I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 830: The long-lost fight


"Huh?" Feeling the vibration coming from his trouser pocket, Zhou Jiang paused slightly, and then took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket.

After Zhou Jiang stopped, Zhou Jia who was following him also stopped and looked at Zhou Jiang.

"Dad?" Zhou Jiang frowned as he looked at the caller ID on the phone.

After Lao Zhou sent Zhou Jiang and the others to the examination room, he went to find the parking lot. He asked Zhou Jiang and the others to go there first, and then he came again. As a result, they called as soon as they came in. The car was parked and wanted to find them. ?

"Hello?" Zhou Jiang answered the phone.

"The company suddenly needs me in an urgent matter. I have to go back. I may not be able to see your game." Lao Zhou's a little irritable voice came over the phone. It seems that the matter is not small.

"Okay, go ahead and leave us alone." Zhou Jiang said.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't watch it in old Zhou, it doesn't matter if he doesn't watch this kind of small game.

"Well, maybe you have to come back by yourself, you can talk to your sister, then that's it, I'll hang up."

"Well, bye bye." Zhou Jiang took the phone from his ear after the phone was hung up and the blind tone came.

Zhou Jiang looked at Zhou Jia and said, "The company has an urgent matter for Dad to deal with, so we can't come. We have to take the car back at noon.

"Yeah." Zhou Jia nodded, then said nothing.

Seeing that she didn't care, Zhou Jiang stopped talking, and took the lead to walk forward, looking for a place to sign up.

After signing up with the admission ticket, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia came to the lounge together. At this time, there were already many candidates waiting in the lounge. Everyone sat and talked with each other. It was so lively, Zhou Jiang and When Zhou Jia and the two came in, they seemed small and transparent, and no one noticed, so they found a corner and sat down.

The actual combat assessment takes several days to end, and today is just the first group of members to participate in the assessment. Among Zhou Jiang and his group of friends, Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jia and Li Linghui are taking the exam today.

It's just that Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia are in the same examination room, and Li Linghui is in another examination room.

The content of the exam is very simple. Register an elf when you sign up, and then go out to fight the examiner when it's your turn.

Since the strength gap is still large, the examiner hardly needs to stop. After the elves are tired, just change one. Anyway, the Alliance still has a lot of these middle and upper elves, even if most of them are taken. I went there to support the border base, but it was enough for the exam.

Fortunately, Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia's assessments were conducted in the morning, so they didn't have to wait too long.

At eight o'clock, the exam officially began.

Candidates who read their names on the broadcast went out from the lounge and walked towards the outside venue.

There are a total of three venues here for the exam. Although there are actually more than so many venues that can be played against, considering the damage of the venue, we simply use three venues. The other venues are used as spare venues to avoid vacuum. period.

As always, how could there not be a big screen on the outside battlefield in the lounge? Zhou Jiang was able to use the system’s identification function through the live broadcast of the big screen, and found out that the elves of the examiners are basic elite mid-level, and high-level elites may have them But at least Zhou Jiang hasn't seen it now, after all, this is the first one.

Zhou Jiang entered the field before Zhou Jia. Calculating the time, Zhou Jiang estimated that it should be more than ten o'clock when it was his turn.

Facts have proved that Zhou Jiang's guess is good. At 9:57, the elves of the students who participated in the assessment in the third venue were taken away by the examiner's Abby Lang. The battle ended immediately, so Zhou Jiang's turn was Played.

The battle field is an ordinary original field. Around the field is a three-meter-high wall with guardrails for spectators to watch the game.

In addition to the referee and the examiner, there are five scorers standing on the side of the field.

Well, there are still cameras in the four corners of the venue.

These five scorers are dedicated to watching the candidates' competitions, and then evaluating the results of the battle and the process of the battle. The highest and lowest scores are removed, and the average of the remaining three is taken. This is the final actual combat of the candidates. Achievement.

Zhou Jiang wore a scarf around his neck to cover his chin, so no one recognized him when he played.

"Examinees, please be prepared!" Zhou Jiang called the referee standing on the side of the field.

Zhou Jiang didn't respond, and didn't need to respond at all, as long as the elves participating in the assessment were released.

Zhou Jiang released his elf, Bibiniao.

Bibi Niao's level has reached level 40. Even if the final evolution is not completed, his strength cannot be fully utilized, but with the modified attributes, it is still simple to fight the opposite Abby Lang.

That's right, the elf on the opposite examiner was Abby Lang. This Abby Lang had just played against the examinee in front of Zhou Jiang, and his energy was basically not consumed, so he didn't need to change the elf.

Bibi Niao is a bitter wizard in Zhou Jiang's hands. The plug-in modification Zhou Jiang only changed it to the elementary and intermediate levels, while the advanced ones have not been changed once.

When the attributes are added up, a total of "25" has been added to physical attacks, "15" to special attacks, and "40" to speed.

Among them, Bibi Niao is not much stronger in physical attack except for its superior speed. It is just about the same level as a comparable eagle. As for special attacks, it is not as good as a level eagle...

But this is enough to deal with Abby Lang. This Abby Lang is only level 38. With its outstanding speed, plus the domineering, paper-painting, and cutting-edge playthings in front of Bibi Bird, it is not enough!

After Zhou Jiang released Bibi Bird, the referee introduced the rules. Although Zhou Jiang found these on the Internet before the test started, this did not prevent him from listening again.

After the rules are finished, the game begins.

The default in the competition was for the candidates to attack first, so Zhou Jiang was not polite, and directly gave Bibi Niao instructions.

"Bibi Bird, Yan Fan!"

Yan Fan's skill is the flying skill that can best display the speed of the elves. At the speed of Bibi Bird, after hitting Abby Lang twice, it won't feel well even if it is not seriously injured.

"Better than~"

Bibi Bird made a soft cry, her wings slightly converged, and entered the "Swallow Return State", her body was wrapped in energy, and the air swept away towards Abby Lang.

The sound of piercing the air was recalled in everyone's ears. Because the speed was too fast, before everyone could react, Bibi Niao had already arrived in front of Abby Lang.

Elves are different from humans. Humans have limited neural response speed and average dynamic vision, so they can hardly respond to bibi bird in high-speed flight, but elves are different, especially fighting elves.

However, Abby Lang is only able to react. Because Bibi is extremely fast, and Bibi can evolve at level 36, and its mission is to "smash dishes", it subconsciously feels Bibi The bird's level is not high, and he easily defeated his opponent with a single stroke on the field, so for Bibi bird, it doesn't pay much attention to it and looks very contemptuous.

So in the end, even though Abby Lang reacted, he could only make a defensive action. The point is that Bibi Bird’s attack fell on it before he finished this action...

The wings of bird elves are not only their roots, but also their weaknesses, but also their powerful weapons!

The slightly closed Bibi bird's wings rubbed Abby Lang's abdomen like a blade, and it was scrapped. When he flew two meters away from Abby Lang, it turned back in an instant of 180 degrees!

Speed ​​is more than just, it also brings strength and impact!

Aibi Lang, who had suffered the first swallow return of Bibi Niao, staggered backwards, and Bibi Niao's attack of the second stage returned was here again!

"Abby Lang!" The trainer who commanded Abby Lang, the examiner, just reacted at this time and hurriedly called Abby Lang's name. Unfortunately, even if he called Abby Lang like this, he wouldn't burst the seed. .


This time, Bibi Bird's attack hit Abby Lang. This time, it no longer flew past with its wings, but directly hit it!

Although it doesn't have the characteristic of a stone head, Bibi Bird won't suffer extra damage or enter a dizzy state if he hits it like this. After all, Abby Lang is not big and weighs less.

A righteous back stabbed by Bibi, Abby Lang rushed out in the form of a "C". After flying four or five meters, he rolled on the ground several times before stopping.

The venue is still a new venue, so even if Abby Lang rolls continuously on the ground, no dust is raised.

Abby Lang was beaten by Bibi and did not lose his combat ability, but Bibi did not take advantage of the victory, but flew in the air with his wings flapping and waiting for Abby Lang to rise.

At this time, the crowd of people watching melon-eaters reacted. Bibi Niao was very surprised when he pressed Abby Langda and started talking.

Not only the onlookers, but the examinees who watched the match on the No. 3 venue in the lounge were also stunned, unable to believe what was in front of them.

The examinee actually defeated the examiner? What a joke!

The five raters standing on the side also communicated quietly, nodding and shaking their heads from time to time, looking at Zhou Jiang and then Bibi Niao, not knowing what they were talking about.

Abby Lang stood up again, but his condition was not very good, his body was wounded and he was panting. Among them, the two places where Bibi was directly hit on the back and abdomen were also aching, reminding Abby Lang that it was in a bad situation at this time.

"Abby Lang, is it okay?" The examiner called out Abby Lang, asking if it can continue to fight in its current state. Since these elves are not the examiner's own, but issued by the alliance, he I am not very familiar with the elves, so I have this question.


Abby Lang nodded, and his sharp gaze at Bibi Bird was full of fighting spirit. In order to show that he could still fight, and even more to show his momentum, he threw his punches forward several times.

Fighting elves are generally fierce to the enemy and more fierce to themselves. Generally speaking, they are in better condition and have higher attack power after being injured.

And this is only if the injury is not serious.

Bibi Niao came twice, and now Abby Lang is seriously injured, so its fighting spirit can only make it so that its combat effectiveness will not decline. As for maintaining its original combat effectiveness, it is even higher. , Don't even think about it.

"Okay, Abby Lang, use Sonic Fist!"

The name of the skill is basically not taken randomly. Although the speed of Sonic Fist does not reach the speed of sound (depending on the strength of the wizard), it is also very fast. Basically, it is difficult to avoid the opposite wizard after using it. defense.

But this does not include Bibi bird flying in the sky.

When on the ground, Abby Lang can continuously kick the ground with his legs, so that the speed does not decrease or even changes faster, but now it wants to attack the Bibi bird flying in the sky, then it can only rely on the first kick The speed brought by the explosive power.

During this period, it will not only slow down due to the pull of the earth, but also cannot accelerate, and more importantly, it cannot change its direction in mid-air!

So Abby Lang wiped away the body of Bibby Bird and flew over, and then began to fall under the influence of gravity.

Bibi Niao, or how could Zhou Jiang waste this opportunity, immediately let Bibi Niao attack him.

"Abby Lang, pay attention to behind, turn around and use a thunder punch!"

Abby Lang relies on his fists to eat. Unlike humans, it has only one hand. It can use both hands freely!

It used to be the right-handed sonic fist. Now, although the sonic fist did not hit Bibi Niao, the energy is still up. If you switch to the thunder and lightning fist, you will need to waste a little time in the middle, but it will be fine with the left hand.

Abby Lang obeyed the instructor's order and turned around in midair to face Bibi Bird, and then began to accumulate lightning on the whole set of his left hand.

Steel wings!

The energy on Abby Lang’s fist has not been saved yet~www.ltnovel.com~Bibby Bird’s attack has arrived, and the silver-white metallic shiny wings of BIBIGO slammed into Abby Lang’s fist. together.


Since there was no way to borrow force in mid-air, Abby Lang's strength could be said to be extremely small, and Bibi could easily knock it out, hit the ground hard, and suffered a second injury.

This time, the field was smashed into a small hole, and the dust was directly raised, covering Abby Lang.

Although the "Smoke-No-Harm Law" is extremely versatile, it is not included here. When the smoke dissipated, Abby Lang had fainted.

"Wow~" When the smoke scattered, it gave everyone time to react. It was discovered that Abby Lang had lost the ability to fight. After the candidate, Zhou Jiang, won, the crowds onlookers bulged in a round while "pop~~" Palm.

"Abby Lang lost his fighting ability, and the candidate Zhou Jiang won. The game took three minutes and 27 seconds!"

The referee announced the result of the game in a timely manner, representing the end of the battle...

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