
No matter how much Zhou Jiang likes it, he can't stand the crowd!

Not counting the two or three teams encountered, Zhou Jiang, who was acting alone, was already about to vomit.

If it were to be taken away in twos or twos, then it would be better to say, but he still wants to pretend to be forceful and want to hide himself.

They don't care about big needle bees.

Big Needle Bee has been able to completely control its own power, even if acting, fake fights will not be strenuous, not to mention that Zhou Jiang did not ask, even if Zhou Jiang let it and the high-level elites to make the best, you can come and go. Do it.

Now just dodge the opponent's attack casually, delay for a while and then attack the opponent twice from time to time, which is obviously easier.

However, Big Needle Bees are not annoying, Zhou Jiang himself is annoying.

One by one, he really didn't want to continue "playing" anymore.

When they met someone, they would have to play against Zhou Jiang. At first, it was okay. Zhou Jiang felt that it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter if there were several pairs. Then they all chose six vs. six full-player games, although they basically played three. They retired automatically after losing, but they still waste time.

Later, Zhou Jiang took the initiative to say whether to play three games or even one game, but the other side suspected that his elves were different in strength, one or a few were strong, and the others were not good enough, so they refused and insisted on fighting. Zhou Jiang played six games!

Even if Zhou Jiang three through five, two through five (changing spirits halfway), they still firmly want to play the sixth game...

Zhou Jiang was happy at first, but after playing twice, now that is, he feels impatient.

He’s been fighting for too long. Every time he meets someone who wants to fight, he has to stay on the spot for more than ten minutes. Now it’s more than two o’clock. He looks at the map and shows that there is still a long distance from the “exit”. It’s normal. It would take more than half an hour to walk, but if he continues to fight, he is afraid that he will not be able to walk for a few hours!

And every time there was a noise in the fight, someone would touch it. Although Shanaido could not make a sneak attack, the people who touched it would jump out to fight after Zhou Jiang finished the fight, and even directly during the fight. They came out for a sneak attack, although the sneak attack would not be successful, and Zhou Jiang would be a lesson.

Often the development is that some old yin force jumped out to sneak attacks when the needle bees were fighting, and then easily dodged by the needle bees and directly abandoned the elves that were fighting, and rushed directly to the sneak attack. After a lesson, Zhou Jiang put away the elves and didn't care about other things, and just slipped away. Then Zhou Jiang ran in front, and they were chasing after him, in a posture of not giving up without taking away the score card in Zhou Jiang's hand.

Then there is the cyclic process of walking and stopping, beating and running...

Although this cycle was only twice, Zhou Jiang felt unprecedented disgust at it.

He likes the same thing, but he doesn't like to do the same thing.

Because every time he thinks of repeating this process, he can't find happiness from it, and then boredom and disgust. Many games force him to abandon the pit like this.

‘Someone is lying in wait. ’

Zhou Jiang lightly nodded without a trace, "watching" the scene that Shanaido had put into his mind. Zhou Jiang had nothing to say, and he continued to walk slowly with Shanaido, as if he had not found anyone hiding there. general.

Shanaido turned his head and looked at Zhou Jiang strangely, but he quickly turned his head without thinking too much.

What Zhou Jiang thinks, she doesn't need to think too much, she only needs to execute Zhou Jiang's order, she won't have any hesitation!

‘Xanadu, control him! ’

'understand! ’

Shanaiduo nodded, and then his thoughts were full!

The trainer hiding in the grass looked at Zhou Jiang, who was slowly walking over. A smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth. He held a poke ball in his right hand. As long as Zhou Jiang came closer, he would throw the poke ball and attack him. !

Of course, he did not attack Zhou Jiang, but attacked Xanadu.

After all, no matter how bold he was, he would not dare to attack the trainer himself at this time.

However, just as he was about to throw the poke ball, an invisible force suddenly restrained him and made him unable to move.

At the same time he was shocked, he also understood that he was discovered, this must be Xanadu's mind attack!

While regretting that he shouldn't be careless, he also prayed that his elves would break free from the elves as soon as possible. As long as the elves came out of the elves, they would still fight.

He naturally didn't know Zhou Jiang's strength. He believed that Zhou Jiang was also about the same strength as theirs, from an intermediate to high-level elite.

Although the super power elves of this kind of strength have already formed their strength, it is impossible to explore them with the power of mind all the time, so he feels that he has revealed something to be discovered.

In fact, Xanadu has been exploring with his mind power...

In order to save energy, her detection range was very small. It was just a circle with a radius of more than 30 meters centered on her. Even if it was reduced a lot, it was almost enough at this time. After all, there is no need to worry too much about Zhou Jiang. Security.

In the area covered by her Nianli Net, neither elves nor humans could escape her detection.

This unknown trainer hides in the bushes on the side of the road, there will be ghosts if he is not found.

As for his elves?

With Shanaido's mind full of power, if his elves can burst out of the elven ball, he will be considered powerful.

Shanaido unlocked and locked the elf ball with all his power, and it was difficult for the quasi-Uranus-level elves to jump out. If the Uranus-level elves could jump out with a sturdy spirit, his elf? It's just a mid-level elite.

If it weren't for her to lock six pokeballs while maintaining her mind power exploration, she wouldn't need to do her best!

Zhou Jiang didn't look there, and walked straight down the gravel road with Shanaido.

After walking for more than ten meters, Shanaido regained her mind, started to pant slightly, flushed on her face, and her expression was a bit tired. This is a normal phenomenon after a full burst. There is no problem, and she can recover after a short rest. .

Even if she doesn't stop to rest and walks slowly with Zhou Jiang in this way, she can recover slowly, but the recovery is slower. Well, it takes a minute or two, which is indeed a lot slower.

After Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo left, the trainer lying on the haystack lost his mind and got up suddenly. At the same time, all his poke **** exploded. Six elves appeared around him, all violently. Panting.

The unknown trainer sat on the ground and panted violently, looking at Zhou Jiang's backs that were about to be blocked by a tree with some horror.

He is not a fool, he naturally knows what happened just now, and it is precisely because he knows that he is frightened.

Unexpectedly, he was crushed so thoroughly that even the elves could not come out!

Looking at the six elves of his own who were all panting, he suddenly regretted coming to the league competition.

This is the first time he has come to participate in a major league competition. When traveling before, he met a senior who participated in a major league competition. He heard his story. After that senior participated in a major league competition, he did not continue to participate. He did not plan to Participate in any competition.

He asked Senior why, Senior waved his hand to look at the sky, and said, "There are some gaps that can never be pulled in."

He didn't understand why before, and felt that Senior was too timid, but now he understands. Think about the appearance of Zhou Jiang just now, with a wry smile, "It turns out that the gap between people can still be so big..."

Seeing his trainer suddenly frustrated, the six elves hurriedly surrounded him and looked at him worriedly.

The unknown trainer looked at his elf, and barely pulled out a smile, "I'm fine, don't worry, let's go, let's find the score card!"

"Woo~!" Seeing that their trainer is okay, the six elves happily responded loudly.

The unknown trainer looked at his elf, and the gloom in his heart was wiped out.

"Yes, no matter what, the road still has to go, and even if it's not for myself, it's also for you. Your efforts over the past few years must not be wasted!"

Thinking of the ups and downs of walking with the six elves, the fighting spirit of the unknown trainer rekindled.

After all, Zhou Jiang couldn't see the moving scene behind him.

He and Xanadu had already gone far, and even if they hadn't gone far, he wouldn't stop and look back.

He couldn't drink any chicken soup anymore.

In the previous life, whether you were at school or at work, you would have a lot of chicken soup poured into you, especially when you were in school, that chicken soup, tut...

‘Now, Xanadu, what are your pursuits, goals? ’

Walking on the gravel road, Zhou Jiang suddenly asked Shanaiduo.

Since the two are now connected by a spiritual link, they are not afraid of being captured by the machine carried by the three-in-one magnetic monster and broadcasting it.


‘Yes, goal, you should have it? For example, becoming the most powerful elf, becoming stronger, etc. Zhou Jiang habitually nodded slightly and continued.

Shanaido was a little dazed, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing her silence, Zhou Jiang continued to ask, ‘then make an analogy, if I leave you one day, what do you want to do? ’

‘Find the master! ’


Shane Duo's sonorous and powerful answer echoed in Zhou Jiang's heart, and his stride stopped in shock, and she stared at Shane Duo in pairs.

Seeing her somewhat stubborn eyes, Zhou Jiang didn't know what to say for a while.

The three-in-one magnetic monster flying behind them was a little puzzled.

Even if it is considered a mechanical life, with weak emotions, it is still considered a smart life. Seeing Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo walking well and suddenly stopping to look at each other, they are naturally puzzled.

However, no one will answer it and confuse it, because it will not ask it out. Its task is to be a photographer, and this is its only task!

Zhou Jiang and Shane Duo didn't look at each other for too long. After all, it felt strange if they kept staring at each other.

The two turned around tacitly, and then continued to walk. The three-in-one magnetic monster continued to follow behind silently, doing a good job as a photographer, and didn't dare to think or ask more.



"finally reached!"

Walking out of the sea of ​​trees, feeling the big sun outside, facing the salty and wet sea breeze, Zhou Jiang stretched out a lot.

Looking at the small yachts moored in the distance and the smiling staff coming here, Zhou Jiang had no fluctuations in his heart, and there was no joy of victory at all, as if he had done a trivial thing.

Although it is only a knockout finalist, this is the knockout of the league competition. Players will not be weak. Moreover, this is Zhou Jiang’s initial goal, the admission ticket to the league competition... It stands to reason that Zhou Jiang should be happy. ...

"Congratulations on your successful passing of the knockout. Please board the yacht and rest first, and we will leave when we arrive." The male staff in the Union uniform walked over and looked curiously at Xanadu next to Zhou Jiang. Said to Zhou Jiang enthusiastically.

Zhou Jiang was a little curious, "How can you be sure that I passed the knockout and not came here?"

"Eh..." Seeing the expression on the staff's face, Zhou Jiang was taken aback, then some dull brain turned frantically, thinking of something, Zhou Jiang covered his face and waved his hand, "Wait, wait, cough, cough, I remembered that there was also a three-in-one magnet."

Zhou Jiang smiled bitterly, and actually forgot about the three-in-one magnet. This time it's okay~www.ltnovel.com~ It's a shame... I don't know if the three-in-one magnet is still recording, and if anyone is watching.

Zhou Jiang's worries are obviously redundant. Although the camera carried by the three-in-one magnetic monster is still recording, none of the twelve battlefields are showing his side.

Now the competition in the center of the island is very fierce, who will look at him.

In the main field, there were guests who knew Zhou Jiang’s information and then took a look, but after he successfully ran the road, he didn’t keep watching. It is indeed intense.

The staff looked at Zhou Jiang in a little astonishment. Some did not understand what Zhou Jiang was up to. Suddenly asked a mentally retarded question, and then asked and answered...

But his job was to receive the trainers who came out, so he could only quickly invite Zhou Jiang to board the yacht, and then he could continue to play the "Elves League".

In the past, there was no way to play, but now the entertainment industry has begun to slowly rise, and games have become more fun. If you have nothing to do, you will naturally play games.

Zhou Jiang recovered Xanadu and then followed the staff on the yacht.

This yacht is quite big, at least much larger than the yacht they had rented when they went to the 13th district.

The three-in-one magnetic monster and some other equipment were all handed over to the staff, and then Zhou Jiang followed him to a room.

There are already eight trainers in the room at this time. They are sitting on the chairs, but they are looking directly at him. As soon as the door is opened, eight pairs of eyes are staring at themselves. , See whoever feels a chill in his back, right? At least Zhou Jiang is so.

Seeing Zhou Jiang who was brought in by the staff, among the eight people, four were dejected, and the other four laughed.

Zhou Jiang looked confused, what's wrong?

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