Pushing open the door of the dormitory, Dai Qianyi and the others were there, including Zhou Jia and Joey Lian.

Seeing Zhou Jiang opened the door, Chen Ziang said, "I'm back."

"Yeah." Zhou Jiang nodded and asked, "Is it divided?"

Chen Fan shook his head and said, "No, we will wait until you come back."


Zhou Jiang saw the medicinal materials and tree fruits divided into five or six piles from the position they gave up, and he was a little speechless.

But if there is no point, there is no point.

When they came and sat down in a hole they opened up, the six people formed a circle, and in the middle was their harvest, "Then let's divide it now."

Zhou Jiang really didn't care about these, let them choose first, and then he picked up something.

It’s been five minutes after dividing these things.

Zhou Jia and the others came here to divide these materials equally, and now they should leave after dividing.

Seeing that they were about to get up and leave, Zhou Jiang quickly stopped them.

"Wait, I have something to say!"

The two looked at Zhou Jiang strangely, but did not leave, and sat down again.

The three people Dai Qianyi, who had put them in their backpacks, also stopped their movements and looked at Zhou Jiang curiously.

The six people formed a circle again.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the five people, pondered for a moment, organized the language, and said: "I was called before and was assigned a task, and I also agreed."

After scanning the five people, Zhou Jiang continued to say: "China has 33 nodes, which are the entrances to the "different world". You must remember this. Now these nodes are behind alliances. All of his bases are just like here, being attacked by elves from the "other world"!"

"Wait, you said they were all attacked?!" Dai Qianyi interrupted Zhou Jiang's words, with a look of surprise. Others were similar, with an incredible expression on his face.

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Yes, all!"

The five were silent, presumably the news was too shocking for them.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Zhou Jiang saw that their expressions improved, and then continued: "Because all border bases have been attacked, the China Alliance wants to distribute supplies to them, but the Rockets seem to be focusing on them at this time. The team that carried the supplies. And my task is to protect the safety of those supplies and let them reach their destination safely!"

Dai Qianyi frowned slightly and said, "The Rockets are also eyeing it?"

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Yes, that's what the person who gave me the task said. He said that the Rockets had robbed a batch of supplies."

Zhou Jiang paused after speaking, but when he saw that he stopped speaking, Zhou Jiang continued: "My task is to **** supplies, but one person is definitely not enough, so I have to recruit several people."

Having said that, Zhou Jiang didn't say any more. I believe his meaning is already obvious. As long as there is no problem with IQ, he can understand what he meant.

Chen Ziang nodded and shouted first: "I want to join, I want to join!"

After shouting, he weakened his voice, looked at Zhou Jiang "expectedly", and asked weakly: "Okay?"

Zhou Jiang nodded and said, "Of course, I also want you to come and help me."

After speaking, Zhou Jiang looked at Dai Qianyi and others.

Chen Fan also said, "Then I will join in."

"Me too." Dai Qianyi also nodded in agreement.

The three boys were done, Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Jia and Joey Lian.

Of course, Joey Lin is the main target, and Zhou Jia doesn't care if he comes or not.

She is the same without her.

After thinking about it, Joey Lin said, "I'll go too."

When Zhou Jia saw Joey Lian's statement, she also decided to join. Zhou Jiang nodded in agreement, but did not refuse.

So far, the number of unnamed team members has reached six.

The suggestion that the mysterious sloppy uncle gave was ten to twenty people, but it was a pity that Zhou Jiang didn't want Luo Hao and others to join him.

This is obviously a bad delivery.

At this time, the trainer here has only two options, one is to **** the resources, and the other is to stay and fight with the elves of the other world.

Compared with the two, it is naturally better to send supplies.

It is safe, and the benefits are high.

Although for Zhou Jiang, the benefits are higher in fighting those elves in the "different world", after all, he can earn points by making the elves lose the ability to fight, and points are what he values ​​most.

However, the profit is high, but the danger is also high. Although it is not him who fights, but his elves, isn't it all the same?

When others die, they will have nothing, and if the elf is dead, he will be sad, um... if it can be resurrected, it will waste points and resurrection items.

In comparison, the most **** supplies are met by the Rockets. If you play the Rockets, it’s okay if you can’t run him. Unless the Rockets come crazy and have hundreds of people and they are not weak, otherwise, if you can’t beat him. , There are points to get, if you are lucky enough to complete the "task", then you can get more rewards.

To summarize it.

One: **** supplies: nothing dangerous, more rewards may be obtained.

Two: Stay at the base to fight: There is a high probability of encountering danger, or even the death of the elves, and the reward is points.

The rewards of staying at the base may be very rich, but the danger is a high probability, Zhou Jiang can not bet.

If it's in the game, he still dare to gamble, the bicycle becomes a motorcycle, in the real world, he absolutely does not dare to gamble, how to be safe.

Even so, if there is no option, he can only stay in the base and fight the "other world" elves, then he will not lose.

After all, strictly speaking, the above two options, one and two, are almost the same for Zhou Jiang. No one is too good, no one is too bad, but Zhou Jiang himself is not willing to take risks, so he feels that one is better.

But this is only Zhou Jiang with the system, only he can get points from the system by defeating the elves.

For others, fighting here is just fighting, and the rewards they can get are only rewards given by the alliance afterwards.

For others, option one is relatively safe and has unknown rewards, and option two is super dangerous and has unknown rewards.

For ordinary trainers who don’t have the ability to resurrect the elves, escorting supplies is definitely the best choice. Although the Alliance will reward the troops who resist in the "different world" afterwards, if the strength is insufficient and the luck is bad, then you Even more will be lost than gained!

Even in the base, there is fire support from guns, but the number of elves' deaths is still not low.

If you are unlucky and hang three or four elves, and there are even the main elves inside, then the blood mother will really lose.

Let alone the fetters that have been generated after being with the elves for so long, the energy and money to speak on them cannot be compensated by the rewards given by the alliance.

Although the Alliance has a big business, there are too many trainers participating in the battle. With so many people, it is impossible for everyone to give relatively satisfactory compensation. In the end, the trainers who are fighting on the front line can only stop the loss. Of course, it is also possible that the stop loss will not be reached, and the rewards and compensation received will not even make up for the loss.

Only for Zhou Jiang, option one and option two are the same, and for other trainers, only option one is the best choice.

Zhou Jiang didn't care about it himself, but since the quota was limited, Zhou Jiang naturally wanted to give this quota to a trainer who had matched him.

That sloppy uncle asked Zhou Jiang to form a team of ten to twenty people. Now there are six people. On this side, except for Luo Hao and the three teams, Zhou Jiang is not familiar with everyone else, and Luo Hao and others There are too many, Zhou Jiang can't pull all in, and it's not very good to pull a group, so he just abandons them, anyway, he is not too familiar.

As for the number of people, Zhou Jiang is not helpless.

No one chooses here, can't you pull people after you go out?

Zhou Nan, who is familiar with Zhou Jiang, is the best candidate!

As for Zhou Nan's weakness, this is not a big problem. With the backbone, they just need to lie down.

Zhou Jiang is considered to be a pillar, and Zhou Jiang also plans to bring in Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie. The three teachers, except for Chen Qizhen and Dai Qianyi, are similar in strength, or even weaker. Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie are both. Not weak, there is nothing wrong with being a big boss.

It's just a pity that Sirona has returned to Country E. Otherwise, if she is brought in, the security will be even higher.

But it's okay without her. Let Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie ask how many elves of the Heavenly King level can be borrowed at home, and they still have no shortage of high-end combat power.

The five people agreed to go with Zhou Jiang to **** the supplies. After Zhou Jiang told the five people some precautions, they asked Zhou Jia and Joey Lian to go back to their room.

They came only to divide the materials, and the backpacks were naturally lost in the room.

After they left, Zhou Jiang and the others began to pack up. After putting all the things they took out into their bags, they went out and waited for Zhou Jia and the others outside the dormitory.

The four of them sat on the concrete steps, listening to the rumbling sound that still echoed in their ears, watching the falling and flying beams of various skills in the distance, Zhou Jiang thought inexplicably, as if entering the sage mode.

Zhou Jia and the others came out soon. After all, they just moved into this dormitory. They hadn't taken out all the contents of their backpacks, so they packed up quickly.

"Let's go."

Zhou Jiang got up and motioned for the five of them to follow.

At this time, the light gate connecting the two realms must be guarded by people, and people are not allowed to enter and leave at will. Zhou Jiang and the others need to go through the light gate to return to the original world, and they need to get the procedures.

And who can do the formalities for them?

That is naturally Zhao Feng and the others.

When he was in the conference room before, he walked too eagerly, and he forgot that there is still this one. Now he wants to go back. To be honest, Zhou Jiang felt quite ashamed...

I just don't know if they have finished the meeting.

Leading Dai Qianyi and others into the wizard center, Zhou Jiang shook his head and walked in the direction of the meeting room after seeing people entering and exiting the unusually busy hall.

But before reaching the meeting room, Zhou Jiang saw Zhao Feng sitting on the bench on the edge of the corridor.

Looking at the visitor, Zhao Feng got up from the chair and smiled at Zhou Jiang and others: "Here?"

"Um... why are you here?"

"The meeting is over, wait for you to come over."


"Okay, go on." Zhao Feng shook his head. Before Zhou Jiang could speak, he raised his hand and threw out something.

Zhou Jiang subconsciously reached out and grabbed it, then spread out his hand and found that he was holding a small metal ball the size of a loquat, but it is not very accurate to say that it is a small ball. After all, it is not round, but oblate. . The metal ball was very smooth to the touch, and there was no pattern on it. Zhou Jiang still couldn't see anything strange about it.

If he didn't understand, Zhou Jiang no longer struggled, but looked at Zhao Feng and motioned to him to explain what this thing was.

"This is an important token. Take it out when you encounter danger and cannot solve it. It will save you."


Zhou Jiang looked at Zhao Feng with a dazed expression.

Is this a Xiu Xian novel? Is this the jade slip with the strongest attack from the great elder or the suzerain... the metal ball?

Zhou Jiang said in shock: "Can this thing save us? How to save it?"

Zhao Feng shrugged and said: "I don't know, Meng Xu asked me to give it to you. Oh, Meng Xu is the guy who dressed casually. That's what he said, even though I don't think it is broken. What's the use of stones."

"..." Zhou Jiang was speechless.

Looking up and down at the thing in his hand, but still didn't see why it came.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang couldn't stop watching, Zhao Feng quickly called to stop him and said, "Okay, well, don't watch. After you go out, there will be time to watch. Let me go with me now, and I will take you back."

Zhou Jiang nodded and put this thing into the space ring.

Although it feels a little bit ridiculous, but believe it is not credible, and there is no loss with this thing, although he does not think this thing can save him.

The six people followed Zhao Feng towards the innermost part of the wizard center. When they walked inside, they could see the elves standing guard along the way and the metal doors that did not know where they appeared ~www.ltnovel.com~ closed and required a password to open. .

This metal door really didn't know where it came out. When we came out of it before, we didn't see any door in the passage.

However, Zhou Jiang and the others would just look at it curiously. Whether there is a door or not has nothing to do with them. They will go back anyway.

Along the way, Zhao Feng told Zhou Jiang where they should go after returning to the original world and how to do it.

Through the last flash of the iron door, everyone came to the empty room. In the room, there was a Hudi with closed eyes, sitting cross-legged, floating in the air. This is an old Hudi, Zhou Jiang. You can see that it is very powerful without system probing.

Being able to guard here shows that it is not simple, and the talent is definitely not weak, and the super power elves are stronger with age.

Look at its appearance, the lowest strength is also the champion!

After everyone came in, Hu Di didn't open his eyes to look at them, and didn't move. However, Zhou Jiang's six did not dare to provoke him. They looked at them from a distance and then looked away.

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