Withdrew the double bomb gas, Zhao Liang put his hands on his chest and waited for him fiercely. "So hard, I want to see what you do when someone comes out!"

   Before he could finish his words, there was a rustle from the surrounding trees, and two figures appeared.

   Seeing this, he snorted coldly, and looked at the expressionless Lu Fei on the opposite side mockingly, "Snipe and clam compete for the fisherman's profit, don't want the score card!"

Of the two people who came out, one was discovered by Needle Bee together with the defeated trainer and told Zhou Jiang. His name was Liu Xiu. He was opposite Zhou Jiang and the other, and the other was terrible. It is estimated to be more than ten meters to the right of Zhou Jiang!

   is so beautiful!

   is so close, if it weren't for a few trees blocking them, they would be exposed.

   But even so, he and Chen Ming were very frightened, and the two hurriedly shrank their heads and hid again.

   "Hey, brother, it seems that we are the only ones left here. We should eliminate this guy first, and then we can slowly decide who the score card belongs to. How about?" Liu Xiu suggested with a smile.

   Since their heads have emerged at this time, the two of them did not intend to stay in the bushes anymore, and walked out slowly.

   "This proposal is good." Li Han smiled.

"Hey, just agree." Liu Xiu laughed and turned to look at Lu Fei, "I said, brother, you only have three wounded elves. How about giving up resistance and surrendering the sign? The elves suffer."

   "Agree? Did I agree?" Li Han said with a smile, and then walked towards Lu Fei.

   "What do you mean?" Liu Xiu frowned slightly and said seriously.

"What do you mean?" Li Han shrugged. He was already not far from Lu Fei. He raised his head at Lu Fei, the corners of Lu Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and looked at Li Han for a moment. He raised his hand and threw the sign over.


   reached out to catch the sign, Li Han looked at Liu Xiu a little arrogantly, and smiled, "That's what it means, understand?"



   Whether it was Liu Xiu or Zhao Liang, both of them were dumbfounded at this time. They did not expect that the score card that they had obtained would be given away like this!

   Zhou Jiang and Chen Ming were also watching. The two of them saw this scene, and they were a little confused, but Zhou Jiang quickly reacted, and his eyes were fixed. They should be the team he was worried about before!


   "What to do?" Chen Ming looked at Zhou Jiang, a little anxious.

   "Don't worry, let's see if there is anyone around. There is the person opposite them. Let's nest for a while." Although Zhou Jiang had a headache, he was calm at this time.

   "Okay... okay." After hearing Zhou Jiang's words, Chen Ming hesitated, nodded, pressed his patience, and continued to squat there with Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang looked up and found that the Big Needle Bee was slowly flying down. It flew down like this. In other words, there was no one ambushing around them. Of course, there was no one nearby. It does not mean that there is no opposite side blocked by the tree.

   Zhou Jiang looked at Big Needle Bee, it understood Zhou Jiang's meaning in seconds, and shook its head, indicating that it was gone.

   Zhou Jiang is overjoyed.

   There is no one else, so he feels relieved.

   In order to prevent the three opposing people from uniting, Zhou Jiang was agitated and felt that it was better to continue to wait now.

   Anyway, the brand can't escape. They are two groups of people now, and they will definitely not stay together. Either they are separated safely, or they are fighting together, and they will separate after a result.

   In short, there are always times when they separate, and then it is time for them to take action.

   Zhou Jiang and the other two old Yinbi continued to hide, their figures were all shot in by the three-in-one magnetic monster on the tree above their heads, but at this time the two of them ignored this and continued to slightly extend their heads to look at the opposite side.

   At this time, there was a little embarrassment on the other side. Zhao Liang and Liu Xiu also understood at this time. It was not that Lu Fei gave up resistance as they thought at the beginning, but that the two people were simply a group!

   Especially Zhao Liang, he felt very embarrassed at this time. Now the four people, only he is an elves, have lost the ability to fight, think about what he said before...

   is similar to Zhao Liang, and Liu Xiu is also uncomfortable at this time.

   Now he feels he has entered a dilemma.

Fight, there are two people on the opposite side that he can't beat, and Zhao Liang next to him has no elves to use; retreat, and feel that it’s very shameful to retreat like this, and I have released ruthless words to let Lu Fei hand over the score card, but I didn’t expect The two opposite are actually in the same group...

   And the point is that it is still under the camera of the three-in-one magnetic monster, which can be viewed in the whole country and even the whole world!

Now the live broadcast may not be released all at once. They are all jumping to watch the performance of each player, but then all the videos will be uploaded to the official website. The entertainment industry is underdeveloped, and everyone will go if they have nothing to do. Looking through these videos, he will be famous then!

   Of course, although he was able to participate in the league competition, he is also unknown compared to other players, but this does not prevent him from not wanting to be "famous"!

  Especially the people around him who know it, friends are okay, if you have a little bit of grudges, you will definitely use this to laugh at him.

   At this time, not only the two of them were embarrassed, but the other two, Lu Fei and Li Han, were also embarrassed.

Lu Fei and Li Han are not actually teammates. They are just a trading relationship. Lu Fei needs money. When Li Han finds out, he finds him and the result also knows. In this way, Li Han used money to make Lu Fei help him. Pass the knockout.

   This incident is generally normal, and not normal, but now, due to a battle, their scene at this time may be broadcast live...

They originally wanted to jump in the same place together, then form a team to get a sign, and then give it to Li Han, but the parachuting two missed some distance. When Li Han was on the way over, the game started long ago. Fei rushed over after spotting the score card, who knew that he could meet people so early.

   Then they fought, which is what Zhou Jiang and the others saw, but one thing was unexpected.

  That's the act of delivering points...

   It would be fine if it was an ordinary delivery, but Li Han suddenly didn't know what was wrong in his mind, and suddenly became "arrogant" and "ordered" Lu Fei to throw the score card over.

   The professional ethics of the trainers is still very good, especially when doing tasks.

   And even if he is doing a task now, although the behavior of Li Han, the gold master, makes him a little uncomfortable, who makes him short of money and "takes the task"...

   There is no way, just do it, anyway, this matter will pass after forbearance, and it will not be like this when I contacted Li Han before, so he still can bear it.

   It is because of the small details here that "success or failure" is determined.

   Lu Fei suddenly thought of what would happen if his friends saw the scene before, and now that the gold master does not leave, he can only continue to stay in this embarrassing scene, so he feels embarrassed.

   And Lee Han?

   He also felt embarrassed.

He himself is the son of a real estate boss who likes to eat and play. There is no shortage of money at home, and there is no shortage of elves, but he is not very interested in becoming a trainer. He feels that being in the wild is too bitter, so it is better to eat and drink in the city. .

   This is how I came here before. Although his old man said about him, he just stayed on the old father's nagging. Although he would be annoying, but forbearance would pass, but this year is different.

Although he can play casually, he didn't force him to do anything, but he was forced to go home for lunch and dinner, and this time he was different from the past. He chatted in his ear every time he ate. Although he was getting more and more annoying, but he didn't dare not go home to eat. In the end, he broke out.

He is twenty-nine years old this year, and was able to participate in the league competitions in the last two years, so he made a bet that he could reach the top sixty-four in the league competitions. If he does, then he can't talk to him anymore. Talking, and he agreed.

   So he set off on a trip and began to challenge the gym.

   Although he is not a good trainer, the elves are trained by professional nursing staff and breeders, so the level of the elves is also very good, and there is no problem to challenge the gymnasium, but after the league competition, he is a little frustrated.

   After learning about the rules of the knockout round and accidentally knowing that Lu Fei needed money, he came up with the idea of ​​"hiring someone". The result was very successful. He hired Lu Fei.

After briefly discussing the "tactics" with him, the elimination game officially started in the afternoon. Originally, the two agreed to act together, but in the middle of the parachuting accident, he flew a little far away. The league did not ban mobile phones this time. Something ~www.ltnovel.com~ so they can still contact. Originally, he wanted to let Lu Fei come, but there was a score card near Lu Fei. In order to advance, he had to rush over by himself.

But who knows, when he rushed over, there was already a fight over there. Lu Fei had a fight with an unknown trainer, so he hid secretly and watched and texted Lu Fei. This That's why Lu Fei dared to catch Zhao Liang and go to death.

   As for why he caught him to death? That is naturally venting anger. After all, this is an league competition... For money, he can only hand over his qualifications for promotion. Although there is still a possibility of promotion later, he is unhappy, but there is no money and no way, and Zhao Liang again He just hit his gun, so Zhao Liang was tragic...

   In short, everything is going in a good direction. Lu Fei won, got the score card, and then the accident came.

Li Han came out after the battle, but unexpectedly, a trainer appeared behind the bushes in the distance. Li Han listened to Liu Xiu who came out and looked at the scene again, not knowing what happened. He suddenly remembered a piece of work called "Wen Chao Gong" written by Wen Chao Gong on the post bar that he had seen accidentally before, called "the close master of the school flower". There were plots of pretending to be slapped in the face, and he was full of enthusiasm. , Can't be self.

   And in this scene, plus Liu Xiu, he wants to pretend to be a force!

  Well, I forced him to pretend to be, and with the first flick, Lu Fei threw the sign to him. It was pretty awesome, but it turned out...

   Looking at Zhao Liang and Liu Xiu, who were standing there staring at them, he suddenly regretted...


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