I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 871: Zhang Kai's commission

The call was from Zhang Kai, and the reason Zhou Jiang's face changed a lot when he saw the caller ID was that he remembered what Zhang Kai had asked him before.

Zhang Kui was missing, and there was no news. Zhang Kai found out that the serving king of the alliance might know Zhang Kui’s whereabouts, so I asked him to ask them. Zhou Jiang agreed and told Shui Qingren and Zhao Feng about it. , They also said they would ask and investigate.

However, afterwards, Shui Qingruan and Zhao Feng and the others never contacted him again. He would also come here to practice in the undeveloped area of ​​the Alliance. During the period, he was also preparing to fudge Chen Yongan and the others, so after he got busy, he gave it to him. forget.

As a result, now after Zhang Kai called, he saw his name Zhou Jiang and remembered this...

"What's the matter? Whose phone number?" Chen Yongan asked curiously when he saw that the phone kept ringing, but Zhou Jiang didn't hang up, and there was an expression of embarrassment on his face.

"Cough cough, nothing, I'll pick it up." Zhou Jiang reacted after receiving Chen Yongan's reminder, and hurried to the side of the shelter to answer the phone.

"Hello?" Putting the phone to his ear, Zhou Jiang called out with some guilty conscience.

However, what Zhou Jiang did not expect was that Zhang Kai's grateful thanks came from the other side of the phone.

Zhou Jiang: "???"

Zhou Jiang felt a little dazed. He was ready to be asked by Zhang Kai about the progress of the matter, but in the end he opened his mouth to thank him?

What's the situation?

Controlling the doubts and continuing to listen to him, Zhou Jiang understood what was going on.

It turned out that after he asked Shui Qing and Zhao Feng, they did conduct an investigation on this matter, but after the investigation results came out, they directly called Zhang Kai over and personally told him the results of the investigation.

After Shui Qingrou found out the results, they didn’t tell Zhou Jiang and then ask Zhou Jiang to relay it. Instead, they had to tell Zhang Kai about the matter in person. Naturally, it was something that could not be revealed to the outside world. Of course, neither were they. I couldn't believe in Zhou Jiang, but wanted to talk to Zhang Kai directly and let him keep it secret.

Originally, after Shui Qingrou and Zhang Kai had finished talking with Zhang Kai, they really wanted to talk to Zhou Jiang. After all, this was Zhou Jiang’s request to them. After doing it, they should always talk to him, but after Zhang Kai knew, he said let He came to tell Zhou Jiang, after all, Zhang Kai asked Zhou Jiang to go around, so he also needed to thank Zhou Jiang, so the task of telling Zhou Jiang was given to Zhang Kai.

Zhang Kai learned that what happened was yesterday evening. He should have called Zhou Jiang directly, but after knowing where his brother Zhang Kui is and there is no problem with his safety, Zhang Kai's tension and nerves relaxed. After coming down, the tight nerves suddenly relaxed, and he immediately became tired. After returning to the hotel, he fell asleep to death and didn't wake up until now.

After he woke up, he called Zhou Jiang the first time, and this was what happened now.

After listening to Zhang Kai's words, Zhou Jiang couldn't help but sigh. Fortunately, Shui Gentle and they are reliable. He almost thought that they didn't notify him because they had forgotten what they asked them to do...

Although the matter was over, Zhou Jiang was still curious about where Zhang Kui was and what happened, so he asked Zhang Kai directly.

In the phone call, Zhang Kai estimated that he was organizing the language. After a pause, he said: "Actually, I don't know exactly where he is. Zhao Tianwang said that he is performing a confidential mission. The specific content cannot be revealed like me, but I see To Aqui, he sent back some mission videos."

"Huh? Didn't you see him or talk to him?" Zhou Jiang asked with some confusion.

He thought that Shui Qingrou and the others had come forward. Zhang Kai could make a video call or call Zhang Kui. He didn't expect to learn about it through the mission video sent back by Zhang Kui.

"Yes, King Shui Tian said that Akui can't get out of his body when he is working on a task. The outside world can't take the initiative to contact him, only waiting for him to call or send a video."

Zhou Jiang nodded clearly, without asking anything more.

Although I was a little curious about what mission Zhang Kui was going to do, Shui Qingrou didn’t tell Zhang Kai and Zhang Kai didn’t know, so Zhou Jiang had nothing else to ask. After talking to Zhang Kai for a while, Zhou Jiang He hung up the phone.

When she turned around, Zhou Jiang found out that Shanaido had repaired the roof, and she was standing next to his previous seat, nodding to her, Zhou Jiang returned to her position.

Chen Fan, who was chatting and seeing Zhou Jiang back, looked at him and asked narrowly: "Whose phone number, girlfriend?"

Zhou Jiang pulled off the stool and sat down. Hearing what Chen Fan said, he rolled his eyes and said, "Where is my girlfriend."



Chen Fan and Chen Ziang looked at each other when they heard the words, and laughed wretchedly. Zhou Jiang looked stunned.

Turning his head to look at Chen Yongan, he looked away with a guilty conscience after a smirk, and Zhou Jiang knew that Chen Fan and the others were related to him.

However, before he could ask, Chen Ziang cleared his throat and spoke with a serious face.

"Say, let's play cards, right?"

Zhou Jiang: "???"

The black question mark on Zhou Jiang's face, playing cards? Here? In this weather?

Now the rain is heavy, and the wind is also strong. They are sitting here, although the rain cannot come in, but the wind is coming!

play cards?

I'm afraid that the cards will be blown away by the wind...

And is this a diversion? If so, then this is too blunt...

Not only Zhou Jiang, but Chen Fan and Chen Yongan also looked at him speechlessly.

"Ahem." In fact, Chen Ziang was embarrassed himself. After a dry cough, he turned his head away from Zhou Jiang. He felt that he had no face to meet people...

In the end, Chen Fan stood up and carried the banner, and said: "Okay, don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this. Anyway, we don’t have much ingredients? Especially the ingredients for the energy cube are better than expected. Even faster."

Well, although Chen Fan's technique of changing the topic is a bit rough, it is at least qualified.

Zhou Jiang actually didn't want to continue on that topic, so he nodded and said, "Yes, I use a little too much, but it's okay, except for one or two ingredients, the rest are very cheap."

Although everyone is now in a team, Qian Zhoujiang, who bought the fruit and ingredients, has never been out. This piece was paid for by the three of Chen Yongan. Zhou Jiang had planned to share it with everyone, but they said Zhou Jiang could use it for them. The energy cube automatic production machine, this is already a great fortune for them, how dare to let Zhou Jiang pay in this regard, although Zhou Jiang feels indifferent, after all, it is a small amount of money, but after they repeatedly confirmed, Zhou Jiang So they too.

After all, Chen Ziang has been through the wind and waves, and his face is not thin. After seeing the incident, he immediately turned his head and joined the topic of this time, saying: "Go back in a few days, Chen Fanxian and I go back."

"Well, I will go back with Zhou Jiang when the supplies are not enough next time." Chen Yongan nodded and said.

Zhou Jiang remembered the text message sent by Dr. Zhao Jianbai just now, and then said: “By the way, after you go back, help me pick up my spirit. The fire-breathing dragon I sent to Dr. Wang Hongru has been sent to Dr. Zhao Jianbai. Tell the doctor, you can go to the wizard center to help me pick it up."

"Huh? Is it Dr. Zhao Jianbai who contacted you just now?" Chen Ziang asked suddenly.

Chen Yongan and Chen Fan also looked at him.

Zhou Jiang shook his head, turned over the phone with the back of it on the table, and then slid his finger on it. Zhou Jiang moved and said, "It was not him who contacted me just now, it was a friend of mine. He was a long time ago. Please ask me to ask Shuitianwang and the others to help. Now he called back and said that the matter was over.

Oh many, turned it over, here~"

Zhou Jiang handed the mobile phone that had been turned to the text message page to them.

"Eh~! Has Dr. Zhao published the paper!" Chen Fan yelled in surprise while holding Zhou Jiang's cell phone.

The opposite of Zhou Jiang is Chen Fan, so the mobile phone is in his hand. Chen Yongan and Chen Ziang are leaning against him, and the three of them look at the mobile phone together.

Although it is not easy to see the contents of the mobile phone from the side, everyone's eyesight is very good, so Chen Yongan and Cong Zai also saw the contents of the text messages sent by Dr. Zhao Jianbai to Zhou Jiang after eating.

"By the way, I found out that Zhou Jiang hasn't returned to Dr. Zhao..." After Chen Yongan said weakly, the atmosphere suddenly became cold.

"Fuck!" Zhou Jiang also reacted. Zhang Kai called before. He went to the side to talk and he forgot to reply to them!

"Well, you can reply to Dr. Zhao first, let's go to the forum." Chen Fan quickly returned the phone, Zhou Jiang scratched his head and started thinking about excuses after getting the results.

Chen Yongan and the three of them took out their own mobile phones and went to the academic forums to hang out. They were Chen Fan and Chen Ziang. They went straight to Zhao Jianbai's new paper.

They were walking around the forums easily, and Zhou Jiang was almost entangled in the scalp.

Zhou Jiang didn't reply for so long, so Zhou Jiang wanted to find an excuse. For example, he hadn't seen something before, but he remembered what the teacher said in his previous life. Don't make excuses for being late.

So Zhou Jiang was puzzled whether he should answer honestly or find an excuse.

"Now, do you guys say that if I make an excuse, I just said I didn't see it just now?" Zhou Jiang finally made up his mind, so he raised his head and asked Chen Yongan and the others.

He just likes to care too much and cares too much about the opinions of others. When chatting with others in private, he must consider whether his words will be misunderstood by others before sending a message.

"Huh? You haven't answered yet!" Chen Fan looked at himself with a little shock. He would not understand Zhou Jiang's troubles when he went straight.

"Why are you entangled with this?" Chen Ziang looked away from the phone and looked at Zhou Jiang, but seeing that Zhou Jiang was really entangled, he said after thinking about it.

"It's okay, even if you tell the truth, it doesn't matter. After all, someone called you, but if you plan to talk about other things, it doesn't matter if you don't see it. Anyway, I don't think Dr. Zhao will care about this. He doesn't now. I will wait for you to reply in front of the phone. I'm afraid I will send you a text message and study it."

"That's right, Dr. Zhao is so busy, how can I care about you." Chen Yongan replied without looking up.

Zhou Jiang: "..."

Heartbroken, old iron.

He found that what Chen Ziang said was really true. He was entangled here, and as a result, Dr. Zhao Jianbai might not really intend to wait for his reply...

Looking at the three people who continued to look at their mobile phones, Zhou Jiang sighed helplessly, looked at the mobile phone in his hand, and thought for a while. Zhou Jiang felt it was better to tell the truth, just like Chen Ziang said. After all, someone else called. It’s normal if I didn’t reply in the first time.

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang typed words with two thumbs, and then clicked send.

After the text message was sent back, Zhou Jiang held the phone, and pointed his fingernails on the phone screen again and again, a little nervous.

One minute later, there was no reply from the other side, and Zhou Jiang continued to wait.

Two minutes later, the opposite party still didn't reply, Zhou Jiang continued to wait, but he was a little impatient.

three minutes……


Zhou Jiang secretly scolded himself for being stupid. Why are you waiting? If Dr. Jianbai Zhao has a reply to send a reply~www.ltnovel.com~ there will be a pop-up prompt at the top, can't you just cut it back then?

And it's been three minutes. Looking at it like this, I'm afraid he is really going to do research.

Thinking about it, Zhou Jiang sighed, turned off the phone, looked up at Chen Yongan and the others, and saw that they looked at the phone in his hand seriously, and opened his mouth. In the end, he still didn't say anything, and then silently turned it black again. The screen of your phone will light up.

At this moment, Shanaiduo, who was standing silently behind Zhou Jiang, suddenly frowned and turned to look at the side.

The side that Shanaiduo's gaze pointed to was the forest near their camp and the direction of the center of the Thunder Beast Territory.

An elf is coming! And it's not three!

Although the patter of rain obscured the sound coming from there, Xanadu still "heard" it.

The sound of rapid breathing and the movement of running with all his strength were very abnormal in Xanadu's "ears".

Shanaiduo looked at Zhou Jiang and didn't notify him the first time. Instead, he used Nianli.com to go there, preparing to check the situation before deciding whether to disturb Zhou Jiang.

However, Shanaido didn't want to disturb Zhou Jiang for no reason, but the visitor would not consider Zhou Jiang as she did, or that it came here to find Zhou Jiang.


With an unusually high-pitched roar, Zhou Jiang and the other four people who looked at the phone were startled. The sound came from a very close place, and the four people raised their heads and looked suspiciously in the direction of the sound.

Seeing that Zhou Jiang had been disturbed, Shane Duo had no choice but to tell Zhou Jiang what she had found out now.

Listening to the voice coming from Shane Duo in his mind, Zhou Jiang was startled, Emperor Bu? Why is it coming at this time?

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