Seeing that Zhou Jiang had sent a signal flare, Luo Hao mobilized everyone and said, "Okay, everyone hold on, hide first, come here!"

The crowd, panting on the ground, got up and followed Zhou Jiang and Luo Hao into the bushes nearby.

This place is still quite empty, so they chose this place as the meeting place.

Zhou Jiang and the others lay in ambush in the bushes. After the Big Needle Bee and the others brought the elves from the "other world", the 27 of them would throw the elven **** and attack them all in one honeycomb.

The number of elves in the "different world" chased is at most more than two hundred. If they are divided into seven parts, they are evenly divided. There are only more than 30 elves in a team. They can eat them directly if they put two elves out. Up.

It can be said that as long as they are drawn, there will be no return.

Behind the bushes, the people who were still breathing heavily before have slowly adjusted their breath, and their breathing has gradually calmed down.

They have been waiting for almost seven minutes, and counting the time, the first elf should also come.

The ones who were left to attract the elves of the "other world" were all "selected" elves. Their speed and evasion ability were first-class, and they would not be simply caught up and killed.

"Come!" Shanaiduo, who was in the spirit network to explore the surroundings, reported to Zhou Jiang, and Zhou Jiang reminded Luo Hao and others.

Luo Hao and the rest who were reminded by Zhou Jiang became serious, and subconsciously held their breath.

At the same time, the roar of a large group of elves running also came.

Everyone buried their heads cautiously, and they all hid in the bushes.

Zhou Jiang slightly probed, then gave a low drink, and said, "Don't stick out your head, listen to my command, let's release the elves together!"

Luo Hao nodded in agreement, "Okay!"

Chen Yajie has no opinion either.

Both captains agreed, so naturally their players would not have any opinions.

Although Zhou Jiang was observing this way and seizing the opportunity, it was actually Xanadu who was “working”.

Shanaiduo used the Nianli Network to monitor the elves running here, and then notified Zhou Jiang when he would attack.

Soon, Zhou Jiang, who stretched his head slightly, saw Bi Diao flying over and a group of elves hanging far behind him.

The first elves must be the weakest among the seven, and Zhou Jiang's big needle bee will come back last.

"Come on, get ready!"

During the raid, Zhou Jiang felt that the best time was when they were about to run over. At that time, they were facing them side by side, and when they attacked, they would definitely be caught off guard.

Bi Diao said it was panicking now.

It has come to the place where it was agreed to gather, but it did not see the owner and his companions. Behind it is a bunch of ferocious elves. It dare not stop. Once it stops, it will be caught by the one behind. The group of elves caught and tore them alive.

It was thinking, is it possible that it came early? Is it possible to come to the wrong place? is it possible……

But obviously that human being said that he could come over after he gave a signal, but why...


With a sudden loud shout, he was so frightened that Bi Diao almost didn't fly steady, and stabilized his mind, it quickly adjusted its flying posture to avoid being hit by the skills of the "other world" spirit behind.

What about the other side than the Eagle, Zhou Jiang and the others didn't care about it, it was just a tool man, responsible for separating the group of "other world" elves and bringing them over.

The elves are attracted, then it is useless.

Zhou Jiang and the others, after Zhou Jiang shouted loudly, everyone threw the pokeball in their hands.

Everyone threw out three elves, a total of eighty-one elves, and instantly the empty space that was originally empty was filled with elves.

But this is not the point, the point is that the battle has begun!

When they were not prepared, before the elves of the "other world" had not realized what was going on, the attacks of the elves of Zhou Jiang and others hit them in the face.

Various ultimatums flew out one after another. The number and level of the elves were dominant on Zhou Jiang and others. In addition, the elves of the "other world" were caught off guard and didn't react, so they were tragedy.

After the elves of Zhou Jiang and others went down in one round of bombing, most of the elves of the "other world" were cold. After the second round of attacks, the elves of the "other world" only had a few defenses left. The outstanding elves are still alive.

At this time they had already reacted and launched a counterattack, but what's the use?

There are only three elves standing now, and Zhou Jiang and the elves on their side have no loss at all.

Eighty-one to three, you can win with the ass.

So far, in less than a minute, Zhou Jiang and the others wiped out the first team of the "other world" elves that they had chased with a huge advantage of zero damage.

A big victory without a doubt!

"Don't be happy too early, this is only the first wave, quickly clean up the battlefield and prepare for the second wave!" Zhou Jiang interrupted their cheers, it was too early to complete victory.

This is only one seventh.

Everyone nodded and directed the elves to clean up the battlefield. The most important thing was the corpses and blood of the group of "other world" elves and the smell of blood.

Let the flying eagles and some flying elves use downwind or fierce wind skills to blow away the smell of blood, and then let the rock and ground elves make a big hole in the ground.

They also didn't bother to transport the corpses of the elves from the "other world" to other places, digging holes on the spot to bury the corpses of those elves.

Finally, after letting the elf cover up the hole where the elf's body was buried, everything was done.

"Okay, get ready for the second wave!" Zhou Jiang said, reaching into the backpack and pretending to take out the flare.

Before he was so tired that he wanted to lie down on the spot before he directly reached into his trouser pocket. Now that he has enough rest, he naturally wants to pretend to be a little bit.

After firing the flare, several people continued to hide in the bushes, waiting for the next wave of "leeks" to arrive.

After waiting for another seven or eight minutes, when the second wave of elves arrived, the sun was already slanting west.

The old rules, everyone hid in the grass, Zhou Jiang poked his head out to check, and then made adjustments and launched an offensive under Xanadu's reminder.

After another victory without injury, the process of blowing off the smell, burying the corpse, and cleaning the battlefield was repeated, and so on until the fifth time, everyone overturned the car.

After finishing the fifth wave, it was supposed to clean the battlefield and continue to ambush the sixth wave elves, but before they even started to clean the battlefield, the sixth wave elves appeared!

The elves of the sixth wave were originally chasing Bi Diao, but there were five booming noises from the front, even though they had no brains, they felt that something was wrong, and they just ran near here, so They decisively abandoned Bi Diao and ran toward this side, that is, the battlefield, and they met Zhou Jiang and others who had just ended the battle.


After discovering that it had been exposed, Luo Hao shouted, and then Zhou Jiang and the elves on their side decisively turned around and attacked towards the sixth wave of elves.

The number of elves divided into seven waves is almost the same, at most the difference between the average of four or five, and Zhou Jiang and their 81 elves can eat them steadily.

It's the same even if you don't attack, it just takes a little longer.

Thinking of this, Zhou Jiang took out the signal flare and shot it directly into the sky.

Finally, there was the wave of Big Needle Bee. According to the previous situation, Big Needle Bee should have arrived after seven or eight minutes, and seven or eight minutes was enough for Zhou Jiang and the others to kill the sixth wave of elves.

On average, two-on-one or even three-on-one, and the level strength is higher than them. How do you lose?

Three minutes later, the battle was almost over. There were only six elves on the opposite side who were struggling to persevere. Zhou Jiang and the others were afraid of accidentally injuring the friendly army, so the elves who ended the battle did not rush to help, but just stood on the side and watched. .

After another minute, the battle was completely over.

The sixth wave of elves was wiped out, and the price that Zhou Jiang and the elves paid was only one or two elves with slight abrasions.

Did not let the elves clean the battlefield, but let them rest in place.

It's the last wave of elves, and they can kill them directly without a sneak attack, so let them rest now, and then wait for them to come over and do it.

Without letting Zhou Jiang and others wait for a long time, Big Needle Bee ran over with the last wave of elves.


With an order, the eager elves rushed straight to the side like vicious dogs out of the cage.

The tragedy on the battlefield here and the corpse big needle bee can also be seen there, and the elves of the "other world" can naturally also be seen.

However, they did not turn around and flee, but took out a stronger aura, let out a louder roar, and ran towards the elves of Zhou Jiang and others.


The elves on both sides collided, and the war officially broke out.

The big needle bee did not come back, it was mixed in the elves and continuously harvested the "heads".

Although it was for planning, but after being chased for so long, Big Needle Bee was still upset, and now it just happened to vent.

As time passed, the shouting and killing gradually subsided, and in the end there was no more standing "other world" spirit.

So far, more than two hundred elves have been wiped out by them, and the price they paid here is only a bad luck being seriously injured by the attack of a teammate and dozens of elves slightly injured.

The final tidying up, when the battlefield cleaning is over, the time has come to 5:40, and the sky has started to darken.

So many elves died in the place where they gathered before, and their bodies were buried in the ground. Although everyone didn’t think there would be anything, they still had some guilty conscience and hairy, so everyone abandoned this place and planned to find another camp for the night. .

Twenty-seven people, the camping place is really difficult to find, and the sky is getting dark, helpless, they can only find a similar place to make do, as for the lack of space...

Of course the tree was cut down!

To the elves, cutting down trees and removing land is nothing short of chores.

Randomly cleaned up a large open space.

After finding the campsite, some people are responsible for cleaning up the surrounding area, arranging traps and repelling snakes and insects, while some people take out pots and pans to prepare for cooking. Of course, more people still sit on the side and chat...

In this regard, Zhou Jiang did not produce an automatic energy cube maker.

Although this thing is not in his hands now, but in Joey Lane's hands, it is okay to tell her not to take it out.

These 21 newcomers, Zhou Jiang, are not yet familiar with him, so he does not want to rashly expose them.

Although everyone is in the same camp, Zhou Jiang couldn't believe them.

Chen Fan and the others, who knew the existence of the automatic energy cube maker, didn't say anything, just like they never knew Joey Lian had this thing, they took out the elf food from the backpack and gave it to their elf to eat.

In the evening, after dinner, the three captains Zhou Jiang, Luo Hao and Chen Yajie gathered together to discuss, while the players of the other three teams got together to chat and get closer.

Chen Yajie looked at Zhou Jiang with a look of excitement, and asked: "Shall we continue tomorrow? Bring the black skins over, and then we will hunt them in ambush."

Although Zhou Jiang didn't understand why he was so happy, he must have no problem here. After all, the elves that were killed were all points!

So he nodded and agreed with him, and said, "Yes, but be careful tomorrow. Today, they have more than 200 elves chased out and did not return. They will definitely be careful, and we must be careful tonight. Sending someone to find it will be troublesome."

Luo Hao nodded and said, "Don't worry, I let my cat's head nighthawk watch over the mountain, and it will remind us if there is a situation."

Zhou Jiang glanced at Luo Hao with some surprise, he didn't realize when he sent the Cat's Head Nighthawk.

Today’s finishing touch-Luo Hao is doing the job of monitoring the other side, and tomorrow’s action will be the same as this afternoon, so there is no need to reconsider the new plan, so the three of them talked about the situation on the front line base. .

Luo Hao looked at Zhou Jiang and Chen Yajie, and asked, "How long do you think the frontline base can last?"

Chen Yajie shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, but I guess it will be a few days away."

Zhou Jiang thought for a while, shook his head, "It's hard to say."

Now they have no information on the frontline base, which can predict a wool, and they don't even know when the elves from the "other world" started "siege".

After all, although there is a notification from a tactical watch, it cannot be notified at the beginning of the "siege", but it is fierce to a certain degree, and even the elves surrounding it start to notify them after a certain degree.

However, although it is hard to say, Zhou Jiang is similar to Chen Yajie's thoughts, and feels that they will not last long.

Looking at so many elves on the plain before, and the frontline base, it is estimated that they are supported by guns, so they will not be able to sustain it sooner or later.

Moreover, Zhou Jiang and the others arrived here three days after the tactical watch was notified. After so long, even if they couldn't see the situation on the front line, it is estimated that the situation on the front line is not much better.

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