I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 801: Conference room conversation


After Chen Ziang went out, the closed men were pushed aside.

"Who are you looking for?" Chen Fan asked.


Hearing what Chen Fan said, Zhou Jiang turned his head and found that it was not Chen Ziang and Zhou Jia who came here, but a base staff member in uniform.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Zhou Jiang there?" The staff scanned the faces of the three people in the room for a long time, and then suffocated these words.

Zhou Jiang raised his brows and said, "I am Zhou Jiang, what can I do for you?"

"That's it, it's Zhao Tianwang looking for you, please go to the meeting room."

Zhao Feng?

After thinking for a while, I didn't want to understand why Zhao Feng was looking for him, Zhou Jiang didn't bother to think about it.

Thinking like this, Zhou Jiang got up and nodded to him: "Then trouble you to lead the way."

"Wait, what about this?" Chen Fan asked, pointing to the tree fruit materials piled on the grass.

Zhou Jiang understood what he meant. What he asked was what to do with the subsequent "Stakes Sharing Conference".

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jiang said: "Look at the points, I can do whatever I want, just the same."

He really doesn't care about these things, if he doesn't think it's too much, he doesn't want these things...

These things really didn't appeal to him at all, he might even sell them when he got them, or just pile them in the backpack.

After speaking, Zhou Jiang went out without waiting for Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi to speak, and closed the door.

"Thank you." Zhou Jiang smiled slightly and said to the staff member.

"Where, this is my duty." The staff member waved his hand and smiled: "Then let's go."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded and followed.

Inside the room, Chen Fan and Dai Qianyi stared with big eyes.

Chen Fan scratched his head irritably and asked, "What should I do?"

"I don't know." Dai Qianyi shrugged, and continued to sort out the harvest according to the price.

"Does it really do as Zhou Jiang said?"

Dai Qianyi said without raising his head: "Just do what he said, anyway, it is equivalent, and there is nothing too rare in it."

Suddenly, Dai Qianyi raised his head and looked at him: "Or what do you want in particular here?"

"Um..." Chen Fan was taken aback, then scratched his head and said, "That's not true."

"That's not enough." Dai Qianyi lowered his head to continue finishing.

"Emmmm" Chen Fan scratched his head, and then he didn't even think about it, and bowed his head to tidy up.



"When it's there, just go in."

Zhou Jiang nodded and thanked the other party. After seeing the other party turned and left, he turned and looked at the door of the conference room. After a moment of silence, he reached out and knocked.

"Come in."

Zhou Jiang frowned.

There was an unfamiliar voice inside, not from Zhao Feng and Shui softly, nor from the voices of the former heavenly kings Lu Hua and Zhang Jiayu who were beside them.

After hesitating, Zhou Jiang still opened the door.

The meeting room is in the wizard center, and the interior of the wizard center is equipped with a portal, so this wizard center is not as simple and simple as other buildings in the "other world".

It is the same as those elven centers in the original world, with all the necessary decorations.

Although it can’t be said to be so good when taken out alone, its decoration is very luxurious compared to other buildings in the "other world".

Zhou Jiang opened the door, and everyone in the conference room looked over. Being watched by so many people in this kind of "office" place, Zhou Jiang was slightly uncomfortable, as if he had joined the teacher when he was timid and shy. The office is the same.

Fortunately, his personality has changed a lot, so the discomfort quickly disappeared.

There were six people sitting at the long table in the conference room. In addition to the four Zhao Feng who had just come back together, there were also a man and a woman.

The man looks like a forty or fifty-year-old uncle, and what he wears... it's hard to say a word.

Had it not been for him to sit in this conference room, he would have thought that the other party was just an ordinary sloppy uncle.

He glanced at the pectoral muscles under the other party's loose robe. Well, Zhou Jiang withdrew his foreword. He is not an ordinary sloppy uncle, but a sloppy uncle with muscles!

There were only six of them in the conference room. After excluding the four of Zhao Feng, there was only one other young woman with the charm, so it was obvious that it was the uncle who called him in before.

It can be seen that the status of this uncle is a bit serious.

Zhou Jiang was sure that he had never seen each other before, but he didn't know why. He always had a familiar feeling when he saw the face of this uncle.

But he didn't think much about it because of face blindness.

"Here," Zhao Feng said with a smile looking at Zhou Jiang.

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded.

Sweeping his eyes to look at his six people with interest, Zhou Jiang asked, "Is there anything wrong with calling me?"

"Go directly to the subject? I like it!" The sloppy uncle spoke without saying a word.

Zhou Jiang looked at him, and just stared at him, and found that his eyes were unexpectedly ferocious... Well, it should be described as sharp, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

It was the first time that Zhou Jiang felt that human eyes had such "lethal power".

The two looked at each other for more than ten seconds, and the sloppy uncle became a little serious, and said with interest: "Hey~ the first time I had no reaction to the camera, you are very interesting!"

"??" Zhou Jiang was a little confused when he listened to Uncle Sloppy's words. Zhou Jiang reacted after Yu Guang glanced at the surprised expressions on the faces of Shui Qingrou, Zhao Feng and others.

Did I encounter the plot in the novel, the protagonist met the strong, and then the strong forced him with murderous intent?

The look that feels a bit fierce is the murderous look in the legend?

And I was stared by him with murderous eyes just now, and there was no reaction at all, so they were surprised?

So I really am the protagonist?

Zhou Jiang fell into YY.

Shui Qingren and Zhao Feng, who was sitting next door, glanced at each other. They didn't say anything, but looked at Zhou Jiang a little differently.

Zhou Jiang was actually right. There was indeed something wrong with the sloppy uncle's stare at him before, but this was the only thing he guessed right.

One. That sloppy uncle's gaze was not murderous, it was just the suppression of his "power".

Through the devilish training of himself, he not only gained a hardened, diamond-like body, but also a strong willpower. In layman's terms, his physical strength has been improved through the training of the devil, while his spiritual strength has also been improved.

And his gaze gives people a sense of fierceness, that's because his mental power is stronger than others, and his own aura is aggressive, so when he stares at people, he feels fierce.

two. His gaze is not as sharp as a sharp sword out of its sheath. To be precise, it should be like a beast or a raging fire. In short, it is very aggressive. It's just that Zhou Jiang's naive critic may have a simple brain and some nearsightedness. Although he felt that the other's eyes were not right, he couldn't tell the details.

It's like a sharp sword out of its sheath, but because most of the novels are written like this, he subconsciously thinks about this...

"Your kid is extraordinary." The sloppy uncle changed his sloppy sitting posture. He was sitting with a serious expression, and he did feel a little majestic.

"But it's really something to call you over. I believe you don't want to listen to some nonsense, so let me just say it. There are a total of 33 border nodes in Huaxia District, which are the entrances to the "other world". The bases at the entrance were all attacked by elves from the "other world". Our manpower is no longer sufficient. We need the help of a powerful trainer like you!"


Zhou Jiang almost didn't react when the sloppy uncle said so bluntly.

This straight ball is too straight, right?

However, Zhou Jiang quickly reacted, and his brain has already analyzed the meaning of what he said.

In other words, this "elven siege" did not happen on their side, but happened on the borders of China!

In an instant, Zhou Jiang thought that he had asked Zhao Feng Alliance if there is follow-up support, but Zhao Feng didn't answer directly, and stalled the past.

He thought it was because the Alliance gave up this side or the light gate connecting the two worlds was broken. Now it seems that because the border bases all over China have been attacked, the alliance resources can't work?

Zhou Jiang replied earnestly: "I am happy to help, but what can I do?"

It can be said that a border base was attacked by accident. All China's border bases were attacked, or is it a coincidence that there are so many 33 bases?

Zhou Jiang used his **** to know that this is a big problem!

As a Chinese, who can be alone at this time?

Never come back unless you go to a foreign country.

And China is like this, where can foreign countries get better?

I am afraid that the foreign side was also attacked by the "other world" elves.

The sloppy uncle smiled and said, "You too underestimate yourself." Glancing at the other five people in Zhou Jiang sitting on the chair and smiling, the sloppy uncle continued, "I heard them say, Your Big Needle Bee and Xanadu are very strong, and the fact that you can remain calm under my "Beast Invasion" for the first time shows that yours is not easy."

"Uh... beast attack?" Zhou Jiang was taken aback for a moment before he could react. He was talking about those fierce eyes, although he wanted to say that it was just a bit fierce, why did he act like a big move? , But he felt that not only Uncle Sloppy felt that way, but even Zhao Fengshui thought it was very powerful, then he might really have something, so he didn't think too much about it.

A little embarrassed, he scratched the hair on the back of his neck. Zhou Jiang said, "Although the Big Needle Bee and Shanaido are strong, I still lack experience in my own words. If you let me fight the elves in the "other world" Fortunately, for other things, I cannot guarantee that I can do it well. Can you tell me more specifically what I want to do?"

To be honest, Zhou Jiang really hates to let others help and pull a bunch of things and never say what to help.

If you don’t say what to do, how do I know if I can do it well?

You think I can do it, but what if I can’t? What to do if you mess up!

The difference with this one is that he asks someone for help on his mobile phone. What he hates most is that others ask if he is there. Is it okay for you to ask, can’t you just post the questions together later? I don’t know the question.

"What needs your help is very simple. Your task is to lead a small team to collect guns and ammunition and some medical resources from resource points in China, and then send them to various border bases."

After listening to the sloppy uncle's words, Zhou Jiang frowned slightly, "That's it? Anyone can do this, right? I need to do it?"

It's not that Zhou Jiang is boasting. The strength of his Big Needle Bee and Shanaiduo are definitely among the best in the world. Given their strength, Zhou Jiang will not be allowed to fight, but instead will be delivered?

This is definitely overkill!

"In fact, we thought the same way before, but the day before yesterday, the Rockets robbed a batch of resources that we were about to deliver."


Zhou Jiang was speechless, but felt that the Rockets were afraid of being a pill.

At this time, they were still pulling their legs, looting the resources sent by the Alliance to various border bases.

If the elves of the "other world" break through the border base, it will definitely invade their world. If only one border base is attacked, then forget it. Now all the border bases in China are being attacked, if one collapses. , Who can be sure that other fronts can be held steady?

If it collapses more and the elves of the "other world" invade their world, how many people and elves will die?

It is impossible for the Rockets not to know where these resources of the league are sent. They must be someone in the league, or even high-level ones, otherwise it is impossible to persist until now, and the league's clearance of the Rockets is also a bit difficult.

As a result, the resources of the Alliance’s support to the theater are still being robbed by the Rockets...

They are simply playing with fire!

After thinking for a while, Zhou Jiang agreed to help.

"Yes, I agree, how many people are in the team and when will it leave?"

Leading the team to **** resources, although you may encounter the Rockets, but there are Big Sting Bee and Shanaido, you can't run or run away.

He didn't want to stay in this "different world" a long time ago. If it weren't for the agreement with Joey Rou, to take Joey Lin for a period of time, he would have slipped away from UU reading www.uukanshu.com.

Now, taking advantage of this time, he can simply go back. Anyway, he hasn't ignored this matter. Didn't he go to send resources to each other?

"The sooner you go, the better. After all, the border base can't wait long. If you choose the team, you should choose your own, ten to twenty people. It's best to choose someone you know."

"Okay!" Zhou Jiang nodded in agreement, "Is there anything else? If it's gone, I will prepare."

"No, pay attention to safety, and after this matter is over, the league will give you the rewards you deserve."

Zhou Jiang nodded, not paying too much attention.

For the rewards of the alliance, he also saw some rare elves, and he didn't care too much about the others.

But the problem is that he has enough elves now, and he hasn't practiced a lot of elves well, and he doesn't have much demand for other new elves.

After greeting Zhao Feng and others, Zhou Jiang walked out of the meeting room, closed the door, and walked towards the dormitory.

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