A large number of elves such as Big Needle Bee can be sent to intercept, and the lowest strength is also the elite high-level. It is naturally very easy to deal with the strongest elite high-level support elves.

For the big needle bee, as long as there is enough time, it can single out them all by itself.

Although there is no time to give it, it does not need to deal with all the elves.

Although there are more elves in this "different world" than they are, they are not much, only five or six. The powerful ones such as the big needle bee are enough to deal with two elves at once.

For the big needle bee, are two more?

If you don't solve the opponent in five seconds, it's not serious.

The fact is also true. After the big needle bees came into contact with the group of elves in the "other world", the big needle bees confronted the two elves, and the other elves also chose their opponents one after another, and then started fighting.

On the big needle bee, it is facing a big wolf dog and a big mouth baby. The big wolf dog is the elite high-level, and the big mouth baby is the elite middle-level.

After the big needle bee confronted them, they shaved directly and then pointed the gun. The big wolf dog died suddenly. After blocking the attack of the big mouth baby, another shot made the big mouth baby cold.

In less than five seconds, Big Needle Bee solved his opponent.

It's not that the big wolf dogs are weak, but the big sting bee is too strong.

And the Great Wolfhounds underestimated the enemy, so they played GG.

After the big needle bee is over, immediately go to help the other elves on the side.

Although they can play without it to help them, but this is not a problem that can't be beaten, the speed ends when the speed is over.

With the help of Big Needle Bee, the battle situation was snowballed again, and the elves of the "other world" collapsed at the touch of a touch and were completely destroyed.

From the beginning of the contact between the elves on both sides to the end, it took less than 20 seconds to complete. This is an absolute crush!

However, although the Big Needle Bees solved these elves in a short period of time, they were unfortunately discovered by a large army of elves in the distant "other world".

After the big needle bees resolved the battle, they immediately retreated and ran towards Zhou Jiang and the others, and the large forces over there in the "siege" also separated the elves and chased them towards the big needle bees. .


Zhou Jiang and others naturally discovered that a large group of "other world" elves chased over.

Zhou Jiang looked at everyone and comforted: "It's okay, let's hide for a while. This mountain is so big, as long as we hide, they will not have more than 10,000 elves coming, don't want to find us, and we can also use The terrain waits to fight them in guerrilla warfare. The elves on our side are of higher level. As long as the number of elves chasing is not many, we can even wipe them out!"

Luo Hao nodded, and said, "That's right. Look at the elves chasing over there. There are probably only a few hundred elves. Unless they get together to find us, if they separate, they will give us a chance. We have attracted so many elves, the pressure on the frontline base should be much less."

After Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao's "analysis", everyone didn't panic.

Although nobody panicked.

Luo Hao said: "We will find a hidden place to hide first, and then we will leave only the fast elves outside to attract those who are chasing them, and then we will ambush on the side of the road and wait for the elves to chase. Then we let the elves come out to attack, and after a wave, we continue to run, how about?"

"I have a question, what should we do if we can't escape and we are caught up?" Chen Yajie asked.

Zhou Jiang also shook his head and said, "This can't work. How can people run past elves? It would be bad if they were caught up. With so many elves, even if they didn't catch up, we couldn't get away with the skill washing. "

Luo Hao didn't insist, but asked: "Then you guys talk about what to do. Now the group of black skins are about to chase you, there must be a way?"

Zhou Jiang said: "I think your method is okay, but you have to separate them first. After all, a few hundred is a bit too much for us. We can leave a few more elves outside, such as choosing three speeds. The quick elves are here. After the elves of the "other world" chase them, let them run separately, and then let the elves chase them separately. As long as they are scattered and separated, we have a chance."

"Yes." Luo Hao nodded and added: "However, a gathering place must be determined in advance."

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Well, that's for sure."

Chen Yajie said: "The meeting place is right where we met on the side of the mountain before."

"Yes." Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao nodded without comment.

After a brief discussion, the Big Needle Bees also returned to their side. As for the group of elves from the "other world" they were chasing, they were still far away, and it would take three or four minutes to get to their side.

Zhou Jiang suggested: "For the elves, let's keep the flying elves. They can fly and have better avoidance ability."

"Yes, but how many elves are we going to keep here?"

"The more the better. Let's gather together and keep all the flying elves with high speed and above the elite level."


So everyone "clustered" together. Although they had a large number of people, a total of 27 people, but the fast flying elves had to reach the elite level, so there were not many. They gathered together and counted. Zhou Jiang's Big Needle Bee has only collected seven.

"Seven will do." Zhou Jiang looked at the seven elves who were released, standing in a row and entrusted with important tasks.

Except for the big needle bee, the other six elves are all eagles.

Zhou Jiang stood up and said to them: "There is not much time left, I will make a long story short. You stay here later, the purpose is to attract the attention of those "other world" elves."

Suddenly, someone said to himself, "As if they are not chasing?"

Hearing that, everyone didn't care who said it, but turned their heads to look at the direction of the elf who was chasing over the plain.

Zhou Jiang also looked over and found that the group of "other world" elves really didn't want to chase after it. Think about it, after the big needle bees flew back into the mountain, they couldn't find their shadows. There is still a lot of distance. Generally speaking, if they chase them, the big needle bees would have gone to nowhere.

Again, the elves of the "other world" are reckless, but it doesn't mean that they have no brains.

After seeing big needle bees hiding in the mountains, it is normal to give up.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, then looked at Xanadu and said, "Use the shadow ball to attract them, don't let them go back!"

Since they are all halfway, how can they give up halfway? And they have all prepared their plans, how can they let them go back so easily and make sure they leave nothing behind?

Xanadu nodded, and then began to gather energy.

With a distance of more than two thousand meters, even Shanaido had to condense a little to make the skills fly that far.

More than ten seconds later, the super-condensed shadow ball of Xanadu flew towards the group of elves in the "different world" that he had chased before.

This mini-shadow ball, which was super-compressed by Xanadu and twice smaller than the usual shadow ball, flew hundreds of meters when it was thrown away by Xanadu, and within twenty seconds, this shadow ball Can smash on the heads of those elves in the "other world".


A loud noise came from there, and Zhou Jiang and the others could hear clearly from a distance, and even the sound of a large group of "other world" elves "sitting the city" farther away was overwhelmed.

After reaching the destination, the energy of the super-compressed shadow ball burst out in an instant, forming a black spherical field, and everything inside was swallowed by darkness.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang thought, shouldn't they be killed by Shanaido in such a short time?

It turns out that Zhou Jiang thought too much.

Shanaido is powerful, but how could it be possible to kill those elves at once, after all, hundreds of them.

And the main purpose of her shadow ball is to provoke them, not to kill the enemy.

But even so, the elves of those "other worlds" also killed three elves and injured more than ten.

Suddenly attacked like this, the group of elves in the "other world" became angry in an instant. They originally wanted to turn around and ran towards Zhou Jiang and the others, screaming and roaring while they were running. It's like a group of hungry wolves.

"Okay, come here, withdraw!"

Seeing that the group of elves in the "other world" was held in hatred by Shanaido, Luo Hao shouted, and Zhou Jiang stopped them as soon as they were about to turn their heads and run.

What he was going to talk before was interrupted. Now, although time is tight, what he is going to talk about is the task that the elves staying here will perform, and this must be told to them.

Stopping Luo Hao and others, Zhou Jiang also forced them more, and directly said to the seven elves who stayed behind: "After they rush over, you will retreat with a few attacks, but when you retreat, they will be divided into two batches. Withdraw in different directions.

If they chase you without dividing their troops, those who are not chased will continue to attack and harass them until they chase you.

It is the same afterwards. After running a certain distance, you again divide into two batches and run in different directions until you are the only one running, but in the meantime, you must hold the elves chasing behind you. , Don't let them go back or run away!

You all know the place of the last meeting. It was the place where we met yesterday, but you can’t go there at the same time. Set a sequence, you, you, you, you..."

Click one by one, and after finishing seven, Zhou Jiang quickly said: "When can you go there, we will notify you at that time. The method of notification is to shoot fireworks and flares in the sky. Understand. Ready to start, don't forget to run at the destination at the beginning, and the rest will run as you like."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang shouted "Run!", then turned and ran.

Although he tried to speak as long as possible, and the speed of his speech was also very fast, it took a while after all.

They can't run faster than the speed of those elves. If they delay any longer, Zhou Jiang is afraid that they will be driven by the elves of the "other world" that are chasing them.

After Zhou Jiang ran for a second, the rest of the people reacted and hurriedly followed Zhou Jiang's pace.

Now they are racing against time. There are a total of 27 people, including five girls. No one cares about images or the like, all of them run desperately.

Before walking from the mountain side to this side, they spent more than two hours, including the time to consider which way to go and the speed difference between walking and running, they were afraid they would have to run so hard for half an hour. about.

Running at such a high intensity for half an hour, even with their strong physique, is somewhat difficult, but fortunately, they only need to stay away from here now.

The remaining seven elves are the fastest elves in their team with the strongest dodge ability. It is not a big problem to drag for half an hour, so their time is not too tight.

As long as they are a little farther away from the dangerous zone here, they don't need to run so vigorously, it is okay to slow down.


Two minutes later, everyone who was running heard an explosion from behind.

Needless to say, it is also known that the elves from the "other world" have arrived, and they have come into contact with the large needle bees that remain behind!

The team that had slowed down a bit quickly picked up in an instant.

This is unpleasant. After all, they haven't ran far. Although the elves who stay behind will not run toward them with elves from the "other world", what if?

In case they ran on the route next to them, and then accidentally saw them...

With a sense of crisis, everyone's speed rose again.

Although they are running in the mountains, Shanaido chooses the route, so there is no ditch and the **** is not steep, so except for a little more effort and looking at the trees in front and around, there is nothing else. Problem.

After running wildly for about eight minutes, Zhou Jia and other girls couldn't stand such a high-intensity run, and everyone's speed slowed down.

But it is not to stop and rest~www.ltnovel.com~ The speed is slow and slow, and you have to keep moving forward.

Although Zhou Jia and the others were tired, they could tell the difference, so they insisted on it. No one said they would take a break.

Running is a compulsory course before they become trainers. After all, in the wild, if they encounter dangers that cannot be solved, they can only run. Only if they survive can they continue to become stronger.

So running has become their specialty!

As long as you are a trainer, no one can't run, even a fat man can run fast in a critical moment.

It is impossible for the girls to run with all their strength, but they can still do it if they continue to run at a certain rhythm.

After running for forty minutes, the tired and paralyzed people finally reached their destination.


Panting heavily, Zhou Jiang almost didn't even bother to do the basic cover-up, put his hand into his trouser pocket, spent one point from the system for a flare, and then shot towards the sky.

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