Gas bomb?

Zhou Jiang was taken aback, then reacted.

The qi-he bomb is the qi-he bomb, anyway, others know that it has no effect on him.

Zhou Jiang touched his chin, looked at Master Weasel, who was still struggling to get up, with a slight emotion, "I didn't expect this spiral pill to be so powerful!"

That's right, what the fire dinosaur uses is not the qi-he bomb, but the gray spiral pill that has been eaten in the backpack for a long time!

This is the first time Zhou Jiang has swapped out a skill machine. I was too excited to get a cheat at the beginning, so I changed it to a well-known skill, but after the exchange, I found that the learning conditions were not up to the standard, saying that it was necessary to get together. He can learn the spiral pill after bombing, but he can only throw it away in the warehouse.

He regretted it for a while and felt too impulsive. He used a few points without careful consideration. Fortunately, he bought it when the system was discounted, otherwise he would really lose money.

Originally it was a Spiral Pill skill that was piled up in a warehouse, but a while ago, after modifying the Fire Dinosaur and Ivy Snake, he flipped through his backpack and then subconsciously used it when he found it. Unexpectedly, it could be used!

Not only fire dinosaurs, except for the weak elves such as Ibukati dogs, other elves can actually learn!

This was a shock to Zhou Jiang. Didn’t the introduction say that the prerequisite for learning was to be able to play together? He didn’t remember which of his spirits was able to play together.

If he doesn't believe in evil, he also used the appraisal to see all the elves skills, and made sure that they were all incapable, and then let them out, let them use Qi to play together, if they were stunned that they would not.

In the end, Zhou Jiang was worried about whether the system was broken and used the skill for Fire Dinosaurs, and the result was really used!

When he looked at the white and transparent spiral pill on the paw of the fire dinosaur, Zhou Jiang was completely confused.

It's not that the system is broken, can you really learn?

But that condition...

After struggling for a long time, in the end Zhou Jiang could only guess that "the need to learn Qi and Bang" was not an absolute condition.

For example, it may be that the spirits who have learned the Qi and Bang will change, and learning Helix Pill requires that kind of change to learn, but if there is that change, there is no need for Qi and Bang. Explain why none of his elves can play together with gas, but most of them can learn spiral pills.

Finally, Zhou Jiang guessed that perhaps the condition for learning Helix Pills is to control energy!

After all, the so-called spiral pill is to extract the energy, and then let them rotate disorderly and move in disorder, but after that, the energy needs to be compressed and controlled in the palm of the hand or other parts. After all, if the energy cannot be controlled, So this is not to fight each other, but to do yourself directly.

The attack power of the spiral pill formed by the energy rotating at high speed in all directions is not a joke. The ability to tear is extremely strong, and it is severely injured when rubbed and touched. Moreover, because it is composed of pure energy, these energies are in the elves. Both exist, that is to say, there is a certain chance that it can directly damage the internal organs!

Injury to the internal organs is not a joke, so if the elves do not control energy well, the system will not let you learn. At the beginning, his big needle bees were still small, a group of weak chickens, the system It's natural not to learn, but now that the elves are stronger, their energy control has also improved, and they should be able to learn.

Otherwise, why can't Ibrahim and Katie, two cute dogs who have not undergone much exercise, learn?

In terms of final evolution, there are many fire dinosaurs, but they have not finally evolved.

The Laobi system will not answer Zhou Jiang’s questions, and Zhou Jiang’s brain is not good, he is not a wise man, so he can only use this method to explain it, but let’s not say it, it really can explain it.的通的.

But in the end, Zhou Jiang did not continue to change the spiral pill.

This skill is not very suitable for other elves.

Although Big Needle Bee is in close combat, there are spears that have been strengthened by the system, as well as spiral pills.

It really hurts the other side, its spear is much easier to use than the spiral pill.

And the other elves? That is to say, Xanadu is decent. Although she is not a melee type elf, it doesn't matter, she can be a water gate, "green flash"!


This title is really ugly... Sure enough to remove the dye from her head and restore it to the original color?

After all, this title always has a feeling that makes him panic.

Keke, a little bit far away.

Although Xanadu can also be used, and the ideal effect is still very good, Zhou Jiang still did not exchange it for her.

After all, although she can also teleport, the weakness of teleportation is really too great, far from being as flexible as the water gate in Hokage, and it can only be used in an ideal state.

Zhou Jiang didn't know the principle of her teleportation, only that it was not a teleportation achieved by the use of pure superpowers, so after she used her teleportation, there would be a "skill back shake".

Otherwise, it would be really invincible, teleporting over to give a spiral pill and then teleporting away again, such a super power elven really has no solution.

If she does this at present, she will at most teleport over, stop and condense the spiral pill, and then go up with A, even if the spiral pill is prepared in advance and then teleported...

However, it’s okay if Xanaduo doesn’t use these. She has enough skills. If the systematically learned skills are built with a certain level of training, Xanado is afraid that she will really become "greedy for chewing." The lesson is the opposite of the textbook.

At this time, after the replay and the commentary, it was said that it was a qi-he bomb, so Qian Er thought so too. Knowing how Master Itachi was "killed", he finally came back to his senses and looked towards Master Ferret on the field shouted, "Master Ferret!"

Zhou Jiang looked at him, shrugged and reminded, "Master Weasel basically can't stand up anymore. You'd better change a fairy."

Qian Er didn't speak, and continued to look at Master Ferret, seeing that it really couldn't get up, only then took it back with a poke ball with a look of unwillingness.

At present, the first round of the preliminary round cannot take back the elves in the middle of the battle. Only two elves lose the ability to fight, or when 128 enters 64, which is the second round, only after that can the whole stage be completed. It is allowed to take back the elves, so now that he takes back Master Itachi, it means that he has abstained in this small game.

Sure enough, after he took it back, the referee began to pronounce his sentence, "Master Itachi loses the ability to fight, because..."

And the narrator also began to talk, saying that his master Itachi should have been hit by the fire dinosaur just now. It is a wise choice to take back the elves. Of course, after he finished speaking, he also blew a wave of Zhou Jiang. .

The referee indicated that Zhou Jiang needed to change the elves. Zhou Jiang had no idea of ​​changing the elves, so he shook his head and rejected him, but after Qian Er saw this scene in his eyes, he became even more annoyed.

Although it does not cost much energy to kill the Master Ferret, you also...

Anyway, Qian Er is gas.

He threw a pokeball fiercely, and he was relieved looking at the huge figure falling on the court.

He prepared a total of three elves to participate in this preliminary round. In addition to the ace master Itachi, who had knelt down at the speed of light, there were also a tyrannosaurus armored and Emperor Bruce.

Originally planned to have a wonderful battle, directly relying on hard power to kill the opposite fire dinosaur in seconds, but finally said, underestimated the opponent's fire dinosaur and was unlucky, and was hit in a crucial position.

Although Master Itachi lost so quickly that he could not wipe his face, but the lost face still has a chance to earn back. Now it is just bad luck. He listened to the commentator and thought he was bad luck.

In fact, I believe that he is unlucky. It is estimated that some ordinary audiences who do not understand and himself do not want to believe. Whether it is a narrator or other trainers, they have seen that fire dinosaurs may not be simple, it is pure luck. it is good? Not too possible.

Only ordinary people who don’t understand anything will listen to what the narrator says. As for Qian Er himself... he will naturally think about what is “favorable” for him. Is it possible that he still thinks about Zhou Jiang than He is countless times stronger?

Ahem, although this is the truth...

After dispatching the armored tyrannosaurus, Qian Er breathed a sigh of relief.

On the ground, the rock-type tyrannosaurus has first-class resistance to beating, especially the flame. The fire-type hitting the rock type can only cause half the damage. The tyrannosaurus tyrannosaurus fires dinosaurs, isn’t it easy?

The flames of the fire dinosaurs could not touch the Tyrannosaurus ironclad. In close combat, the Tyrannosaurus ironclad was more than double the size of the fire dinosaur, and the physique was no longer on the same level. Isn't it stable?

This time, Qian Er is full of confidence. No matter how lucky the fire dinosaur is, the hard armor on Tyrannosaurus ironclad is absolutely wishful thinking for the fire dinosaur to strike a knowing blow!

But we cannot relax our vigilance.

The qi-he bomb is a combat type. It has twice the damage when hitting rocks. If the iron armor tyrannosaurus is not injured, it will not be injured. He has two elves and saves a little energy.

He felt that Zhou Jiang could be blown out. One was because someone was blowing, and the other was his own strength, but he didn't think how strong the fire dinosaur was. He felt that he was arrogant and sent the second team of these elves.

He has an absolute idea of ​​evolution. He thinks that the evolved elves are powerful, and the elves that have not evolved can never beat the evolved ones.

It’s not that he’s right. Evolution itself is a sublimation of the elves, and the strength will be greatly improved. It can be said that if it is a normal fire dinosaur, it will definitely not be able to defeat the previous master Itachi, but what he encountered is Gua Bi……

As for the fire dinosaurs that have been strengthened in the mysterious ruins... Hehe, he doesn't believe that anything can make the elves have super strength before they complete their final evolution. How can there be such a divine thing? This is not something for nothing. ? If it's really so powerful, then why go to the special training? Everyone should go directly to find the ruins.

"Tyrannosaurus, earthquake!" Qian Er immediately ordered and shouted without thinking too much.

Following Qian Er's instructions, Zhou Jiang frowned.

It is really troublesome without evolution. If the fire-breathing dragon flies directly, the earthquake will definitely not become a trouble.

It’s all right now. You can’t fly. If you want to avoid it, you can only jump up. But if you don’t jump high enough, you’ll still get injured if you fall on the ground, and you’ll get injured if you fall on the ground that is violently shaking. It's more serious, and it's easy to fall.

If the jump is high, the opposite long-range attack will come again...

Earthquake can be said to be a very useful skill.

Except that it consumes a lot and can't fight the flying elves, the others are perfect.

However, even if Zhou Jiang is reluctant, he has no choice but to make the fire dinosaur jump up. Otherwise, should he use this skill head-on?

Although it is a ground-based skill, there is no restraint of the fire type, but the physical strength of the fire dinosaur has not been modified. After an earthquake, it is absolutely impossible to eat it!

The fire dinosaur that jumped hard, the whole elf jumped more than two or three meters high, almost as high as a room.

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Zhou Jiang thought. After the earthquake, the next combo was a long-range attack, and the best long-range attack skill for the fire-type elves like the tyrannosaurus and the dinosaur was the rock blade.

The rock attribute doubles the damage, plus the damage value of the rock blade itself is as high as "100". If you really eat this trick, the fire dinosaur will directly There is no room for maneuver.

"Fire dinosaurs, use jet flames on the ground!"

The fire system hitting the rock system is really too hurt, even the skill collision must follow the rules of attribute mutual restraint.

Even if the fire dinosaur’s special attack value is high, Zhou Jiang is afraid that he will not be able to fight the opposite Tyrannosaurus. The most important thing is that his strength is not weak. The high-level elite, although only just entering the high-level elite, this It is also a high-ranking elite, and it is not weak. If you can't fight it, the fire dinosaur will eat the rocky blade.

Zhou Jiang still doesn't like to do this kind of gambling. After all, the probability of failure is too high, and if it fails, the price is that the fire dinosaur kneels.

His fire dinosaur can't beat the Ironclad Tyrannosaurus. As long as he gets close behind him, one shot of the spiral pill is estimated to be taken away. Even if he can't take it away, two shots are fine.

As the saying goes, there is nothing you can't do with a single ball. If you don't get it, let's have another one!

If you don't want to fight, it's okay to hide.

The fire dinosaur in mid-air turned its head down, and then a thick flame spurted from its mouth. The powerful propulsion made its body not only not descended, but raised a lot.

The sharp rock blade shreds the air, and its speed is very fast, but the distance between the two itself is not close, when it arrives, the fire dinosaur has already been flying high.

The sharp edge of the rock hit the pillar of fire, causing no effect except for a little spark.

The Tyrannosaurus armored after using the rock blade has stopped the earthquake, so the fire dinosaur dodges the rock blade and directly controlled its body to fall back to the ground. Before it grew wings, the sky was not its home field.

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