Is he furry, or... Xing Jiantong looked at the Pyramid of Light on his neck with empty eyes. This thing emits a faint blue fluorescence in the dark and can be used as a fluorescent flashlight.

Is this thing the proof of light? If Xiaomi doesn't take it back, will this reward be gone?

Speaking of which, I haven't figured out how to use this thing yet. Do I have to drop blood to recognize the owner like in fantasy novels?

Xing Jiantong held the Pyramid of Light and looked left and right. He accidentally poked his arm with a sharp corner, and a little blood oozed out and stained the Pyramid of Light.

"Hiss~" Just as he was gasping for air in pain, the Eye of Truth on the Pyramid of Light flashed red. Xing Jiantong only felt dizzy, and many blurry and clear images appeared in his head.

The meteor of light fell to the ground. The thin boy with a pale face and iron chains wrapped around his hands and feet picked up the azure Pyramid of Light at the place where the meteorite fell. The Eye of Truth in the center of the pyramid flashed a seductive red light.

The scene changed, and a middle-aged man with a pyramid of light hanging around his neck, wearing countless gold jewelry, sat on the seat of the Pharaoh. He invaded the outside world with force and suppressed the inside with terror. Wherever the man passed, there was no prosperity, only a scorched earth.

Then, there was a scene where the middle-aged man turned into a huge monster, carrying a large number of mummies, and was sealed in a sarcophagus by five priests holding millennium artifacts. The only missing of the five millennium artifacts were the millennium building blocks and the millennium wisdom wheel. It should be that the souls of the pharaoh and the great evil god are still sleeping.

Finally, because the millennium building blocks came into being, the pyramid of light echoed with it, causing geological changes, and the collapsed mausoleum was excavated by the archaeological team, and the pyramid of light and Anubis's coffin were exposed to the sun again.

"What just happened was... a fragment of Anubis' memory?" Xing Jiantong shook his head. The scene he just saw was vivid, as if it was something he had experienced personally.

Xing Jiantong stared at the pyramid of light on his chest, as if he wanted to see flowers from it. Indistinctly, Xing Jiantong felt that as long as he wanted, he could...

"biu~" The azure blue translucent pyramid wrapped Xing Jiantong, reflecting the surrounding blue.

"Wow!" Xing Jiantong was delighted and thought again. With his control, the barrier was getting bigger and smaller. The smallest one could just cover Xing Jiantong, and the largest one could cover most of the bedroom. Maybe because of insufficient experience or energy, Xing Jiantong could not reach the level of Anubis, who could cover a square arena with a side length of 100 meters in the pyramid.

"This is more or less a way to save my life." Xing Jiantong nodded with satisfaction.

Then, try to attack. Xing Jiantong pointed the real eye of the pyramid straight ahead and concentrated his mind.

"Hu~" The dark flames spewed out from the scarlet real eye. Physically, there was no temperature, but even if you look at it with your eyes, it would give people the illusion that even your vision was burned. The flames burned towards... the azure blue barrier that Xing Jiantong forgot to put away.

‘Shit…’ Xing Jiantong immediately extinguished the flame, but the flame that had already sprayed out still licked the azure wall, making a “hissing” corrosion sound, like strong acid.

Xing Jiantong felt a headache, and there was a strong smell of rust in his nose, and he lost consciousness on the spot.

In the shadows, the girl with green hair and green eyes poked her head out and stretched her hands towards Xing Jiantong. However, just as her hands were halfway stretched out, a hand with red sleeves and dragon wing-shaped decorations fell from the sky, pressed the green-haired girl’s head and disappeared into the shadow.

There seemed to be a dragon roar, bird calls, and ping-pong noises.

The dimensional wall flashed by, and the black-clothed maid with blonde hair and golden eyes gently rested Xing Jiantong’s head on her knees, with an indescribable shyness and tenderness on her face.

Chapter 46 12 Foreign Diary

Xing Jiantong felt a severe headache, as if someone was using a red-hot iron rod to stir his head.

That's right. Last night he personally performed a self-contradiction and burned himself. Stupid and lame, so embarrassing.

Suddenly, something cool and soft climbed up to his temple and pressed gently.

Xing Jiantong opened his eyes and met a pair of golden pupils. The golden pupils were so gentle that they seemed to drip water, and attracted his sight like a whirlpool, making Xing Jiantong deeply immersed in them. Staring at the pair of golden pupils, Xing Jiantong was a little dazed for a while. In the quiet room, Xing Jiantong rested his head on the girl's legs and enjoyed the girl's massage.

Looking at each other, a man and a woman were alone in the same room...

Ping-pong, dragon roars, birds singing, penetration sounds, explosions, faintly heard.

Well, it's not a man and a woman.

After reacting, Xing Jiantong felt as if her face was splashed with hot oil, and stammered, "Ah, this... I, I want to get up."

After the dormitory dragon girl let go of the soft hand massaging her temple, Xing Jiantong almost rolled and crawled to stand up. The warm touch on the back of her head disappeared, replaced by cold air. The strong contrast inevitably made people feel a little lost.

Xing Jiantong turned around, only in time to see the dormitory dragon girl disappear behind the dimensional wall.

...Somehow I felt more melancholy.

My heart has been taken away by the half-dragon maid, and there may be no more sorrow and joy in this life.

"Knock, knock." The knocking sound rang out, and Xing Jiantong looked over with empty eyes, only to see the hollow metal lizard floating up from the shadows and knocking on the ground with its head.

Xing Jiantong's melancholy eyes suddenly became sharp. Peacock Dance bought a ticket to the United States!

"Great!" Xing Jiantong was shocked and couldn't help but cheer with a fist.

It was too uncomfortable to have the sword of Darkmos hanging over my head. Whether I was dead or alive, it was time to face it!

Xing Jiantong stepped on the ground with a flame burning in his eyes.

"Okay, let's go!"

The soaring steel bird cut through the sky, carrying dreams and sins, crossing the ocean.


[First day in the United States]

[The location was Washington Airport. When I got off the plane, there was a drizzle in the sky. The airport environment here is not very good. I can smell a smell like a stinky ditch. I don't know if it is only on rainy days or always like this. In short, I don't have a good impression of this place. Racial discrimination in the United States is very serious. As a yellow person, it is better for me to stay away from remote areas. Peacock Dance seems to have a private villa in the rich area. I can book a room in a nearby hotel for easy surveillance. Then I have to get a gun. Sometimes a gun is more useful than a duel disk, elves, or black fire. ]

[Second day in America]

[We encountered a gang robbery, terrible. Alai hung them up and beat them, and confiscated all their belongings. It seems that I don't have to worry about the financial problem for a long time. I also got weapons, a 9mm Browning and 50 rounds of bullets. I have to find time to go to the gun club to practice. Peacock Dance went to the competition today, and the one-sided beating, and there were only a few magic traps in the whole game. I don't know how far the new card pack of Haiba Company has progressed. ]

[Third day in America]

[Today I was not tracking. When I was monitoring Peacock Dance, I encountered a black man who was unconscious due to taking drugs. It was unlucky, so I kicked him into the river. Peacock Dance is still playing the game today. I went to the gun club to get a membership card in the evening, and the training ground has 500 free training bullets a day. The first time I shot a gun, my wrist was dislocated by the recoil. Unlucky. There is no medical insurance. Private clinics in the United States are expensive. I really don't want to see white coats again. 】

【Day 4 in America】

【Monitoring the Peacock Dance, shooting, eating hamburgers. Kaifeng cuisine, McDonald's, and Bishuke in America are all rubbish. Only the Hanbaowang is ok. American Chinese food is even more disgusting. Can you imagine dumplings stuffed with fruit and steamed buns stuffed with chocolate? 口区~】

【Day 5 in America】

【Today, I was blocked by the gang again. It seems that they considered the previous incident as a provocation. Why would such an urban plot be triggered in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh? Just when I was about to say that, the boss of their gang turned out to be a duel brain. Can you believe that he used duels to solve the problem in the end? Yu-Gi-Oh was played again in a strange place. When I thought I would win easily, the opponent actually took out the Alien! ? I was dumbfounded. Is this world sliding towards the abyss of the underworld? Later, I asked and found out that it was because of the previous live broadcast of Haima fighting two people. The Alien suppressed the two Duel Kings and couldn't raise their heads. It became popular instantly and sold for more than 100,000 yuan per copy on the black market. My goodness, Yu-Gi-Oh has also fallen into the Dark Forest Law vicious circle. You don't know whether the opponent will use Alien, so you have to summon Alien first. Ocg's hand pit is involuntarily, and the DM world's Alien is involuntarily. It's getting bad. 】

[The sixth day in the United States]

[Peacock Dance was bitched by Alien, and the scene was once very tragic. Peacock Dance's deck is full of Harp Girl and Gouchang Kara, relying on the pet dragon's attack style, and she can't even raise her head in front of Alien. If Peacock Dance hadn't taken out a land to break the Alien at the end, it would have been a complete beating, and it was too much to watch. After the fight, she also went to the black market to buy 3 Aliens at a high price... Everyone cursed Alien, and everyone used Alien. 】

[The seventh day in the United States]

[Kaiba Company urgently announced a new restricted card: Alien's Final Warrior, ending the environment involuntariness. Now the Alien-specialized construction with Fusion Cursed Creature Land, Swamp Demon King, and Corpse Demon Man as the core is completely ruined. In just one week, the damage caused by Alien in this era of Mortal Bone cards per capita is greater than that of Red Maggot. This is not the case in the OCG environment, because at that time, everyone was 1-for-1, and in this world where high-star Mortal Bone is a super rare card... well, it's very tragic. Peacock Dance was furious. I heard from Alai that the sequelae of the dark game seemed to be more serious. It's understandable, but sad. 】

[The eighth day in the United States]

[Monitoring shooting and eating, nothing to record. Everything seems to be back on track. 】

[The ninth day in the United States]

[Monitoring shooting and eating. 】

[The tenth day in the United States]

[Monitoring shooting and eating. 】

[The eleventh day in the United States]

[Monitoring shooting and eating]

[The twentieth day in the United States]

[Monitoring shooting and eating, when will Baron find Peacock Dance, I am about to vomit after eating junk food. 】

[The 30th day in the United States]

[I can feel the subtle atmosphere. I see many strange people in plain clothes but with impure intentions wandering around the Peacock Dance on the street. My intuition tells me that they are people from Doma. I think it should be in these two days.]

The 31st day in the United States.

In the telescope of Hoshimi Hitomi, a brown-haired yellow youth wearing goggles walked slowly towards the Peacock Dance.


This chapter was very uncomfortable to write, and I didn’t understand it at all. I really don’t know how to write transitions, but I have to write them.

The next chapter will enter the main line, which is much more comfortable to write.

The mobile phone typesetting is so rubbish (annoying)

Chapter 47 13 Truth and question sentences can weave perfect lies

"As expected, the champion of this competition is the top 8 of Duel City, the legendary duelist, Peacock Dance!!!"

Top 8.

"The champion is Peacock Dance again. As expected, only the legendary duelist can be her opponent."


"Duel King Muto Yugi, Hoshimi Hitomi, Kaiba Seto, Jonouchi Katsuya... When can I become a duelist as strong as them..."

Yugi, Jonouchi.

"Haha, it's impossible in my lifetime. They can use the legendary God Card!"

God Card.

...I'm so annoyed.

I'm so annoyed, so annoyed, so annoyed, so annoyed, so annoyed!

"Crack!" The trophy that had just been obtained was smashed to the ground and shattered into countless debris. But Peacock Dance's mood did not improve at all, but became more depressed.

She is, Peacock Dance. Not the "top 8" Peacock Dance, not the Peacock Dance who "lost to the God Card", not the Peacock Dance that is an accessory of Duel King Muto Yugi or Jonouchi Katsuya.

Just, Peacock Dance, that's all.

"You seem very upset." A male voice sounded from behind.

"Would you like to come with me? Let's tear down this annoying world and start over again."

What an old-fashioned way to pick up a girl. But for some reason, I could feel a sense of familiarity from that brown-haired guy.

Tear down the world, let the world know how powerful I am...

Under the dual influence of the aftereffects of the Dark Game and the Orichalcum Stone hanging on Baron's neck, Peacock Dance slowly stretched out her hand.

"Ah, yes, this world... let's destroy it, quickly..."

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