After assigning a training list with Chen Ziang, the two separated.

Originally there were 16 people in total, and besides himself, Chen Ziang and the two people who were fighting on the field, there were twelve people in contact.

So the two contacted six people each.

In the top 16 of the league competition, although most of them are in the top 16 of the "ranking list", some are lucky. Because the people on the "ranking list" are eliminated from each other, they squeezed in.

Zhao Feng wants the top 16 in the league competition, so although a few people are not on the "ranking list", Zhou Jiang does not care.

After all, their strength is not too bad, they can also go to the border.

Zhou Jiang doesn’t have their number, so you have to ask the official to ask for it. The official has to register it. At least you must have these basic information to participate in the league competition, and the accommodation must be registered, so as long as he asks for it, you can get it. To.

As for whether you can get it...

He was given by someone named Zhao Tianwang, and the information about participating in the league competition was in the hands of Miss Joey in the Wizard Center. Given his relationship with Joey's family, it is not difficult to get it.

I sent a text message to Zhou Nan and the others, telling them that they have something to do, not going back, and let them watch it for themselves.

They didn't reply to the message, Zhou Jiang didn't care, and walked directly towards the wizard center.

It was Joey Rou who received Zhou Jiang before, and Zhou Jiang simply asked for information from her.

After all, this was not important information, it was just a phone number, and Zhou Jiang also told her that he wanted the phone number to ask them if they were going to the border, so Miss Joey didn't ask much.

Qian Hongguang, Su Wanwan, Guan Ge, Cai Wei, Fu Nuo, Zhao Yongnian.

These six people are the objects he is responsible for contacting.

Zhou Jiang didn't want to be inked either. After asking Miss Joey to borrow a living room, she took out her mobile phone and called them one by one.

Zhou Jiang was too lazy to talk to them one by one, trick them all, and then talk together.

After calling and introducing myself, I told them directly that the league had activities, and they wanted all the top 16 players in the league to come to the Wizard Center.

After all six calls, Zhou Jiang sat on the sofa in the living room and waited quietly.

Suddenly, he thought of Chen Ziang's side, and regretted that he divided half of his contacts...

If it doesn't matter, he can just call them all right now, and solve them all at once. If Chen Ziang is asked to contact those people, God knows when it will be done.

After all, he couldn't get the contact information from Miss Joey as he did.

Although he regretted it, Zhou Jiang did not plan to contact the other six people.

Now that they have already agreed to separate and contact him, no matter what, I have to trust him. It is impossible to ask Chen Ziang on the front foot. After he agrees, he regrets it on the back foot and says he doesn't need his help.

Then this is too offensive...

There is still time anyway, so Zhou Jiang is not in a hurry.

After waiting in the living room for a while, Zhou Jiang got up and walked outside.

It suddenly occurred to him that if the six people contacted came one by one, would Miss Joey lead the way six times?

Even if you borrow other people's place, you have to let your "guests" continue to lead the way. This is too unreasonable, so Zhou Jiang plans to go out and wait.

Seeing Zhou Jiang walking out, Joey Rou came up and asked if there was anything he needed to help.

Zhou Jiang waved his hand, smiled and thanked him, saying that he was waiting for someone.

Miss Joey looked at Zhou Jiang for a few seconds, then smiled softly, without saying anything, and went to work on her own.

Sure enough, Guan Ge and the six of them came in separate waves.

Although the interval was not long, they all came one by one. If Zhou Jiang didn't come out and wait by herself, then Miss Joey would have to take the road six times.

The first person to come was Cai Wei. Once he came, he asked what was the specific matter. Zhou Jiang didn’t say anything, so he asked him to wait for a while. There will be others coming later. Let’s talk together when everyone comes. .

Cai Wei didn't say much, and sat on the sofa with him and waited.

It's the last game of the league tournament and everyone is watching the game, so even if it comes in batches, the time will not be too different.

After Cai Wei arrived, the second person Guan Ge walked into the wizard center in less than two minutes, and Zhou Jiang quickly got up to greet him.

Then Fu Nuo, Qian Hongguang, Su Wanwan and others also arrived.

After the crowds were gathered, Zhou Jiang took them to the meeting room. After everyone was seated, Zhou Jiang talked to them directly without any ink stains.

"After the league match, Zhao Tianwang asked me to take you to a place where if you are lucky, the strength of the elves can be quickly improved, but even if the luck is not very good, it will be improved. The only trouble is There will be danger. The death of elves is common over there. If it is more serious, even people will not be able to return."

Having said that, Zhou Jiang looked at their faces and expressions, and saw that they didn’t have much emotional fluctuations, but after all frowned, he continued, “Of course, it’s up to you to go or not. If you do, we will not force you to go, but this is a rare opportunity and I hope you can seriously consider it."

As Zhou Jiang’s voice fell in the living room, the meeting room fell into silence. The six people were silent. Zhou Jiang didn’t say much, but his eyes kept sweeping across the faces of the six, and then they waited for their questions. Answer for them.

It was Cai Wei who spoke first. He raised his head, glanced at Zhou Jiang, then pointed his hand at himself and waited for the six people, and asked, "You said it was the top sixteen, right? The others..."

Listening to Cai Wei's words, the other five people reacted, and after looking at each other, they also looked at Zhou Jiang.

"I have contacted Chen Ziang before contacting you. He has already decided to go. The other six people said he helped contact them. If Jin Yujie and Chen Fan are still in the game, I will contact them after the game. "

Cai Wei nodded, said nothing, and no one asked more about this matter.

It was Su Wanwan who asked again. She said: "How long will it take to go and can I come back anytime?"

"Um..." Hearing her question, Zhou Jiang was silent for a while, and then replied with some helplessness: "I don't know this, but I should be able to withdraw at any time. I need to ask Zhao Tianwang. This is a must to know. Is it?"

"No, it's just that I want to know, can't it?" Su Wanwan looked at Zhou Jiang with no expression on her face. Those who didn't know thought she was finding fault.

Zhou Jiang secretly sighed for another ancestor, but still shook his head, and said: "Okay, I ask, but there is no guarantee of any reply. After all, Zhao Tianwang seems to be very busy, otherwise I won't be the one to contact you."

With that said, Zhou Jiang took out his cell phone, and after finding Zhao Feng, he sent him a message.

After sending it out, Zhou Jiang showed her the screen of her mobile phone, then stopped the screen and put it down.

"Okay, skip this question first, are there any other questions."

Su Wanwan shook her head, and Zhou Jiang looked at the others.

The other four shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing wrong with them.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "The earliest gathering is tomorrow, and the latest is probably the day after tomorrow. Anyway, it will be these few days. You still have time to think carefully. If you don’t go, then call or send me a message. , Don’t worry if you go, I’ll notify you when the time is up, there should be no problem, right?"

"That, let me ask."

Zhou Jiang looked at the speaker, and the others looked over.

Zhao Yongnian asked: "It's an official organization of the alliance, right? Of course, I don't doubt what you mean, I..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Jiang interrupted him and said, “It’s okay. It’s okay to ask clearly. This is indeed officially organized by the Alliance. When you are going to go, you have to read the confidentiality regulations and sign the confidentiality agreement. If you have any questions, you can ask Miss Joey, she also knows it, and I believe Miss Joey can give you the answer."

Zhao Yongnian nodded, Zhou Jiang looked at the six people, and then said: "Let's do this first, my number is in your mobile phone. You can ask me anytime if you have any questions. As long as I know, I will Give you an answer."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang looked at Su Wanwan: "As for your question, because Zhao Tianwang hasn't answered me yet, I can't answer you yet. When he answers me, I will send you a text message."

Su Wanwan nodded and said nothing.

As soon as Zhoujiang finished speaking, he heard someone knock on the door.

Zhou Jiang looked over there with some doubts and said, "Please come in."

It was Miss Joey who opened the door, with a plate in her hand with some fruit in it.

"Well, excuse you, here are some fruits, you can eat whatever you want."

With that said, Miss Joey put the fruit plate on the table in the middle of the sofa.

Although he couldn't eat it, Zhou Jiang smiled and said, "Thank you Miss Joey."

Miss Joey smiled and nodded to Zhou Jiang, then nodded to the six "guests", and then walked outside.

After all that should be said, it is time for them to consider.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang had nothing to say, the six people got up and left one after another, and Zhou Jiang did not go out to send it off.

After they all went out, Zhou Jiang glanced at the fruit plate, secretly glanced at the closed red wooden door, and then fished out a fruit that looked like a longan and threw it into his mouth...



When Zhou Jiang returned to the audience, although the game was not over yet, it had already reached a feverish stage.

Jin Yujie guessed that Zhou Jiang was cast into a psychological shadow or something. He actually fought a 50-50 fight against Chen Fan. The big screen shows that Jin Yujie still has two elves, and Chen Fan also has two other than the field. Except for the two in the game, both of them have only one elf.

Among them, Jin Yujie's elves had never been released, showing that they were ordinary red and white elf balls, and Chen Fan was indeed the elf that had been released and then taken back. It was a black elf head.

In this way, either Chen Fan broke out or Jin Yujie became rubbish.

Because Jin Yujie had three quasi-celestial kings, and the frog flower was still close to the level of the quasi-kings, Chen Fan had only two quasi-celestial kings, and their level was not very high.

It stands to reason that Jin Yujie and Chen Fan should have a big advantage, but now they are only tied.

It is impossible for Chen Fan to make such a big improvement suddenly, so it is only possible for Jin Yujie to perform abnormally.

And the reason for the malfunction...

Zhou Jiang sat back in position, they just looked back and then stopped paying attention, did not ask anything, just continued to look at the court and cheered.

However, Zhou Nan, who was sitting next to him, asked "Why come here so late" because of the close distance. After Zhou Jiang casually replied "I'm busy with something," he didn't ask more.


Suddenly, fierce applause and cheers rang out, and the narrator shouted loudly.

Zhou Jiang looked at the court, Chen Fan's fifth elf was killed by Jin Yujie, and Jin Yujie's elf seemed to have a lot of physical strength, but it was just a little gasp, and there were not too many scars on his body.

From this point of view, Jin Yujie's victory is the one.

After the sprite hangs up, on the big screen, the sprite ball next to the portrait, which represents the number of sprites, will go black. It is not clear who is hanging up. If it is taken back, the sprite ball will be displayed in the sprite ball. Shadow.

From the avatar, Chen Fan’s sixth elf is a sonic boomerang, and Jin Yujie’s last elf, although I don’t know what it, shouldn’t be weak, plus it’s still on the field. The overlord flower, Chen Fan is unlikely to come back.

Chen Fan threw out the elf, the sound-cracking monster.

Jin Yujie didn't choose to take back the elf, he should have made the Bawanghua consume the energy of the sonic boom as much as possible, and then use the last elf to defeat him.

Game start.

Bawanghua played conservatively and was always defensive. It was obvious that he wanted to drag. On the contrary, it was the sonic boomerang. It was very fierce, and his skills flew up one by one, completely not giving the Bawang any rest.

Although its physical strength is reduced very quickly, this is also impossible. After all, if the Overlord Flower uses the recovery skills, it will be bad.

Moreover, the Overlord Flower is not much physically strong, at least less than that of the Sonic Boom. In addition, it is injured, and the pressure will be much greater in high-speed battles. Once there is a little mistake due to the pain of the wound, it will be caught by the Boom, and then Take this to tear the hole and knock it down in one breath!

The Overlord Flower finally fell, but before it fell, it gave the sonic boom a DEBUFF, a sweet fragrance.

In the game, the effect of the sweet aroma is to reduce the dodge ability of the opponent's elves, and the state shown in reality is to fall into a state of "intoxication".

The resistance is low, and if the skill is completely eaten, it will be completely "drunk". If it is better, it will also be affected. It is difficult to walk. It can be said that this skill is quite powerful.

Fortunately, although the Overlord Flower's skills are very powerful and proficiency is high, but the sonic boomerang just took a long breath and was not affected much.

Overlord Flower lost the ability to fight, Jin Yujie replaced the last unreleased elf-the lizard king!

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