Which card player dares to say that he can beat Wang Yang? Even the most ruthless ocg card player should have heard of Huang Quan Tian Lun and La Guang Chuang, right?

"I will do my best." Xing Jiantong said in a deep voice, looking at the white-haired boy whose hair was gradually getting wilder on the duel field.


The duel process was unremarkable. An Mo Liang still used the same psychic disk tactics, and Wang Yang was once forced into a desperate situation. In the end, it was still the Sky Dragon who drew Osiris and turned the tables with one card.

This time, Sky Dragon was very proud and finally did not become a traitor.

When everyone surrounded Wang Yang to congratulate, Xing Jiantong stared at Mo Liang who was taken to treatment by the staff, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Or just...

No, forget it. Mo Liang is just a carrier. As long as the soul of the great evil god Sok is not destroyed, the fate between the thief king Bakura and the pharaoh Atum will be entangled forever. Even if the person who killed Bakura disappears from the world, his soul will be reincarnated into another person and continue the fateful entanglement.

The third game after that is Kaiba vs. Lishid (in everyone's eyes, Malik). Lishid still uses the Royal Temple to cover 5 like in the original (the animation temple is a field magic), and Kaiba is very bad. Basically:

"I summon X-leader Ganon!" "Naraku's Fall!"

"Magic Card Cyclone! Destroy the Royal Temple!" "Anubis's Judgment!"

"My dignity, my pride, my soul, come on! Blue! Eyes! White! Dragon!" "Universal Landmine Broadsword Style!"

It seems that Kaiba is being tricked and can't move at all. However, Lishid's pit is also visibly reduced. If it continues like this, it depends on whose resources are exhausted first.

"A bug in the sewer, don't even dare to face a head-on confrontation!?" Kaiba gritted his teeth and stared at the bald strong man opposite, with fire in his eyes. Playing cards with heavy players is never a pleasant thing.

"My turn, draw a card!" Looking at the drawn card, Kaiba was stunned.

This is... a card I have never seen before. Why is it in his deck?

But this confusion did not last too long. After reading the card picture and effect, Kaiba's mouth cracked into an arc, and then the arc gradually expanded.

"Hehe, hahahahahahahahahaha! Blue Eyes, did you respond to me?"

"Malik, the boring duel with you ends here! This turn will completely defeat you! Magic card, advanced ritual!" Smiling like a 1.8-meter-tall child, Kaiba inserted the card in his hand into the duel disk.

"Send the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from the deck to the graveyard as a sacrifice, ritual summon! Look, you small fry, and then celebrate! This is the strongest dragon after experiencing the baptism of chaos and evolving! This posture, I will deeply engrave it in your mind!"

"Blue! Eyes! Chaos! Dragon!"

What the hell, obviously Jonouchi and Wangyang are both original decks, why did Kaiba take out a One-Sword Brother? Looking at the blue dragon that seemed to be inlaid with countless gems and was elegant and fell with thunder, Xing Jiantong frowned. (One-Sword Brother's younger brother, referred to as One-Sword Brother)

"Humph, are you scared? This is the posture of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon after evolution. I stole it from Pegasus... um, took it." Mu Ma ran over and boasted proudly.

Pegasus... His Millennium Eye was given by Shadi, so was it also in Shadi's script that he found the stone tablet that sealed monsters in ancient Egypt and used it as a prototype to make a Duel Monster card?

This Blue-Eyed Chaos Dragon was also created by Bekas under the instruction of Shadi, right?

Hoshimi Hitomi bit her nails, feeling that a huge conspiracy was gradually taking shape and enveloping her.

Shadi, what exactly do you want to do...


In the heart room of Hoshimi Hitomi, a left hand was playing with an exquisite gold scale.

The hand was slender and white, but judging from the skeleton, it was a male hand. A bright red magic circle was engraved on the back of the hand.

A breeze blew, and countless ashes and some white linen fragments flew in the wind. ——————————————————————————————————————————————

I, a hard newbie, don’t know what everyone thinks, but Kaiba’s strengthening is irreversible. After all, the foreshadowing of snatching cards from Bekas was laid a long time ago. It would be embarrassing if it was treated as nothing.

I think that playing against the original characters can be appropriately crushed once or twice, but it’s boring to crush them all the time. Not only is it boring to read, but the logic is also wrong when others are like idiots who have not improved at all and are still serving food. So I think it is necessary to strengthen the characters moderately. But please note that it is "moderate" strengthening. For example, in the Dazi chapter, Wang Yang took out the red maggots and killed Rafiru and Dazi with a blast☆, which I don't think is moderate. If it is the dark side of the dimension, the underworld Wang Yang, who used the red maggots to beat the seahorse in the underworld and made it run away, I think it is appropriate.

In addition, I will try to pursue rationality when strengthening the character's deck, such as Trojan snatching Chaos Dragon from Bekas for Seahorse. Or Seahorse kidnapped Bekas to print cards after Wang Yang returned to the underworld, and printed the white and one-sword brother. But I don't want to write about taking out powerful cards from the deck without any warning.

Do you think it's okay?

Section 14 13 Xia Di: That's enough (sweating soybeans)

After Kaiba summoned the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon, the duel ended quickly. Although Lishid survived a round with the stamina enhancer Super Z, which embarrassed Kaiba, his entire deck had no way to deal with the Blue-Eyes Chaos Dragon. That scorpion holy beast? Yidaodi was reduced to 0 attack and 0 defense as soon as he appeared on the stage, and a destructive jet of chaos light blew it up.

After that, Lishid had no choice but to summon the false sun god as in the original. As expected, it still attracted divine punishment, but the difference this time was that Obelisk's phantom shattered the incoming lightning with one punch, and only Lishid was chopped into a vegetable.

"That's why the God Card is high-risk." Seeing Lishid, who was unconscious despite having no external injuries, being carried out of the venue by medical staff, Xingjian Tong sighed.

At this time, the golden real eye appeared on the forehead of the cheerful Egyptian boy, and he had turned black into a six-year-old master of facial art. The last match, Malik vs. Peacock Dance, was no longer worth watching. Hoshimi Hitomi returned to her room on the pretext of being tired.

There was no way there were no tables and chairs in the room. Hoshimi Hitomi sat down, took out her little notebook and started writing and drawing.

If it was an animation plot, there would be a Naia chapter where she would enter the computer world to play cards. If it was a comic plot, nothing would happen, and she would directly enter the finals tomorrow. I don't know which world this is? Hoshimi Hitomi threw the notebook away and stared at the ceiling in a daze.

The second day of the journey felt like a long time had passed. Playing cards with passers-by, playing cards with Gurus, playing cards with the director, and playing cards with Jonouchi. I will play cards with more people in the future. But why?

Hoshimi Hitomi thinks she likes playing cards, but that's just a relaxing behavior in her spare time, and she's essentially playing games. And if this game is linked to personal safety, it would be difficult for Hoshimi Hitomi to play cards with a sense of entertainment. Moreover, it's really meaningless to attack with a dimensionality reduction like playing cards with Jonouchi.

From now on... should I just put away the deck and stay away from playing cards? Hoshimi Hitomi drew a card from the extra deck. On the card, the beautiful dragon smiled gently at him, and seemed to unconditionally support any decision he made.

...My sensibility may have a paternal grudge against rationality. Hoshimi Hitomi smiled bitterly and sat up.

The card just drawn from the ten-ticket draw is very valuable. If used properly, it may even be possible to skip the level directly. It needs to be planned carefully.

Writing and drawing on the small notebook, unknowingly, the night has deepened.


The locked door opened gently without making any sound.

The white-haired boy with a flamboyant hairstyle and a thousand-year-old wisdom wheel hanging around his neck carelessly broke into the private space.

A pointer on the thousand-year-old wisdom wheel violated gravity, floating in the air, firmly pointing to Hoshimi Hitomi who was sleeping on the table.

"Ahaha, are you sleeping? You really don't have any vigilance. Well, I'll spare your life for delivering the goods to my door." With a sneer, An Moliang took out the Millennium Key from Hoshimi Hitomi's shirt pocket.

"Don't rush, Malik. Take his Millennium Props, and I'll take your Millennium Staff and God's Card."

However, the pointer of the Millennium Wisdom Wheel did not fall, but changed direction and pointed to the table. An Moliang looked over in confusion and found that the pointer of the Millennium Wisdom Wheel was pointing to... a card?

The light was on, but because of the reflection, An Moliang couldn't see the words and pictures on the card clearly.

"Oh~?" With a strange cry, An Moliang stretched out his hand to grab it with interest, "I heard that the descendants of the grave keeper have been working hard to create a new dark prop that is not inferior to the seven thousand-year props. Malik, did you succeed?"

"This is really good. I will accept it without hesitation."

The moment An Moliang's hand touched the card, something strange happened.

From behind him, a slender white hand with a red magic array engraved on the back of the hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the thousand-year wisdom wheel. Then he pulled it hard.

The thin rope that was not strong broke, and the thousand-year wisdom wheel had changed hands before An Moliang could react at all.

Then, the arm seemed to have no remembrance and waved it.

The golden wisdom wheel passed through a blue magic array that appeared out of thin air and disappeared in this world.

Moliang's body stiffened, as if he was about to fall to the ground, but then he seemed to be supported by someone.

After a series of irregular twitches, Baliang stood up again. His eyes were no longer arrogant and perverse, but full of intellect and calmness.

"Sure enough, even if you are thrown into another world, you can't completely cut off your connection." His voice also became polite and gentle. He nodded to the empty air and smiled gently - it should have been gentle, but for some reason it gave people the feeling of an old fox.

"Hello, there is no need to be so alert. I am just an incompetent third-rate summoner. Can you tell me your name and the content of your transaction with the original owner of this body?"

"Malik, what a good name. Me? My name is not worth mentioning, but I am just an unknown little character. For the sake of convenience, you can call me, Alai."

"This is the nickname given to me by the master I serve. I like it very much. I feel that I can quickly get closer to strangers. Hehe~"

"Then Malik, let's re-define the content of the deal. Don't worry, I can help you solve your problem, and I don't intend to ask for too much. However, as you can see, the connection between this body and a certain existence cannot be completely cut off."

"I only need to occupy your body for a short period of time... What do you think?"

The night is still long.


"Huh~~~" Xing Jiantong sat up from the bed and stretched a big lazy waist.

I planned until very late last night, but Xing Jiantong was in good spirits and didn't feel sleepy.

"Hey, by the way, did I climb into bed yesterday? I seem to have blacked out halfway through my plan." Xing Jiantong looked at the quilt covering her body and the neatly folded clothes on one side, a little confused.

A faint fragrance filled the air. This fragrance was a little familiar. Last night, Xing Jiantong smelled a similar smell from Xiaohei. Thinking of the figure of the blonde and golden eyes, Xing Jiantong was silent.

...It's better to pretend not to know, a little embarrassing.

The time is 7:30. According to the staff, the airship will arrive at the final venue at 8:00 in the morning for the semi-finals and finals. There is still half an hour left, so it's time to have breakfast.

Xing Jiantong washed up, put on his clothes and opened the door.

What came into his eyes was a person he really didn't want to see.

"Bang!" Xing Jiantong slammed the door shut.

It should be a mistake. I didn't sleep enough so I had hallucinations.

When he opened the door again, it was still the same person outside the door. It was not an illusion.

"Yo!" Six-year-old Malik showed a hearty smile, holding a plastic bag in his hand, "I brought you breakfast, eat it while it's hot."

"Bang!" Xing Jiantong closed the door again, locked it, piled all the tables and chairs behind the door, walked to the window and looked at the sea below, considering the possibility of breaking the window and escaping.

Yaoguang can take him flying, so there is no problem!

Just as Xing Jiantong was holding the desk lamp and preparing to break the window, the airship shook violently and then began to tilt.

"Are we going to enter the Naia chapter? It seems that the Mountain Bronze God can't escape and must be faced." Xing Jiantong was slightly stunned.

The tables and chairs blocking the door all fell to one side as the airship tilted. Malik pushed the door open easily.

"Oh, you don't have to be so cautious. We have spent a long time together. It's really sad that you are so distant."

"Please don't act like a familiar person, and don't talk to yourself and make up unfounded memories." Xing Jiantong unfolded the duel disk with a cold face, ready to slap the card on the monster area at any time.

"Malik Ishdar. What can I do for you?"

The six-year-old was so excited that he threw away the plastic bag in his hand and unfolded his duel disk, but his movements seemed a little awkward: "Want to come? Right here?"

The two of them were deadlocked in place. But this deadlock did not last long.

"Knock, knock, knock~" In the corridor, various mechanisms unfolded and dozens of automatic machine guns were extended. The muzzles of the machine guns turned and aimed firmly at the two people in the room.

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