I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 728: Junk sea thorn dragon

Sea thorn dragon, this fairy is really good, but Zhou Jiang always finds it funny when he sees it.

Zhou Jiang didn't have much impression of the sea thorn dragon. The deepest one was the guy who was killed by Xiaozhi in the first game of the league tournament by the original Muji.

It seems to be called Jiang Ge Le Duo Wu? Although Zhou Jiang can't remember many names, Zhou Jiang remembers the name of this supporting role very clearly.

After all, he... is so stupid.

I was picked by Xiaozhi, a stunted crab who has never fought since he was caught...

This is so special that it refreshed his three views, the water is completely different.

Among the three elves he lost to Xiaozhi, one of them was the sea thorn dragon. As a result, he lost very strangely. It swam too fast and was slipped by the foam of the claw crab. After flying to the sky, it fell and disappeared... …

This is so special, it's not like that for nothing!

It makes people feel powerless to complain.

But aside from these impressions, if you speak according to the data, in fact, the sea thorn dragon is really a bit garbage.

The ability value is only 440, which is very low. There is no way. After all, it is only the second stage, and it is really incomparable to the final stage of the wizard.

In the second stage, its name is "sea thorn dragon". The result is a single water attribute. The dragon attribute will have to evolve into a thorn dragon queen. But its evolutionary conditions are very harsh. Dragon scales.

Those with "dragons", whether they are elves or props, are rare. Not to mention the elves, after all, there are many types of elves. Although some "yalong" are not common, they are not too rare.

The wizard items related to "Dragon" are different, they are definitely rare among the rare.

Dragon Scale doesn't talk about ordinary trainers, even those big families don't have many, and they even need to be replaced by people from other families.

And such a rare evolutionary item, it happens to be necessary for the evolution of the sea thorn dragon...

I don’t know who is boring. According to a sample survey, 99% of trainers who have sea stab dragons are unable to evolve their sea stab dragons. They can only stay in the sea stab dragon stage. One of the trainers has evolved, and most of them are still dragon scales accidentally picked up.

However, although the evolutionary conditions of the sea thorn dragon are harsh, it has to be said that after the evolution, the strength is still strong, and it can be regarded as an overlord in the water.

The race value of 540 is already very high, coupled with the dragon attribute after evolution, is more able to fight and resist, and is more proficient in water manipulation.

You get what you pay for, and many times there is a reason for it.

But having said so much, it is only the evolutionary type of the sea thorn dragon that is powerful, and now that the sea thorn dragon is going to face Menus, that is really not enough.

Even if its strength is not low, it can actually be trained to the elite mid-level, but its potential is almost there. The high-level elites may not necessarily go up. If you want to go up, you can only wait for evolution. .

It hasn't even reached the final evolution, and there is almost no threat to Menus.


First attack, Zhou Jiang directly let Menus use the hard vortex water blade attack.

And the target is surprisingly the only rock pillars on the water field!

Zhou Jiang’s own elves, the fire dinosaur, the vine snake, and the iron-clad tyrannosaurus did not expect them to fight in the water field here, and the remaining three elves didn’t need to care about these stubs, so he simply took this thing. Destroy it!

The elves on the opposite side are sea thorn dragons, and it doesn’t matter to him that there are no rock pillars, but other elves are not necessarily.

If there is only this water spirit on the opposite side, and there is no one that can fly, then his next game will be easy.

Even if the three elves have to change venues after they die, there are at least two games that can be played easily.

Although the hard vortex water blade seems to have higher damage in the second half of the waterspout, it is actually more powerful in the first half, when the water compressed in it has not exploded.

The super large amount of water is compressed into a long water javelin. The sharpness and tearing force are not a joke. Once it is hit, it will be seriously injured!

Especially after the attack hits, the waterspout will burst out suddenly, and the tearing force that burst out at that moment is not a joke.

But the strong is strong, but unfortunately the speed is a bit slow. The hard vortex water blade is a strong move. After condensing and then shooting, there are two periods of time in the blank period, and the opponent can easily flash the first wave of attacks. , So now the damage caused by the hard vortex water blade to the opponent is basically caused by the second stage waterspout.

But now it's just hitting a fixed target, and it's still attacking first, so it doesn't matter whether it is slow or slow.

There are five rock pillars in total, arranged like the "five" on the dice.

Since he attacked first, it meant that the opposite side could not attack before the attack was launched, so Menus simply brewed for a while, and then sent out five javelins compressed by water spouts at the same time.

After Menus attacked and flew out, the opposite side moved.

Under the command of the opposing trainer, the sea thorn dragon moved at high speed on the water.

To be honest, Zhou Jiang really wants to try, will the sea thorn dragon slip and fall by himself and then GG...

But after thinking that it was a mentally handicapped plot kill in the animation, he still gave up this unreliable idea, anyway, Menus could not beat it.

The hard vortex water blade is slow in the period from forming to flying out. This time is a bit long, so it is easy for the opposite side to be vigilant and avoid it. In fact, the flying speed of the hard vortex water blade itself is very fast, even better than normal. The skills must come quickly.

As soon as the sea thorn dragon started to move, the javelin of the hard vortex water blade had reached where they should be.

Although the rock pillar is not made of ordinary rock, it is also made of high-strength materials so that it will not be easily destroyed, but the strong penetrating power of the hard vortex water blade allows the javelin to be simply buried inside.

It penetrated into the rock pillar like a drill bit, and then burst out instantly!

The water spout that erupted from within directly exploded the entire rock pillar.

The five rock pillars that were originally able to withstand the tornado attack of the next skill were shattered in an instant and became a thing of the past. They were crushed into rubble and dust, whirled in the waterspout, and then rubbed with less tearing force.

The waterspout is started in the place where there is water, it will naturally drive the surrounding water, part of the water will be sucked into the waterspout, and the other part of the water will form a super vortex around the waterspout.

Since the five rock pillars are distributed a bit far away, it can be said that three-quarters of the water field will be covered by this waterspout and the subsequent vortex.

The sea thorn dragon, who had originally planned to rush towards Menas, didn't expect this to happen, and immediately followed and was taken in by a whirlpool.

But fortunately, the strength of the sea thorn dragon is not low, and the vortex has just formed, so it is out of the control of the vortex by diving and accelerating.

But it's a pity that these five maelstroms are there, and they have directly lost its speed advantage.

It has nowhere to run!

Although there is no contact with the maelstrom, and there is still a neutral point in the middle of each vortex, but at that point, you have to worry about the current, basically there is no place to hide.

Sea thorn dragon is like this, Menus is actually not comfortable.

After all, this stone pillar is in the middle of the field, so it will have a big impact on it. But this is the skill of Menus after all, how to avoid being passive, this will definitely be considered.

Dive deep, exit the sweeping range of the current, and then use energy to control the waterspout to slowly transfer to the opposite side, and directly bring the vortex to the opposite side!

But in this case, it doesn’t take as many as five water spouts. It only needs two side by side. In order to save energy, it does not control the remaining three abandoned water spouts to dissipate, just let them dissipate by themselves. .

Although it is said to be "slowly" moving past ~www.ltnovel.com~, the trend of this movement is still obvious.

The trainer of the sea stab dragon will not sit still and direct the sea stab dragon to attack.

Naturally, the attack was not against Menus. After all, Menus had sunk into the bottom, and there were still three water spouts behind the two water spouts.

Even if its attack penetrates the two water spouts in front and reaches the opposite side, and the shooting skills are not affected by the suction power of the water spouts, there are still three water spouts waiting in the back. By then, the original straight line attack will not be affected. Know where to go...

So its purpose can only be the waterspout that is constantly being controlled by Menus to approach it.

It's just that the attack of the sea thorn dragon is too weak.

There are basically no large-scale, high-bursting attacks, so it only uses water guns, water cannons and other skills, and there are no powerful skills such as destroying death lights.

Even if it is not weak, it is somewhat different from Menas, so its water gun, water cannon and other skills are basically useless for the water spout that is approaching it. After being submerged in the water spout, even a spray is Can't find out...

As the two waterspouts approach, the "living space" of the sea thorn dragon is getting less and less. After all, the two waterspouts moving towards it in front of it are close to it, and it is estimated that it will protect the trainer. The protective cover is about to be activated.

Once the speed is fast, isn't the sea thorn dragon going up to deliver food? The five water spouts are not a joke. After being doubled, it will be called every day and the ground will not work, and it will even retreat. It's gone.

Now it's a game that concerns his honor and prospects, and he doesn't allow him to be cautious. And this is only his first battle. The five elves haven't come out yet, so bet it's a risk or something, it's better not to come.

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