"This is the cafeteria, where you can eat, you can take a look, or go directly to the next place.

This is the training field. The preparation personnel who stay at the base often stay here. After all, everyone is good at strength and can only make progress by learning from each other.

This is the treatment center. There are more than ten Miss Joey on standby here all day long. As long as your elves come here for treatment after being injured, there will be basically no danger and sequelae. The treatment equipment here is also available all over the world. It’s top-notch..."

Zhao Feng volunteered to take Zhou Jiang around the entire border base buried deep underground. As Zhou Jiang was familiar with this side, the time had already come to night.

After eating in the cafeteria with Shui Qingrou and others, Zhou Jiang went back to the dormitory assigned to him.

Zhou Jiang will stay here today and tomorrow and get familiar with it as soon as possible.

Tomorrow afternoon, Zhou Jiang will go back with Shui Qingrou and others. After all, after tomorrow's rest, the league competition will begin again.

The day after tomorrow is the 64th round of the 32nd round. The 6V6 battle requires even more consideration.

Before 3V3, many people did not take out all the main elves, after all, they also have to consider hiding their clumsiness to avoid being targeted by opponents behind.

Although there is information about them on the Internet, as long as the information is hidden deeper, the opponent will not find it in a short time. After all, the time left for them to check the information will not be too sufficient.

Therefore, those trainers who are confident to go a little bit farther will choose to hide the awkwardness. In 3V3, just bring one or two main players.

It is for this reason that the possibility of a dark horse in the early stage is the highest.

Because of hiding, many people were eliminated by trainers who went all out and brought the three most powerful elves.

But 6V6 is not so much trouble, because there are more elves that can be brought, and everyone is stronger, so the main elves cannot be less, no matter how confident they are, they will bring more than four.

But these have nothing to do with him. The only thing he needs to consider is not to get up late and cause lateness to the game...

But this is basically impossible. After all, he got up late and Zhou Nan and the others, Zhou Nan and the others were too late, and Shanaido was there too. Once the time was late, she would definitely get out of the pokeball Come out to remind Zhou Jiang.

And his game is not in the first game.

In the evening, after asking Shui Qingrou and them, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Nan had a video chat.

I can’t disclose where it is or what it is doing, but it’s okay for Zhou Jiang to chat with them. Communication with the outside world is not forbidden here.

After a brief chat for about half an hour, the video was hung up, and Zhou Jiang also lay on the bed in the single dormitory, ready to sleep.

In a room that belongs to him, but is really unfamiliar, especially at night, he usually lie in bed instead of looking around.

I didn't read the news or post it, and reviewed the English rarely. After two hours had passed without knowing it, Zhou Jiang turned off his phone and went to sleep.

After getting up the next day and having breakfast in the cafeteria, Zhou Jiang went to the training room to train the elves.

He mainly trained four elves, Katy Dog, Ibrahimovic, Leo Lu and Supersonic Bat.

Katie Dog and Ibrahimovic are considered "old men" in his team, but they have never had a chance to play. After all, they are basically masters and not students like Zhou Nan, so they have no chance to play at all.

However, although they have never played, but they have continued to exercise, their physique and level are also mentioned.

The Katy dog ​​has already entered the growth stage, and the gravity ring exercise method has been fully started. According to Ibrahimovic, this little guy was positioned by Zhou Jiang as a sun elf of the super power system, so Zhou Jiang changed his training afterwards. Way, let it practice skills, put more spirits on the size and use of energy.

As long as the two elves continue to train according to the training methods that Zhou Jiang had set for them before, the new friends, the supersonic bat and Leo Lu, need Zhou Jiang to use their brains for them.

Of course, brainstorming is brainstorming, but not brainstorming.

After all, as long as you know their positioning, you can easily think of a lot of exercise methods.

Such as supersonic bat.

Zhou Jiang positioned it as an assassin!

The eventually evolved fork bat is extremely fast, poisonous, and mastering sound waves, so it can "see" more clearly in the night than in the day. This is simply a born assassin in the dark!

Zhou Jiang didn't know if he would fight with others, but there was a high probability that he would fight with the Rockets, so he wanted such an elf.

Although the fork bat also evolved from intimacy, its evolutionary type has indeed been discovered.

Unlike Ibrahimovic.

The evolution of Ibrahimovic’s sun elves and moon elves requires level and intimacy.

In this world, to become a trainer and become stronger, with Ibrahimovic, although they can exercise and make their level reach the standard of evolution, but at that time they have used the evolution stone to evolve Ibrahimovic, and they can't wait for the intimacy to reach standard.

And the intimacy is full? Then their Ibrahimovic level is not enough, because they are generally not bred for fighting, but as family pets, bred like cats in previous lives.

So Ibrahimovic has not been discovered until now.

The big-mouthed bats are weaker, but they are numerous, not rare, and they are slow and poisonous. If used well, they are quite powerful, so many people in the family will use them. of.

There are more people who use it, and there will be no less people up to the standard of strength, and no less people up to the standard of intimacy, so its evolutionary fork bat was discovered.

But the fork bat is still too far away for Zhou Jiang.

Neither level nor intimacy can be quickly improved in a short time.

Even if he opens the plug-in, he can't directly modify their level...

As for intimacy, although there is a casual bell, he has no time to release it at the moment. How can I increase intimacy if it is not released?

After all, zero multiplied by two is still zero...

However, the fork bats are now hopeless, but the training of the supersonic bats still cannot be stopped.

Zhou Jiang gave it three goals.

Ultrasonic training, speed training, venom extraction training!

The imaginary enemy Zhou Jiang gave to the supersonic bat is based on human beings, so it doesn't need other bells and whistles, just fast speed and concentrated venom.

With the Rockets, the supersonic bats directly poisoned the opposing trainer, so their elves would naturally have no intention of fighting.

Although the elves of the Rockets basically do not need the command of a trainer, there is still a big difference between a trainer standing behind and not commanding and being poisoned and not commanding.

Your own trainer is poisoned, and those elves will have a lot of thoughts on their own trainers. How can they concentrate on fighting?

As for the opponents, the Rockets do not appear one by one, and there is a question of whether it is useful to bring down one person.

If one Rocket is poisoned or even killed, aren’t the other Rockets afraid? They are not afraid, aren't their elves worried?

I will definitely focus my energy on guarding against supersonic bats.

One elves can hold a bunch of elves, so powerful!

In fact, Zhou Jiang likes poison very much. After all, poison is the most overbearing negative state. However, poison elves are basically very ugly and disgusting...

There are also some that are not ugly, such as Rose Leto, but they are only the side attribute of poison, and poison is not their housekeeping skill.

And Roselle is not fast.

What he needs is to be able to poison quickly, otherwise, just find a grass element and practice a poison powder?

So in the end, he thought about it, and only the fork bat met his requirements ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ fast, poisonous, and small in size.

Real assassin!

Supersonic bat Zhou Jiang now lets it train speed. After all, speed is the root of everything. As for ultrasound? Let it go first, he thinks it might be better to see and hear. Of course, the ultrasonic training won't fall behind. After all, it hasn't been compared, and it won't hurt to try.

As for the venom extraction, it doesn't need it now, after all, it's still young, so physical training and speed are the primary goal.

As for Leo Lu, there is nothing to say about its direction, which is close combat, so there are three things it needs to train: physical training, fighting skills and eyesight training.

But like the supersonic bat, it is still small at this time, so you can only exercise your body, then slow down other things, and wait for practice later.


It is indeed an official site. The training room is large. After Zhou Jiang released the Katy Dogs for training, the entire space didn't take up much and many elves could be released, so Zhou Jiang released all the remaining elves.

Bibi Birds are not strong enough to let them out for exercise, Big Needle Bees and they are about the same strength to let them go out to rest, of course, if they don't rest to be other elves' sparring partners, Zhou Jiang doesn't matter, it's all up to them.

Let Xanadu look at the little guys, Zhou Jiang went to the long plastic chair to learn English.

One is training in the morning, and it’s time to relax. The other is Shui Qingrou said that there will be action videos brought back by the seventh team that came back yesterday in the afternoon. Let him take a look in the past and see what another world is like. Find out how they acted inside.

After all, he will also act with them in the future, not to mention other things, it is the appearance of the mysterious elves in the different world, and the attack method should also be understood.

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