When I left "Border" and returned to the dormitory of "Battle Island", it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, so I watched the video a little longer...

After Shui Qingrou sent him back to the dormitory complex, she left. She was also a busy person.

After Zhou Jiang came back, Zhou Nan couldn’t help but ask him what he was taken to do. Zhou Jiang would naturally not say it. Not to mention that he had vowed not to say it. Even Zhou Nan and the others were identities. I don't want to talk to them.

Zhou Nan and the others are the people who are in the "show" world of this world, and he is already half-footed into the "in" world.

These "civilians" shouldn't be aware of this.

As I said before, trainers in this world are basically able to reach the elite level at the age of 30 or 40. If they are still training at the age of 50 or 60, then it is not impossible for the quasi-kings and the kings. This is the time. Stacked strength.

But since it is possible, why can't I see those people?

How come the incumbent kings of the world, gymnasium trainers, and talented trainers who have been active in people's vision for several years have finally faded out of people's vision?

Someone used to say that there was a "dark web" in this world, and those who disappeared were all active and working in the dark web.

Now Zhou Jiang knew the answer. Inside the border, Shui Qingrou told Zhou Jiang a lot of misin.

Sure enough, those people really went to the "Inside World", that is, in the "Border", fighting against the invasion of other world elves!

Lu Ran said before that Zhao Feng played with them when he was a child, but then he left and disappeared. When he came out again, he had become the working king.

Zhao Feng told him that he had been sent to the border area to exercise by his elders at the beginning, so his strength would improve so quickly.

Although he didn't even reach the age required by the alliance to receive the elves, such a thing as an exception is as simple and common as eating and drinking to the upper class.

At that time, Zhao Feng had elves, but they were not strong. The elves had just hatched from the eggs, but that didn't mean that he couldn't come to the border.

After all, no one expected him to be a combat force at that time, just coming over there to train.

Although the training conditions at the border base are good, Zhao Feng’s family is not bad, but there is one thing that Zhao’s family does not have, or even can’t compare.

That's all kinds of materials produced in another world!

The materials mentioned here are not such things as tree fruits and medicinal materials, but things that can strengthen the spirit!

For example, the "Rainbow Crystal" mentioned by Shui Qingrou before, it is a unique thing in another world. Through a special technique, the wizard can absorb the energy inside, thereby improving the various attributes of the wizard, just like the wizard abilities in the game. Lifting medicine is average.

Although this thing is good, it is unusually scarce, and it is not easy to obtain.

Because of the existence of class, if people in the “outer world” can also get these things, then many trainers in the “inner world” will not have the opportunity to use it, and those trainers happen to be The key to guarding the border.

So I don’t know when, there is a rule that the reinforcement materials found in another world cannot flow into the market of the "world of watch", nor can it be used by people in the "world of watch". If you want to use it, you can , Then enter the "Inside World"!

"The inner world" does not mean that you can join by joining, especially for those who are not up to the standard.

Like Zhao Feng.

When he went inside, his family members exerted a lot of strength and used a lot of relationships, and he also had to ensure that he would stay in the border for several years to train.

Going a little further, back to the topic.

Zhou Jiang didn't tell Zhou Nan what he did there. After asking a lot, after Zhou Jiang still insisted not to say anything, they stopped asking.

Since Zhou Jiang didn't say what was there, then they dispersed. After all, a group of people in this room would still feel a bit crowded.

After returning to the room, everyone chatted on their phones or gathered crowds to play games.

After five o'clock and they went outside for a meal, Zhou Jiang returned to the room and began to study English until he went to bed at night.

The order of the game came out long ago. Although the trainer himself was required to draw the numbers in the following games, Zhou Jiang was always on the border, so naturally there was no time, but he didn’t look at who brought him there, so he asked Zhou to Nan and they went to draw lots for him.

It does matter. It doesn't matter if such a small matter is in person.

As for who to fight against... Zhou Jiang didn't care, he wouldn't lose anyway.

Of course, although I don’t care, I don’t care at all. You still need to know the name of your opponent.

If you're a master on the "ranking list", then be serious. If you haven't heard of it, just hit it casually.

The 6V6 game is definitely much longer than the 3V3 game, and it is more than doubled. So although the number of people has been halved, the time required has not decreased but increased, and it takes almost a day and a half.

Zhou Jiang's game was the second in the morning of the first day. He had never heard of his opponent's name and was not on the "ranking list", so he wouldn't care too much.

After all, he doesn't say whether he can beat him or not, he thinks the league will let him meet some powerful people now.

Although there will be no shady scenes, people in the league will still stagger the powerful trainers, after all, the necessary viewing is still needed.

Otherwise, if at the very beginning, the strongest and the second strongest were met, how would you fight later...

The final battle must be conducted by the two with the highest heat and strength. No matter how bad it is, it must be conducted among the four with the highest. After all, dark horses may exist.

In the morning, under the already high sun, after eating the steamed buns, Zhou Jiang walked towards the venue graciously, without encountering any passersby along the way.

Zhou Nan and the others were not with him, because they were going to grab a spot early...

Zhou Jiang doesn’t need it, because he can stay in the players’ lounge, and after the game, it’s already time for lunch.

When Zhou Jiang came to the lounge, everyone who could come in except him came in.

His playing field is on the No. 3 field. There are four groups of people playing here. Naturally, there are only four people in a lounge, and one goes to the game. Except Zhou Jiang, there are only four players left inside. Two people are next.

To be honest, there are only three people in such a big lounge. It's really bleak. Fortunately, there are enough lights, otherwise it would be really scary to stay here.

After Zhou Jiang came in, the two trainers looked over, and after seeing the person coming, both trainers came up to him enthusiastically.

Among the two, one person, Zhou Jiang, is known as the "master" on the "ranking list". The protagonist who watched the lively in the wizard center before seems to say that he has an emotional entanglement with the "master" on the other "ranking list" ?

Forgot, he didn't remember it too clearly, after all, the excitement was not regarded as the excitement, and was interrupted by Miss Joy. Of course, he remembered that he was one of the protagonists in the original, but he only remembered this, as for which of the two he was, he had forgotten...

But it doesn't matter if you forget, after all, it was not he who took the initiative to come to know him, but he came to ask for knowledge, and he would definitely introduce himself later.

Sure enough, Fu Nuo came over and introduced himself.

But after all, it’s not kneeling and licking, so I just greeted him with a general introduction name. Zhou Jiang would not be arrogant, even if he could not pretend, so he kindly greeted Fu Nuo and another trainer named Li Si. .

After greeted them and chatted for a while, the three of them stopped chatting and turned to look at the big screen to watch the ongoing game.

Neither of the two players currently competing on the 3rd venue are well-known trainers. Of course, this is from Zhou Jiang's standpoint.

After all, he didn't pay attention to these. In his opinion, only a few people on the "ranking list" are famous. For others, those who have reached the top 32 are already very strong.

6V6 has unlocked a variety of different types of venues, such as the water field, the grass field and the like.

The field is now the grass field. On the field, there is a water arrow turtle and a devouring beast. The water arrow turtle is an elite high-level, while the devouring beast is only an elite middle-level.

This should have been a crushing game, but the Water Arrow Turtle is now actually poisoned, and it is just a close match with the Devouring Beast.

Looking at this, Zhou Jiang knew that either this water arrow turtle had been fighting for a long time, or the trainer could not command it, and it was overcast by the opposite side.

Zhou Jiang naturally felt that the first type had the highest possibility.

Zhou Jiang was slightly surprised when the camera switched to the electronic display board showing the heads of two trainers and the number of elves.

It's almost nine o'clock now, almost ten o'clock, and there are still more than three elves on both sides!

He thought he was already under three...

After all, it's been so long, and there is nothing too destructive to see the venue.

In 6V6, not only the venue mode was added, but the venue had to be re-selected after one elf lost more than half of it, so he only looked at the venue when it was pretty good and thought it was halfway through the game.

The venue is changeable, and there are diversified options for tactics, but one disadvantage is that the maintenance cost of the alliance has increased sharply!

The most primitive site can be made very strong by laying special materials, and it is generally difficult to break. Of course, the sturdiness of the site will not affect the digging skills. The digging skills are not ordinary digging a cave. The principle is to use special energy to loosen the ground, so the site is strong but not Will affect the battle.

It will not affect the battle, but also can make the venue use longer, so most of the games are played on ordinary venues.

As for the league competition, it is considered a grand event, and it will not save money in the late game.

Although two football fields will be destroyed in a basic battle, the elves destroy the fields quickly and repair them quickly!

If the grass field is destroyed, let the grass elves use the grass field skills. For the ice field, use freezing light, etc. The same is true for the rock field. It can be said that as long as you have sufficient logistics, this does not need to spend too much money, and tickets Things like fees can still make money back.



At 10:30, the first round of the game was over, and it was time for Zhou Jiang to play.

Originally, he thought it would be after eleven o'clock, but he didn't expect to play faster and faster.

It turned out that the two players who played before sent their own ace elves first, so they played very slowly in front. Because they all had their own ace, so they didn't dare to wave, the two trainers were very careful and cautious.

The elves on both sides will naturally be careful, so it is difficult to make mistakes. The competition is basically luck, attributes and so on.

After all, in the battle between them, the fault tolerance rate is very low. One mistake or the like can determine the victory or defeat, so the two elves are very concentrated, that is, the fight is intractable.

In the latter part of the game, since the two parties in the early stage of the battle will definitely have a winner~www.ltnovel.com~, the impact on the later stage will be relatively large, and it will be easy to be snowballed.


Zhou Jiang, the most popular contestant at the moment, cannot be justified if the audience is not full.

Before he was not so famous, so many people came to watch him for the game. Now that his reputation explodes, more people come.

I have experienced it these few days, so Zhou Jiang is basically immune to the warm cheers of the audience, and he won't be overly nervous anymore.

He was playing against an unknown player, a trainer named Chu He.

Of course, not being famous is only for Zhou Jiang. Among the audience, his popularity is still quite high. And it is estimated that he is not a novice, so when he came out, the cheers erupted from the audience were not low.

However, it was far worse than Zhou Jiang.

The two stood still, first guessing the order, and then drawing the venue.

Zhou Jiang attacked first, and the elf came out first. In the case of the venue, it is a water venue.

Well, if the water field is used, the first three fire dinosaurs will not be used, and if the Qingteng snake is used, it needs to be considered. After all, it has no place to run. The ground is so big, the opposite skills are not easy to dodge. what.

The elves registered by Zhou Jiang are Fire Dinosaurs, Ivy Snake, Bibi Bird, Tyrannosaurus Ironclad, Menus, and Xanadu.

If you look at it now, only Bibi Niao, Menus, and Shanaido can use it.

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, but instead of releasing Bibi Bird, he threw Menus' Pokeball.

On the battlefield, after seeing Zhou Jiang’s Menus, Chu He hesitated for a while, and then he threw a elven ball, and the white light exploded, showing the appearance of a elven-sea thorn Dragon!

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