I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 844: Exciting scoring moment

Although he started to build camps, Zhou Jiang didn't plan to do much.

He used to think about building a house. Now that there are more people and four people, he doesn't bother to make these things. It's good to sleep in a tent directly. As long as it is not in strong winds and heavy rains, there is basically no problem.

Even in these bad weather, they can run into the woods.

To sum up, Zhou Jiang is too lazy to rebuild the house or something.

The area is roughly divided on the grassland, tents are set up, and Chen Yongan and their tents are reserved, and after the elves rest, they can engage in other things, such as a place for cooking and a place for bathing. Kind of, these have to be figured out.

The cooking is okay. Chen Yongan and the others directly took out the stove and these things after they came, and they could dry it in the open air. If they took a bath, it would not work. They needed to get a big wooden barrel, and then a compartment that could block the wind.

Although there are spirits, they can automatically make fires, but in the presence of wind or rain, it is still difficult to make fires. Now, in winter, if there is no hot water, don't even think about taking a bath.

Wooden barrels and compartments are not difficult to make, but there are many waste trees.

Let the elves chop some wood, then let the big needle bee process them, and finally let Shanaiduo do the stitching.

There is almost no need to worry about water leakage in wooden barrels made with tenon and tenon technology, and there is no problem after taking a bath.

After half an hour, a six-square-meter compartment stood on the plain.

When it was almost done, Zhou Jiang took out the folding bench and sat down on the leeward side of the tent, and then sent a message to Chen Yongan and the others, asking where they were.

As a result, the text messages were sent, and Chen Yongan and their voices came from the bushes behind.

When Chen Yongan in the forest walked to the side, they finally saw Zhou Jiang, and Chen Yongan was also trotting towards this side.

"Ah~! It's finally here, I'm almost exhausted!"

"Is it such an exaggeration." Looking at his surviving expression, Zhou Jiang was a little speechless, so he walked this way, as if he had experienced a great war.

While speaking, Chen Yongan had already reached Zhou Jiang, took out a bench and sat down beside him, Chen Fan and Chen Ziang also walked out of the forest and walked towards him.

After sitting down, Chen Yongan stared straight at Zhou Jiang, not speaking, watching Zhou Jiang's hair.

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang also sat down on the side, but they both looked straight at Zhou Jiang, without saying a word, and Zhou Jiang had goose bumps instantly.

Zhou Jiang quickly rubbed his arms with his hands, then moved a small stool to sit a little farther, and asked them, "What the **** is going on with you, why are you looking at me all the time!"

If Shanaido hadn't reminded him, Zhou Jiang would have suspected that they were pretending to be ghosts or creating illusions for him.

After Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Chen Yongan looked resentful and said quietly: "Did you forget to say something to those elves."

"Huh?" Zhou Jiang was a little confused.

Chen Ziang sighed and said helplessly: "You forgot to tell them about our affairs. You sent us to ask us to come over. When we came here, we met some elves, and we almost didn't fight them. "

"Um..." Zhou Jiang finally remembered what Chen Ziang said. He didn't really tell the Thunder Beast that he still had a companion...

In an instant, Zhou Jiang was embarrassed. After a dry cough, Zhou Jiang scratched his head and said, "Sorry, sorry, I really forgot about this."

"Oh~" Chen Yongan sighed, waved his hand, and said, "Forget it, forget it, anyway, we are already here."

"Yeah!" Zhou Jiang nodded, then changed the subject, and said: "Since you are here, let's set up the tent first, and I have already set up a bathing place. If you think you need a shelter for eating, We can also make another cubicle if it’s in the right place."

"Forget it, let's do it for now." Chen Fan looked around, nodded and said: "It's already pretty good here. It's all grass and woods. There is not much dust. It's just that it is troublesome to encounter strong wind and heavy rain."

"Well, it's really good." Chen Ziang nodded and said, "But there is the forest behind, and the terrain is on the high side. Even if we encounter strong winds and heavy rain, we can go back and spend in the forest."

After evaluating the terrain here, the three of them didn't say much, and went to set up a tent. The tent was quickly set up, and then there was a stove for eating.

Since it is permanent, it is enough to put it out and put it out.

Due to the existence of Zhoujiang Space Ring, leftovers can also be put in to keep fresh, so food issues basically don't need to be considered.

After the camp was initially set up, it was almost time to eat. Sitting at the table and eating the food he cooked for a long time, Zhou Jiang told them that after they were separated, he followed Dajia to meet the Thunder Beast. encounter.

Hearing Zhou Jiang said that when he reported that they were rewarded with one hundred energy cubes a day, Chen Yongan and the others were shocked. They called him profiteers, even the pure wild elves wanted to pit them. You must know that Zhou Jiang and the others are now four. Elf, there are more than 100 energy cubes eaten after a meal...

After eating, I greeted some elves who came in curiously, and agreed with them for the next day of training, and it was night.

In the winter night, the wind and temperature were so low that everyone naturally entered the tent early. Except for the routine night watch elves accidents, the rest of the elves were also taken back and placed in the Elf Ball.

Go to bed early, and everyone wakes up early the next day.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others got up very early, they got up before dawn, but they still got up earlier than them.

When Zhou Jiang and the others walked out of the tent, many of the thunder and lightning beasts were already waiting outside for Zhou Jiang and them.

Most of them came over curiously yesterday afternoon, and then made an appointment with Zhou Jiang and the others to play against and train today, and some of them came to watch the excitement.

Although Zhou Jiang and the others lay in the tent very early last night, it doesn’t mean that they just went to sleep. Although they are deep in the forest, there is a signal here. They want to sleep if they don’t play for hours. , It is really difficult.

Zhou Jiang and the others knew what the elves came from. After hurriedly feeding the elves breakfast, Zhou Jiang and the others let them go to fight on the nearby plain.

They came here to fight, how could they refuse these elves.

However, before the battle, Zhou Jiang also made an appointment with them, don't play too far, after all, although he can redeem the wound medicine unlimited, but this is all points! It can save a little, and if he takes out too much, Chen Fan and the others will be suspicious.

Although fighting with a little bit of energy will make them less happy, as long as their strength improves through the battle, isn't it all right? If you want to have fun, go and fight the enemy!

As for the points issue on his side, as long as the opponent "loses" after the start of the fight, no matter if it is proactively admit defeat or whatever, as long as Zhou Jiang's final result is "win", then he can get points, so even if he closes and hits him There can also be normal points harvest.

On the first day, there were not many elves fighting against Zhou Jiang and their elves. There were only about a hundred elves. Among them, the high-level ones, such as those with the quasi-tianwang level, were only one with strange power. There were quite a few high-level elites. All of them are elite beginners.

Although they are basically the first-level elites, neither Zhou Jiang nor Chen Fan picks them.

Zhou Jiang was accounted for no matter whether the strength was high or low, they were all credited with fixed points, while Chen Fan and the others were because they still had a second team to train, and the strength of their second team elves was just right to fight them.

However, not many of the Thunder Beast’s younger brothers have come here. It doesn’t mean that Zhou Jiang and the others don’t have strong duels. The elves only need to fight, and then learn experience, and their strength can be improved. Zhou Jiang’s points are also only You can get points for defeating the elves (except for fighting yourself), that is to say, their elves can completely brush each other!

Although the points can only be obtained from one elf once a day, Chen Fan and Chen Ziang have a lot of high-end elves, and they have given a lot of points. In addition, he used energy cubes as a lure, so more than 100 came. The elves face up with his elves, so in one day, his points are as high as two thousand five hundred!

You know, he now has only a little over nine thousand points, and now he has earned more than a quarter in one day...

This is because it is the first day, Zhou Jiang and the others have just arrived, and many elves are too lazy in winter. If it comes to summer, spring flowers bloom and Zhou Jiang and the others become familiar with them, then Zhou Jiang is afraid it will be a day. Can you get at least four thousand points?

Sure enough, the higher the strength, the better the points can be collected. Although they were stationed in the forest before, they were not so harsh.

In the evening, the day of fighting and training was over. When the thunder beasts’ little brothers were about to go back, Zhou Jiang thanked them and also wanted to attract more elves, so he sent them more than one hundred elves here, one for each elves. Energy cubes, although not many, are enough to make them greedy.

I believe that with their wave of propaganda today, there will be more elves coming tomorrow.

But Zhou Jiang didn't need them to come too many elves, after all, there were too many to "digest" on his side.

To get points, you need to fight, and the fight also takes time!

Zhou Jiang estimated that if his elves don’t try their best to fight with them for about ten minutes and then decide the victory or defeat, at the end of that day, it is estimated that they can only digest about two hundred and fifty. Elves.

There are two hundred and fifty elves. Zhou Jiang estimated that the elves in the Thunder Beast Territory could reach this scale. After all, there were so many old acquaintances, Wind Speed ​​Dog and its little brothers.

However, his elves weren't so powerful at the beginning, and they couldn't brush so many in one day.

The little brothers of Thunder Beast happily left after eating the energy cube. Chen Yongan and the others were also happily putting medicine on their elves, and they learned that Zhou Jiang would massage the elves.

Among the three forces of Thunder Beast's elves, Chen Yongan and Zhou Jiang, Zhou Jiang is naturally the most profitable.

Chen Yongan, the three of them, and the Thunder Beast’s little brothers said it’s not easy to make a profit, they are almost the same, but Zhou Jiang naturally gains experience in the elves, while his strength can be improved, he can also get a lot of points. This is really blood. !

After eating dinner and taking a shower, lying in the tent, Zhou Jiang wondered happily how many elves could come tomorrow and how many points he could harvest.

The first day got the benefit, and the next day everyone got up earlier. As usual, the younger brothers of Thunder Beast came earlier than them.

Sure enough, Zhou Jiang’s decision to send them energy cubes yesterday afternoon was correct. After Zhou Jiang and the others got up in the morning, there were already more than 80 elves guarding here, which is twice as high as the 30-odd ones yesterday More.

At the end of the day, Zhou Jiang thinks that the number of elves might exceed 200?

If this were the case, Zhou Jiang would really be laughing to death, with more than 4,000 points a day. If this continues, even if the expected catastrophe comes, he will be worthwhile!

But this is a funeral, let's talk about it now!

As usual, after breakfast for the elves, they were asked to go to the side to "play".

As time passed, more and more elves came to fight on the plains. Zhou Jiang roughly counted them, at least one hundred and forty or fifty. Even if no new ones were added later, they would be one more than yesterday. Thousands of points, it's a **** profit!

But it didn’t take long before the Thunder Beast came...

At first, Zhou Jiang thought it was here to play~www.ltnovel.com~ and he was very happy, thinking that he had started with the original fragments, but he didn't expect it to "ask sin"!

When Zhou Jiang asked, he realized that it was the one hundred energy cubes given yesterday afternoon that caused the trouble. Zhou Jiang and the others only provided two hundred energy cubes to the Thunder Beast every day, or they had to exchange it with some tree fruits. As a result, Zhou Jiang directly gave the following elves one hundred energy cubes for free yesterday afternoon, which made the Thunder Beast unhappy.

Why, my boss is so unqualified?

So it came to Zhou Jiang to ask Zhou Jiang to "inquire about sin".

Looking at the thunder and lightning beast with a little temper, Zhou Jiang was a bit speechless, but he didn't bother to care about it. After all, the four thousand points a day is too fragrant, just a little energy cube, and the main ingredients still have the trees they provide. Therefore, they only need to pay a little condiment.

The Thunder Beast came in person, and Zhou Jiang naturally wanted to give it some face, but he couldn't directly give it away. Although it was not a loss, he also had to make a small request.

He directly told it that he could give them three hundred energy cubes per day, provided that the Thunder Beast also came to compete with Zhou Jiang's elves. It didn't need to come every day, just once a week.

Zhou Jiang only wants the original fragments on its body. Anyway, this thing is refreshed once a week, so Zhou Jiang's proposal of this condition can be said to be nothing to the Thunder Beast.

Sure enough, under the lure of the additional 100 energy cubes, Thunder Beast decisively agreed.

After all, it only comes once a week, which is nothing compared to a hundred energy cubes.

Seeing the Thunder Beast who took three hundred energy cubes and then turned away, Zhou Jiang smiled knowingly.

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