I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 683: The melee in the center of the island

In fact, after the battle on Zhou Jiang's side, the camera turned to the center of the island.

The battle in the center of the island has now reached a feverish stage.

The sixteen players on the current "ranking list" all showed their faces here, but these "celebrities", except for one or two, the other mixed are not good.

Except for the first Jin Yujie, the second Dai Qianyi, and the seventh Guan Ge, everyone else was beaten in embarrassment. Jin Yujie, Dai Qianyi and Guan Ge were the first to enter the center of the island. As the first three leaders to eat crabs, after they came in, they established the bald-headed Wu Ke with their reputation and prestige." The same team as "Thirteen Taibao".

There are many points cards here, so they are very comfortable as the leader. They found two or three at once. In addition to taking one, they can also give a few younger brothers to strengthen their status. Anyway, only one thing is needed. Well, it's not about how many and ranking.

The team is very good! But gradually, some people who didn't fall around or were in the center at first also ran over.

After all, there are many red dots in the center of the map. Where can you run here?

If the strength is not weak, they don't care. After all, they have the strength, and it is easy to grab a score card. But for trainers who don't know how strong they are, they have to use their brains if they want to make sure they get promoted.

Is it to fish for a sign in the troubled waters in the center of the island, or to go out?

There are many score cards in the center of the island, but there will be more trainers gathered at that time. This invisibly increases the difficulty. If you are unlucky, the score cards you find are all places with many people, then it will be difficult for him to mix. In the early days, after all, the strength is not strong, and there are many people, how can it be grabbed. And if you go to a place outside the center of the island, the risk is even greater.

The first one is that the score cards are too scattered and there is no central area. It is very difficult to run from one place to another. If you don't get the score cards in the place you go to at the beginning, it will be even more difficult later.

There are a lot of people in the center of the island, and many of them have average strength, and the upper-middle level trainers don't want to join in the fun.

More people means more variables. Unless they are confident and want to show their faces, they are more willing to go to a party outside the center, because they are good at strength and are likely to be able to win the score card. Guarantee of promotion.

The central location is dangerous, and there are "elite monsters" guarding the other places. Those who are not very strong have almost no room for survival. It can only depend on luck.

Also, it depends on strength. Weak strength will lead to beating. If you want to go further, besides looking at luck, you must also look at IQ strategy. If none of them can open Wushuang like Zhou Jiang, then where is it different?

After all, strength is everything!

As for the top players on the "Leaderboards", they need not only promotion, but also exposure!

Which trainer can be on the "ranking list" is simple, promotion can be said to be fixed, but are they satisfied with it?

Naturally not.

They need to be exposed, they need to show their excellence, so that more people can remember themselves, and then it will be easier to make money.

Money, no matter who it is, as long as it is a trainer, there is nothing to dislike.

There are too many places where money is needed, skill jade, evolution stone, carrying props, wizard food, wizard ball, wound medicine...

There is no place without money.

Zhou Jiang and the others are okay. The trainers who have just come out to travel, the alliance has a lot of reimbursements. When they go to university and they can travel normally in their junior year, the benefits of the alliance will begin. The reduction is even more straightforward after graduation. The benefits are gone, and the loan you used to be repaid will begin to be repaid. The space backpack is just one of the most representative...

The stronger the person is, the more he knows the difficulty of improving his strength and the more he likes money.

So there is no surprise that all the masters on the "ranking list" have gone to the center, but there is a front and a back.

The three people who entered in the front pulled up three teams with their own prestige, and the 13 people who entered in the back...

They are more miserable. It is definitely not just Jin Yujie and the other trainers who entered the first batch. They saw Jin Yujie and they pulled up the team. They must also pull up in order to advance and protect themselves. Team.

If they are weak, they will stay together. Under the persuasion of those who are interested, the masters on the "ranking list" and them have become two groups of people, um, class enemies.

As a result, the situation became somewhat clearer. The three teams that were pulled up on the top of the list and the rest of the trainers competed in the central area, and the trainers who came in later, ordinary trainers with little reputation were absorbed by them, and those few A master on the list...

They were miserable, and both sides didn't want to see them. When they saw them coming in, they gathered fire together, and they were not angry at all, so they could only hug their heads.

They are not Zhou Jiang, and their strength can be so big. Even if they are masters on the list, the difference in strength is not too big.

One-to-one stability, one-to-two is extremely difficult, one-to-three is completely hopeless.

Humans are complex animals.

Weak trainers form groups, but it is impossible for each group to unite completely. After all, the captains of each team are not willing to give in to others.

If you succumb to someone who is stronger than them, it will be fine, after all, is the strength respected, but if they are similar to them, it is impossible for them to compromise.

If it weren't for the captain, it would be fine. After all, the captain must be a man of the limelight. He must have a bottom line and dignity that cannot be retreated, and that bottom line is much longer than ordinary players.

Once he stepped back a bit, then he "famous".

Give a chestnut.

The same is a person, one is a firefighter and the other is an ordinary person.

In the face of a big fire, firefighters must not be able to back down, because they are "famous" people who have a bottom line given to them. Once they back off and cross that line, then they will be blamed.

As for ordinary people? No one cares about them, and retreating in the face of the fire will only say that he is smart and not reckless.

In its position, every position has a bottom line.

The captain’s bottom line is to have dignity!

Because they are the leaders, the brains of the team!

Even if you were originally an ordinary person, as long as you sit in the position of "captain", then you have to keep that dignity and cannot retreat. This is not only the bottom line given to you by others, but also the bottom line given to yourself.


There are so many teams, not to mention the team composed of three famous masters on the list, and other pheasant trainers have also formed teams of all sizes.

Those teams with large numbers and strong strength are better to say, what about the weak ones?

Teams with weak strength and small numbers, if they want to advance, but don't want to be merged by those large numbers, there is only one way-to pull people!

And who is the most suitable?

Trainer on the "Leaderboard"!

Groups with a small number of people will not be easily swallowed by a team with a large number of people, because they are not people drawn by the leader of a large team after all. People on the team are not willing to join.

If you are unwilling to incorporate and want to earn points, then you can only consider the top players on the leaderboard.

The masters on the leaderboard want to step in, they can only choose these small groups, after all, the big group, which captain is willing to give way? As for the masters on these "ranking boards" to be "little brothers"? Then what they are doing in the center of the island, it is better to be promoted outside.

The small group and the other masters on the "ranking list" can be said to hit it off, after all, both sides need each other.

As a result, some powerful and intelligent "leaders on the leaderboard" joined the small group and acted as the captain.

The people in the original small team didn't need to worry about slipping away after they got the score card.

This is the information age. Although there are not many satellites, there are so many black technologies that can't stand it!

For now, global online communication is no longer a problem.

If any of them dared to do this, they would post his deeds on the Internet every minute, and then his reputation and credibility would be stinking.

For a trainer, strength is important, but credibility is more important than strength!

No matter if you are doing a task or being hired by someone else, without your credibility, who will hire you?

Your strength has not risen again. In this world that is similar to your strength, especially China, I don't know how many people are there, but you are the one behind?

If you are weak, you can grow up slowly. Once you open this hole, you may open it again at any time. Many money-making tasks need to be kept secret.

If the credibility is gone, then it’s over. If it’s more serious, log in to the league’s blacklist of untrustworthy trainers, then it’s really over. This is even more terrifying than business untrustworthiness. Once it’s on the blacklist, it doesn’t matter if it’s a trainer. Wherever you are in the circle, you will be disliked. Perhaps the only option is to join the Rockets.

Many trainers on the "ranking list" have successfully joined the group and become captains, but there are still many trainers who did not choose to continue to fight here, but went outside to find a brand to advance.

It's not that they can't think of joining a small team, but they don't want to.

They are late, even if they join some small teams, they don't have much strength, and they are basically weak and gathered together.

Other strong points, either became a large group or were absorbed by the first batch of Jin Yujie and the others, leaving behind these trainers who belonged to the shrimp soldiers and crabs among the many contestants, it would be better not to.

Leaving the center circle doesn't actually affect them much, but if you fail to fight or make a big ugly in the center of the island, it will be unsightly.

It's better to find a pass and leave on your own, and wait for the regular game to earn back face. Anyway, they are strong, as long as they don't encounter a few special circumstances, there will be no surprises.

Now, there are dozens of large and small teams fighting in the center of the island!

Although many of them are small teams of five or six people, but even so, the form over there is still complicated. Group battles broke out here and so did there, but it was obviously group battles, but everyone did not fight with all their strength. Both sides were highly vigilant. After sending two or three elves to compete, they each retreated vigilantly to prevent others from sneaking.

It can be said that they really played the flavor of the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period...

If Zhou Jiang comes to this state, he can't stand it. What he hates most is trouble, and this is super trouble!

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang did not go to the center of the island, nor did he go to this muddy water.

At this time, he was slowly moving towards the edge of the island. He met many trainers on the way. They were basically scattered, rarely teamed up, and there were only one or two big cats and kittens. Seeing Zhou Jiang With the hint of the three-in-one magnetic monster flying above their heads, their eyes immediately turned red.

For teams with more than one person, Zhou Jiang didn't fight at all, and slipped when they saw them.

Ghost Stone was not released again by him. Although the shadow **** technique worked well, Zhou Jiang tried his best to make it a secret.

When he ran away and grabbed Li Han's score card, Zhou Jiang asked Ghost Stone to come out and used the shadow **** technique, but Zhou Jiang had seen it at that time, and the lens of the three-in-one magnetic monster was not aimed at that. Instead, it aimed at him ~www.ltnovel.com~ It was Bibi Niao, not him, who snatched the Li Han score card. One is to hurry up, and the other is to prevent the three-in-one magnetic monster from taking the picture. .

In this case, even though Li Han and the others know about it, they are unlikely to spread the word about Zhou Jiang's skill. In other words, his ghost stone is still a secret weapon.

Anyway, the ghost stone has already appeared in everyone’s field of vision, and he has nothing to hide it, so if he wants to, he will still take precautions against his ghost stone, that is to say, this "secret" "Weapons" are no longer "secrets".

But this also hurt Daya by mistake.

After all, the hard part about Ghost Stone lies in being able to hide and penetrate walls.

With these two magic skills in hand, in many cases it can't prevent its invasion. If Zhou Jiang replaces it with some awesome and disgusting skills, it will be even more difficult to prevent.

Ahem, it's crooked.

When Zhou Jiang met two or more people, he would walk right away. If he was alone, he would stay and fight.

After all, the points you send to your door are not for nothing.

These contestants are not Chinese cabbage. The points they give are quite valuable. Winning six elves will earn two or three hundred points. Although he still has a five-figure "deposit" in his hand, who will dislike it? What about "money"?

Moreover, his participation in the league competition this time also has the purpose of doing tasks to earn points. Anyway, it is easy to catch a wave by the way.

After all, it is a crushing in strength. Even if Zhou Jiang let the elves release water, the time of a battle will be delayed to six or seven minutes, but the crushing in strength is crushing. Although it took a little longer, their physical strength did not consume much.

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