Although he said that he didn't care, it was impossible to say that he was really not greedy for Zhao Feng and Shui's soft "training secret".

Even if he is a traverser, some elves' knowledge is not even known to elves, but this does not mean that he has a deep understanding of elves. His understanding of the elves is basically just some shallow and superficial knowledge, if you go deeper, you basically don't know.

After all, in the previous life, the "elves" were just creatures in a game or an animation. Who would study the secrets of virtual, two-dimensional things in depth?

Although there are games, in order to fight, people will study the wizard's matching skills, laying eggs, effort value and so on, but more in-depth, such as the size of the wizard will affect the skills?

Does the character of the elves have any effect on other than the increase or decrease of certain two attributes of the elves, or nothing else?


Who will conceive and study these things?

will not.

Who would think about this?

It's just an animation, a game.

You think you can cross.

And in the game, these miscellaneous things are also fixed, like the same elves, there will be no difference in height, and the personality will only affect the attributes fixedly, and will not affect other things, and the skills are not proficient. Such a saying...

And the "elf game" called reality that is now in front of Zhou Jiang is not a simple and superficial game.

The same elves, the same height, weight, personality, and the same level, their strengths may be different.

Just like "there are no two identical snowflakes in the world", there are no two identical elves in this world.

Zhou Jiang's existing knowledge can only help him get to know the elves and learn about them, but if he wants to make a targeted and "perfect" training method based on the elves' condition, then he can do nothing.

Up to now, the indicators of the training tasks he has given to his elves are all his own. Since he doesn’t know much about elves, he is afraid of hurting the bodies of the elves too much. The training indicators he gave them are not approaching the limit. , It's just a little bit tired.

This level of training, to be honest, is completely inconsistent with his "identity".

As long as the trainer is a little capable, he can basically formulate some training methods that are approaching the limit for the elves. This is compiled by their daily understanding of their elves, and the stronger the training Teacher, in theory, the more perfect the training method you can formulate for your elves, the closer you are to the limit. (Excluding those piled up by time)

This is how Zhao Feng’s current water is soft and gentle. They can become the Four Heavenly Kings and stand out in all age groups. Nothing is impossible. After all, the limit for the people who can participate in the Four Heavenly Kings Challenge is that before the age of 40, they can be three It is not easy to become the Four Heavenly Kings at about ten years old.

The Four Heavenly Kings and Champions are the most superficially active trainers in a country. The methods are not simple. At least they have a unique method of elf training. This is why most of them are specialized in one line. If the elves of the attribute know well, specializing in that attribute can make the elves of their team quickly become stronger, instead of just making certain elves stand out.

As long as they become stronger faster than others, then they will be able to beat the strong with the weak (in terms of age)!

Although targeted training methods are not necessary for Zhou Jiang, after all, he can rely on systematic cheating to improve quickly, but this thing does not hurt him.

After getting the training method, he can push them to the limit and become stronger quickly while exercising, and he can also modify them with the system. Isn't that stronger? !

The only pity is that Zhao Feng's specialization has nothing to do with Shanaiduo and Big Needle Bee, otherwise Big Needle Bee and Shaneduo will be stronger. After all, until now, Big Needle Bee and Shaneduo have exercised. It’s a lot, but the improvement of their strength level depends on the modification of the system, and after the system modification, they will only improve their strength out of thin air, and will not make unnecessary changes to their bodies. They can be exercised to increase their attributes and become stronger. They can still be increased through exercise.

Yes, Zhou Jiang plans to accept their kindness.

After all, people are so generous and willing to teach him unique training methods. He is embarrassed to refuse?

If Zhou Jiang refuses, isn't that a naked face slap...

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Yongan, who had just woke up and walked out of the tent with a yawn, looked at the three of them, Zhou Jiang, who was hugging and pulling together, and asked with some confusion.

Fortunately, the "philosophy" of this world has not yet begun to develop, so he didn't think much about it.

Well, in fact, even if there is a "philosophy" in this world, most people don't think too much about it. At most, it's just a verbal complaint. Who would really think that a familiar companion suddenly got gay?

Zhou Jiang, who was holding them a little uncomfortably, pushed them away, and Chen Yongan also came out, the two did not continue to stick to him.

After sitting down on the side, Chen Ziang replied with excitement: "This kid Zhou Jiang is about to fly! King Shui Tian and King Zhao Tian will tell him their training methods!"

Seeing the excited Chen Ziang, Zhou Jiang rolled his eyes, saying as if the person they were going to teach was you, why are you so excited...

And even if the water is gentle and soft, Zhao Feng’s training method is definitely better than ordinary people’s, but it is only targeted. In Chen Ziang’s elves, there are water or ice elves, but the ghosts are gone, and at most the poison is just a little bit. He was so excited about the training method.

It is naturally impossible for Zhou Jiang to understand these "indigenous people". For them, the four heavenly kings are their lifelong pursuit, and the training skills that almost every four heavenly kings will master are the "magic secrets" of the highest sage in their hearts!

Sure enough, after listening to Chen Ziang's words, Chen Yongan, who was still a little sleepy, instantly became energetic.

His eyes widened, as if he had heard something incredible. After two seconds of loss of consciousness, Chen Yongan rushed towards Zhou Jiang and the others regardless of washing.

"I wipe!" Seeing Chen Yongan running quickly, Zhou Jiang's expression changed immediately, his body leaned back slightly, his hands stretched out to block him, and he shouted, "Don't hold me!"

Under Zhou Jiang's strong refusal, Chen Yongan ran to Zhou Jiang and stopped chatteringly.

However, if he hasn't vented his emotions, it is naturally impossible to give up. If he can't hug, then shoot!

Thinking, Chen Yongan patted Zhou Jiang on the shoulder twice, and then, even more excited, his face flushed, pressing on Zhou Jiang's shoulder and began to shake back and forth, his mouth still muttering...

Zhou Jiang, who was forced to "operate", was a little helpless, but he did not slap his hand directly.

He was almost getting used to the passionate ways of people in their world, either hugs, hooked shoulders, or shook his shoulders vigorously.

Every time something good happened to Zhou Jiang, they would do it with excitement...

But Zhou Jiang wouldn't let him just shake it like this. After seeing him almost, he slapped his hand away.

"Well, don't get excited, go and wash your face." As he said, Zhou Jiang who stood up forced him to turn around, and then gave him a push.

Chen Yongan did not refuse either, and after saying "OK", he went to wash up.

After sitting down again, Zhou Jiang looked at Chen Ziang and Chen Fan who were looking at him, and said, "Rather than caring about this, it is better to think about what we should do next."

"Huh? What?" Chen Ziang was a little puzzled, and Chen Fan was also a little confused, wondering why Zhou Jiang said this suddenly.

Zhou Jiang glanced at Chen Fan strangely.

Chen Ziang came from behind and didn’t understand. You have been there all the time and still can’t hear what I mean?

Is not it!

However, although he was spitting out inwardly, the explanation still needs to be explained.

"Brother Zhao just called, he didn't specifically tell me how to train me..."

"Oh!" Zhou Jiang said here, and Chen Fan reacted.

Zhou Jiang glanced at him, and when he saw that he was not speaking, he continued: "He said that there are many doors leading to the "different world" all over the world, and the frequency of occurrence tends to be faster and faster. This world There may be trouble, let us go back soon."

"The end of the world?" Chen Ziang complained after hearing Zhou Jiang's words.

"You can say that, I think we have to be prepared to face the "end of the world"." Zhou Jiang nodded, and did not refute his complaints.

After all, if there is a day when there are so many doors in the "other world" that humans can't keep, and those elves come out like an endless stream, it will be no different from the end of the world. If humans can't survive it. , It's cold.

"Do you want to talk to your family first?" Chen Fan frowned.

If there is a disaster, their family members are more vulnerable to danger than them, but he doesn’t know if this is considered a secret, so he dare not disclose it to his family easily. After all, Zhou Jiang is also a coalition prosecutor and is considered a member of the system. , Zhao Feng told him that these were within the scope of permission, and their family members were just ordinary people, so naturally it would not work.

Chen Ziang was also worried about his family, so he and Chen Fan looked at Zhou Jiang with expectant eyes.

Zhou Jiang frowned, and finally shook his head and said, "I don't know this too well. I will ask them when they rest at night, but I don't think it will work. After all, this is a serious matter. You The inside of the alliance is considering whether to announce this matter and then recruit ordinary trainers to guard near the "door." If we tell the family, even if they keep it secret, it's a bit unsafe. It's not that we can't believe them. If they reveal it inadvertently, things will be big."

Chen Fan and Chen Ziang nodded.

They naturally understand these principles, but care is chaotic. Anyway, this matter is not decided by them, so they just ask. The result is nothing more than being able to say and not being able to say. Tell your family that you are ready for this, but what if you can tell?

Seeing that they didn’t say anything, Zhou Jiang said, “Leave the family’s items in advance, and wait until I ask them in the evening. Let’s talk about what we should do now. If the disaster really strikes, we will definitely not be alone. , Let’s bring the family together before time."

"Come here..." Chen Ziang thought for a while and said, "I should be fine here. My parents have opened a small supermarket. Then I will tell them to close the door for a while."

"I don't have any problems here." Chen Fan followed.

"Huh? What's okay?" This is Chen Yongan who has returned from washing.

While asking, Chen Yongan sat down on the empty side of Zhou Jiang.

After briefly telling him what happened, Chen Yongan frowned when he understood the seriousness of the matter.

He is the weakest among the people, and even if he is not comparable to Zhou Jiang and others, his strength is not good. After all, he is just a student who has just entered the university after his debut. Throughout the ages, except Zhou Jiang, who can be in a year Get such a perverted strength?

Although his strength is quite strong among, if he really faces a disaster, then his strength is not enough.

He is still very optimistic about his potential. He feels that although he is not as lucky as Zhou Jiang, he can still do something in the future, but if there is no time for him to grow, what should he do...

"Are there any difficulties on your side?" Seeing Chen Yongan frowning and not speaking, Zhou Jiang thought he had any difficulties at home, so he asked.

Although it is bad behavior to inquire about other people's home conditions, who cares about it at this time...

"The end of the world" is not their imagination now, but something that might actually happen.

Although it's really contradictory to put it together, it's not contradictory in this matter.

"Really" is that if this matter continues like this, it will cause "the end of the world", and if it is "possible", there is only a small probability that it will end in such a bland way, and it will not have any impact on ordinary people. It is just this possibility. Very low, very low, but even lower is a possibility.

Hearing Zhou Jiang’s words, Chen Yongan came back to his senses and quickly said: “Oh, no, no, there’s nothing wrong with me. My parents work in the company. If they leave, they may have to ask for leave or resign, although it’s a bit troublesome. , But if I tell them this is what you said, they will believe it."

Zhou Jiang shrugged and said jokingly: "It seems that I have a lot of face?"

Chen Ziang murmured: "You have beaten me anyway, "the youngest league champion in history", and there are two elves of the heavenly king level. That's more than a big face. Although you don't have many photos on the Internet, Not everyone knows you, but people who haven't heard of your name basically don't exist, right?"

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