I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 863: Battle against Ellerdore

However, analysis is analysis, but when it comes to fighting, it is often uncertain.

Like now, Zhou Jiang knew that he had to be careful of Elleriduo's thoughts, and he also vaguely reminded the monarch snake, but when the real sword and gun started to work, it would be difficult to say.

After a glance, the elves gathered around. To be honest, Zhou Jiang regretted letting the monarch snake come to fight this game.

Zhou Jiang felt that the winning rate of Monarch Snake was only 90%, not 100%. If it overturned, it would be ugly, and Menus should be sent.

Even if Menus opened the source and reached the primary level of the king, using Menus' words, it feels like being said to be bullying.

But fighting against something like this is not to bully the small by the big one?

However, although the Monarch Snake is not sure of winning, after all, there is a 90% chance of winning, so Zhou Jiang is only "some regret", and he will not choose to change the spirit before the game has officially started.

Zhou Jiang was not ready to command the Monarch Snake. After all, his command could not play a big role, so he simply retreated to the back and let the Monarch Snake and Elle Duo engage in a "real" one-on-one battle.

The Monarch Snake and Ellerdore stood, and the referee of the match was a quasi-king-level Shanaid. Seeing that both elves were ready, they directly called the start.

The elves in the wild are accustomed to preemptive strikes, whether they are close combat, long-range attack, or good at defensiveness. Of course, Elleriduo is not special. After the start, he leaned down and rushed towards the monarch snake.

Although the venue where Ellerdor competes with the Monarch Snake is not as big as the official site of the human world, it is not small, at least there is still room for the Monarch Snake to move around.

The speed of Ailureduo is very fast, rushing half the distance in the blink of an eye, but the monarch snake will not panic because of the speed of Ailureduo, it is much faster than Ailureduo.

Although the distance between the two sides gradually increased, the monarch snake did not panic, and came at his own pace unhurriedly.

If Elleriduo’s primary purpose is to get closer to the monarch snake, then the first goal the monarch snake must achieve is to pave the ground.

The best "field" for the monarch snake fight is the sunny day and the green grass field, but now is too late, and the monarch snake is likely to keep moving to avoid the attacks of Ellerdore, so the green grass field was first abandoned. So sunny days became the only choice.

With the guarantee of proficiency, the speed of the Monarch Snake using the sunny day is not unpleasant. Before Elleriduo rushed to the front of the monarch snake, the sunny day had already lifted into the sky and exploded directly, and the air instantly became dry. , It gets hot.

Although Ailureduo did not catch up with the Monarch Snake using the rigid neutral position of the sunny day, it at least rushed to it before the Monarch Snake backed away.

The elbow knives stretched a lot more than usual on his arms glowed with white light of skills, and slashed towards the monarch snake from top to bottom.


The attack range of the cleavage is extremely large. Once hit, it is easy to cause long scars on the elves, and this skill is easier to hit the key than ordinary skills, so even if the basic damage value of the skill is only "70", it is still It should not be underestimated, it is not a big problem to treat it as a skill above "100".

However, this also depends on the attacking opponent.

Snake elves like the monarch snake, close combat is actually very uncomfortable for them.

Snake elves have fast reaction speeds, not weak dynamic vision, and are boneless, can turn at will, and are very easy to avoid bodies that are not good at changing skills.

It can be said that if a pure melee type elves face a snake elves, it will be defeated. Not to mention the flexible movements, that is, the snake elves directly entangle their joints, which is enough for them to eat a pot.

After all, the pure fighting elves are all humanoids, and the joints are entangled and locked, so they basically have nothing to do.

However, although it was indeed a good idea to entangle the opponent, Zhou Jiang would not let the monarch snake use this method.

After all, if you want to entangle the opponent to death, you must get close to the opponent, whether you can entangle the opponent smoothly, or if you entangle the opponent, you may not be beaten by the opponent's struggling and breakthrough and then directly grabbing the monarch snake in zero-distance contact.

The monarch snake is weak in attack, defense, and physical strength, and it's over if caught.

And just with the power of the monarch snake, let it kill a real quasi-king-level fighting spirit, then it is also powerless!

After evading the attack of Eluleiduo, the Monarch Snake launched three parasitic seeds at Eluleiduo while jumping towards the back.

As long as the distance is a little bit apart, it can directly open up and launch the sun flame.

Although it is now possible to launch solar flames at ultra-close distances, there is still a big risk. If the attack speed of Ellerdor is faster, it is not impossible for the monarch snake to be cut. After all, the "speed" observed by the system "The value only represents the movement speed of the elves, not their attack speed.

If the Sovereign Snake is cut by Elleredo, then under severe pain, it is very likely that the newly condensed sunlight energy will explode because it loses control. It will not explode until Ellerdor doesn’t know, but the Sovereign Snake itself must be Will be bombed.

And this is not the key. The key is that the attack is interrupted and the Ellerito is attacked again. Although the speed of the Monarch Snake is faster than that of Ellerito, under the injury and pain, can the Monarch Snake escape from Ellerdor. Lei Duo's attack range is still unknown. After all, this is not a game. Even if he is injured, his attack, defense, and speed values ​​will not change.

All kinds of emergencies in reality are factors that affect the battle, and it is very likely that just a small mistake can ruin the rhythm of the entire game, and then be dragged to death.

Such things as parasitic seeds are extremely domineering. Once entangled, they will take root in the flesh and blood, using blood and flesh as nourishment and the land to breed and germinate.

The level of pain, really needless to say, the spirits with weak willpower are afraid they will just lie there waiting for death, right?

Although Ellerito wouldn't be like this, he didn't want to be entangled in this thing either.

As mentioned earlier, injury and pain will affect the state of the elf, so as to change the situation of the battle. Faced with the monarch snake, Ellerdor is under great pressure, so it dare not risk trying to rush to attack the monarch snake with its parasitic seeds.

The distance between the two sides was so close that Ellerdor had no choice but to stop and flew three parasitic seeds with double knives.

Although Ellerdor has super powers, it is not strong after all. If the parasitic seed flies for a certain distance, it still has the confidence to stop it with thought power, but the parasitic seed launched by the monarch snake at close range is When the speed is not reduced at all, it wants to intercept the next three, but it is still somewhat uncertain.

If there are two, it still has a little confidence. If there are three, it is uncertain. If there is a mistake, it will be finished, so it chose to use a more proficient elbow knife to pick them up conservatively.

Although picking up the parasitic seeds will not make Ellerdor stop directly, but it is inevitable to slow down.

Taking advantage of this gap, the Sovereign Snake has already moved its tail and pulled away from Elleredo. Not only that, a large group of "little sun" has already condensed in front of its mouth, just waiting for Ellerdor. Continue to narrow the distance, or the energy is condensed and compressed to the maximum.

The Monarch Snake will naturally not wait for Elle Do, so when the sun and flame energy of the Monarch Snake is condensed to the maximum, Elle Do not chase it, but even if it does not, it will not be far away. , After all, the monarch snake runs while condensing energy. Although it has the blessing of a sunny day, it condenses energy much easier than usual, but the speed of running will still be much slower.

But slow down and slow down, but if you didn't catch it, you didn't catch it!

The power of the sun flame after condensation and compression is almost twice that of the sun flame in the normal state, but the consumption is not twice as much. This is the result of the time spent and the precipitation.

The sun and flames are all ready, and now, it is finally the turn of the monarch snake to fight back.

Turning his head slightly, I could see Ellerdor who was constantly chasing behind him. Seeing it seemed unprepared, the Monarch Snake didn't think much, and was too lazy to think, and he turned his head suddenly, faintly a little. The uncontrollable sunlight and flames were launched.

In the sunny day, the flames of sunlight that had been brewing exploded like a curry stick, and the sturdy light cannon directly covered the entire vision of the monarch snake.

A light cannon with a diameter of more than one meter thick, plus the distance between the two is not too far, should it be able to hit?

Thinking about it, the monarch snake stopped.

Fortunately, the habitual launching of light cannon skills will not fire horizontally, but will deliberately form an elevation or depression angle, which makes the speed extremely fast, but the light cannon that the opponent has avoided flying into the sky or directly hits the ground .

This time the Sovereign Snake made an elevation angle, so even if the Sun Flame did not hit Ellerdore, the light cannon would not cause huge movements due to falling on the field, which would affect its ability to distinguish whether it hit the opponent or not.

However, while the Sovereign Snake squinted his eyes to adapt to the strong light, his ears were also listening carefully. It stands to reason that at the speed of the sun and flames, less than one second after it was launched, Elle Duo should It had already been recruited and screamed. As a result, it didn’t even hear the scream of Ellerdor. Suddenly, its heart sank, and then, without thinking about it, it twisted quickly. The body traced an "S" shape on the ground and ran towards the back.

If the sun flame hits Elle Redo, then Elle Redo will probably scream out. After all, if hit by this super high temperature and high damage sun flame, it is not dead but also peeling off. Yes, and Ellerdore has no reason to resist this pain.

No matter how strong the endurance is, there will be a groan, right? If you really hit this sunny flame without making a sound, then it's really invincible. I'm afraid it means that this sunny flame will not cause any harm to the other party before this can happen, right?

However, it is impossible for Elleriduo to resist this sun flame without injury, even if it is lucky to open its source for defense, it cannot be carried without injury.

This powerful sun flame, even if the damage has been reduced a lot, still cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, the only thing left is that Ellerito has escaped.

Although the Sovereign Snake didn't know how it did it, he was not in a hurry to confirm it, and he had to leave the place first to ensure his own safety.

Although its field of vision is obscured by strong light, but because its location is the source of the sun’s flames, Alreduo can’t see it with his eyes, but Alreduo can find it with his mind. what!

If it stays in place and waits for the last bit of energy of the sun and flames to run out, it is afraid that after the sun and flames are over, it will be able to usher in the slash of the friendship of Ai Lureduo.

However, the Sovereign Snake does not simply retreat. It always retreats while continuing to accumulate the energy of the sun and flames.

The beam of the first sun flame lasted for nearly a second and a half before it was over~www.ltnovel.com~ After the dazzling light of the first sun flame dissipated, Ellerito had already rushed towards the monarch snake. Come up.

Knowing the fierceness of the sun and flames of the monarch snake after brewing, Ai Lureduo naturally will not watch the monarch snake complete the sun flame. After all, although it escaped the attack of the sun flame by luck for the first time, Not necessarily once.

With a strong sense of crisis, Ellerito burst out with all his strength, biting behind the monarch snake.

Fortunately, the Sovereign Snake reacted quickly, and retreated decisively after discovering that Ellerito had not been recruited, otherwise it would be difficult to do so.

Although the distance between the Monarch Snake and the Elulare is not close, it is not too far away. In addition, Elulare has used the strength to feed on milk, and the speed at which the Monarch Snake is brewing the sun and flames slows down. Therefore, Ellerito is actually expected to be able to cut the Monarch Snake up close.

It's just that the monarch snake doesn't necessarily have to condense the energy of the sun and flames, right?

And there was no setting of half condensed, which could not be broken in the middle, so the Monarch Snake, who tilted his head and paid attention to the distance between the two sides, saw Ai Lureduo catching up, and decisively fired an uncondensed sun flame.

Even if the energy is not condensed and saturated, the sun flame is the sun flame, and the damage is not covered. The golden beam of light that is thick and thin in the bucket flies directly towards the Ailureduo.

This time, because the size of the sun's flames and the light it emitted were not as exaggerated as the first time, the Monarch Snake finally saw how Elle Reddor escaped.

I saw that Elleriduo seemed to foresee the future. The moment the Sovereign Snake turned its head, it made a move, and the body rushing forward gave a slight pause, and then the right leg in front of it slammed into force. Pounced on the right, and at the same time, the sun and flames passed by Elle Duo...

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