The main venue.

   The knockout has already begun.

   Since it has only just begun, basically no one has encountered it, or before reaching the place where the score card is hidden, even if everyone encountered it, it was peaceful and no battle broke out.

   The screens are constantly switching on the big screen, basically they are on the way, rarely staying in place.

   "It's still peaceful now, but it's about to break out soon," said Miss Joey, who was sitting on the guest seat on the podium.

"Well, that's right, now we can clearly see that everyone has run in the direction of the score card. After they gather there, there will be a tragic melee." Zhao, also a guest. Feng echoed the road.

   There are four guests. In addition to Miss Joey and Zhao Feng, there is also an ordinary narrator Lin Nuo and a doctor, Dr. Zhao Jianbai!

   Dr. Zhao Jianbai is one of the four Chinese doctors who are resident in V City. Mega Evolution was developed in his laboratory, and it was him who mentioned Zhou Jiang and the others.

   He was invited over as a guest to make the league show more powerful, but Zhao Jianbai is not very busy. He will take a look at the knockouts, and then go back to experiment.

This time I was able to come out because the subject of Mega evolution was overcome before I had a little leisure, but it was not long after the vacation. The secret of Mega's evolution is not completely overcome, it is just a discovery. After all, they still don't know. Why are Mega Stones and Key Stones necessary, and where do these stones come from? Do they exist by themselves? Or was it made by the ancients? These are all mysteries, and even what elves can evolve has not been fully discovered.

   and a doctor asked, is it possible that the elves can complete the Mega evolution independently without relying on the trainer? These are puzzles, worthy of their exploration.

   Since Dr. Zhao Jianbai is here as a guest, he will naturally not say a word. He is still very "professional", but he wants to speak, but he doesn't know what to say.

What he is good at is explaining things related to elves, and anything related to elves, he knows what characteristics, skills, and other things, but now the battle has not started, and no one has sent elves. The most important thing is , Now the camera was changed all at once, and he couldn't help but just sit there.

However, Lin Nuo is truly an expert in this area. He found that the three of them were talking, and Dr. Zhao Jianbai hadn’t said much for a long time. Even if he deliberately asked the doctor, the doctor would just "cope" the answer casually, so he knew The awkward situation that Dr. Zhao Jianbai was in.

I saw that he asked the staff to focus the camera on Jin Yujie, the most talked about "list", and then said with a smile, "Recently everyone is discussing this trainer named Jin Yujie. It is said that this is only his second time to participate. As a result of the league competition, there was a "top one" strength. Everyone was very curious about his elves. They thought that he was so powerful because most of his elves were Yusanjia. Dr. Zhao, how are you in this regard? Expert, I don’t know what you think of this matter?"

   After hearing Lin Nuo's words, Zhao Jianbai breathed a sigh of relief. He finally had something he was good at, but he also knew that Lin Nuo might have deliberately thrown him on a familiar topic, which made him look at Lin Nuo more.

Although he was a little excited, he was still very calm. He shook the microphone in front of him, and then said, “Yu Sanjia is a good elves. It’s a three-stage evolving elves with high potential, but I think , He can achieve this strength not only with the elves, but also with his training methods."

"Yeah!" Lin Nuo nodded in agreement. This is regarded as a basic host "polite". As long as the two parties are not hostile, they usually nod their heads when others are speaking, and then send out affirmation. The "Uh" voice.

  Zhao Jianbai continued, "The same elves have different training methods, and the results are likely to be different. This is also the charm of elves trainers and the meaning of their existence."

"Well, I agree with the doctor's words very much." It seems that after feeling, Zhao Feng said, "Many people think that I can become the king of heaven because of the rare ghost elves, but who knows that I am training them? What’s the hard work? The ghost elves are strong, but they are also notoriously disobedient, naughty, and difficult to tame. In order for them to obey my orders, I spent a lot of energy, plus I have to provide them with Special foods, ordinary people can't even feed them!"

Everyone nodded, and Lin Nuo took the topic, "Even if I am not a trainer, I have heard a saying that has been widely circulated among trainers, "There are no weak elves, only weak trainers." It seems like this. I wonder what the doctor thinks of this sentence?"

Zhao Jianbai nodded, "I think this sentence is not very accurate. It does affect the strength of an elf and has a lot to do with the trainer, but it cannot be said that the elf is not weak. Objectively speaking, the green caterpillar does not matter It’s for sure that you can’t beat the fast dragon in any way. But it can’t be said to be wrong. Just like what I said before, the same kind of elves can exert different strengths in the hands of different trainers, such as Zhao Tianwang, his signature spirit is Geng ghost. Although Geng ghost is rare, there are still many trainers who have it, but how many people can reach the height of Zhao Tianwang?"

   Lin Nuo nodded, and suddenly realized, "That's it, I've been taught."

After   , the three of them kept discussing, and Miss Joey also intervened to talk from time to time, until the encounter officially began!

   began to fight, so they can no longer talk about the topic before, and they have to start analyzing and explaining the battle on the screen.

Lin Nuo shouted with some enthusiasm, "Finally is about to start fighting! We can see that the number 36 and number 68 are now facing each other. There is the score card between them. The two will definitely not give in. The battle is about to break out. !"

  The battle has finally begun, and the auditorium has also ushered in its first climax, with waves of shouts one after another.

"Yeah, yeah, now there are fighting outbreaks everywhere, everyone, please look at the thumbnail map." As soon as Lin Nuo's voice fell, the big screen instantly switched to map mode, a grid grid with red dots on it. And the blue dot.

   The red dots are relatively few and scattered, and the blue dots are a lot more than the red dots and relatively concentrated.

   "From the map, we can see that now there is a large wave of trainers meeting at the position of the score card. Let's look at the past one by one, the camera, and just cut to the side that is fighting."

   The big screen quickly changed again, switching to the screen of fighting.

   Since there are too many battle scenes at this time, as long as the battle scenes are not too exciting, they will not stay too much in the picture.

   stayed for two or three minutes at a time, and then constantly switched to look for exciting battle scenes.

   Maybe it’s God’s will. This time I switched to the scene of Zhao Liang and Lu Fei fighting. The battle between the two of them was exciting, and the six elves on both sides blasted each other!

   Oh, now there are four on one side and five on the other. When the camera switched over, they had been playing for a while.

   But even so, they played much more fiercely than the others. Others were sent out to fight by at most two or three elves per person, and the offensive was not as fierce as it was. And Lu Fei and their battle? Compared to other people's battles, gunpowder is full of flavor! This immediately caught the attention of the guests and the audience.

   And this is not the most interesting, the most interesting is that you can see from the map, there are four people in ambush around! (The map is zoomed out in the lower right corner of the big screen)

  What does the commentator do? It is to arouse the audience's interest and explain the battle.

   Now that this fierce battle is so fierce, and there are still a few people in ambush, how can such a good topic be missed?

   So, the camera stayed here, mainly on Zhao Liang and Lu Fei, but it would still cut to the four people hiding on the side.

There is no doubt that Zhou Jiang’s figure also appeared on the big screen, and he looked up at the Big Needle Bee, so although the three-in-one Magneto was on top of Zhou Jiang’s heads, his face was still photographed inside. It was Zhou Nan who was in the auditorium and they couldn't laugh or cry. The three people sitting on the guest seat except Lin Nuo were surprised.

   Miss Joey and Zhao Jianbai undoubtedly knew Zhou Jiang.

   The status of Miss Joey sitting in the guest seat is naturally not low in the Joey family, so knowing about Zhou Jiang’s medicine, she has read Zhou Jiang’s information, including photos.

   And Zhao Jianbai's words, he is purely because he has a good memory...

After all, it didn’t take long, and although he mainly remembered the two titles of Lu Ran and Tian, the two titles of Zhou Jiang, the champion of the Dawn Cup and the brother of the current disciple of the king, still Let him take another look.

   Zhao Feng?

He naturally knows Zhou Jiang. There is nothing to say. He and Miss Joey have both checked Zhou Jiang’s information. Although he is surprised, he has been surprised. The big expression fluctuations, what are they surprised now? They were surprised that Zhou Jiang was so strong that he was still doing Voldemort!

They both knew it, but Zhao Jianbai didn’t. After all, although he looked at Zhou Jiang a few more times, his impression of Zhou Jiang was still the same. After all, it was Zhou Jia and Zhou Jia that he could have a gentle relationship with Shui. not him.

And the Dawn Cup championship is just the honor of a fledgling rookie trainer. Although it is getting bigger and bigger and more and more popular, it is just a game that hasn't arrived for half a year after traveling. How much gold do you want to count on? ?

   is basically blown out. After all, everyone has children. Can you guarantee that your children will win the championship or some good rankings?

   Just blow it up anyway!

   But what does he see now? Zhou Jiang, who hadn't been taken seriously by him in the first place, had taken a few more glances, but actually came to participate in the league competition? !

Ok? ? ? (Hello black)

  I just graduated from high school and haven't even attended college yet. Can you come to participate in the league competition?

   You seem to be teasing me!

   Or is it that I have been too immersed in research in recent years, have not paid too much attention to the outside world, and have derailed from the world?

   At this moment, Zhao Jianbai doubts life.


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