I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 767: Zhao Feng's call

The crunchy rock flew over and repelled the duck-billed fire dragon, and the big-character explosion of the duck-billed fire dragon also flew towards the location where the big needle bee was before.

   It's a pity that the Big Needle Bee has already flown away from there. It has already flown to the side of another "hill", as before. With a wave of the spear, dozens of gravel flew over.

As usual, the duck-billed fire dragon burned the rock red and crisp, and then blocked it with his arm. This was repeated six or seven times. The tall rocks on this rocky site were almost lost. The duck-billed fire dragon finally had a lack of energy and flame. The temperature did not reach, the rock did not become too brittle.

   hit it directly behind it and smashed it out.

   Beat down the dog.

  The unbalanced duck-billed fire dragon was attacked wildly by the big needle bee.

Numerous rubbles were smashed and flew towards it by the needle bee. Although there is no rock energy injected by the needle bee in the rock, there is no double damage, but the rock fire system itself is somewhat restrained, even if it is not true. Double the damage, there is still a little more than one.

   Although the duck-billed fire dragon tried to resist it, it was difficult to stop all of it in the face of this storm-like attack. It was rubbed against the ground by the big needle bee, and soon it lost its fighting ability.

   Next, the Stylus wasps against the Roentgen cat, and there was no major accident. Stitches killed it without any risk, but was beaten out of its origin.

   Originally, Big Needle Bee didn't want to use the original source. After all, it was suspected of bullying the weak, but when it was a close attack, the thunder and lightning attack of the Roentgen cat was really disgusting, and it was impossible to prevent it.

   Compared with the injury, it chose to compromise. After all, no one forced it not to open the source, so it opened the source.

After the whole body made a thin, almost invisible protective layer with the original source, the big needle bee can really do whatever it wants. The thunder and lightning of the roentgen cat hits it, and it is directly bounced partly, and the remaining part is left. After being offset, the remaining little energy can hardly cause any harm to it.

   Even if the Roentgen cat fights while standing like this, it will take a long time to kill the big needle bee.

   The original shield was opened, and the Roentgen cat was really out of play, so it died.

   After the roentgen cat is gone, Dai Qianyi is the three elves who have cooled off, and he has to take a break and change the venue.

   After the break, the venue has been selected and changed.

  The new venue is an ordinary venue, which is the most basic venue.

   Dai Qianyi released Roselle, while Zhou Jiang released Shanaido.

   Although Big Needle Bee restrained Roselle and Overlord Flower, Needle Bee also played three rounds, and it's time to change Shanaido.

   Roselando faced Shanaiduo, it was a situation of being crushed.

  A non-strength elves, or an elves with much weaker power than Shanaido, basically had no power to struggle in front of the power of mind.

   Roselando was caught by Shanaido, and after eating four shadow **** firmly, he died.

   The super power elves are too strong.

   wrapped the opponent's whole body with thought force, controlled the opponent, and then made a hole in the thought force layer of the opponent's stomach, and all the attacks hit the other side.

   The opponent is under control, struggling and still struggling, energy is also difficult to use, basically the life of the hammer.

   After Roselle was hung up, Dai Qianyi released the Gotha Duck, and then the Gotha Duck was also dried to death by Shane Duo in the same way, not at all ambiguous...

   As for the last Overlord Flower...

   It's the same, it didn't escape the fate of being abused.

   In the second half of the game, the entire half of the battle lasted about five minutes. There was no other sound in the entire battle field except for the explosion sound of Shanaido's shadow ball hitting Dai Qianyi's elf body.

   The audience forgot to cheer, and the narrator forgot to explain.

   Everyone looks stunned, it’s not so easy to abuse food...

   Unlike others, Dai Qianyi's mentality is quite "good".

   After the game, there was no sluggishness and he immediately took back the elf, and then smiled to Zhou Jiang and congratulated him on winning the league championship.

   Zhou Jiang was a little surprised. After all, he thought that if he was hit like this, the boat of their friendship would capsize.

I thanked him, and after a few words, the audience was closed "mute", and there was a wave of cheers. The narrator and two guests also recovered and shouted continuously. stand up.

   Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi's words were washed away in the sound, so the two sides didn't say much, and each left the opposite platform.

  The game is over...

   A game that was expected and unexpected.

   Zhou Jiang won, but this win seemed a bit exaggerated, especially in the second half.

   After the early match between Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi, there was only a third place match between Jin Yujie and Chen Fan in the afternoon.

   The match between Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi was played early. The only downside was that there would be a long gap with the second match.

   It’s only nine o'clock in the morning, almost ten o'clock...

   The game started at one o'clock in the afternoon, and there was a four-hour gap in the middle. Aside from eating and resting for one to one and a half hours, there were two and a half hours in between so that the audience could freely control.

   But the problem is that it only takes two and a half hours. If you want to go to a far place to watch, that won’t work. Because the time is too late, I’m afraid I will be back when I get there, unless I don’t watch the game in the afternoon.

  A place near? That’s not okay. Before, I took a break between each round of the league tournament. Tourists had already finished visiting nearby places. And the current "Battle Island" has not yet been completed. There are many attractions, parks, and so on. Not finished yet.

  In other words, during this period, most of them can only wait boringly in the audience for the start of the game, and many people still have no place to sit...

   At the end of the game, I accepted an interview, and then I met with Zhou Nan and others. Zhou Jiang said that he was very familiar with this group.

   went to the cafeteria to finish the meal, and then everyone went to the auditorium to wait for the game.

   It's twelve o'clock now, and it's almost too soon.

   The main thing is that Zhou Jiang’s interview took a lot of time.

After all, his champion had already been decided, so the reporters all came to interview, and Zhou Jiang, thinking that this was the last interview, they just asked them, as long as it was not deliberately making things difficult or making his problems, he would be one by one. Give them an answer.

   One of the questions is to ask Zhou Jiang in the next league competition. Will Zhou Jiang still come to participate? After all, in the next two years, Zhou Jiang can participate in several league competitions.

   Regarding this question, Zhou Jiang's answer was that he would not participate anymore, and would travel and walk around if possible in the future.

   He knows that many people on the Internet are now concerned about this. After all, if Zhou Jiang's strength is really going to be after the age of 30, then he will definitely take all the championships of the league competitions during this period.

  If this is the case, it would be too offensive for the public, and now Zhou Jiang can't see this champion (under the premise that the system rewards are not available), he will feel a little boring to play in the next few days, to be honest.

   If he comes to abuse food again, he will feel annoying himself.

   This is the trouble of opening a plug-in... Even if the game is played smoothly, it greatly reduces the life of the game and people’s patience.

   One o'clock, the game started on time.

   As soon as Zhou Jiang patted his hands twice, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

   I found out that it was actually Zhao Feng calling. Helplessly, Zhou Jiang could only talk to Zhou Nan on the side to answer the phone, then got up and bent over and left the auditorium.

   "Hello?" Zhou Jiang ran to the side toilet, and Zhou Jiang answered.

   "Zhou Jiang? Are you still on the court?"

   "Well, it's me. I'm still watching the game on the field. Is there anything wrong with Zhao Ge calling me?"

   "Well, there is indeed something. I should have come to pick you up today, but I am a little busy today, so I can't come over. Can you do me a favor?"

   "Um... Tell me, you can definitely help me."

   "Help me gather the top 16 people in the league and ask them if they want to come to the frontier."

   "Um...you haven't contacted them yet?" Zhou Jiang was a little surprised. After all, the top 16 had been out for a few days, and he thought they would have done it a long time ago.

   "Uh...what, it's too busy here, the frequency of attacks by the elves in the "other world" has increased, and the King of Water has already been suppressed, and I have something to do."

   "Okay..." Zhou Jiang heard it all at once. He must have been too lazy to make it before. He planned to come over today and contact them all at once and then take it back. As a result, there was something he couldn't leave today.

   "Haha, thank you, I will invite you to dinner when you come over!"

   "Farewell, the meals over there are free. If you want to ask, please wait until you go back." Zhou Jiang said angrily.

   "Ahaha, alright! After returning to City V, I invite you! You can go anywhere."

   "Let's talk about it after the treat. If someone doesn't come, just just do them, don't force it?" Zhou Jiang asked.

   "Well, don't force it, after all, it's not that time yet, but they should all come here, after all, the strength of the elves is greatly improved here.

   "Well, then I'll go contact them, I hope there are more people."

   "Well, it's not in a hurry, you can go to the game first, after all, it's the last one."


   After chatting with Zhao Feng for a while, after learning about the current situation in Bianfeng, Zhou Jiang hung up the phone.

   shook his head and sighed, Zhou Jiang found Chen Ziang's phone number from the address book and dialed it.

   The phone rang for more than ten seconds before being picked up. As soon as the phone was connected, there was a warm cheer from the other side. Needless to think about it, he must be watching the game in the audience at this time.

   "Hey!" Chen Ziang's shout came over the phone. As the other audience over there shouted loudly, he shouted loudly.

   "Brother, there is a chance for you, do you want?"


   "It's good, come or not?" Zhou Jiang thought he didn't know what it meant, so he explained.

   "What are you talking about? Loud, inaudible! I am too noisy here!"


   "You come out! Come to the toilet here! There is something very important!!" Zhou Jiang took a deep breath and roared. What was a bit embarrassing was that someone just came in outside at this time...

   Zhou Jiang glanced at him, looked at his strange look, and silently moved his eyes away.

   When I looked back on the phone, the phone was already hung up.

   Zhou Jiang didn't know if the other side heard it, and then he hung up and walked over or what, but he was still going to wait and see, so he walked out of the toilet and went to look outside.

   waited for more than a minute, when no one came, he was just about to call and ask, but the caller ID appeared on the screen, which was from Chen Ziang.

   "Hello? Which toilet are you in..." Chen Ziang's voice came across the phone, and the audience's voice was also weakened.

   "Uh..." Zhou Jiang just remembered, he hasn't told him the specific location yet, there are eight toilets in this venue...

   But it seems that Chen Ziang just hung up the phone?

   Without thinking, he told him the location of the toilet, and then Zhou Jiang waited patiently.

   Not long after, Zhou Jiang saw Chen Ziang running over.

   Zhou Jiang greeted him. Before he could speak, he first asked: "What the **** is going on."

  Well, seeing him so direct, Zhou Jiang didn’t bludgeon and asked: “After the league tournament, I will take you to a place that can improve the elves’ strength, go?”

   "Huh? Where?" Chen Ziang's eyes lit up after hearing Zhou Jiang's words.

   "I can't tell you the exact location yet. This is considered an alliance secret. You can only know if you go there. However, the place is dangerous and may kill people. Are you sure you want to go?"

   "..." Chen Ziang's happy expression stagnated, frowned, thought for a moment, and asked: "Have you been there?"

   Zhou Jiang gave him a strange look.

   He roughly heard what Chen Ziang said.

He asked this, he should be asking him (Zhou Jiang) is so strong ~ www.ltnovel.com~ is it because he has been there, and he asked this, it means that if Zhou Jiang said yes, He will go, and as for the danger, it is not worth mentioning.

   Although Zhou Jiang's strength was not improved in the border, Zhao Feng and Zhao Tianwang did. Although the main reason was his family relationship, it was indeed improved in the border. Therefore, the border can improve the strength of a lot of elves, there is no problem.

   So Zhou Jiang nodded and gave him an affirmative answer, "Yes, I have been there."

   Even if Chen Ziang really asked him if he had been there, Zhou Jiang was sure, after all, he had visited it before.

   "Okay, then I'll go!" Chen Ziang nodded and said firmly.

   "Ok, just go. Then you need to go to the wizard center. You need to read some confidentiality regulations and sign some confidentiality certificates."

   Chen Ziang nodded, not dissatisfied, and asked, "When will I go?"

   "I will leave in these two days. I will wait for the details. But not only we are going, but also the other top 16 players. To tell you the truth, Zhao Feng and Zhao Tianwang entrusted me to do it."

   Chen Ziang was not surprised, nodded and asked: "I am the first person you contacted, and there are still a few people who have not contacted. I will help you ask.

"Oh." Zhou Jiang gave a dry cough with some embarrassment, and laughed: "You are the first to contact me. For others, I only have the numbers of Chen Fan and Brother Dai. Chen Fan is still playing. As for Brother Dai, I want you to contact him. It's a bit inconvenient..."

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