't want to fight to this level. When he had only three elves, he wanted to give up and began to persuade the person who got the score card, that is, Lu Fei, but he refused to listen. I want to "kill him" if I catch him.

The person who jumped out was Zhao Liang. He explained his interests to Lu Fei. He said that someone might lie in wait and persuaded him not to fight too hard and give others the benefit of a fisherman, but he did not listen, as if he had something to do with him. The hatred of killing the father is like the hatred of taking the wife.

   is like a mad dog.

   At this time, Zhao Liang's heart is His last double bomb gas also fell.

   He was so angry now, shit, chasing him so hard, he was about to hit him, he let the double-bomb gas blow out a smoke screen and prepared to escape, and was blown up by the opposite statue by the smoke screen and chased him up.

   It's no good to knock him down, but the guy just refuses to "let go" and will "kill him".

He also hit a real fire behind him, letting the elves let go and do it, which is considered to have eliminated the other three elves, and the remaining elves were also injured. If it were not for the future brand, he really wanted to desperately Let the double bomb gas give him a big explosion.

   He knew that there must be someone hiding next to it, and they would jump out after they fight to the death, so he didn't dare to use it, because even if the elves of the face were lost, he would not get the score card.

The power of the big bang is high. If it is used well, it can take away the three elves on the opposite side at once, but after the double-bomb gas used the big bang, it won't even want to fight again in the subsequent knockouts, if it is really hidden next to it. As far as people are concerned, his double bomb gas was sacrificed in vain. He still wants to qualify for the knockout, but he doesn't want to "drop" an elf here.

   If there are only five left, it will be difficult to fight later, so he has to hold back no matter how angry he is.

   "I'm gonna!" However, watching the last double bomb gas fall, Zhao Liang still couldn't help it.

   If it weren't for the three-in-one magnetic monster next to the camera, he would curse his mother.

   Obviously he gave in twice, but he just wanted to catch up and fight, it was almost mmp!

   He really wants to pry open the other person’s skull to see if it’s all **** inside. Why is he so frustrated? !


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