I’m a Pokemon Trainer in a Parallel World

Chapter 901: The messenger of the giant vine, Qilinqi

"Haha, are you." Zhou Jiang smiled and couldn't comment.

Although he felt that he was indeed famous, it was different from what he imagined.

In the past, he still imagined that after he became famous, a bunch of fans pestered him for autographs, and then a bunch of beautiful female fans begged him to carry.

Obviously it is such a beautiful illusion.

As a result, after he became famous, there were indeed a bunch of fans who pestered him to sign, but most of them were big men and children, and they came to him to sign when he didn't want to be in trouble.

As for the female fans, let alone, there is no one who talks to him privately...

There is nothing to gain from the benefits, and I have to worry about being chased by reporters to dig out big news, which is simply inappropriate!

Although it was very depressed at first, but now, he has also looked away.

After all, even if there is a female fan asking him, he is a little virgin who has never had a girlfriend before, dare to go? He just dared to yell in his heart...

"Don't talk about it." Zhou Jiang waved his hand and said with a serious face: "Since everyone in the family has no problems, then let's start and find a better place."

As soon as Zhou Jiang finished speaking, Chen Fan immediately said: "Go to City V. City V is the capital, and there is also China's strongest dragon system hall. Defensive ability should be very strong by then."

"Um..." Zhou Jiang was speechless.

Chen Fan looked at Zhou Jiang and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, V City is really good." Zhou Jiang shook his head, then looked at Chen Ziang and the others, and asked, "What do you think?"

"Then City V."

Chen Ziang has no opinion, and Chen Yongan is no exception.

As the capital city, if the war time comes, it can be said to be the capital of a country. After all, as the capital of a country, it must be the most powerful of all cities, right? And if the capital of a country falls, then that country is really over.

So choosing City V is a good idea.

And there must be a lot of powerful trainers in V City. When they participate in battle, there will be powerful companions, and their safety can be guaranteed.

"so be it."

As for the arrangements for the family, it ends here now. After all, I don't know if I can tell my parents, so I have to wait for Zhou Jiang to ask Zhao Feng in the evening before thinking about it the next day.

Although Chen Yongan didn't know about it, but seeing Zhou Jiang and the others stopped discussing, he didn't say much. Even if he was puzzled, he suppressed the curiosity in his heart.

"Give me something to eat, I'm a little hungry..." Chen Fan touched his stomach and said to Zhou Jiang.

"..." Zhou Jiang, who was about to get up, was taken aback for a moment, and then he was speechless, but he still took out the cake from the space ring and gave it to him. Although he had eaten in the early morning, he slept after all. To the exquisite cake, Chen Ziang and Chen Yongan also ordered one.

Well, in the end even Zhou Jiang, who is not hungry, took out a portion and ate...

After eating the cake, Zhou Jiang took Shanaido to the nearby forest to train the small families.

Although it is necessary to guard against the attack of the "other world" and not allow the combatants to participate in the battle or training, but idle is also idle, Zhou Jiang has nothing to do anyway, then go and train now. Those little guys.

Zhou Jiang and the others didn't need to stay there all the time like their little brothers, and couldn't leave their original positions, so they were bored and had nothing to do, so they went directly to train the elves.

Even if they don’t have the Raiden Beast’s sparring match, the elves of their own people can also learn from each other. For example, Zhou Jiang’s "Second Team" and Chen Yong’an’s main elves, their strength is not much different, and they are not different from each other. .

As for the words of Chen Ziang and Chen Fan, their elves can also learn from each other, but their second team of elves have similar actual combat experience and level. If they want to continue to improve, they will rely on the accumulation of time. Compared to this, they think more. Let the elves develop skills and be proficient in the skills they have learned.

Not everyone, like Zhou Jiang, can directly let the elves learn skills and their proficiency is not low.

Because they were worried about the impact of the training battle on that "door", the place where Zhou Jiang and the others went to train was a bit far away.

But they can't be too far away, after all, if they are too far away, if the elves of the "other world" come out again, then they can't rush back to fight.

If the number of elves in the "different world" is small, it can be solved by the thunder beast's little brothers, but if the scale is like last night without Zhou Jiang and the help, the thunder beasts and their little brothers After setting up the battle, the loss is not small.

So the place they chose was some distance from Dakeng, but the sound of fighting was a place that could be conveyed.

In this way, they were training their own elves as before, except for the main elves (except Chen Yongan) who did not train them, the rest was no different from usual.

In this way, until noon, the thunder and lightning beasts who were sent to persuade (threat) the giant vines and their three lords returned.

However, the giant vine did not follow, but the Qilin Qi who represented the giant vine came to investigate.

The place where Zhou Jiang and the others exercised was actually on the road opened by them when the "door" came out at the beginning when a major earthquake was triggered. Now this road has become a "road"-like existence. They all walked here, so when Emperor Bruce came back, they just ran into Zhou Jiang.

Seeing that the "guest" was brought in, even if it was not the giant vine, Zhou Jiang and the others still wanted to "enter" it, plus it was noon, so Zhou Jiang and the others took back the elves who were almost trained. , And returned to the camp with them.

For the meeting to discuss matters, Zhou Jiang is enough. Chen Ziang and Chen Fan are going to cook, Chen Yongan is going to make energy cubes, and Zhou Jiang's words are to "welcome" the arrival of Qilin Qi with the three lords of Thunder Beast.

Since the giant vine of Suffering Lord did not come over, Zhou Jiang and the others did not make things difficult for the Qilin Qi in order to get it over. They were very friendly to it. The Thunder Beasts also patiently explained what happened here and if they were not defensive. If you live, disasters may happen.

Seeing being deceived by the "kindness" of the Thunder Beasts, Zhou Jiang felt an intolerable feeling in his heart.

Of course, this emotion was quickly extinguished by him.

A dead fellow is not dead.

Anyway, he is not familiar with the giant vine, and there will be no chance of getting familiar with it afterwards.

I don't know if it was a coincidence. When the Thunder Beasts and Qi Lin Qi were talking about the ferocity of the "other world", the "door" that had not moved for a long time finally opened again.

Although hundreds of elves from the "other world" popped up last night, it might be due to the "night" bonus, so the elves that popped up this time are not comparable to those of last night.

But even if it is not compared to last night, it is much better than yesterday in the daytime.

Yesterday, during the daytime, only one or two appeared occasionally, but now there are seven directly!

Don't look at the elves around the big pit, almost all resting on their stomachs, but once there is a bit of wind and grass, they will come back to their senses.

And the elves who were in the set-up shift to monitor the situation at the "door" spotted the "other world" elves that had emerged. Perhaps they thought of the tragic battle last night. They wailed rather nervously and sounded the alarm. , And then took out their strongest long-range attacks, and blasted fiercely towards the elves of the "other world" that had just come out.

The sound of the alarm was sudden, but everyone's reaction speed was also very fast. When the alarm first sounded, the elves resting on their stomachs all stood up with a "hoola".

The elves in the front row waited for the impact of the "other world" elves. The long-range attack group in the back row also subconsciously threw out their skills. The treatment group and the auxiliary group were also nervous, ready to control the attack. The elves who came and heal the meat shield in the front row.

The three of them, Chen Ziang, who were cooking, also hurriedly turned off the fire and took out the pokeball to prepare for battle. Zhou Jiang and Thunder Beast, who were communicating in a friendly atmosphere, also changed their momentum in an instant, and stood up and looked towards the target. go with.

The only scene at the scene was the ferocity of the "other world" elves, and Qilin Qi, who had not experienced the fierce battle last night, looked blank.

It's just that Zhou Jiang just stood up...

Why did the fighting stop?

Seeing the fighting stopped over there, Zhou Jiang was a little puzzled.

Due to the terrain and being surrounded by circles of elves, they naturally couldn’t see the situation there, but Zhou Jiang and the others couldn’t see them. The elves formed there could see, even though The same goes for the output group standing in the back row.

Otherwise, if they can't see the previous situation, how can they accurately output?

I saw in the center of the big pit. The dark pit was surrounded by stumps, meat and blood of the "other world" elves. In addition, there were rubbles in the same place and various traces of being bombed by skills .

The passage of the "door" has been enlarged a bit. This time the seven "different world" elves came out at once.

Since they did not come out one by one, the elves, who were scared into the bird of fright, used their skills to wash the ground, and their "family" was neat and tidy, and the dead could no longer die...

Originally thought it was a great enemy and was about to face a bitter battle, but was bombarded with scum. The elves who were frightened by the sirens did not recover for a while, and were stunned.

This is what Zhou Jiang sees after they stand up.

But fortunately, although the vision was blocked by the elves, Zhou Jiang and the others had three elves who could use their mind to check the situation there.

After sweeping the situation over there with his mind power, Lord Shanaido sat down, and the bronze bell also removed his mind power and fell back to the ground.

Although I still don't understand what happened, but seeing Lord Shanaido and Bronze Bell both sat down, he just sat down with them.

As soon as Zhou Jiang sat down, Xanadu explained to him. After hearing Xanadu's explanation, Zhou Jiang was speechless.

His reaction speed is not as fast as the elves. Before, he stood up with a serious face, not only because of the alarm sound of the elves, but also because of the thunder and lightning beasts beside him. Their aura changed in seconds, and he stood up nervously. For the sake of.

Because of their nervousness, Zhou Jiang's emotions were also aroused. Thinking of the war last night, they also became nervous. As a result...

That's it?

Just a few elves, they were bombarded into scum by a round of scrubbing?

I'm really nervous...

Zhou Jiang and the others had Lord Shanaido taking the lead, and Zhou Jiang, Shanaido, and Bronze Bell all sat back, so although the Thunder Beast and Qilin Qi were still in a daze, they all sat back.

Well, the Thunder Beast can’t be said to be in a daze, and its IQ is not low. After seeing Zhou Jiang’s performance, he roughly guessed the reason, so he sat down with peace of mind, while Qilin Qi was wondering what it was. I don’t even know what happened just now. Seeing Zhou Jiang and the others stood up with serious faces, they also stood up. Now that they saw them sitting back, they also sat down~www.ltnovel.com ~ Zhou Jiang and the others settled down here. The elves around the front big pit were relieved when they saw that there was no elves in the "other world" coming out again, they lay down again and continued to rest. Chen Ziang and the others are the slow ones, after all, they are far away, and no superpower elves can see the situation there.

Fortunately, seeing the sound of fighting did not continue, Zhou Jiang and the elves also sat back, and they released the elven ball in their hands, and then continued to focus on the food in their hands.

It’s not bad for Chen Yongan to use a machine to make energy cubes. Chen Ziang and others are miserable. After the fire is turned off, the dishes will be cold, but it is not good to waste food, although it is not good to cook after turning off the fire. But it's not impossible to eat it, but the taste and texture will be a little worse.

On Zhou Jiang's side, after sitting down, the Thunder Beast looked at Qilin Qi with affectionate expressions, and then began to explain to it quite gently.

Zhou Jiang is not interested in Huyou Qilin Qi, anyway, there are thunder and lightning beasts and they are doing it, then he just watched, if he were not the representative of the human side, he would have left.

It's better to watch Chen Ziang and the others cook than to watch the thunder and lightning beasts.

Zhou Jiang didn't ask Shane Duo to translate for him, so he didn't know what they were saying afterwards. Their conversation ended when Chen Ziang just made the meal.

After the "negotiation", Qi Lin Qi, who was crippled, said with excitement and said goodbye to the thunder and lightning beasts with the proposed Bi Diao, and then turned and drove towards the territory of the giant vine.

Seeing Qilinqi's back disappeared, Zhou Jiang shook his head slightly, got up and took Shanaido to dinner.

Well, there were three more tails behind him and Shanaido.

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