After arriving at venue 7, Zhou Jiang successfully entered the lounge after registration.

At this time, in the lounge, besides him, there were two other people waiting here. After Zhou Jiang entered, they greeted him friendly and reported their matches, which were first and third. .

With Zhou Jiang, the top three will be complete this time. As long as the fourth game comes again, there will be all the players in the morning game.

Zhou Jiang sat in the seat, chatting with them, chatting, they seemed to have just seen Zhou Jiang's face, the trainer who appeared in the first game looked at Zhou Jiang in surprise, "Are you Zhou Jiang?! "

"Yeah, haven't I introduced myself...Isn't I?" Zhou Jiang joked, he knew that he was recognized.

The other trainer also just reacted, looking at Zhou Jiang in shock, "Are you the high school student contestant?!"

"No, graduated from high school, prospective college student." Zhou Jiang was quite calm.

Yesterday, he was treated as a panda trainer. I don't know where, plus the phone calls and text messages, he was almost immune to it.

"Fuck! I didn't expect it to be you, so I said why you look so tender." Player No. 1 sighed, and No. 3 nodded in agreement.

Zhou Jiang touched his face, somewhat puzzled, "I look tender?"

No. 3 shook his head, "If you are 27 or 18 years old and still look like this, naturally you will be super tender. Are you in your twenties now? Isn't this normal?"

"Um... well..." Zhou Jiang felt that what he said was very reasonable and speechless.

After knowing Zhou Jiang's identity, they were not cautious or fanatical, but they had more questions about Zhou Jiang.

But fortunately, the questions are general questions, and no private questions are asked. After all, everyone is just a acquaintance, just familiar passers-by, and everyone will not go too far.

But the chat didn't last long, after all, the game was about to begin.

After the broadcast sounded, Number One stood up, greeted Zhou Jiang and the others, and walked outside the lounge.

Zhou Jiang and No.3 stopped chatting either, and turned their eyes to the LCD TV hanging on the wall.

At this time, the outside auditorium was already full of tourists. Among the eleven battle venues, the seventh venue had the most spectators. Not only the seats were full, but there were even a lot of people standing in the aisles.

They are not here to watch others, but for Zhou Jiang!

Especially the reporters, I didn't interview Zhou Jiang yesterday, and I didn't squat in the morning, so now I can't run away, right?

The second game was still quite high. Other popular and well-known trainers are not in the current game, so they all have time to gather here.

Other viewers think so too, because it's early, so it's okay even if you stand up for a while, as long as you go to a venue with a seat after watching it, you're done.

The eleven venues are so big and the auditorium capacity is still very strong. There is no problem in accommodating all these tourists.

For the preliminary round, the specifications are much simpler. Just be reported to the named trainer to go up and play. After the whole match, there will be a commentator to explain. Guests and other things, only wait for the main field, the 32nd match Only when

At this time, the narrator explained the basic information and achievements of the two trainers before they came out.

Zhou Jiang listened for a while, um, very ordinary...

Just trainers from ordinary families, both of them are not young, one is twenty-seven and one is twenty-eight, but both are the first time to participate in the league conference.

It is estimated that this is likely to be the last alliance conference they participated in.

Their strength is also very average, only the middle-level elite, one or two high-level elf elites. After this time, if they want to improve, they have to wait at least two or three years. They are about 30 years old. Count them soon, in general, it is estimated that it will take four to five years to make a qualitative breakthrough.

But in fact, it's okay if you don't break through. After all, they can get the eight badges of the admission ticket, but they will be beaten in the league competition.

If you come here without any improvement in your strength, you must be prepared to be hammered.

Like the trainer who is going to play against Zhou Jiang in the next game, he will definitely be worn three times by Zhou Jiang. If he is not mentally prepared, then he will be over...

The shots are switched very quickly, and they are basically cut in the auditorium. After all, the images of the auditorium can be displayed when the players are not on the field, and the trainer is not on the field. What is so good about the battlefield?

However, Zhou Jiang and the others waited for a long time, and the camera switched again to the player channel.

Number one is out!

With his appearance, the atmosphere on the scene heated up, and the audience clapped their hands and couldn't help but shout out.

Maybe not everyone knows him, but it doesn't prevent everyone from giving him applause.

Zhou Jiang can clearly see the excitement from the face of No.1. Fortunately, he was still here to talk to them about how the league games were like. He said that it was similar to other games. He experienced more games. In the end, he is not excited yet, enjoying the atmosphere?

Soon, the camera was cut to another trainer...

Both sides do it, the referee is in place, and the game begins!

"It can be seen that the trainers on both sides attach great importance to the game, and they released their own ace wizards from the beginning. What will happen to the ace duel between the two sides..."

Listening to the voice of the commentator on the TV, Zhou Jiang was a little surprised, but he didn't expect...their trump card level is not even the quasi-king!

"..." Zhou Jiang was silent, this strength is indeed a bit low. Even if the two of them win this time, it's hard to say what they will end.

Both sides are considered weak.

However, No. 1 chatted with them for a while. No. 3 shouted cheer in the lounge, Zhou Jiang followed, and then the lounge quieted down.

The battle has begun!

When the elves on both sides jumped out, the atmosphere on the scene jumped up again, shouting endlessly.

The elves on both sides are about the same strength. Under the command of their respective trainers, you come and I will switch between melee and long range from time to time. Although Zhou Jiang seems to be incapable of strength, they are both similar in strength, so they fight. It's wonderful, every time the skills collide to produce an explosion or fist to the flesh, you will earn a shout.

Hearing the shouts from the TV, Zhou Jiang's mouth was slightly raised.

Although he couldn't pretend to be low-key, he didn't hate such a strong applause and shouting, and listening to his adrenal hormones in the lounge started to rush.

He is a little looking forward to his turn!



"The battle is over! The big steel snake loses the ability to fight, and the winner is the blue player Zhao Yi!"

"Nice!" The number three in the lounge gave an excited punch to the front.

The blue side is the person on their side, and Zhao Yi is the number one.

Their blue side and the opposite red side can be seen as two camps. The victory of number one may bring good luck to the trainer behind them.

Although no one can confirm whether this statement is true or not, he is happy as long as it matters.

The little excited Number Three turned his head to look at Xiang Zhou Jiang, "Hey! Zhou Jiang, it's time for you, come on!"

Zhou Jiang nodded and said "OK" to him, and he gave Zhou Jiang a thumbs back.

"I'm here to give you cheer, cheer!"

Zhou Jiang waved his hand apart from the lounge, and walked towards the side of the court in the contestant passage. He was about to reach the exit when he met Number One.

Winning the game on No.1, the spirit of the whole person is different, and the whole person appears extraordinarily confident.

"Come on!"


The two didn't say much. When they passed by, they gave a high-five, which was considered to pass on victory.

Standing near the exit, Zhou Jiang did not choose to go out directly. He wanted to wait until the opposite came out before going out. Well, he was a little nervous...

Although it has been very smooth before, and will not be nervous on the battlefield, there is something different here.

His heart is beating very fast now, just as it did before.

He leaned against the wall and began to breathe deeply. He didn't worry about being photographed by the camera. The open field outside was full of sunshine, and he was not standing at the exit position, so even if the camera was aimed at this place, the paper painting was black.

As he took a deep breath to adjust his mentality, the trainer on the opposite side came out, which could be heard from the applause and cheers from the outside.

Taking a deep breath again, Zhou Jiang spit out a suffocating breath, and then walked towards the white world full of cheers!

Reaching out to block the dazzling sunlight, Zhou Jiang walked out of the contestant's aisle, and was lifted up a step again with the fierce cheers outside.

"Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang!"

"Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang!"


Zhou Jiang's name reverberated throughout the venue, and Zhou Jiang was embarrassed to hear it. This was the first time he felt ashamed of someone calling a name that did not belong to him.

However, his personality has changed a lot after all, and he didn't hesitate at his feet. He simply waved his hand and walked towards the opposite platform where the trainer was standing.

Zhou Jiang was a little emotional, but the trainer opposite him was very upset.

He slowly lowered his arms waving at the audience, his mouth twitched, his eyes full of anger when he looked at Zhou Jiang.

He felt that Zhou Jiang had robbed him of the limelight, um, in fact, it is also true.

After all, it’s the person who was blown up by Zhao Feng and Joey. Can it not be popular? With his title of "the youngest league contestant in history", if it is not popular, it would be true There is a problem.

He has now gained a large number of fans, many of whom admire powerful trainers, and Zhou Jiang must be strong and young, so fans will naturally swarm in.

Now so many people are here to watch his game, that is proof!

Of course, many people in the stands are not actually his fans, they are just curious about him, so they just watched the game.

But this is enough. As the saying goes, as long as you are curious about a person, then it is the beginning of the fall.

Although it is not that exaggerated, as long as Zhou Jiang has no black spots and is strong enough to always win the game, then fans will definitely not be lacking.

Above the stands, Zhou Nan and the others who were sitting above kept waving their hands, shouting "Come on Zhou Jiang" and so on. If there are friends playing on the ground below, most people will want them to see them in the audience. Myself, maybe this can give him strength?

They were shouting with the mentality that Zhou Jiang could see. Although their shouts would eventually be overwhelmed by the wave of shouting, even if they waved, the people next to them were also waving, but they were still enthusiastic about it. Stop.

Although Zhou Jiang wants to find them, but this one does not have a seat number, how can he find them if he doesn't know where they are in advance? Even if they sent the general area where they were in the lounge before, there were still too many people, and he still couldn't find...

The aisles were full of people. To tell the truth, it was really hard to find, and he couldn't stop walking to find someone.

After standing on the opposite platform, Zhou Jiang didn't look for it. If he didn't find it, he didn't find it. Anyway, it was the preliminary round, and the opponents were not strong, and even if they found Zhou Nan, they had no practical significance, did they.

Sometimes he is materialism and sometimes idealism. Now he is materialism. He doesn't think that Zhou Nan and the others are helpful to the competition. Is it possible that he can "beat the elves"?

After the two sides were in place, after guessing the order the referee was not verbose, and directly called the start.

Zhou Jiang was the first to attack, so he had to release the elves first. The three participating elves he prepared were Fire Dinosaurs, Ivy Snake and Xanadu.

With Shanaido in his pocket, even if there is any accident, he can easily resolve the crisis.

Shanaiduo's Mega Evolution Stone Zhou Jiang has been replaced, but it was not installed for her, and even the Mega Stone Necklace carried by Big Needle Bee was taken off.

It's not the time to be exposed. Anyway, these props are not restricted. You can hit it and throw an evolution stone up to let the undeveloped elves evolve. There is no problem, as long as you don't throw potions or other things.

Mega evolution is also evolution, so it is allowed, but maybe it won’t work when the rules come out in the future? Who knows this, anyway, there is no regulation now, and if there is no regulation, it is allowed!

Maybe the Alliance didn’t expect it. After all, Mega Evolution has only discovered it now, and Mega Evolution Stones are all found in some relics. They are basically found by people in their Alliance. There are not many passers-by who have them. This also requires a specific wizard and a keystone, and the requirements are not high.

Zhou Jiang didn't hesitate, and immediately released the fire dinosaur.

If there is no accident, the fire dinosaur can kill the opponent directly with a series of three. After all, after it has been strengthened with the Qingteng snake, its strength has been able to beat the quasi-king. If it evolves, then it can be crushed. The king of heaven has been crushed.

However, Zhou Jiang estimates that the kings are still not easy to touch at present, but if they can give play to their advantages, it may be possible, but all of this is in an ideal state, and no one is absolutely sure if they are fighting in real. .

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