The energy cube is full of energy. Ordinary elves will be full after eating a few, such as the elves of the Heavenly King level such as the Thunderbolt beast, which requires more than 20 meals per meal. If you calculate carefully, the Light Thunderbolt will need it for a day. More than fifty energy cubes are consumed!

The appetite of the quasi-king-level elves is much smaller than that of the quasi-king-level elves, but they have to eat seven or eight at a meal, and there are more than 20 in a day. In this way, the younger brother of the Thunder Beast, the six quasi-kings If an elf eats only energy cubes a day, at least one hundred and twenty energy cubes are needed!

Counting the at least fifty yuan of the Thunder Beast, plus 23 elite high-level elves, it is one hundred and fifteen yuan for a luxurious meal every day, and at least two hundred energy cubes are needed for that day. Eighty-five yuan!

It almost amounts to three hundred yuan.

Zhou Jiang only reported one third of this number.

The reason for doing this is purely for bargaining.

Although the elves are innocent, Zhou Jiang hasn’t traded with elves in undeveloped areas yet. Naturally, I don’t know if the elves here are the same as those in other places.


‘It said that one hundred yuan a day is too little, can it be more. ’

Zhou Jiang secretly said that although he was a bit cruel to lower the price, for the thunder and lightning beasts who have never seen the world, the supply of 100 energy cubes per day is really a pie in the sky. Outside, even in their human society, it is an incredible amount of money.

Zhou Jiang did not answer it the first time. Instead, he touched his chin and pretended to be thinking. After a long time, Zhou Jiang raised his head and looked at the Thunder Beast and said: "Yes, but I hope that when we stay in your territory, I and My companion’s elves can challenge other elves in your territory."

Before the Thunder Beast could speak, Zhou Jiang said: "Of course, for the injured elves, we will be responsible for curing them."

With that, Zhou Jiang took out the healing potion.

Holding the healing in his right hand, half raised in the air, Zhou Jiang said to the Thunder Beast: "This is a healing potion developed by our humans. It is very effective for healing the elves after being injured. I believe you have tried the "energy cube". After that, there is no doubt about our human technology? Of course, if you can’t believe it, I can demonstrate it for you on the spot.”

Thunder Beast was silent for a while and roared.

Xanadu said: ‘It asked how to demonstrate. ’

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Do you still need to ask... Healing potion, isn't it for the wounded elves? How to demonstrate... You give me a wounded elves, it's not over!

Although I really wanted to vomit, Zhou Jiang still didn’t vomit. Instead, he continued to faintly said to it: “Do you have any elves that are not good enough to be injured? Of course, if there are elves in a negative state, like Those who are poisoned by these are fine. We also have special potions for these to be treated together."

The Thunder Beast nodded. At this moment, the strange power among the "six big leaders" behind the Thunder Beast came out.


The monster force display nodded at the thunder and lightning beast, then looked at Zhou Jiang, yelled, and then saw its waist bend and hug it, rolling directly on the ground.

Zhou Jiang can see that this is **** rolling.

Hell Scroll is a fighting skill, which is different from the rock type, and the power is only "30" at the beginning. The power of Hell Scroll is constant "80". And rolling is to roll quickly on the ground after shrinking into a ball, and the longer the rolling time, the higher the power. In the case of **** rolling, it is holding the other elves and rolling on the ground. The rolling distance is not long, and the elves themselves will also be hurt while using the skills.

Weili's physique is huge, and when he uses Hell Roll, the momentum is huge, and the ground shakes slightly, like a small earthquake.

Because the ground is soft grass and mud, it needs to give up defense if the strange force is injured, that is to let the muscles relax, and then it needs to roll far enough.

When Guai Li got up, it already had some scratches on its body, but these were still not enough, so it rolled back...

After two rounds of rolling, Guai Li finally had many obvious scars.

Seeing that it was going to roll again, Zhou Jiang directly called to stop it. Although this wasn't even a minor injury to the strange force, it could already be used as experimental material.

Zhou Jiang walked to Wei Li, and Shanaido and Big Needle Bee, who had been bodyguards, followed Zhou Jiang just in case.

Guai Li glanced at Shane Duo and Queen Needle Bee and ignored him, continuing to look at Zhou Jiang.

Zhou Jiang motioned it not to move, and then said: "It may be a little painful, this is normal."

Guai Li nodded, expressing his understanding.

Zhou Jiang nodded, then sprayed the medicine on its wound.

Although this is the most common wound medicine, it is produced by the system after all. The effect is still very significant for bruising injuries. Coupled with the recovery ability of strange power, half a minute after spraying, where the medicine is sprayed, those The wound was gone.

The eyesight of the elves is generally very high. Although they are not standing close, they can still clearly see the changes in the monster power. They are instantly excited, and the group of elves behind the lightning beast even slightly commotion.

This is a very common time for Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo, but for Guai Li and their "soil buns", it is very powerful, and this is comparable to the healing skills of the elves!

Of course, this is only in their opinion, in fact, the potion is far worse than the Elf's Healing Element.

Now it only deals with small wounds, so it looks the same. In fact, if the injury is serious, the potion's performance effect will not be so strong. With the healing skills of the elves, the stronger the elves, the more stamina the better, even if It is a serious injury, and it can be cured quickly.

Although the healing skills are very effective, they are too rare. They basically heal themselves. There are very few healing skills that can heal other elves. It's no wonder they get excited.

Because Zhou Jiang said before, the younger brothers of Thunder Beast should train with Zhou Jiang and their elves, and the training will inevitably be injured. Before, there was no cure and fear that other lord elves would attack, so they were all in batches. Training, so there are not many high-level ones, they are all piled up by talent.

Now Zhou Jiang has taken out a potion that can match the healing skills, then can they train and fight at will? !

In an unexplored region, the rule of iron is the rule of the weak!

No elves don't want to improve their strength. Only when their strength improves can they survive in this forest of constant spirits and live better!

The Thunder Beast stepped towards Zhou Jiang, and after stopping by the monster force, he looked up and down at the place where the monster force was sprayed by the potion, and then looked at Zhou Jiang.


‘It asks how many such potions we have. ’

"Don't worry, as long as they are injured by training with our elves, we will provide them with this healing potion, but the production of this potion is not high, and we didn't bring much, so it looks like the kind of light injury before Wei Li It can’t be used anymore, only those with more serious injuries can be used.”

Thunder Beast nodded and roared again.

'It agreed. It said that we can move around in its territory, but we can't destroy the orchard, and if there are other elves invading, we need to help them resist together, and one yard is one yard. It requires us to provide at least two per day. Give them a hundred energy cubes. ’

Zhou Jiang looked at the Thunder Beast and nodded secretly.

Although the potion didn't stun it, the energy cube had to be raised from one hundred to two hundred, but this was not Zhou Jiang's bottom line after all. His bottom line was more than three hundred, and now it's only two hundred, which is a big profit!

Sure enough, it was right to quote one hundred yuan at the beginning. If you quote more than two hundred and seventy yuan directly according to the budget, then you will lose a lot.

Zhou Jiang looked at the Thunder Beast a head higher than himself, smiled and nodded, and said, "No problem, happy cooperation!"

Thunder Beast nodded, then roared again, then turned and left.

‘It allows us to give it today’s share as soon as possible. ’

Zhou Jiang nodded and looked at the thunder and lightning beast walking towards the stepping fruit forest. Zhou Jiang said to the strange force that hadn’t left yet: "Guy force, I’m not very familiar with this place. Can you take me around the territory? I want to find one. As a camp in an empty location, in return, I will give you five energy cubes as a reward."

As he said, Zhou Jiang shook the glass box in his hand, and the energy cube inside hit the glass, making a crisp sound.

Although Dajia brought Zhou Jiang here, Zhou Jiang did not intend to deepen his relationship with it. The strength of Dajia's leader is there, and he can't squeeze into the high-level position of this territory, even if he has a good relationship with them. , It's not very useful, and judging from Dajia's reputation in the human world, Zhou Jiang would not believe it too much.

If you don't do anything after giving it benefits, you will lose out.

But the strange power is different. The fighting spirit of the strange power has a straighter mind. As long as you give it benefits, and then defeat it head-on, then as long as you don’t do something wrong with it, it will basically get rid of it. .

Guai Li looked at the departed leader and a large number of elves, then looked back at Zhou Jiang, and after thinking about it, he nodded and agreed.

Zhou Jiang smiled, and directly took out five energy cubes from the glass box and handed it to it.

Guai Li was also welcome, seeing Zhou Jiang handing it over, he couldn't wait to throw one in his mouth.

When Kyuubi went in and explained the situation to the Thunder Beast, although he brought in the energy cube, there was only one piece, which was eaten by the Thunder Beast, so the monster was very curious about this stuff. Now when he eats it, his eyes brighten up!

Without hesitation, Guai Li directly threw the remaining four energy cubes into his mouth again and again. It hardly chewed it, threw it in and swallowed it, and Zhou Jiang was a little surprised when he saw it.

Although Zhou Jiang, who is more fierce than Weird Force, has been seen, they are all very large. This orange-sized energy cube is not as big as they thought when it reaches their mouths, so they can swallow a few in one bite. . But a humanoid elves like Weili, only seven or eight centimeters taller than Zhou Jiang's Weili Li, took an energy block, which was a bit scary.

After eating the strange power, looking at Zhou Jiang's surprised look, he scratched his head embarrassedly.

Zhou Jiang recovered, smiled, and said, "Let's go."

Guai Li nodded and took the lead to walk in one direction.

After eating the energy cube, Guai Li's favor with Zhou Jiang greatly increased.

Only wild elves who have eaten energy cubes will know how amazing this thing is.

After all, they are elves who have never eaten the elven food specially made by the breeder. The first time they ate this energy cube, the effect was simply touching.

After Zhou Jiang left with the strange force, the remaining elves were scattered. The elves who came here to join in the fun were only a part of the thunder and lightning beast's territory, and a large part of them were lying in their dens and sleeping. The companions who came were bragging and spanking.

Zhou Jiang followed behind Guai Li, holding his mobile phone to send text messages to Chen Yongan and the others so that they could come over.

Although an agreement has been reached with the Thunder Beast, there is still the danger of being besieged by the Thunder Beast, but this danger will always exist basically cannot be eliminated, so it can be ignored.

After Guai Li took Zhou Jiang for some distance, he came to the edge of the forest, and outside was an endless plain.

Seeing the flat terrain here, Zhou Jiang nodded with satisfaction. This land is quite good as a site. Although it is not far from the fruit forest, there are places where you can fight everywhere on the plain. So when they train the elves later, they There is no need to go far.

And this kind of open place has a good view. Don't worry about being surrounded by elves. Even if they fall out with the Thunder Beast, they can run away. If the elves from other territories come over, they can also find out and retreat to the forest. Go inside.

Although the Great Plains also have lords, the land between the lords and the lords will not directly border, and there is a buffer zone in the middle, so there is no need to worry about accidentally entering the land of other elves.

But the only trouble here is that it is far away from the river. If you want to take a bath, you need to transport water or walk a long distance to the river.

But fortunately, it is winter, and the bath must be boiled before washing, so they can safely leave the water problem to the elves. If it is summer, they will probably go to the river to wash.

After finding the territory, there is nothing to blame.

"Thank you very much, this is today's two hundred energy cubes."

Zhou Jiang handed the prepared bag containing the energy cubes to Guai Li. Guai Li nodded to Zhou Jiang, turned and walked towards the forest. He was holding the bag in both hands, shaking and drinking while walking. The drunk appearance is very gratifying.

It will take a while for Chen Yongan and the others to come here. Zhou Jiang was idle and idle, so he released the elves and began to direct them to start construction of the camp.

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