I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 864: Battle against Ellerdore (Part 2)

After seeing clearly how Elle Reddor escaped the flames of the sun, the Monarch Snake was shocked and felt that he saw the shadow of Shanaid from El Reddor.

When practising against Xanadu and Big Needle Bee, more than 80% of its attacks will be avoided. Among them, Xanadu relies on the observation of powerful thought power. Once the monarch snake launches an attack, Especially when the attack range is small, Xanadu will directly infer the movement trajectory of its attack, and then avoid it.

Although Xanadu's trick looks great, but it can only bully the weak elves, so Xanadu has never been so good when fighting with others before. After all, her strength is not much worse, even if it is much worse. Yes, she also needs acting in many times, so her strength can only be used on the elves in the team.

As for the Big Needle Bee, it naturally relies on the skills of seeing and cutting, paper painting and shaving to evade. The Needle Bee, which is much faster than the Monarch Snake, is not so easy to be hit.

Bumblebee and Xanaduo are very strong, and they are hardly the Monarch Snake can contend. The Monarch Snake is against them, and the winning rate is less than 1%. This is certain. However, it feels the greatness from Ellerdor. The shadow of needle bees?

For a moment of stunned consciousness, the distance between Ellerdor and the Monarch Serpent narrowed.

Fortunately, the Sovereign Snake had a good combat literacy. After seeing Eluleiduo rushing over, he put all doubts behind him, calmed his mind, and solved the immediate trouble first.

However, Eluleiduo was also stunned before seeing the Monarch Snake, so this time it not only rushed up by itself, but also used two minds to put the power of mind on the Monarch Snake!

Even if Ellerito’s thought power is not very strong and cannot control the monarch snake, it is more than enough to stop it for a while, and this short time is enough for Ellerito to pull into a large section between the monarch snake Distance.

Ai Lu Le Duo was extremely fast, and soon came to the Monarch Snake, and the Monarch Snake was also decisive enough to see that he could not hide, so he straightened out, bent, twisted, and flicked his tail in one go.

Under the action of centrifugal force, the power of the sword blade of the Sovereign Snake is very powerful. Even if the physical attack is a lot worse than Elule, it is believed that this wave of confrontation will not lose too badly.

Eluleiduo’s slash and the green-lit tail of the monarch snake collided with each other. The power gap caused the monarch snake to be directly knocked into the air for a short distance. When the confrontation between the two sides ended, Eluleido was ready to deceive him. When it came up, the Sovereign Snake pulled out two vine whips and drew towards it fiercely.

Although it was strange how the power of the Sovereign Snake was a bit weak, Eluleduo did not dare to underestimate the vine whip that was drawn.

The vine whip of the Monarch Snake was drawn from both sides towards the Eluleto in the middle, and one was higher and the other was lower.

Ailureduo does not want to be stopped by the vine whip of the monarch snake. As long as it breaks through the vine whip, it can attack the monarch snake in close proximity. This is a rare opportunity. If the monarch snake had not given it a chance before, now it is afraid He was still flying a kite by the monarch snake and bombarded with sunlight and flames.

Regardless of the vine whip, there are also methods for forcibly breaking through. One is to jump directly and get over the vine whip at high altitudes, but this method can avoid the vine whip, and the speed of chasing will not decrease, but if the monarch snake stops Come down and give it a sunny flame, then it will be over, so this pass.

The other is to squat down or get on the ground. This is indecent. The most important thing is to stop chasing and not use a sliding shovel. The method of squatting and avoiding the bottom cane can be ignored.

The last one is half-leaping, like diving, avoiding between two rattan whips.

It's just that this method is very risky, because the gap between the two rattan whips is very small, and if the monarch snake reacts quickly and controls the rattan whip directly to double, it will also have to finish playing.

But although the risk is a bit risky, it is also worth a try, unless it is willing to give up this opportunity and wait until the next mistake of the monarch snake.

Not daring to pin his hopes on the opponent's mistakes, Elle Duo decisively chose to take risks.

After the vine whip was placed close, Elleriduo directly swooped forward. When the body flew into the air, he directly used his mind to adjust his position so that he could pass between the two vine whips smoothly.

The Monarch Snake did not expect that Elle Redo would have this trick, and Elle Doe deliberately waited for the vine whip to approach it before doing so, so even if the monarch snake reacted, it was too late to control the vine whip to change direction.

Unable to attack Eluleiduo the first time, even if the Monarch Snake stopped the momentum of the vine whip and stretched towards it, it would not be as fast as Eluleiduo.

Before its vine whip attacked Eluleidor, Eluleidor's elbow knife would definitely cut the monarch snake's face first.

There is no other way, the monarch snake can only take back the vine whip, and then prepare for paper painting.

Recovering the vine whip doesn't take much effort, so it can use other skills well, but even this is not safe. The monarch snake is already ready to use the protection.

In fact, it’s mainly because the mastery of the paper painting of the Sovereign Snake is too low. It has basically never been used. Among the elves of Zhoujiang, the Big Needle Bee and Bibi Bird have high proficiency in this skill. Other elves It's the basic or whatever state in exchange for it.

No way, after all, only two of them can fly, so the proficiency of paper painting is very good, and Zhou Jiang, the other elves, let them practice other skills and speed.

The time is still a bit short. It has only been more than half a year since his debut, but his proficiency depends on time. There is no way even if there is no time.

As for why the monarch snake does not directly use protection but chooses paper painting, this is naturally because protection consumes more energy than paper painting.

As long as the paper painting is not used continuously and for a long time, it is basically non-consumable, while the protection skill is different and consumes a lot of energy.

Paper painting now has a 70% chance of success, and there is protection in the pocket if it fails, so why not take a gamble?

If the gambling is won, everyone is happy, and if the gambling is lost, it's a big deal to offer protection.

Facts have proved that the paper painting is still very useful, or it may be due to the fact that I have not seen this trick with Ellerdor, so the monarch snake successfully avoided Ellerdor's pursuit through paper painting.

The Monarch Snake that escaped the attack of Ellerdor and retracted the vine whip used the blade again. This time, Ellerdor did not hit the Monarch snake because he hacked three times in a row. The counterattack did not have time to prepare in time, so he was taken away.

Fortunately, at the last juncture, it crossed its hands on its chest to resist it, so it didn't lose any physical strength, but the distance that it finally pulled in was pulled away by the monarch snake.

The power of the sunny sky in the sky has slowly begun to decrease, the monarch snake no longer delays, and does not play any tricks, and directly shoots the sun and flames.

Although the sun’s flames shot in a second doesn’t seem to be as spectacular as the energy gathered for a while, but its power is not to be underestimated. After all, this is true. The ordinary sun flames, the curry stick-like sun flames before are its own. The Sao operation that comes out can't represent ordinary sunshine and flames.

The flying Eluleiduo hadn't landed in mid-air, and the sun and flames of the Monarch Snake directly hit it. Because the thing happened so fast, Eluleiduo had no time to react.

In fact, if Ellerdor had guarded against the sun and flames of the Sovereign Snake from the beginning, it wouldn’t be impossible to avoid it. After all, it could still move itself with mind power. Although the movement speed is not fast due to weak mind power, Changing directions in the air is a trivial matter to it.

However, the few sun flames of the previous monarch snake were all charged, and although it was huge and looked very powerful, it was hidden by it, so it is inevitable that it is a little careless.

So immediately, it suffered.

Faced with the sun's flames that had already flown in front of his face, Elle Duo had no time even if he wanted to hide. It didn't protect this magical skill, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet.

There is not enough time, and some big moves are useless, so it can only pick the one that can successfully complete the energy gathering and the most powerful megaton boxing skill.

Although it is flying in mid-air, it can't exert its full strength without stepping on the ground, but it still has power of thought.

There is almost no possibility of pulling oneself out of the sun and flames with the force of mind, but it is still possible to support oneself with the force of mind and let yourself be able to borrow.

Not to mention the full use of one's strength, but there are still 80 to 90%.

The bursting energy came from Ellerdor’s right fist, watching the field of view zooming in until it filled the entire field of vision with the beam of light, Ellerdor bulged, shouted, and slammed into the beam. .

boom--! !

The violent explosion sound and shock wave came, and the strong wind pressure directly crushed some broken stones on the ground nearby.

The stone dust and smoke were directly lifted up by the collision, and Elle Duo's figure was also directly covered.

Although I can’t see where Elle Duo is and how the situation is, Zhou Jiang can judge whether it has GG through system prompts, but not losing combat ability does not mean it is not injured, and Zhou Jiang does not command the monarch. Snake's plan, so he can only think about it in his own heart, what the monarch snake wants, everything needs its own judgment.

Eluleiduo's figure was obscured by the smoke and dust. The Monarch Snake was accustomed to the rules of the human world game and some unspoken rules, so it did not condense the sun and flames and shoot randomly into the smoke screen.

In the human world, it is impossible for the elves to die on the battlefield. This will bear criminal responsibility, so there are some unspoken rules.

For example, during a battle, after the elves of one party are hit by the opponent’s powerful skills, their silhouettes are covered by smoke, then the elves outside of the smoke should try not to continue attacking, because you are not sure whether the opponent is injured or not. Severely injured, if you are severely injured and then attacked and die, you will be cheated.

After a long time, this situation has evolved into an unspoken rule that everyone abides and is used to.

The Sovereign Snake is like this now. It doesn't know what Elule's condition is like. The power of the sun and flames is too strong, so it dare not continue to attack now.

But even if it doesn't attack, it doesn't mean that it can only stand there to watch Eluleduo.

It has a lot of state-enhancing skills. Although it is rarely used in battles, it is also idle now. It is better to improve the state.

The Monarch Snake has a lot of skills in the increase state type, after all, Zhou Jiang has replaced it with auxiliary power, which is the same as the external skill.

At present, the Monarch Snake has the growth skills to increase physical attack and special attack, the curling skills to increase physical attack, physical defense and hit, the dragon dance to increase physical attack and speed, and the final instantaneous amnesia to increase special defense.

The four skills, it can be said that in addition to physical strength, the other five attributes are included, and they are extremely comprehensive.

For the current battle, the Monarch Snake only needs to increase the special attack and speed, but unfortunately, there is no direct increase in these two skills.

If you increase the special attack, it can only use growth ~www.ltnovel.com~ and if you increase the speed, it can only use Dragon Dance.

Regardless of whether it is growth or dragon dance, it will add a layer of physical attack attributes. In other words, the only consideration is whether the current monarch snake needs to enhance special attack or speed.

Speed, special attack.

The monarch snake had made a decision almost without much consideration.

The monarch snake chose dragon dance!

After all, it's not bad for special attacks, but in terms of speed, it was almost caught up by Ellerdor and cut a few times before, so it naturally has to work harder on speed.

And if the speed increases, if Ellerdor is not injured right now and hides in the smoke and suddenly attacks it, it can also retreat quickly.

When fighting, there is basically not much time for the elves to think, so their brains are very fast, and the time it takes for the monarch snake to choose the dragon dance skill is only less than three seconds.

After stopping at a considerable distance from the place shrouded in smoke, the monarch snake directly launched a dragon dance, twisting his body and dancing a strange dance.

When the smoke and dust finally dissipated under the action of the breeze, revealing the figure of Ai Lu Le Duo inside, the Monarch Snake had already hung two layers of buff.

It was true that Ellerdore hadn't died yet, but it was also seriously injured. Although a million tons of boxing were used in time to stop the sun and flames, the explosion broke out in front of it.

It took a blaze of sunshine, and it was not injured now, not to mention the strengthened monarch snake that was facing the thieves.

Eluleiduo has risen, and the monarch snake can continue to attack.

Looking at the wounded Ellerdor who was mobilizing energy and preparing to launch an offensive, the monarch snake's eyes emitted a dangerous red light...

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