I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 831: Zhou Jia's battle

After the game, Zhou Jiang went straight away, ignoring the people who had been discussing the meeting, hiding his merits and fame.

You can go straight after the game, but Zhou Jiang has to wait for Zhou Jia, so he has to wait here.

But he waits, but he won’t go back to the lounge. One is the same where he waits. Anyway, even if he goes back to the lounge, he won’t talk to her or chat. The other reason is that Zhou Jiang doesn’t want to go back to rest. The room was watched by other contestants.

When Zhou Jiang left the field, someone had already guessed that it was him. After all, the name was the same. With this record, he could be guessed at any time.

The reason I didn’t guess before was because although the name "Zhou Jiang" is not a popular hit, there are many people who call it, and Zhou Jiang also has a scarf covering most of his face, which is not recognized by people who are not acquaintances. .

Now Bibi Niao, an elf that hasn't finally evolved, actually crushed Abby Lang cleanly. With the name "Zhou Jiang", it is not surprising that it was guessed.

Zhou Jiang did not go back to the lounge and went to the audience to watch the game. To avoid trouble, Zhou Jiang went to the audience in the first stadium.

The three competition venues are not in the same place, and people who come here rarely change venues. After all, the strength of the candidates is similar. Where can I watch?

Zhou Jiang successfully came to the spectator stand in venue 1. When Zhou Jiang entered, everyone was lying on the guardrail, watching the game below, no one noticed that there was an extra person here.

Although Zhou Jiang prides itself on the protagonist, the world does not revolve around the protagonist. If the protagonist is gone, everything is gone.

After Zhou Jiang left the number three field, the game on the number three field continued.

It's just a bitter for the candidates who played behind Zhou Jiang.

After Zhou Jiang's "noisy", the "eyes" of the examiners and scorers on the third venue were all raised, and Zhou Jiang simply killed them. Although the examiner didn't say anything, he definitely couldn't wipe his face. , When the next candidate arrives, he will definitely go all out. Not to mention the elite beginners, even the elite middle-ranks don’t need them. Directly take out the high-level elves of the elite elites. It will definitely be a massacre. .

And the raters?

Although they will try their best to be objective and fair, people will always compare two things with the same meaning, and Zhou Jiang is the examinee in the previous test, and they are very impressed, so they will Subconsciously comparing with Zhou Jiang, and the examiner who showed the "true ability" will teach the next candidate a lesson and find some face, so the next candidate will definitely be very miserable.

The final result can be imagined, the results must be very bad.

But these don't care about Zhou Jiang's affairs, other people's achievements, and what to do with him.

Zhou Jiang found a general spot in the auditorium of venue No. 1 to watch the game until Zhou Jia's name was called on the broadcast.

The reason why Zhou Jiang came to venue No. 1 was naturally because Zhou Jia took the exam here.

Of course, if she was also taking the test at the third venue, Zhou Jiang would not go to the third venue to watch her game. He would rather not watch or go home to watch the replay than get into avoidable trouble.

Not long after the radio sounded, Zhou Jia walked out of the tunnel.

Maybe it’s Zhou Jia’s "Water System Heavenly King Disciple" name that is more resounding than Zhou Jiang’s "League Championship", or Zhou Jia’s appearance is higher than Zhou Jiang, so he attracts more fans among passers-by. There was no commotion when he played on the third field, and no one recognized him, but after Zhou Jia played, he was recognized for the first time.

Looking at Zhou Jia, the examiner was "scared" and directly replaced the elf in the field with an elite high-level elf...

Zhou Jiang didn't know. In fact, Zhou Jia was recognized so quickly, and a big reason was caused by him.

Although there are no spectators leaving at the third venue, it does not mean that the people in the other two venues do not know what happened in the third venue.

Now the news that "Zhou Jiang appeared in the actual combat assessment of the college entrance examination and solved the examiner simply and neatly" spread wildly on the Internet and was discussed by the crowd.

The news that Zhou Jiang and Zhou Jia graduated in the same year has long been known to everyone, and Zhou Jiang has come to take the exam. What about Zhou Jia?

Sand sculpture netizens are very curious.

Although the spectators in Field One have been watching the game, watching the game does not mean that they can't play with mobile phones!

Among so many viewers, two or three percent of people who watch mobile phones are always there, right?

So many people look at their mobile phones, as long as they are not blind or have no browser installed, otherwise it is impossible not to see this popular "news".

After seeing the news and guessing that Zhou Jia might also come to participate in the assessment, it is impossible for the audience to guess that Zhou Jia and Zhou Jiang will participate in the assessment for so many days, but they will keep an eye on it.

And now that the radio reported Zhou Jia's name, then, whether it was or not, those people would definitely raise their spirits and pay attention to whether the person who appeared was Zhou Jia's.

And Zhou Jia did not cover most of her face with a scarf like Zhou Jiang, so as soon as she appeared, those with "ulterior motives" found her.

So many people who have discovered her, some people always exclaim or have friends and then talk to them, right? Although there are not many audiences, they are still dense. Some people exclaimed or said, so people next to them can always hear them, right?

Then one pass ten, ten pass a hundred, the audience in the entire No. 1 venue knows the "special identity" of the examinee Zhou Jia, so it becomes what Zhou Jiang sees now.

As for the examiner's replacement of elves, this is also Zhou Jiang's fault.

After Zhou Jiang simply killed the examiner's elves, the people above went to check other outstanding candidates, and maybe they could simply kill the examiner's candidates.

If you entangle with the examiner for a while, fight with each other for a while and then defeat the examiner, this is okay. The people above will not care, but if you kill the examiner wizard like Zhou Jiang, the test will be difficult. After all, this The test not only measures the extent to which the trainer cultivates the elves (the level and strength of the elves), but also the command performance of the trainer in battle.

If you kill it directly or press it without pressure, what else can be measured.

So after finding out-of-specification players like Zhou Jiang, the above guys are going to let the examiner "snipe" them, and let the examiner directly replace them with high-level elves after they are on the court.

Of course, a high level is a high level, but it will not cause a one-sided crush. At least the chance of candidates winning should be controlled between 40% and 50%.

Zhou Jia didn't say anything about the examiner's method of changing the elves, but silently listened to the referee's explanation of the rules.

After the rules were over, Zhou Jia took out the Elf Ball.

The elf used by Zhou Jia is Dragon Climbing, with a level of thirty-five. This level is already very high. Although compared with the fiery monkey at level fifty of the examiner, the quality of Dragon Climbing is silver. Yes, and the quality of the hot monkey is blue. There is a big gap between the two. In addition, the dragon is trained under the gentle guidance of water, and the hot monkey is only trained with a lot of other elves. The gap can be imagined. .

One is the elementary level of the elite, and the other is the high level of the elite. I don't know that the gap between quality and cultivation can make Zhou Jia successfully counterattack.

The elves on both sides came out, so the battle would naturally not be delayed.

Chenglong took the lead in making a move with a flash of freezing light.

Dragon Riding is a spirit with the main water and secondary ice attributes. Although it mainly focuses on the water system, the powerful skill is the ice system. The freezing light trick can be regarded as its signature skill. After hundreds of After thousands of exercises, the trick of freezing the light, it can be said that it barely stepped into the third hurdle, reaching the level of "proficient"!

Even if you haven't fully reached "proficient", this should not be underestimated. There are three main points for fast and accurate.

The ice-blue laser flew straight towards the hot monkey. Although the speed was very fast, the elite high-level strength of the hot monkey did not rise up lying down.

It’s not easy for a blue-quality elves to rise to the elite level. Under normal circumstances, this can be said to be their peak, and the hot monkey can reach this level by its fists and the spirit of never admitting defeat. !

To put it bluntly, this hot monkey is a warrior with many battles!

Regarding the direct shooting skills, the Hot Monkey does not know how many times it has encountered it. It does not need to deliberately avoid it. When it rushes forward, it will directly dodge the attack when it turns its body, and ran towards the dragon without reducing its momentum go with.

The freezing light didn't hit the fiery monkey and hit the ground, and a thin layer of ice was instantly spread on the ground.

Chenglong did not cut off the freezing light, but controlled it to shoot at the fiery monkey. However, the fiery monkey was extremely sensitive, and Chenglong’s attack could not hit it at all, and the most thrilling one was just awkward. Its hair flew past.

Under the acceleration of the fiery monkey, the distance between the two quickly pulled in, and Chenglong finally cut off the freezing light, preparing to intercept the fiery monkey's rushing footsteps by other means.

Chenglong opened his mouth and a sound wave flew toward the front. If Zhou Jiang hadn't been nearsighted, he could see it. The ground in front of Chenglong was trembling slightly. If he tried harder, it would even split directly!

This is a treble skill.

The basic power of the treble skill is "90" points, which is very high. It is in the same rank as the three common energy beam skills such as the freezing beam. However, the treble skill is a skill with a common attribute and has no attribute bonus. Advantages, so it stands to reason that freezing the light is more harmful.

But isn't it because the freezing light can't hit people now?

The high pitch is not like freezing light. The sound attack is basically inevitable. After changing the skills, the Hot Monkey was finally caught. Unprepared, its running motion was stagnant, and it subconsciously used it as if it was carrying a punch. She covered her ears with her hands, a pained expression on her face.

I don't know what the examiner called. Zhou Jiang couldn't hear it. The Hot Monkey endured his discomfort, and after a long roar, he continued to rush towards Chenglong.

The treble skill is quite powerful, but it has a fatal flaw, that is, it cannot last!

The high pitch is a skill that requires all the strength to shout. It consumes a lot of physical strength and the air in the lungs. The physical strength is good, but there is so much air in the lungs. You need to stop after you shout, unlike other skills. , The main consumption is on physical strength.

After the fiery monkey rushed for a few steps with the uncomfortable endurance, Chenglong's attack was stagnant, and he panted violently.

The distance between the fiery monkey and the dragon kept getting closer, and finally reached a distance of less than ten meters, the fiery monkey leaped suddenly, and the thunder light on both fists continued to puff up.

This is Thunder Fist!

Although the electric system can't restrain the ice system, after all, level suppression, even double restraint can make the dragon rider overwhelmed. If one fails, he will even be given a set of walking by the hot monkey, but this probability is not high.

The racial value of Chenglong’s "535" points is very average in the double attack and double defense. The highest special defense adds "95" points, and the lowest physical defense also adds "80" points, which is a difference. 15" points only.

The "80" point of material defense can resist the hot monkey's straight fist attack, and the "85" point of material attack also prevents Chenglong from being crushed by the hot monkey in close combat, with the same "85". "With a special attack, Chenglong's attack methods are even more weird and difficult to prevent. After all, energy attacks are more difficult to avoid as the distance is closer.

Facing the fiery monkey's thunder and lightning fist, Zhou Jia naturally wouldn't let Chenglong sit still.

The fact that you won't be killed in one shot doesn't mean you can get hurt without scruple.

Every serious injury will leave the elf at a disadvantage, after all, the pain of the wound can affect attack, avoidance and defense.


A huge water curtain rises from the ground and takes the dragon to hide inside the water curtain, while the huge waves are slapped at the fiery monkey.

The distance is a bit close~www.ltnovel.com~ The hot monkey has no time to change the trick, but fortunately, Dragon Rider is a skill that is launched in a hurry, so the scale and damage of surfing have not reached the peak.

The fiery monkey's fist slashed towards the giant wave, and the giant wave was smashed into a hole in an instant. Although the fiery monkey hit the dragon, the speed of the dragon inside the water curtain was still very fast. When it was on the ground, it couldn't hide. Inside the water curtain, its limbs swung lightly and moved away.

The fiery monkey did not hit Chenglong head-on, but the lightning attached to its fist could flow along the water curtain, but there were not many lightning attached to the thunder and lightning fist, so although the lightning spread to Chenglong along the current, it did not reduce Chenglong. How much blood.

Will it pass through the hole that was blasted out by the water curtain, and Chenglong is also riding a huge wave toward the front, trying to stay away from the fiery monkey.

The two elves passed by. So far, the first wave of head-on confrontation ended.

When the hot monkey rushed over, he ate a wave of high notes from Chenglong. The injury was not light, and his physical strength was exhausted. Chenglong used a lot of skills, and the current hit by the current was also consumed. physical strength.

In this way, the first wave of confrontation between the two elves was a tie.

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