I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 668: High-productive sow

Zhou Jiang released the fire dinosaur, but what he didn't expect was that after he released the fire dinosaur, the noisy scene slowly quieted down, and the trainer on the opposite side was also pale.

"??" Zhou Jiang looked at the trainer who was staring at him, then glanced at the silent auditorium, suddenly a little strange, what's wrong?

"Are you trying to humiliate me?!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Zhou Jiang was taken aback, looking at the trainer opposite with an angry expression, a little confused.


wait wait wait!

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, suddenly reacted and understood the meaning of the other side.

What he released was not a fire breathing dragon, but a fire dinosaur!

Since it is a fire dinosaur, it means that it does not even reach the 36th level (everyone thinks), plus it is not the final evolution, even if it is more than 30, but the actual combat power is actually even the 30th level of the elite elementary level. Not even there!

It's no wonder that the opposite party will be angry. Sending out this kind of elves that have not reached the final evolutionary form to fight, is this not humiliating the opposite party?

This is not like in the anime, in Wuyin, Xiaozhi can send out even the first form of the frog seed and the Jenny tortoise... and just those elves, they actually reached the top 32!

Zhou Jiang can only explain that the old Ren did not think about it so much at the beginning. After all, whether it is an anime or a manga, many of the early settings will be "eaten", such as Naruto, and there is no one in the initial design. , Naruto is a fox demon, and the comics are set to be serialized after a long story.

"Ahem!" Before the trainer on the other side angered and questioned again, the commentator spoke out.

"I just got information. The 152 Zhoujiang player encountered some peculiar relics and got adventures while traveling. The evolution of elves is much later than ordinary elves, but the strength is still very strong..."

When the commentator said that, the face of the trainer on the other side looked a little better, but the look in Zhou Jiang's eyes didn't change much, maybe he didn't believe it very much.

Also, after all, the second form and the third form are much different. To make it clear, the final form of the elves is complete, capable of exerting all their strengths, but they are in a weakened state before they have evolved, and their strengths cannot be fully exerted. .

At the same level, the difference between a level 50 fire dinosaur and a level 50 fire-breathing dragon is not one or two.

However, although the trainer on the opposite side was still angry, the audience gradually became lively.

"The red players, please send out the elves as soon as possible!" The referee shouted at the trainer who was opposite, and when the referee shouted so, he realized that this is on the field of the battle, and the elves are about to be released.

He didn't say much, he directly released his ace elf, Master Itachi!

There are basically no such elves like Master Ferret in China. His Master Ferret was still a birthday gift brought back by his father when he was very young when he was working abroad. It is considered his initial elves. .

But since the company went bankrupt, everything was gone. Jinyiyu*spiritual resources, nothing... But although his family has fallen, his self-esteem and pride have not weakened, but have become stronger. He will never allow it. Others look down on him and laugh at him!

"Huh! Fire dinosaurs are fire dinosaurs. Even if they are blown to the sky, they are only fire dinosaurs. In front of my master Itachi, you will have no chance of winning! But also, if you step on the celebrity position, then I will be famous? "The trainer opposite Zhou Jiang, Qian Er, thought so in his heart.

Zhou Jiang didn't care about Qian Er's thoughts, as long as he was defeated anyway.

As for Master Itachi?

The strength of the elite high-level is indeed very powerful. Fire dinosaurs may be a little difficult to fight against it. After all, fighting spirits like Master Itachi are known for their speed and flexibility. Fire dinosaurs are not easy to attack from a distance. Although it has undergone special training, training and fighting are two different things. This is the first time it has faced such an opponent. It may have to suffer a bit. If it is careless, it may lose.

But Zhou Jiang just didn't care.

If you lose, you lose. With Shanaido, he is still very relieved. As the saying goes, failure is the mother of success. Losing a game is just not the entire game. As long as the entire game is not lost, then He doesn't care, he is a result-oriented person.

"Fire dinosaurs, jet flames!" Zhou Jiang did not redeem the fire dinosaurs for any strange tricks.

Its training is only physical training and fire training from beginning to end.

Zhou Jiang felt that with flames, the lethality was enough. The main difference was temperature, range and accuracy!

And to be honest, he knows very little about the fire tricks in other animations. Most of them are flames generated by props, such as knives...

What he knows the most is Hokage and Pirates, but for Pirates, the system can’t exchange Devil Fruits. As for the abilities developed after eating the fruits, he feels that the Fire Dinosaurs of the Fire Element don’t need to change these, which is fancy. That's not real.

Zhou Jiang feels that the role of skills is to "shape" energy and let them release in a certain way, but flames don't need these things, and their own attack power determines that they don't need to.

They only pursue fast! fast! fast!

The normal state of water flow will not hurt people, so they need to accumulate momentum, amount and speed to cause lethality, while flames are different. They have good lethality by themselves. They only need to increase the speed and accuracy of the attack to ensure The flame can fall where it should be.

As for the enemy's thick skin?

There is no need to worry about this. Basically, except to fight against the attributes, it won’t be unmovable. If the level goes up, even if you don’t deliberately exercise, the temperature of the flame will not be too low. As long as you hit, there will be Good lethality.

After so long of training, coupled with frequent exercises with other elves, the fire dinosaur's attack is still very sharp.

A big mouth, no need to brew, a compressed flame flew out directly, and went straight to the master Itachi.

Although many fighting elves are not able to use long-range attacks, even if they do, they are not very strong, but they have lost this aspect. Instead, their dynamic vision is generally super strong!

The dynamic vision of elves is much stronger than that of humans, and fighting elves are generally better than other types of elves.

Facing the blazing flame, Master Ferret's expression remained unchanged, and his short legs, which were not too thick, lightly clicked, and the whole elf flew up and jumped out of the field.

It missed a hit, and the distance was a little far away, the fire dinosaur did not continue to pursue it, but strafed past. After stopping the flame, I waited quietly.

Qian Er waved his hand and shouted, "Master Welt, serial slap!"


The master Itachi, who had jumped in twos or twos before, rushed toward the fire dinosaur, leaning forward to the extreme, almost parallel to the ground. Its powerful legs can generate a huge propulsion with one kick, making it It will not fall, but will move faster.

"Melee?" Zhou Jiang's eyes naturally couldn't keep up with the speed of Master Weasel, but he would not panic either. He knows the difficulty of fast elves, so he has each elves practice against the big needle bee. The content of the duel is to hit the big needle bee moving at high speed or resist the big needle bee moving at high speed. attack.

Of course, the big needle bee will not attack hard, otherwise the fire dinosaurs will not be able to hold it at once.

The fire dinosaur was able to face the big needle bee for a while. Although the speed of this master ferret was very fast, it was not a problem.

Although there was no order from Zhou Jiang, the fire dinosaurs would not sit and wait for death. When they opened their mouths, a beam of fire passed by. Under the super high temperature, the surrounding air was distorted.

However, the explosive power of Master Itachi is not to be underestimated. With good eyesight and high explosive power, he jumped out of the flame-jetting attack range with a kick. However, the fire dinosaur also expected this situation, so it is not a continuous fire-breathing mode. But like a machine gun, it cuts off the energy after spitting out the pillar of fire, and then spews fire again.

Brushing, more than a dozen pillars of fire fell on the field. Master Itachi dodged from left to right, stepped on the "S" shape, broke through layers of flames, and rushed to the front of the fire dinosaur!

"Thank you!" Qian Er's pupils were slightly enlarged, his hands clenched, and he muttered excitedly.

Although Qian Er couldn't see Kung Fu Weasel's figure clearly, the general position could still be seen.

You know the level of your own Kung Fu Weasel best. After a series of slaps, you can basically defeat your opponent in one set! If the body of the fire dinosaur is not able to react, it is still light to be disabled, and it is possible to faint directly.

Qian Er couldn't help trembling with excitement when he thought of the fire dinosaurs that could kill Zhou Jiang. Is there anything more eye-catching than this?


At this time, Qian Er was completely in a state of fantasy, as long as he could kill an elf in Zhou Jiang who is now in full swing, then he would be famous!


However, he didn't know that there is a law in the second dimension. Anyone who says "success" at a critical moment will have an unexpected reversal.


"Fuck... Master Itachi?!" At this time, Qian Er, looking at the Master Itachi lying in front of him and a ten-meter-long gully, fell into a state of bewilderment, and couldn't help but have three philosophical questions.

who am I? where am I? what happened?

Not only was Qian Er dumbfounded, but even the commentators and the audience were dumbfounded.

Seeing Master Itachi rushed up and slapped down in a series, the fire dinosaur would definitely not be able to escape.

However, Master Itachi rushed up at the speed of sound, but was fanned back at the speed of light?

Looking at the gully on the ground, how powerful is this to drag out a gully out of the fortified field dedicated to the league tournament?

And the second-stage elves like fire dinosaurs are not very good at melee combat?

It’s not that it’s not good at close combat, but that it’s far more powerful than close combat, and... and... well, fire dinosaurs are weak in close combat, and there is no problem in close combat with other second-form elves. , But close combat with a fighting spirit like Master Itachi?

Compared to close combat, even its evolutionary form of fire-breathing dragon can't do it, let alone fire dinosaurs, so what happened before?

After a second or two of silence, a stronger cheers erupted from the audience, but there was also a lot of discussion in the cheers, and the commentator was excited to let the staff behind the scenes call up the previous scene. , Ready for slow playback.

Although the game is not over yet, Master Itachi has not completely fallen, but this does not prevent them from watching the replay.

The playback of these is for the audience to see, and it has nothing to do with Zhou Jiang who are fighting on the field.

However, it was obvious that Qian Er, who was mad at this time, obviously had no thoughts to stay on the court, his eyes were a little dull, and he looked at the big screen madly.

Zhou Jiang also gave him this opportunity. Anyway, Master Ferret has no strength to stand up again. Even if he stands up, he doesn’t have much combat power. It does not pose a threat to the fire dinosaurs. It is better to let him go and pretend. Do you have a "gentleman style"?

The staff during the league competitions must be very powerful. The speed of light tuned out the previous playback, and then turned on ten times the slow speed.

The shouting audience in the auditorium also slowly fell silent, staring at the big screen with wide eyes.

At this time, the scene of the previous master Itachi rushing to the fire dinosaur was playing back on the big screen.

At ten times slower speed, the figure of Master Ferret can also be seen very well. As the distance between Master Ferret and Fire Dinosaur gets closer and closer, everyone’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and some people are about to breathe. Forget ~www.ltnovel.com~ I am completely trapped in this tense atmosphere.

Before, the fire dinosaur shot too fast, so I didn't see it clearly. Now everyone turned their eyes to the fire dinosaur after ten times the speed, and finally discovered its movements.

I saw its right arm with three sharp white nails lifted slightly, and then a white energy ball emerged from its palm, changing from a small ball to a large ball, due to the distance of the camera is too far, plus it is white to transparent Yes, so I can't see the energy that is constantly moving and circulating in this energy ball.

"Is it a qi-he bomb?"

"Well, it's qi gangbang, this one."

"It must be a qi-he bomb!"

"It turned out to be Qi Hedong."

"So that's it, it's Qi Hedong."

"..." "That's how it is" came from the audience, and the commentator also yelled, um, qi and flick.

Only a few people at the scene felt confused.

Is it like this? Why is this gas bomb so powerful? And can fire dinosaurs learn to play together?

But these are just trainers with some insight or strength, but Zhou Nan and the others are different.

They didn't say anything, and looked at each other with a weird look, and then as if they understood what the other party was thinking, they nodded together.

"Sure enough, it's new again?"

"Well, it must be new. This guy is very scary at this point. It's the first time I have seen such a creative person."

"How do you say that?"

"Which sentence?"

"The feeling I want to express right now, that fellow Zhou Jiang said."

"High-production sow?"

"Yes, yes, that's it, high-yield sow!"

"High-yielding sow!"

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