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After learning the situation from the staff, Zhou Jiang and others were relieved.

It turned out that the base was broken not because they did not deliver the materials in time, but because a group of super-powered elves suddenly appeared in the "other world" elves. Together, they activated their superpowers and output the main force. All of the guns and bullets were intercepted.

Without the cover of guns, how could the elves in the base compare to the elves in the "other world".

It's not that they are inferior in quality and strength, but that they differ too much in quantity!

When there are guns, it can suppress the elves of the "other world", so that they dare not lean over to besiege them, but the guns are held by the elves of the super power system, and they can be surrounded and attacked unscrupulously. .

There are not many elves in the frontline bases in the "other world", and the number of elves in the "other world" is indeed more than five times that of them!

Although the sky above the base is protected by a protective shield, it can't last long. No, the base will be captured in less than an hour.

Seeing that it could no longer be guarded, the person in charge of the base decisively asked the soldiers and trainers guarding the city to retreat and withdraw from the "other world."

After they withdrew from the "different world", they couldn't close the space node. They were worried that the elves from the "different world" would rush into this world, so they deployed all the troops withdrawn from the "different world" over there. Even to make the space over there a little bigger, even the surrounding walls were smashed.

Whether the elves of the "other world" will come to their world through the light gate is unpredictable. Although there have been elves of the "other world" who have come out in N City, this does not mean they are here. The elves of the "other world" on the side will also come out of the light gate.

Perhaps after they captured their base, they destroyed their base and then dispersed?

Maybe they are just around the gate of light and won't come in?

All in all, before things really happen, no one can say with certainty that they will invade their world, they can only take precautions and deploy military forces near the gate of light.

So it became the way it is now. The elves of the "other world" did come to the world on their side through the light gate, and because the elves of the gun troops were arranged there, the elves of the "other world" were also Can't get in.

But they couldn't get in, but there were a lot of them after all, and people on the base side didn't dare to go inside the light gate to investigate the situation, so it was deadlocked now.

From time to time there will be a few elves in the "other world", dozens of them emerge from the light gate, and then quickly be wiped out, and then after a few minutes or tens of minutes, there will be another elves from the "other world". Come out of the light door.

According to the staff member, the offensive and defensive war surrounding the space node has been fought for two days.

Because of the invisible situation opposite the Light Gate, and the fear that there is a large group of "other world" elves lying in ambush there, no one dared to go in and check, so the battle situation has been frozen, the "other world" elves It couldn't be attacked, and people who returned to the border base couldn't get in either.

But this was the state before yesterday. Since yesterday, the elves of the "other world" have begun to aggressively attack the world here.

In the past, a few hundred elves from the "other world" would come over in one day, and there were gaps, so they wouldn't come over a lot at once, but since yesterday, they have changed.

At the end of the day, at least a few thousand, even tens of thousands of elves came over!

A steady stream of "different world" elves emerged from the light gate, and they could not be killed. Fortunately, the size of the light gate was there. Ten elves could not come out at once, so the base here is still It can be held, otherwise, I am afraid that even the base here will not be able to be held.

In the voice, the "elevator" stopped, surrounded by cement walls, only a wide passage was left in front. It was more than three meters high by visual inspection, and it should be six or seven meters wide.

"Please follow me." The staff said to several people, and then walked forward, Zhou Jiang and others hurriedly followed.

Walking all the way to a wide hall, Zhou Jiang and others finally saw people other than the staff who brought them in. Countless staff in uniforms were holding elves or medicine bottles, bandages, and pushing carts. Hastily passed by.

"Due to the failure of the mechanized unit, the main means of attack can only be performed by the elves. Therefore, there are many elves who have been injured. Therefore, workers who are not necessary departments like us have to come to help." The staff member gave Zhou Jiang. Waiting for someone to explain.

Since there were two pilots and three teachers in their team, they were all older than Zhou Jiang, so the "chief leader" was naturally not in Zhou Jiang's turn. This was what the staff said to the two pilots, but Zhou Jiang nodded subconsciously, but didn't say anything.

As I continued to walk inside, the people I saw grew more and more, and I could see the elves who were being pushed on the cart and were seriously injured and wrapped in white cloth.

The more you go inside, the more injured elves you see. When you get to the bottom, you can see a large piece of white bed sheet on the floor, lying on the floor with countless elves, Miss Joey and Geely Eggs, they are all busy Clean up their wounds and stabilize their injuries.

Suddenly, Zhou Jiang caught a glimpse of some training equipment piled in the corner.

Obviously, this place should be the training room originally. It should be that the infirmary was not enough to accommodate the injured elves, so the training room was requisitioned.

At this time, no one used the training room anyway, and the training room was considered to be used as an infirmary before construction, so the training room and the infirmary were built together.

There are eleven Miss Joey, and a little bit more for the Auspicious Egg, which is more than twenty.

Although they have been busy with their heads down, there are always times when they are finished and raised their heads. As soon as Zhou Jiang and others came in, Miss Joey found them.

Although it was the first time for Zhou Jiang and others to meet them, and they didn't know who was the person who brought the supplies here, but Miss Joey who discovered Zhou Jiang and others knew immediately that Zhou Jiang and others were. People who deliver supplies here.

After all, the space bag floating behind Shane Duo and Hu Di is really too eye-catching...

A Miss Joey spotted Zhou Jiang and the others. After exclaiming with some joy and surprise, the other Miss Joey also looked up and saw them.

But soon, those Miss Joey continued to lower their heads and go busy. Although the supplies are indeed very happy, but the supplies are at most to solve the worries of insufficient medicines. The elves should be injured or injured. They should start treatment. It is still necessary for them to get started, which does not change anything.

However, there was still a Miss Joey who got up and came to Zhou Jiang and the others. Zhou Jiang thought she was the oldest and the most prestigious among them, although Zhou Jiang couldn't tell from her appearance.

"Hello, this is Joey. Thank you very much for bringing the supplies here. I'm sorry to be unable to entertain you now."

"It's okay, it's our duty. The business is important. You must be very busy, Miss Joey. You can tell us where to put the supplies. We used to take out the medical supplies for you first." Lu Yong, the team leader Said.

Miss Joey nodded, bowed slightly apologetically at thirty degrees, and then let a lucky egg take Zhou Jiang and others over.

She can stand up as a representative to meet Zhou Jiang and others. Naturally, Miss Joey is the best in technology. She can't go. She wants to stay and continue to treat the injured elves, so she sent an auspicious egg to take the week. Jiang and others will just go over.

Although the auspicious eggs can use skills to heal injuries, there are so many injured elves that their energy cannot be supported, so most of them are using the same method of bandaging as Miss Joey, so that the injured elves slowly recover, and bandaging In the case of treatment, Miss Joey is naturally better at it, so it is just right for Geely Egg to take them there.

"Lucky~" Geely Egg responded, came to Zhou Jiang and the others, and signaled Zhou Jiang and the others to follow it.

After Zhou Jiang and others nodded their heads to say goodbye to Miss Joey, they followed the auspicious egg and walked inside, but among the crowd, one of them stayed, and that was Joey Lin.

Her treatment skills are not weak, and there is no need for strong treatment techniques here, just clean up the wound and bandage it after the special treatment machine is ready, and then take it for treatment. It can be said that this is the simplest, entry level. Of the treatment.

So she wanted to stay and help, anyway, she was useless in the past, she didn't need her help at all to take the supplies out of the space bag.

Zhou Jiang and others didn't say anything about Joey Lian staying to help, and Miss Joey who came to meet Zhou Jiang and others did not say anything, but smiled and welcomed her.

Follow the auspicious egg to the innermost part of the room, a separately built drug warehouse in the infirmary.

"Lucky~lucky~" Geely Egg pointed to the empty drug shelves, and shouted to Zhou Jiang and others.

Zhou Jiang, who had a translation for Shanaido, quickly understood what he meant.

If there is no Xanadu, according to the inertial thinking, the auspicious egg means to let Zhou Jiang and others put the medicines on the empty shelf, but it is not the case.

What Geely Egg means is that Zhou Jiang and the others can take out the medicines. When the time comes, Geely Egg will classify the medicines, and then ask Zhou Jiang and the others to put the corresponding medicines on the corresponding shelves.

I was afraid that Lu Yong and others would not understand the meaning of auspicious eggs, and I didn’t want to delay the time, so Zhou Jiang directly said what Shane Duo had translated. Lu Yong and the others were surprised. They didn’t ask how Zhou Jiang knew. Geely Egg yelled "lucky~lucky~" happily.

Lu Yong and others didn't want to delay time, so seeing that Zhou Jiang really meant it, they were too lazy to interrogate, and directly started to take medicine from the space bag that Shanaiduo and Hu Di were carrying.

Medicines and medicines are placed in the same space bag.

Medicines, food, weapons, and other miscellaneous things are all put together in the same kind, so once they fall on the open space, there are a lot of medicine materials.

"Lucky~lucky~!" The medicine was taken out, and the Geely egg immediately recognized it, and then began to direct everyone to carry it.

The Geely Egg can recognize it very quickly. Fortunately, the main force used is the two super-power elves, Shanaiduo and Hudi, so Zhou Jiang and others don't need to be so busy.

With the ultra-high efficiency, within ten minutes, the medicines and supplies that Zhou Jiang and the others had brought were cleaned up and placed on the shelves.

"Finally finished..." Looking at the empty ground, Zhou Jiang panted and wiped the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand.

Although ten minutes is short, they are not simply at work. They picked up the medicine and put it on the shelf. After returning, Geely Egg began to direct the new medicine to move, and there was no time to rest during the period.

Fortunately, she has good physique, strong strength and long endurance.

It's almost done after a simple wipe of sweat, and they don't need to sit down and rest.

After the medicines are finished here, they will go to the weapons warehouse. By the way, Zhou Jiang and the others will go to the front line to take a look to see if they can help.

The sound of fighting can be heard here. Zhou Jiang and the others are really worried that this base will be breached.

When I went out, I greeted Joey and others, and asked Joey Lin to help here with peace of mind. They would call her when they were about to leave. Joey Lin nodded in agreement, and Zhou Jiang and others followed the name. The staff walked towards the weapons warehouse.

The medical room, training room and rest room are built in the east area of ​​the base here, while the weapon warehouse and light gate node are in the west, the south is the exit location, and the north is the canteen and some rest places.

Go straight all the way, and soon everyone came to the weapon warehouse.

When the warehouse clerk is not there, he is also taken to help with the work, but although the warehouse clerk is not there, there is no need to worry about getting in.

The lock is an electronic lock. The staff who led Zhou Jiang and the others can come and show them the way. The person in charge in the base must have authorized many rights, such as the access rights to these warehouses.

For the weapon warehouse, there is not so much attention to it. After all, they basically bring ammunition~www.ltnovel.com~ The major part of the consumption of weapons is ammunition. After all, the weapon itself is not only overheated for a long time or attacked by elves, It is basically impossible to damage, unless it is a laser weapon, the damage rate of the ammunition of the laser weapon and the weapon itself is higher than that of the ordinary kinetic energy weapon.

After placing weapons and other things in the designated position, Zhou Jiang and others walked towards the area with the node light gate in front. The more people and elves they met, the more they walked towards that side.

Along the way, one can often see people pushing a cart with injured elves running towards them, and pushing an empty cart to pick up the elves.

As they approached, the sound of guns became clearer. Listening to the long-lost roar, Zhou Jiang felt that he had returned to the base of the "different world" on the "Battle Island" side.

But this time he lost the shock and tremor he had originally had. After staying there for a long time, Zhou Jiang had already got used to these voices.

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