I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 814: The captured "different world" base

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Xiao Yan wanted to escape.

If he runs away now, he can still buy him some time while there are still a lot of elves on the Rockets, and this is his last chance to escape. If the elves are gone, he wants to run again. It's too late.

But support is coming. He is worried what if the support comes when he is just about to run?

If he is found out as the captain and escapes, if he is caught, then he will face endless torture!

And even if he managed to escape here, where could he go?

He can't go back to the Rockets, nor can he go here in the league. At that time, China will have no place for him. Going abroad is not easy. He can only find a place to live in the wild and worry about being caught Other trainers found out and called the police.

The risk of escaping is great, but the risk is not low if you don’t, which is why he is hesitant.

Fleeing, being caught by the support team that rushed over, died; fleeing, support did not come, not caught, and spent the rest of his life miserably. If you don't run away, you won't be killed by support; if you don't run away, you will turn defeat into victory when support comes, you can get rewards and even be promoted to the captain.

Escape and non-escape are divided into these four possibilities, and Xiao Yan instantly wanted to understand the stakes.

If he escapes, his fate must be miserable, there is no other possibility, but if he doesn't escape, it will be different.

Half the chance of being killed, half the chance of getting benefits and opportunities.

And the most important thing is that even if he is defeated, he will not necessarily be killed. What if those counterfeit goods are not killed? Although the possibility is not high, he does not want to place hope on the enemy, but this possibility is not without it.

So what to choose, he made a decision.

He chose to fight to the end!

As long as it can be held back, it is their victory!

But before that, he needs to put some pressure on the people below, so as not to lose their hearts or run away directly.

If the person below starts to slip away, then he doesn't need to struggle to run away.

After clearing his throat, Xiao Yan shouted to the little friends around who were a little bit floating: "Little ones, support is coming, support me! As long as the support arrives, it will be our victory! Lead the team! But Miss Li, as long as we can hold on, she will definitely reward us. All the elves lost will be reimbursed at that time, and you can even get stronger elves and higher status!"

I gave the sweet jujube, and you need a big stick.

"Of course, if anyone dared to escape at this time, don't blame us for the severe punishment! I believe everyone knows what the cost of fleeing and betraying the organization is. That is better than death! Of course, as long as everyone sticks to their posts , If you don’t retreat, everything will develop in a good direction."

After some speeches, the impetuous people's hearts really quieted down slowly.

The many Rockets players who kept gazing at them to see if they could escape were slightly relieved.

After all, the penalty for the Rockets’ escape is very serious. You can do bad things, but you can’t do something bad, but you can’t escape without saying anything!

Thinking that the consequences were not something they could bear, and the captain Xiao Yan was here without even running. With Xiao Yan's "promise", their hearts were stabilized.

Although they have fallen into a major disadvantage now, they can still stand up for a while after they burn up one by one.

The Rockets are struggling to support, but there are still some people who look around and behind from time to time to see if the supporters are coming.

As time passed, just when Xiao Yan regretted and wanted to escape, there was finally a movement behind them!


A large amount of shock came from behind them, and Xiao Yan showed a relieved smile when he saw this.

Support, it's finally here!



On the plane, Zhou Jiang sat on the sidelines.

It has been nearly half an hour since the destruction and death light, and everyone has almost let go of this matter.

Regardless of whether it was accident or not, as long as they did not continue to attack them, they would not take care of them. After all, they would not be able to stop and investigate or something.

After flying a certain distance, everyone sat back and continued to play on their phones or chat.

Zhou Jiang's words were a bit tired, so he leaned against the innermost and closed his eyes to rest while wearing headphones.

At this time, there is about one day's journey to reach the last second base.

That night.

On the plane, no one was playing with mobile phones, discussing their plans after the supplies were delivered.

After a batch of materials have been delivered, it will be enough for each base to support for a long time. The bases they want to transport are only these few. Other bases are sent by other people, so they don’t need them, so after the last two bases are delivered, there will What happened to them.

Since there is nothing for them, it is natural to consider what to do later.

Zhou Nan said that if there is nothing wrong with him, he would go to country M with Jiang Shui. They are going to country M for further study, and they must first get familiar with the environment there.

After the league competition, he did not go to country M for the first time because Zhou Jiang has not returned yet, and there is no rush in time, so they want to say goodbye to Zhou Jiang in person before leaving. Another reason is that the college entrance examination has not yet started. If the score is uncertain, the school they want to enter in country M does not necessarily require them.

The reason why Zhou Nan and the others went to study in Country M was because they "advanced martial arts" and valued battles, while the university also emphasized practice, battles, and neglected theory. But Huaxia is different. Huaxia's universities practice both.

Zhou Nan didn't think she was so good, but she was lucky to follow Lu Ran, a teacher who was about the same level as her, and she was willing to teach Di Tian Zhengjie, plus Zhou Jiang’s energy cube, and he was the best in her peers. Xu Feng and the others are fighting...

For various reasons, his elves are very strong, and are considered good among his peers.

But he didn't want this, he wanted to go further, and the opportunity was in the university.

He is not very good at theory, and Huaxia attaches great importance to theory. If double-educated, he is afraid that he can't handle it well, so he simply ran to the university in M ​​country to study.

With his current strength, the college entrance examination results will not be bad, so he will have the qualifications to go to country M for further study. The family also has money. After he goes to country M, he does not need to brush the dishes to earn his living expenses. Of course, the wizard He is mainly responsible for the consumption.

Even if Zhou Nan goes to M country, he can’t just find a school. It’s better to be in China. If he finds a prestigious school, he must have a college entrance examination score. Those prestigious schools will be able to get in with just a little money. So he has to wait for the college entrance examination.

After the mission, Zhou Nan and Jiang Shui plan to return to City J and wait for the college entrance examination to arrive. Of course, if Zhou Jiang and the others want to go to play during this period, Zhou Nan and the others will follow.

Xu Feng’s words are a little different. After he went back this time, he couldn’t get out. He was going to study with the Ph.D. There was not much time to get out in a short period of time. It's the last time everyone gets along.

It is also interesting to say that it was Zhou Nan who was going abroad, the farthest away from Zhou Jiang and others, while Xu Feng stayed in China, but Xu Feng left them first.

Wang Qingyan and Li Linghui are also going to return to City J. They will stay at home for a while. After a period of travel, they almost don't know each other. They are going to lie at home as a dead house, eating and sleeping, and eating.

Everyone was going to stay home, so the three teachers, Lu Ran and Tian Zhengjie, also went back to their homes. They had something to ask people at home. By the way, they would go back and let the elves exercise and improve their level.

Chen Yongan's words were about preparing to follow Tian Zhengjie back to his home for training. Anyway, he is also Tian Zhengjie's disciple, so there is no problem.

Zhou Jia's words, she said that it depends on the situation. If her master, that is, Shui Qingrou, is free, then she will go to her. If she is not free, if she continues to be busy with "other world" matters, then she will find one by herself. Where to train the elves.

Then came Dai Qianyi and the three of them.

Dai Qianyi, Chen Fan, and Chen Ziang are all from different cities. After the mission, they are also going to go home.

The last few people asked Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and said, "Go back, after all, it's almost the New Year."

Today is December 27th. When their mission is over, New Year's Day is over. Although New Year's Day cannot be celebrated at home, New Year's Eve can still catch up. This is the main reason why everyone is preparing to go home.

The atmosphere of "home" in this world of China is not as strong as in the previous life, and there are countless trainers who are still traveling outside during the New Years. Of course, there are more trainers going home for the New Year. After all, the trainers are away all year round. It is also a rare time to reunite with the family when they go home and the family. Many trainers cherish it.

When talking about the Chinese New Year, the atmosphere in the cabin was completely lively, because during the New Year, everyone basically spent time with their family members, especially Zhou Jiang. They had just been out for less than a year, and they definitely couldn’t be absent before. New Year's Day, so everyone has a lot of interesting things, chatting and laughing, the atmosphere is brought up.

At the back, even the two who were flying in the cockpit and waking up from the co-pilot joined the discussion.

One day later, at noon, everyone reached the sky above the destination base, but compared with yesterday's laughter, the cabin was full of depression at this time.

The destination of their trip, the "different world" base in the east of City A, was captured by the "different world" elves...

The outpost base in the "different world" was captured, and the people in the base returned to the border base through the teleportation light gate. Now everyone is still blocking the exit position in the border base, competing with the elves of the "different world".

If the border is broken, the elves of the "other world" will really attack their world in a big way.

As they felt that the base was broken because they did not deliver the materials in time, Zhou Jiang and others looked a little ugly at this time.

The helicopter fell slowly, landing on an endless plain.

Yes, this base is not in the forest or among the rocks, but on the grassland.

But I don't know whether this node, which is the light gate connecting the "different world", likes to grow underground or the alliance can move its position, it is also "long" underground.

The plane landed on the grassland, and a waiting staff from a border base immediately greeted him.

The visitor is not the person in charge of the base, but just the most common staff member. If there are hierarchical levels in the border base, it is also a low-level existence.

The reason why he was the only staff member at the bottom came here because all those high-level staff went to fight with the elves of the "other world". Anyone who had some fighting capacity was sent to the front line to guard the light gate, and then annihilate the elves that came out of it. .

The other staff also work in different places, preparing food, and transporting the wounded.

Since the elves suffer a lot of deaths and injuries, as long as they are not busy ordinary workers, they have to help Miss Joey to bandage and clean the elves. Anyway, as long as the tasks are not difficult, they will all do it, so come out To greet Zhou Jiang and others, they just sent someone out.

After all, it's all at this time. It's about the survival of the base here and the safety of the Chinese people. How can they care about the face of Zhou Jiang and others, it would be nice if someone took them in.

You must know that even the staff who came to welcome Zhou Jiang were sent just after work and ready to take a break.

"You are just for support. I don't have much time to talk about it. Let me introduce you as we walk." As soon as Zhou Jiang and others got off the plane, the staff signaled Zhou Jiang and others to follow along and go to the border base.

Although the border base is in trouble and needs their help, the helicopters cannot fail to guard.

This is an unexplored area. Even though the probability of the Rockets coming here is low, what about the wild elves? They are also not friendly.

In the end, a few girls except Joey Lian were left behind. Zhou Jia was responsible for the combat power, so she couldn't follow Zhou Jiang and the others.

Zhou Jiang’s Shanaiduo and Lu Ran’s Hu Di fell behind with a space bag~www.ltnovel.com~ Everyone kept walking towards the border base.

The entry and exit mechanism was on the plain. After Zhou Jiang and the others stood up, the piece of land that looked like an elevator carried Zhou Jiang and the others slowly down.

The base was more than ten meters deep underground, and it was fine when it was on the ground. After it started to come down, Zhou Jiang heard the sound of Ruoyoruowu fighting.

Although they were able to contact the base here on the plane, the situation was a bit bad, so the staff went to help except for the necessary departments. Therefore, Zhou Jiang and the others were on the plane. I don't know the situation very well, I only know that this side was captured by the elves of the "other world".

Now as the "elevator" went down, the staff member began to introduce to everyone what happened here. Only then did Zhou Jiang fully understand the situation here.

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