I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 872: Raiden beast unconscious

Emperor Blue is one of the generals under the Thunder Beast, which is one of the seven quasi heavenly kings.

If it were normal, they wouldn't be surprised if Emperor Blue came to them, but it was raining heavily now!

There were not many elves who came here to participate in the battle in the morning. After the rain began, they left one after another. Except for some of them who hadn't finished the fight and three or two to watch the battle, there were no other elves. It's been so long now. After passing, all the elves on the other side of the venue were gone. As a result, Emperor Blue ran over in the rain at this time, and heard that Shanaido said that the speed was still very fast, which obviously means that the other party is very eager, plus the previous roar. ...

Don't know why, Zhou Jiang suddenly had a bad feeling.

This is obviously going to happen!

Chen Yongan and the others didn't tell from Shanaido, so they naturally didn't know who the visitors were, so they could only frown, stretch their necks and wait for them to run out of the forest.

Emperor Blue and the others were very fast. Three seconds after hearing its roar, its figure appeared in Zhou Jiang's eyes.

"Emperor Bruce?" Chen Yongan and the others were a little surprised after seeing the elves running here. Zhou Jiang's expression did not change. After all, he had already known it in advance, but he didn't know what it came from.

A thunder and lightning beast and a thunder lion followed behind Emperor Bru. After confirming that it was the acquaintance Queen Bru, the three Chen Yongan put down their vigilance.

Soon, Emperor Blue and the others rushed into the shelter where they were located. After a shovel braked, the three elves stood panting before Zhou Jiang and the others died.

"Woo~Wang! Wang!" The emperor Bruce who took the lead kept shouting to Zhou Jiang, shouting, and using his forelimbs to make gestures.

Zhou Jiang's four looked at Shanaiduo, and Shanaiduo frowned, and then said to the four people: ‘It said that the Thunder Beast is sick. I hope we can go and see it. ’

"Sick?" Chen Fan was slightly surprised.

The physique of the middle-ranked elves of the heavenly kings can actually get sick? And they can treat the small problems of illness themselves, right?

"Wait, you calm down first, can you tell us specifically what happened to the Thunder Beast? This way we will be prepared." Zhou Jiang frowned and asked at Emperor Blue.

Emperor Bru took a deep breath, nodded, and then started talking to Zhou Jiang and the others.

First of all, they are not sure whether the Thunder Beast is sick or what happened, but when they went to the place where the Thunder Beast was resting this morning, they found that the Thunder Beast couldn't wake up no matter what. They didn't feel right, so they went in and checked, and found that the Thunder Beast had been lying in the nest, motionless, no matter how they shouted, they just didn't wake up, and their breath seemed to be gone. They thought that the Thunder Beast was hung up when they walked in and found that it was not hung up, but although they were still breathing, their breath was abnormally weak.

Seven of them were frightened on the spot, and hurriedly ran to call the doctor in their territory.

The so-called doctors are the elves in their territory who are specifically responsible for healing. They are often not strong, but their healing abilities are very good. Although their effect has been greatly reduced after Zhou Jiang and the others arrived, they are still affected by the elves in the Thunder beast territory. Our respect.

The seven generals were divided into two groups, one group went to call the doctors group, and the other group went to take the elves in the territory to other places, to take them away, so that they would not know the strangeness of the Thunder Beast.

However, after the doctors of the treatment team came to investigate the Thunder Beast, they still failed to find out what happened to the Thunder Beast. At this time, they thought of Zhou Jiang and others.

Although it is not sure whether Zhou Jiang and others can do it, they are human beings who have come up with magical healing potions. Maybe there is a way?

Therefore, Emperor Bru took two elves who belonged to the Thunder Beast Guards and ran towards Zhou Jiang and their territories, and there was this scene.

After Xanadu's retelling, Zhou Jiang and Chen Ziang looked at each other a little bit. After nodding, they looked at Emperor Bruce and said seriously: "Let’s go, take us over and see. Although we are not sure if we can do it, we I will do my best."

"Wow!" Huang Huang nodded.

"Wait for us first, let's take the bag." After speaking to Emperor Bu, Zhou Jiang nodded to Shanaido, Shanaido directly lifted Zhou Jiang and the other four with his thoughts, and then they threw them there. Inside their respective tents.

Although Xanadu could take out the bag directly, he didn't know what Chen Yongan and their tent were in or what they wanted to bring, so he simply sent the people back and let them take it by themselves.

After taking the bags, the four of them were picked up by Shanaido, and they checked the backpack supplies in their hands. After making sure that they were all packed, Zhou Jiang nodded to Emperor Bruce and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Emperor Bru nodded, glanced at Shanaido, and then took the lead and rushed into the rain curtain. The two elves of Thunder Lion and Thunder Beast swiftly followed behind Emperor Bru, and then Shanaido and Zhou who were wrapped by Nian Li Jiang et al.

On this trip, Zhou Jiang and others took everything except the tent and folding tables and chairs.

Although the odds are not high, they must be prepared to not be able to return. As for the reasons for not being able to return...

Zhou Jiang, who was constantly guessing, glanced at the Emperor Bruce who was running ahead, his eyes flickering.

Only Zhou Jiang had come to the center of the Thunder Beast's territory, and it was only the first time he came, but he has never been since. It was the Thunder Beast who came to their base.

The lineup of Emperor Bru and Zhou Jiang and the four of them is still very luxurious for the other elves in the Thunder Beast Territory. Some elves hiding under the trees to avoid the rain when they saw them, they all cast their eyes curiously. Even a few who are more familiar with Zhou Jiang and others greet them directly.

However, Emperor Blue was in a hurry, so Zhou Jiang and the others couldn't delay either. They could only wave their hands and nod their heads, and then continue to follow Emperor Blue and the others.

In less than ten minutes, Zhou Jiang and the others came to the central area of ​​the Thunder Beast Territory.

After arriving in the central area, the number and quality of the surrounding elves have obviously increased. Looking around, they are basically the elite junior and middle-level elves. Although they are curious about the arrival of Zhou Jiang and others, they see that they are leading the way. Empress Lu, they dispelled the thought of asking.

It should be Lord Lord who asked them to come, right?

This is their general idea.

The Emperor Bulu, who was running in the front, ignored the elves that he met from time to time and looked over curiously, so he buried his head and ran ahead, while the four Zhou Jiang, who was dragged and flying by Shanaido behind, were silent. I watched the surroundings silently, not knowing what I was thinking.

The Thunder Beast’s residence is in the fruit forest. This is the first time Zhou Jiang has seen a home built in the fruit forest. The lords he has seen in the past either built their homes in the caves or in the tree caves of the big trees. Yes, built in the fruit forest, this was the first time he encountered it.

The difference between fruit trees and ordinary fruit trees is not only that these fruit trees are the main food of the elves, but also that most of the fruit trees can bear fruit throughout the year!

All the fruits on the periphery of the fruit forest have been plucked, and only some of the inner ones are left. As the fruit forest for supporting a territory, it is definitely not small. At Zhou Jiang's current speed, it takes about five minutes to reach the top Inside, one can imagine how big this fruit forest is.

In the center of the fruit forest, the other six quasi-king-level elves and the leaders of the medical team were already waiting for Zhou Jiang and the others. After seeing Zhou Jiang and the others, they immediately surrounded them.

Without much greetings, after everyone nodded and greeted, they went directly to the Raiden Beast's house.

The thunder beast's lair could not accommodate too many elves, so Zhou Jiang and the four of them, their three quasi-kings, and the leader of a medical team walked in.

Thunder beasts slept in a nest they built with wood and stones. They looked ugly, like a chicken coop, but the environment inside was still okay. It didn’t leak under heavy rain. It was relieved in Shanaido. After Zhou Jiang and others' thoughts of blocking the rain, they also felt the warmth of the thunder beast's nest.

I just don't know if summer is hot or not.

It would be perfect if it was warm in winter and cool in summer, but it seems that it does not exist.

After entering inside, Zhou Jiang saw the thunder and lightning beast lying on the sawdust and the haystack. Although Zhou Jiang could not see if it had a weak breath or something, Shane Duo could still see it. Sure enough, only fantasy can understand fantasy. .

Seeing that Shanaiduo confirmed that the situation of the Thunder Beast was indeed the same as the Emperor Bruce said, Zhou Jiang was slightly relieved, but he did not completely relax his vigilance.

"Go up and take a look." After Zhou Jiang said to Chen Yongan and the others, he took the lead to walk towards the Thunder Beast. Chen Yongan and the three of them looked at Zhou Jiang's back and were slightly surprised. Just followed.

Zhou Jiang and Shanaiduo took the lead in coming to the Thunder Beast, followed by Chen Yongan and the three of them, and behind them were the strange powers of the Heavenly King.

Naturally, it was given to Shanaiduo to investigate or something. After Zhou Jiang walked in, he looked at the Thunder Beast carefully, and saw that it was lying on the ground, with two forelimbs under the chin, closed eyes, sleeping peacefully. If it weren't for what Emperor Bruce said before and the affirmation that Shanaiduo just confirmed, Zhou Jiang would have thought it was sleeping.

Zhou Jiang was about to look around it, but he saw Chen Ziang walk up directly, and then started directly on the Thunder Beast. From time to time, he gently opened Thunderbolt's eyelids to look at his eyes, and then at Thunderbolt's mouth, tongue, mouth, etc...

Chen Fan is right next to Chen Ziang. When Chen Ziang starts, he will also observe carefully, then exchange eyes with Chen Ziang from time to time, and then exchange information with tacit understanding.

As for Zhou Jiang and Chen Yongan? They are not as good as they are. As for the operations of the two bosses, they naturally can only shout ‘666’ on the side.

Not long after, Chen Ziang stopped and retreated to Zhou Jiang and them with Chen Fan.

"How about it, did you see it?" Zhou Jiang quickly asked after seeing them stop, and they looked at Chen Ziang eagerly with the strange force guarding them.

Chen Ziang regained his senses, looked at Zhou Jiang, shrugged his shoulders slightly, and said helplessly, "If you say it is sleep, poison, these things, I can roughly tell which elves made them, and then look for medicinal herbs. Make an antidote, but the symptoms are not visible on the outside..."

He shook his head helplessly, "Excuse me for nothing. I am afraid that only Miss Joey, who has modern scanning equipment, can help."

Listening to Chen Ziang's words, the eyes of the four expectant elves dimmed, and their emotions instantly fell.

Chen Fan looked in his eyes and comforted: "Mama, don't give up too early. Although we can't help it, Shanaido is not necessarily."

With that, Chen Fan looked at Shanaido, whose eyes were closed beside Zhou Jiang, with a faint purple light radiating from the surface.

Hearing Chen Fan’s words, everyone turned their eyes to Shanaiduo, and the four elves were also refreshed, especially the three quasi-kings of Weird Power. They all knew Shanaiduo’s invincible strength. Strong in this matter may not necessarily be useful, but at least it can give them a hope!

Although Chen Fan said it was to comfort them, he didn't say anything casually. He really believed that Shanaido might find something.

Although Shanaido's thought power can't see through the flesh and blood~www.ltnovel.com~, she can observe the body of the Thunderbolt beast carefully, and perhaps the details they haven't noticed before will be discovered by her.

If Chen Ziang said that the modern scanning instruments that Miss Joey can use and their previous observations are put together with Xanadu, then based on the common characteristics, a ranking can be made.

The first is Chen Ziang's superficial observation. They can only look at the surface of the Thunder Beast and its eyes, mouth and other body parts, and then make a symptom judgment. This is the lowest level diagnosis.

After that, she was able to make subtle observations through her mind power. If she concentrated, she could see microscopic things, like now, she used her mental power to inspect the Thunder Beast’s body inch by inch.

After that, it will be the modern scanning scientific instruments. No matter how subtle observations Xanadu can observe, he can only observe the body surface, and cannot see through the flesh and blood, but the scientific instruments can!

Chen Ziang and the others don't see any problem now, and Shanaido is better than them, so naturally there is the possibility of becoming hope.

Thus, Xanadu became the only hope of the whole village.

At this moment, Zhou Jiang suddenly thought of his own system without any sense of existence.

Zhou Jiang glanced at the Thunder Beast and said silently, "Identification!"

In an instant, the attribute panel of Thunder Beast was displayed on Zhou Jiang's retina by the system.

【Raiden Beast】

Attribute: Thunder

Level: Lv74




Looking at this attribute panel, Zhou Jiang was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't...

He thought that the identification of this system could identify the condition of the elves.

This can't be done, it really is a low ratio system!

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