Zhou Jiang yawned and walked out of the examination room.

   It's not because of how sleepy he is, but because he has no choice but to act like this!

   The person who gave the test is simply a devil. With a perfect score of 300, Zhou Jiang thinks he can only get 30 or 40 points...

   This is still ideal.

   If only such a score can be tested, Zhou Jiang can already see that after the score is released, he will be forced to be in the news again.

   It’s nothing to score 30 or 40 points in the college entrance examination, but it’s really unique for a famous person like him to rely on 30 or 40 points. By then, he will definitely be blocked by reporters and attacked by Internet sprayers.

   So he thought of a solution.

   That's a missed paper!

Anyway, if his grades can't go up, it would be better to hand in a blank paper with only a few points. In that case, the fact that his grades are not good will not be exposed. Of course, if you do this, he may be swollen and won a championship. After being specially recruited, the college entrance examination is not considered.

   In fact, these are all okay. The main reason is that he could not come to the exam after the special move. As a result, he turned around. If he did not get good grades or turned in a blank paper, he would definitely be sprayed.

   So he played the curve to save the country. Since passing a blank paper for normal reasons would be regarded as inflation, then just find a reason. What can I do in the examination room without stepping on the red line and be able to hand the blank paper?

   That is sleeping!

And there must be a good reason to sleep, otherwise, if you simply sleep, you will be considered disrespectful of the college entrance examination. So Zhou Jiang found another reason for this, that is, he pretended not to sleep well the night before the college entrance examination. The reason for sleeping well? Studying, nervousness, etc., just find a positive energy or a normal one, as long as you regret it afterwards, isn’t it over?

   So Zhou Jiang started acting.

   During the exam, he frequently "dozed off", his head little by little, and then slowly lay down on the table to sleep.

Even if the invigilator will come to remind you, it’s okay. The invigilator will not remind him all the time. After all, he is also a celebrity. The news that he was recruited by Zhida has long been exposed, and these teachers know it. Even if Zhou Jiang doesn’t take the exam, it’s okay, so as long as Zhou Jiang pretends to be really sleepy, the invigilator will remind him at most, and then he won’t care about him, as long as he doesn’t snore and affect other people’s school

   Under the acting skills of Zhou Jiang, he successfully slept until the end of the exam.

The so-called acting has to act in full, Zhou Jiang never gives up halfway when he is cheating, because since he cheated, it means that bad things will happen to him if he fails, so he is very serious about cheating. of.

   Zhou Jiang yawned and rubbed his eyes and walked out of the examination room, following the flow of people out to find Lao Zhou who was waiting for him.

   Zhou Jiang just walked out, and Lao Zhou, who was looking forward to it outside, found him, but why did Zhou Jiang suddenly look like he was not awake...

   I didn’t go to bed late last night. When I came in the morning, I didn’t seem to be awake enough. Why did I not wake up when I came out of the examination room?

  Lao Zhou hurriedly stepped forward, walked to the Zhou River, and asked: "What's wrong?"

   "Uh... it's nothing, let's go back first after the exam." Zhou Jiang saw that Lao Zhou had come, and he waved his hand quickly, his sleepy eyes disappeared.

   "..." Although Lao Zhou was puzzled, he still didn't ask anything. He nodded and walked towards the parking lot outside.

   was walking outside along with the flow of people. From time to time, I could see photographers and reporters carrying cameras on live interviews.

   Fortunately, no one saw Zhou Jiang, and the reporter did not come to the door. Zhou Jiang and the others returned to the car smoothly.

   After getting in the car and coming out of the garage, Lao Zhou glanced at Zhou Jiang, who was playing with his mobile phone in the rearview mirror, and asked, "How was the exam? Is it difficult?"

   "..." Hearing Lao Zhou's question, Zhou Jianghun became stiff, and his finger on the phone screen also stopped.

After all the thoughts in his mind, Zhou Jiang intends to "confess". After all, this is not a big deal. No, taking the college entrance examination is an opportunity for others to change their fate, but for someone who has been recommended to talk about him, this is just for fun. .

   "Then what, I was a little nervous during the exam. I fell asleep and handed in a blank paper."

   "???" Zhou Jiang's words shocked Lao Zhou, and the speed of the car suddenly slowed down. Fortunately, he didn't step on the sudden brake, or something happened.

   But even so, due to the large number of vehicles in the vicinity, the cars behind kept honking their horns. Hearing the urging from behind, Lao Zhou pressed his surprise and returned to speed again.

   After the road condition problem was solved, Lao Zhou still asked: "What's the matter, I fell asleep and turned in a blank paper?"

   "Um, I took the college entrance examination for the first time. I was a little excited and didn't sleep well last night, so I played on my mobile phone all night."

   Lao Zhou frowned: "Huh? Didn't you turn off the lights early, or did you turn off the lights and play with your phone?"

   Zhou Jiang nodded: "Well, turn off the lights and play."

   "Hey, don't you turn off the lights and play with your phone? Your eyesight is worse than most people. If this goes on, you will have to wear glasses. Wearing glasses is a burden for trainers."

   Seeing that Lao Zhou was concerned about this, Zhou Jiang was relieved, but also felt a little weird.

   This is this life. If he did this during the college entrance examination in his previous life, he would have to eat bamboo shoots when he went home.

   "Well, now that you have passed the exam, then forget it. Anyway, you are going to experience it. If you have a blank paper, do you still want to participate in the actual combat assessment?"

   "Um~ participate." Zhou Jiang thought for a while, and felt that he should continue to participate. There would be no big problem with the actual combat assessment. It's just the elves of the district examiner. Isn't this easy to abuse food?

The examiner’s elves are at most the elite middle-level to the elite high-level, and will not be higher than this. After all, the elves of the trainers who have traveled for a year are basically average but at most they are the elite elementary-level, no matter how high There are very few words, so the elite intermediate and high-level are enough to assess these candidates.

   Of course, Zhou Jiang is not an alien.

   He can be an outlier in an outlier.

   Thinking of Ming's assessment, Zhou Jiang thought silently, ‘I don’t know what rewards will be given to the examiner when the exam is exhausted, and will the rewards be triggered after the ranking of the college entrance examination. ’

   Yes, this is one of the reasons why Zhou Jiang came to take the college entrance examination. After all, it seems like it can trigger a "hidden task"!

   When they got home, Zhou Jia and Lin’s mother were already at home. Zhou Jia’s examination room was closer to home than Zhou Jiang’s, so they could come back first.

   just came back for lunch, so Lao Zhou went straight into the kitchen after returning home, and Lin’s mother who was waiting for them in the living room asked directly how Zhou Jiang was doing.

   No way, Zhou Jiang could only repeat what Zhou Jiang said. Although he was surprised by Zhou Jiang's work, Lin's mother was fine, just told him not to turn off the lights and play with the phone.

   Well, it's worthy of being a husband and wife, the focus and words are the same.

   Zhou Jia had returned to the room a long time ago, and was not downstairs, so Zhou Jiang had no scruples and asked Lin Mama directly: "How was she doing on the exam?"

Mother Lin naturally knew that Zhou Jiang asked Zhou Jia. Although she heard Zhou Jiang’s question called "she" instead of "Zhou Jia" or "sister", she felt a little helpless, but she still answered Asked Zhou Jiang's question: "She is simple, she should be able to get good grades in the exam."

After   , with a comparison, Lin's mother started teaching mode.

Zhou Jia slept well and took a good exam. Zhou Jiang didn’t sleep well when he played on the phone and turned in a blank paper. There would be no harm if there is no comparison. When Zhou Jiang told her "the truth" before, she had nothing to do, but Zhou Jiang made When he died, I asked Zhou Jia about the situation, so he provoked Lin's mother to nag...

   Looking at Mama Lin who was about to be unable to stop, Zhou Jiang was a regret. He only felt that he was very unlucky today. He would not be able to do exams. After returning home, he would provoke his mother to death.

   was finally helpless, Zhou Jiang could only escape upstairs.

   After returning to the room and falling on top, Zhou Jiang breathed a sigh of relief.

   shook his head and threw Lin's mother's nagging out of his mind. After lying on the flower board for a while, Zhou Jiang started to turn on the computer.

   Zhou Jiang intends to watch the interview video of the college entrance examination site. Although the college entrance examination is now halfway over, it is estimated that everyone is over, but there is no carousel after the live broadcast.

   Just look for it on the video website.

   The purpose of Zhou Jiang looking for these videos is nothing else, just to see what these interviews are, because he has a hunch that after the results are released, he will definitely be interviewed.

With a score of zero, although there are several people who do this in each session and want to "show the limelight", those people are all scumbags, and they are all transparent. There are no "big men" like Zhou Jiang. When the time was exposed, it would definitely cause online discussion, and then reporters came to interview after hearing the news.

   So now he has to look at these processes and so on first, and then arrange in advance what he needs when the time comes, and check for omissions, so as not to make mistakes.

  Since the fraud has begun, make it better, be more real!

During the "search for material", Zhou Nan and Xu Feng started chatting in the group built. The content naturally revolved around the college entrance examination. Zhou Nan and the others @了周江, Zhou Jiang did not hide the idea directly. The lie was repeated several times.

   Zhou Jiang’s father and mother didn’t care if he handed in a blank paper, let alone Zhou Nan and the others. They knew Zhou Jiang better and knew better about the “circle” of the current trainer.

   Zhou Jiang’s current strength is nothing more than an exam.

Among the people in the group, only Zhou Jiang and Xu Feng got the special offer for ranking in the "Dawn Cup". The others are all zero, so they all have to take the college entrance examination. However, Xu Feng and Zhou Jiang also participated in the same. He passed the college entrance examination, but he was not going to "play", but wanted to give a satisfactory answer to the process of studying hard for many years.

   Special moves can't satisfy him. After all, there is the credit of the Kabimon. He wants to use the knowledge he has learned and the power of the card to turn the paper.

   Zhou Jiang asked about their test scores, they were all okay, but Zhou Nan was a bit unsatisfactory.

Xu Feng is a master. The girls who studied at Shuguang High School and Chen Yongan's grades are naturally not bad. They are also masters, so they have no problem. Just like Zhou Nan and Zhou Jiang, they are both scumbags. Scum.

   Well, it's scum that is not suitable, it can only be average, and it is not inferior in ordinary schools.

It’s just that Zhou Jiang is a little bit pitiful. The longer the memory passes through him, the memory of the past will become blurred, many of which are fragments. In addition, it is a scumbag, and the grades will not be better, so the knowledge to remember is only Less pathetic...

   He estimated that his ability to test forty or fifty points was due to the result of reading the textbook before.

Zhou Jiang is so unlucky, Zhou Nan is much better. After all, there is nothing wrong with his memory. Even if his grades are not good, he won’t be so bad. After a few times, he can get more than 200 points in the test. .

   Zhou Jiang talked with them until the meal. After he finished the meal, the group had calmed down, and Bacheng went to eat.

  Since everyone is not talking, he doesn't want to provoke the topic, and he has no topics to pick, so he continues to sit in front of the computer and watch the video.

   Well, just looking at it, I unknowingly clicked on the website.

  Baozhan's movie watching website...



Second, Lao Zhou continued to drive Zhou Jiang to the test site~www.ltnovel.com~ but the test site was divided into two venues, and Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia were assigned to one place, so my mother Lin Jiyun I won't go.

  Because Zhou Jiang made an excuse that he couldn't sleep at night and played with his mobile phone and caused him to sleep in the examination room, so at night, Lao Zhou and Lin's mother specially asked him to go to bed early and not to play with his mobile phone.

Although they really don’t care how much Zhou Jiang takes, it must be good to get a good test. Even if Zhou Jiang is specially recruited, he is going to take the test and talk about it. How much, a zero score on the test, this will still be embarrassing.

   And it’s really bad to stay up late at night to play on my mobile phone. I also had this problem before. Zhou Jiang saw it sporadically from the debris, so I didn’t find this excuse before.

Staying up late to play on mobile phones, Zhou Jiang did this often in his previous life, but in this world, where entertainment is so developed, he still wouldn’t stay up late to play on mobile phones, and he was reminded by his parents, so Zhou Jiang did it early. Fell asleep.

   The actual test venue was conducted in an unofficially constructed battle center. It is estimated that I will talk about the results with the above PY.

   Normally, this kind of battle center is where the trainer is playing and playing, but it is PY with the people above, and it will be used as a venue for the candidates, so naturally it will not be open to outsiders.

   But not opening to the outside world does not mean that they cannot enter. It is naturally possible to watch the battle, but they cannot participate in the battle.

   Everyone is not uninterested in the battle between candidates and examiners for the college entrance examination. Unless they are masters who look down on these newbies, otherwise ordinary people will come to join in the trouble. After all, there is no entrance fee.

   So when Zhou Jiang and the others got there, the venue was already crowded with people.

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