"Oh shit, this airship can be taken apart to fight a local war." Hoshimi Hitomi complained.

"It seems that the time has not come yet." Malik sighed with regret, took out a card and slapped it on the duel disk.

"The pillar of water, the spirit of the weeping river, obeys the contract and calls for me. Turn into a shield of tranquility to protect us."

A blue magic circle was engraved on the floor, and a large amount of viscous liquid emerged from it in vain. The liquid seemed to be alive, spontaneously flowing towards the door and blocking it.

"Da da da da da da da!" The steel machine roared. Dozens of machine guns spit out tongues of fire, but they were unable to penetrate the liquid—the viscous fluid consumed all the kinetic energy of the bullets. The bullet can penetrate about half of the distance into the liquid at most, and then it can no longer penetrate the liquid.

Malik nodded to Hoshimi Tong: "Then, I'll go outside to check, you can do whatever you want."

After saying that, he walked outside. The viscous liquid did not stop him, allowing him to penetrate easily. When he walked outside the door, a circle of viscous liquid separated from the main part of the door and wrapped around his body. It also blocked the bullets, but did not seem to hinder his breathing.

Hoshimi Hitomi stared at Malik warily until his back disappeared around the corner of the aisle.

What on earth...is he here to do?

Hoshimi Hitomi looked hesitantly at the viscous liquid still blocking the door to perform its duties. Reason told him not to go anywhere, just stay where he was and wait for Wang Yang and Haima to finish the plot.

Picking up the plastic bag that Malik threw away, there was still a steaming bun inside. Thinking of Malik's strange attitude again, Hoshimi Tong gritted his teeth.

Although curiosity killed the cat... he had trouble sleeping and eating if he didn't understand the reason.

Rushing out of the corridor, Hoshimi Hitomi let the viscous liquid wrap around her and chased in the direction Malik left.

Xia Di, is this your script again?

Before chasing him far, Hoshimi Hitomi saw Malik's back. He seemed to have known that Hoshimi Hitomi would chase after him, so he turned his head and smiled. It wasn't Yan Yi's crazy smile or a ferocious smile, it was just a very ordinary smile, and even Hoshimi Hitomi felt a little friendly.

Then, he crossed the magic circle that suddenly appeared on the wall and disappeared.

Hoshimi Hitomi rushed forward to check. I saw that the blue magic array was like a portal, connecting different spaces. Malik moves through this magic circle.

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Hoshimi Hitomi felt that the magic circle was subtle and familiar.

The magic circle did not close as the master left, but remained open, seeming to welcome Hoshimi Hitomi's entry.

Hoshimi Hitomi hesitated for a moment, then took out a card from the deck and slapped it on the duel disk. The airship that was supposed to be clean and tidy suddenly appeared in the shadows with countless creepy eyes and rustling sounds.

"Proliferating g, go explore the way."

Countless tiny creatures poured into the magic circle at a speed invisible to the naked eye and disappeared into the distance. About half a minute later, a lot of debris was thrown out from the corner and fell to the ground, arranged in the shape of the letters "safe".

So Hoshimi Hitomi tried to reach out to the magic circle. There was no feeling of contact with a hard object, Hoshimi Hitomi's hand passed directly through the wall. You can feel the cool wind.

Then the feet, the body, and finally the head. Hoshimi Hitomi passed through the magic circle and came to an unknown place. The magic circle behind him seemed to have completed its mission and slowly shrank and disappeared.

"This is..." Hoshimi Hitomi looked at the surrounding environment. There are no artificial traces here, it seems to be a natural virgin forest. The breeze blows and you can hear the rustling of leaves. The chirping of insects echoed in my ears.

There was no sign of Malik within sight.

"Wow~~" The sound of water flowing sounded from behind. Xing Jian Tong turned around suddenly, and it turned out that there was a lake behind her. At this time, the water on the lake was surging, and it seemed like something was coming out of the water.

"This scene seems a bit familiar." Hoshimi Hitomi muttered to herself as she backed away cautiously.

The half-human, half-fish monster slowly rose from the water. Green scales, blue armor, and a trident in his hand. It seems to be some kind of mortal bone monster.

The monster stared at Hoshimi Hitomi through the dark helmet and spoke in human words: "Although I don't know why you came here, I will be your opponent. With your young and energetic body, I will Use it well.”

Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes and placed the duel disk in front of her. He is still a little confused now. He was obviously following Malik, so why does it seem that he has mistakenly entered the computer world of Naia? Isn't the fish-man monster in front of me a king-like opponent in the original novel?

Could it be that I was also forced into the computer world unknowingly? Hoshimi Hitomi turned around and saw countless pairs of small eyes shining under the rocks and between the gaps in the leaves. The proliferating g is still there. However, it seems that some elves can respond to the user's call even in the computer world, such as Coolie Wave. Hoshimi Hitomi is not sure whether g is this type of elf.

"I am Oshita Konosuke, the leader of the five giants of the Kaiba Group, known as [Yōkai]. As you can see, my deck leader is - what are you doing?"

Hoshimi Hitomi stretched out her right hand towards the empty air.

"Huh? It's nothing, it's just a mistake." Hoshimi Hitomi licked her lips and took a deep breath, "I've wanted to do this for a long time."


On the hillside not far away, Malik took everything in his eyes and smiled happily.

"So, the stage is set. Enjoy your game."

"Contact us from other worlds, my lord~"

Chapter 15 14 I got up and died in a matter of seconds. What is there to say?

It’s rare that I come to the computer world. If I don’t cosplay the figure in tights, I always feel like something is missing. So Hoshimi Hitomi did just that, imitating the person in the tights, stretching out her right hand and shouting "Storm Access" like a chuunibyou, and shouting it super loudly. Wang Yang, who had just walked out of the forest, was frightened.

There was a moment of silence.

Maybe this is the scene of a large-scale social death.

Hoshimi Hitomi put down her hands expressionlessly and was racking her brains to think of a way to pretend that nothing had happened.

A blinding light burst out from Hoshimi Hitomi's right hand.

"What...is this!?" "Okay, so dazzling!" The monster and Wang Xiang on the lake immediately covered their eyes with their hands.

When it comes to light, it generally gives people a warm and bright feeling, and at most it is nothing more than the blazing summer sun. But this light is completely different. If I had to describe it - it is not the light of life that has traveled 100 million kilometers and been projected onto the earth. Instead, you are in the corona, facing the millions of degrees high temperature and sunspot storms, leaving nothing but pure destruction of light.

The light flickered for a short moment and then subsided. When Wang Xiang put down his arm, he saw the red and white Doomsday Reckoner holding a sharp blade and wrapped in fire, already standing behind Hoshimi Tong.

"Fire Slayer: Final Sigma..." Hoshimi Hitomi looked at the familiar figure and breathlessly exhaled his true name.

Of course Hoshimi Hitomi, the eldest brother of Zhanji, is very familiar. When Shi Zi was alive, he stabbed people every day with his chopping machine, and he was stabbed or stabbed by others.

So here comes the question: How could a "Synchrony Monster" with "Extra Monster Area" and "Electronic World Family" written in the effect column appear in the "DM" era? Take real life as an example. The poor people in the medieval slums shared the controllable nuclear fusion technology with you, but you are talking nonsense.

But this is a computer world, so it seems reasonable for electronic monsters to appear.

Is this also Xia Di's plan? No, if it was Xia Di's plan, Brother Yidao should be on the opposite side, not behind me.

Is this a new plug-in for the system? Hoshimi Hitomi brought up the system interface and looked left and right, but didn't find any new features.

Yan Zhanji stood quietly behind Hoshimi Hitomi, calm, but his strong presence put tremendous pressure on the monsters and kings on the lake.

"I see, that's how it is. Is that monster your deck leader?" Konosuke Ohshita unfolded the duel disk on his arm. "It does seem to be a very strong monster, but I want to remind you that once the deck leader is Destroy it and you will be defeated immediately!”

"No, I..." "Once the deck leader is decided, it cannot be changed! Come on, let's duel!"

In order to prevent Wang Xiang from joining the duel, and the scene turned into a righteous two-on-one, Konosuke Oshita immediately announced the start of the duel unilaterally, without even leaving time for Hitomi Hoshimi to edit the deck.

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 8000]

[Oshita Konosuke LP: 8000]

[Activate side mission: Computer World Intrusion]

[Task description: The stupid person behind the scenes thinks that the fiery soul of the duelist can be measured by calculation. As an old man, let’s bring down the hammer of judgment on his stupid behavior! 】

[Mission progress: Big Five 0/5, Naia 0/1, Kaiba Gozaburo 0/1]

[Task reward: Depends on the completion of the task]

Hoshimi Hitomi looked at the LPs on both sides with a serious look on her face.

The same as Xia Di's time, 2 extra monster areas, 8000 LP, and Master Rules 2020.

"What? Why is LP 8000? Is the system malfunctioning?" Opposite me, Oshita Konosuke himself was also surprised, as if this was not his handiwork.

In this computer world, the Big Five are nothing more than pawns, and there are only two people with real authority: Naia Kaiba, and Gozaburo Kaiba who hides behind the scenes.

Did they also have contact with Xia Di? Or……

Hoshimi Hitomi recalled Xia Di's unnatural behavior in the Heart Room before, the dinosaur, the half-dragon maid's unusually high favorability, and the Yan Zhanji behind him now.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but I always feel like these cards have been helping me.

"No matter what, I'll attack first!" After studying for a long time, he still couldn't figure out the problem of LP and the two extra monster areas. Ohshita Konosuke simply gave up thinking and drew five cards. Just when he wanted to draw the sixth card, the duel disk was locked, and he couldn't draw it no matter how hard he tried.

"Damn it, what's wrong with this damn duel plate!" The furious Konosuke Oshita stopped drawing cards and slapped the card hard on the duel plate.

"I activate field magic, the legendary city of Atlantis!" The waves swallowed up everything around them, and in a blink of an eye, the three of them were no longer in the original forest, but came to a continent sinking into the deep sea. The sea water swallowed everyone up, but they didn't feel like they were drowning, and they could still breathe normally. The majestic ruins tell the brilliance of ancient civilization.

"The effect of Atlantis, the attack and defense of water attribute monsters will increase by 200. And there is another powerful effect..." Wang Xiang, who runs a card shop at home, naturally knows this powerful card.

"Yes, due to the effect of Atlantis, the level of the water attribute monsters in both hands is reduced by 1 star! Therefore, I can summon this powerful monster without any sacrifice——"

"Come on, Kili, Demon Lizard Yoshihiro!" The water surged, and the armored, muscle-covered lizard monster rushed out of the deep sea, roaring violently at Hoshimi Hitomi. The pitiful figure no longer had the gentleness of the past, and only the impulse to destroy remained.

[Kili, Demon Lizard Yoshihiro]

[Race: Reptile][Lv: 5][Attribute: Water]

[ATK: 2450→2650][DEF: 1500→1700]

"Then, I cover three cards, and the turn ends. Hehe, it's your turn." Oshita Konosuke sneered sinisterly.

He has powerful monsters with an attack power of up to 2650 on the field, and the backfield is covered with traps such as Explosive Armor and Magic Cylinder that block attacks. If the opponent is stupid enough to summon the leader of the deck to force a breakthrough, then he can use Naraku's Falling Hole to directly win and seize the young body!

"...My turn." Hoshimi Hitomi drew a card and stared at the cards in her hand. The Dragon Maids had been placed in her pockets without her knowing when, so this deck was naturally...

Wang Yang crossed his arms and stood in the distance watching the duel. Oshita Konosuke summoned a powerful monster in the first round and laid deep traps. How would Hoshimi Hitomi break through? To be honest, he couldn't imagine the scene of Hoshimi Hitomi losing, just as he didn't think he would lose. But if the opponent could force Hoshimi Hitomi to use more cards, Wang Yang would be able to take the initiative in the subsequent games. He didn't believe that a powerful elf like the Radiant Dragon Lady only had the effect of resurrecting the Dragon Maid. Just like his ace Black Magician and Kaiba's ace Blue-Eyes White Dragon, they were just blank monsters with no effects on the surface, but in fact they had a variety of magic traps to support them, and they also had a powerful posture after evolution.

"I special summon the leader of the deck, Flame Slasher, and the Last Sigma to the Extra Monster Zone." Hoshimi Hitomi looked behind her. The Judge of Hellfire faithfully carried out his orders and walked slowly towards the venue.

"Hum... Hum ha ha ha ha ha, stupid kid, I'll take your body!" Laughing wildly, Oshita Konosuke opened the cover card, "Naraku's Falling Hole! Disappear in the other side of the dimension!"

The dark falling hole appeared under the feet of the last Sigma, and it was unknown where it led. Countless resentful spirits wandering in it reached out their hands, wanting the warrior of Fiery Fire to become one of them.

The last Sigma ignored it and stepped on it.

"Ha ha ha ha ha... ga?" Like a duck with its throat strangled, Oshita Konosuke's laughter was blocked in his throat.

The scene of the warrior being dragged into the falling hole that he expected did not appear. The warrior still walked forward step by step, and the resentful spirit behind him did not even wail, and quietly turned into pale ashes.

"The Flame Slasher Sigma Last in the Extra Monster Zone will not be affected by the effects of cards other than 'Slasher'." Hoshimi Hitomi explained, and then placed a card in her hand into the Magic Trap Zone on the Duel Disk.

"Activate the Equip Magic, Slasher Nayuta, equip Sigma Last." A brilliant fire flashed by, and Sigma Last's right hand grasped a serrated ship-slashing sword. He waved it twice, as if getting used to the weight, and then carried it on his shoulder.

[Flame Slasher Sigma Last]

[Race: Cybertron][Lv: 12][Attribute: Flame]

[ATK: 3000][DEF: 0]

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