Previously, Zhou Jiang was going to connect with the frontline base by telephone, and then asked them about their current situation. However, he did not expect that the "letter" was sent, but the signal tower was disconnected.

Now that I finally met the person in charge of the frontline base, who happened to be an old acquaintance, Zhou Jiang was naturally not welcome.

"The situation..." Zhao Feng sighed after hearing Zhou Jiang's words.

"It's hard to say in one word!"

"??" Looking at Zhao Feng with a sorrowful face, Zhou Jiang raised his eyebrows and a black question mark on his face.

I just want to know the current situation. Do you play so much?

Zhao Feng stopped sighing, patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder, and said: "You are also lucky. The first time I came here, I encountered the largest elf invasion in history. The situation is very bad."

Zhou Jiang nodded, this was expected, after all, even the front line collapsed, but he didn't care about this.

Zhou Jiang continued to ask: "What about the alliance's support?"

"The support came a long time ago, otherwise, why do you think you can persist until now?" Zhao Feng said: "If the Alliance hadn't sent two batches of elves and a lot of guns and shells, the front line would have been lost. ."

Hearing this, Zhou Jiang had a bad premonition and asked again: "Are there follow-up support?"

Zhao Feng shook his head, "It depends on the resource deployment of the Alliance."

With that, Zhao Feng glanced in front of him.

Zhou Jiang frowned slightly and looked at Luo Hao and others who were walking in front of them.

Because it was a retreat and the space was not large enough, the people who withdrew from the front line followed Zhou Jiang and the others. When Zhou Jiang came to Zhao Feng's side, they naturally fell behind Luo Hao and the others.

Zhao Feng's words were very vague, and he glanced at the person in front of him...

This means there is something that you can't tell them?

Could it be that the Alliance gave up here? No... it shouldn't be so simple to give up, or it's not that the alliance gave up here and therefore doesn't help, but can't help, can't help...

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang's heart sank.

Could it be that the light gate to the original world is broken, and the channel connecting the two worlds is gone, so the alliance can't help?

Think carefully.

Why doesn't Zhao Feng want to speak in front of Luo Hao and others? It must be because what he said would "shake the military's mind" and cause the people's mind to float, so he kept the word from it, and deliberately made it very vague.

And what will make everyone panic?

It is very likely that there is no retreat, everyone can only wait for death!


Zhou Jiang wants to scold his mother, if the light gate to go back is gone, what is the meaning of his return to the base, to die with everyone?

He sighed irritably and shook his head. Zhou Jiang forcibly interrupted his cranky thinking and glanced at Zhao Feng ahead. Zhou Jiang decided to wait until he returned to the base to ask Zhao Feng about his situation alone.

After all, it is only his guess that the light gate is gone. Although it is said that the possibility is very high, the possibility is only a possibility after all. It is still necessary to ask Zhao Feng for follow-up considerations. Don't think his brain will explode. In the end, he just thought too much, so it was funny.

And the environment here is not a place to think about problems.

There was always a rumbling sound around him. Although he was almost used to it now, it was still a bit troublesome to think about some complicated issues, especially after getting into the horns.

Following in the team, Zhou Jiang gave up thinking, let his head go empty, his eyes were slightly out of focus, watching the fighting elves around him, and said nothing.

Suddenly, the sound of the machine gun awakened Zhou Jiang, who was absent-minded.

After returning to his senses, Zhou Jiang realized that they were almost at the "Gourd Kou" base!

Only near the base is their home field, with guns, shells, technology suppression, and the attacks of the "other world" elves are not so sharp.

The valley entrance of the valley is a thick wall made of rare metal. It is a wall that blocks the entrance of the "other world" elves, and it is also a gate for people to enter and exit.

There were countless machine guns and turrets on the wall. As they approached, these roars became louder, especially the machine guns, which seemed to be endless bullets. The sound of "Da Da Da" was never broken.

Although these machine gun turrets pose a great threat to the elves of the "other world" here, their own situation is also very dangerous. If they are lucky, they will be over.

After all, the people who control these weapons are ordinary people. As long as they are wiped by the skills of the elves, they can only be GG.

Guns have high attack power and great lethality, so many elves in the "other world" are staring at them. After all, they are not idiots. They were hurt by these guns and shells, and many of their companions died under them, so they naturally wanted to stare at them.

Thirty percent of the abilities that fly out of the "other world" elves flew toward the top of the city wall. They were eager to get rid of the things that hurt the thieves.

After all, these things are really lethal.

Not to mention a dozen special cannons that can take away more than a dozen crispy elves. Those machine guns that shoot special bullets are like cutting wheat. A large swath will fall down.

So powerful, how can they not palpitations.

However, although the "other world" elves are eager to eradicate the machine guns and cannons on the walls, the human side will not watch them attack without defending.

In their original world, the protective shields set on the playing field are also arranged here, and this protective shield is still a special, enhanced version, and its defense is even more outstanding. Although the consumption is even more terrifying, it is a good thing to be able to prevent the attack from the opposite side. At this time, what consumption is still in control.

And they are not without elves. While shielding the interception skills, their elves will also use their skills to intercept the opposing skills with all their strength, so the main "guns and guns" defending the city have almost no casualties.

The front of the city wall was covered with dents and mottled marks, all of which were bombarded by the skills of the elves of the "other world".

But this is not the point. The point is that after being defended for so long, this general gate of the city wall has only left dents and traces of skill bombardment on it.

It did not collapse or damage!

Counting the time, the "other world" elves have "attacked the city" for at least ten days. In these ten days, there may not be many elves besieged in the front, so it didn't cause much damage, but in the back, the besieged elves must be It's not going to be less, like when they first came here, the elves that attacked around here were really hard to count.

As a result, this city wall hasn't collapsed after so long!

And there is not even a breach.

So strong, Zhou Jiang must suspect that this is black technology.

When Zhou Jiang and the others got to Taniguchi and under the city wall, the elves walking in front of them had already got in through an opening.

With the firepower of a large number of guns, there is no need to worry about the elves from the "other world" rushing over and attacking when they drill inside, just stop the flying skills.

Zhou Jiang and the others had just entered the "Gourd Kou" through the small door opened on the wall, and they saw a man in uniform walking quickly.

The man looked at Zhou Jiang who was standing next to Zhao Feng with some curiosity, but didn't think much, bowed respectfully to the four of Zhao Feng, and then said, "Welcome back."

Among the four, Lu Hua nodded and said, "Lao Lin is in the meeting room? Take us to the meeting room."

After speaking, he glanced at Luo Hao and the other people who had withdrawn from the frontline base, and said: "You can find someone to take them down and take a break."


The man nodded, then turned his head and beckoned to a staff member far behind.

Seeing this, the staff member ran over immediately.

"I took the four heavenly kings to the conference room. Now you take them to rest and arrange rooms for them."


The staff member who ran behind nodded, and then signaled everyone to follow him.

Although Zhou Jiang wants to ask Zhao Feng some questions, but now they are going to the meeting room, then he won’t bother them, and they won’t be busy all the time. There will always be a break, such as when eating. If you have any questions, you can always find the time.

Follow the staff toward the Hulukou base, along the way, from time to time you can see busy staff running around holding documents and other things.

Of course, in addition to the staff, the elves are also indispensable.

Along the way, Zhou Jiang saw at least a dozen groups of elves standing together.

These elves stand together, almost every group has thousands of them, and then these elves launch skill attacks together every few seconds and throw them towards the outside of the base.

These are attack troops, and the skills only need to be placed in front of the outside, so there is no requirement for their position, as long as they form a formation and then work together.

Anyway, the attack range of skills is super long distance, so no matter where they stand, they can hit the outside "different world" group of elves.

As long as the elves of the "other world" want to attack this base, they must stand close enough, otherwise their skills cannot fly here. And once their skills fly to the base, the elves' skills on the base can naturally fly to the opposite side.

Rubbing their ears, Zhou Jiang and others finally left the front of "Gourd Kou" and came to the base behind the large rear.

The base at the rear is not as fierce as the one at the front. The machine gun cannon set up at the highest point of the valley is very convenient to hit the elves below, and the surroundings are basically weak elves, so it’s two or two. Can hit a large area.

Since the rear is very safe, there are not a few elven troops stationed, and they are basically concentrated on the front exit.

"For the dormitory, there are only these for now, everyone will order."

Finally, Zhou Jiang and others arrived at the dormitory.

The so-called dormitory is a small room made of steel and cement, but there is no furniture inside, not even a bed, only a few straw mats on the ground.

Zhou Jiang counted the number of straw mats. There were eight in total, which meant that there were eight people sleeping in one room.

And the size of the room...

It's only about nine square meters...

This is even smaller than a normal room. Just this room has eight people?

Seeing this, everyone's faces were a little ugly.

Sleeping here is not as comfortable as sleeping in their own tent.

But they can only think about it.

The rear base is so big, how could it be possible for them to set up tents and rest indiscriminately, and even if they let them set up their own tents and rest, they would not dare. After all, although the base is safe, there will always be some skills to avoid interception and fly In the base, if they set up their own tents outside, it will be miserable if the skills fly over them at night.

Although the rooms provided by the base are simple and crowded, at least there is a protective cover. Not to mention how many attacks can be blocked, but at least one round of attacks can be blocked, and the skills that can fly in are not too great. There are many, and most of them are scattered in different places. The possibility of skills falling in the same place is pitiful, so as long as you sleep in the dormitory, you basically don't need to worry about safety.

Although the place to sleep is a bit rudimentary, but fortunately, everyone has lived through the "bitter days", and now it is a special period. Sleep on straw mats, don't pick and choose.

The staff member asked everyone to allocate rooms according to a familiar relationship, and then left after telling everyone some precautions.

His task is only to bring Zhou Jiang and others to the dormitory to rest. After Zhou Jiang and the others are assigned to the dormitory, it has nothing to do with him. He also has things to do, so how could he stay here all the time.

Although it was said that one room could sleep eight people, the staff didn’t say that eight people would sleep, so everyone was not crowded, like Zhou Jiang and the others, he and Dai Qianyi slept in a room, while Zhou Jiahe Joey Lotus slept in one room.

Although there are not many rooms, there are not many people sleeping in these rooms, so even if one of them is not full, the room is still enough.

After all, the number of them is not large. Zhou Jiang and his four groups total 34 people plus those who have returned from the frontline base. That's just over a hundred people. At this point, two people sleep in one room. Not to mention that now everyone basically sleeps in a room with four to six people.

After the staff left, everyone's room was divided.

After the separation, Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi stayed in the room without going out.

"How long do you think it will take to end?" Chen Fan, who was lying on the straw mat with his head resting on his arm, asked suddenly, looking at the ceiling.

"Who knows." Chen Ziang shook his head.

He was leaning against the wall like Dai Qianyi, sitting there, not knowing what he was thinking, Zhou Jiang really lay sideways on the grass tie, using his arms as Jiang and Dai Qian Yi didn't say anything, closed his eyes and calmed down, and Chen Fan didn't ask any more. The inside of the room fell silent for an instant, only a roar came from outside.

The four of them were quiet for a while, and Chen Ziang suddenly said, "Should we first divide the medicinal trees and fruits we found?"

Hearing Chen Ziang's words, Chen Fan elbows the ground and propped up his upper body, Zhou Jiang and Dai Qianyi also opened their eyes at the same time.

The four of them looked at each other, and Zhou Jiang nodded, "Come on then."

With that said, Zhou Jiang pulled the backpack beside him and took out a lot of harvest that had been stored with him before.

Chen Fan asked, "What about your sister and Miss Joey?"

"I'll call them, they are right next door anyway." Chen Ziang said, then got up and walked outside.

Zhou Jiang and the three had no opinion. After Chen Ziang went out, Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi came to Zhou Jiang to help classify and evaluate the materials.

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