"Wow, I seem to have heard something interesting." At this moment, a strange voice sounded.

Baron's face changed slightly, and he turned around to protect Peacock Dance behind him and looked in the direction of the sound. A figure wearing a white windbreaker and a blue pyramid pendant hanging on his chest leaned against the street lamp and looked at the two with interest.

Baron recognized the man's face, or rather, there was no duelist who didn't know that face. He narrowed his eyes slightly and read out the man's name word by word.

"One of the two kings of duel, the king of stars, Xing Jiantong."

There was a strong fear in his tone.

The street lamps that had been in disrepair for a long time made a crackling sound of electricity from time to time, flickering, as if they would go out in the next second.

The cold autumn wind blew, like a demonic wind from hell, seducing people's souls.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop on other people's conversations." Baron asked Peacock Dance to step back and slowly placed the duel disk across his chest.

"It's not my fault. You didn't care about others when you talked." Xing Jiantong still leaned against the street lamp and said lightly, "Regarding the topic just now, 'Tear down this world', you can continue. I'm very interested."

"In addition..." The street lamp suddenly went out, and Baron's vision was pitch black. The next second, when the street lamp came on again, Xing Jiantong's figure had disappeared.

Baron's shoulder was pressed by something cold. Baron knew that feeling - the body after the soul was devoured by Olihagang's barrier was so cold to touch.

The cold words rang in Baron's ears, followed by a chill deep into the bone marrow.

"There is no Duel King, I... am the only Duel King."

The next moment, Baron's shoulders relaxed. He took three steps back, staring at Xing Jiantong with a cold face, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

"You said... you are the only Duel King, what does that mean?" Baron asked in a deep voice, holding the Duel Plate across his chest without relaxing at all. He recalled the advice of Master Dazi: Try not to be hostile to Hoshimi Hitomi. If you have to be hostile to him, you can retreat and the mission will not be considered a failure.

"Under the eyes of the whole world, the decisive battle between you and Yu-Gi-Oh, Yugi Muto, ended in a draw. The title of Duel Kings should be recognized by the world."

"From your appearance, you are also a duelist, right?" Hoshimi Hitomi glanced at Baron's duel disk, crossed her arms, and said lightly, "Then let me ask you, which deck is stronger, the Half-Dragon Maid or the Slime?"

"Of course it's the Half-Dragon Maid." Baron answered in seconds. He is also a powerful duelist, and he still has some vision. Judging from the fluency and starting point of the system, the Half-Dragon Maid completely crushed the Slime deck.

Baron also watched the previous finals, and he felt sorry for Hoshimi Hitomi who was obsessed with the power of the God Card and gave up the Half-Dragon Maid. He also imagined what would happen if the Half-Dragon Maid faced the Super Magician of Yu-Gi-Oh, would it still be a draw?

But why did Hoshimi Hitomi suddenly bring this up? Could it be that... there is something else behind his changing the deck?

Hoshimi Hitomi nodded: "You still have some good sense."

"Then let me ask you again, does Yugi Muto hope that he wins, or that I win?"

"... Of course, a duelist hopes that he wins." Baron was a little confused, "Besides, the winner of the Duel City can get the power of the three mythical gods, how can he hope that his opponent wins?"

"Jonouchi Katsuya, Yugi Muto's best friend, who does he hope will win?"

"... Yugi Muto."

"What about Malik Ishdar, the last descendant of the gravekeeper clan who turned over a new leaf?"

"... Yugi Muto?"

"Does Yugi Muto's nemesis, Seto Kaiba, prefer his only nemesis who is both his friend and foe, or a little-known character?"

"... Yugi Muto." Baron seemed to understand something, and his face became a little ugly.

"So... if all of the above people put pressure on a small character at the same time..." Hoshimi Hitomi took two steps forward and faced Baron, with an uncontrollable rage in her eyes.

"The all-powerful president of Kaiba Corporation. The major shareholder who owns 60% of the shares of International Illusion Society. The grave-keeping clan that has connections with the government's top brass. These people joined forces to put pressure-"

"Is it enough to force an unknown small character to use a weak deck to meet the enemy?"

"Is it enough to force a small character to give up the God Card after a tie, and the price is a mere 5 million US dollars of "bonus"?"

Baron opened his mouth to say something, and finally turned into a helpless sigh.

"I see, you come with me. But whether you are qualified to join us still needs to be approved by... the organization's top management."

Baron walked in front and led the way, with a complicated look. Even the Duel City Competition, which should be the fairest, is full of human darkness... It seems that this world really needs to be cleansed.

Kong Quewu, who had been silent the whole time, looked at Xing Jiantong with some pity, and turned around to follow Baron. Although we are not familiar with each other, you are also a victim, right?

Xing Jiantong blinked, gave a thumbs up to Xiaomi who slightly stuck her head out, and followed the two people in front.

He didn't tell a single lie, except for the sentence "I am the only duel king". The whole article is full of big truths and ambiguous questions that everyone knows. It's Baron's own problem of over-thinking, right?

As for ruining the reputation of Wang Yiang and the others - well, saving the world is more important. At worst, after finishing playing Dazi, he would come to apologize and play a few cards with them.

Chapter 48 14 Who is not an old cunt?

As a duelist, Barong was sad and angry at Hoshimi Hitomi's (fake) encounter, and he led the way with his head down. Peacock Dance also lowered his head and said nothing. Hoshimi Hitomi wanted to speak, but had to remain silent in order to maintain her character.

The atmosphere along the way was so serious that it made people feel uncomfortable.

Joining the Doma organization - this is Hitomi Hoshimi's plan. This is something that even the senior time travelers rarely do. After all, the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! emphasizes that great power belongs to oneself. As long as you are strong enough in playing cards, you can just go ahead and get the job done without any nonsense.

The reason why Hoshimi Hitomi wanted to infiltrate the Doma organization was actually to deal with Xia Di. In his original plan, he wanted to use the power of the Doma organization to investigate the hiding places of the Prana brats adopted by Xia Di, and force Xia Di to come out and confront them. Then he coaxed and lied to get Dazi and Xia Di to fight, and he reaped the benefits.

But the plan didn't change as quickly as Xia Di knew it. But after careful consideration, Hoshimi Hitomi decided to carry out the plan of "mixing into Doma".

There are three advantages to implementing this plan:

①In the original work, the Doma organization took action against Becas early, and the person who took action was Peacock Wu who had just joined the organization not long ago. If Hitomi Hoshimi joins Doma and takes the initiative to ask for help, there is a high chance that he will take over this task and use the power of Doma's organization to investigate Becas.

②In the original work, the temple where Dazi hides is not revealed until the end of the chapter, which can be said to be very deeply hidden. If Hitomi Hoshimi joins the Doma organization, he may be able to know the location of the temple in advance, perform a decapitation operation, and destroy the ceremony before the God of Steel Oliha gathers the sacrifices for resurrection, and jump directly to the level. It can also save more innocent people.

③Alai told him that the huge energy may break the dimensional wall and let in more big babies. The Oliha Steel God should be a relatively qualified battery.

Of course, in contrast, this plan is very risky. The first to bear the brunt is the old immortal Dazi who has lived for tens of thousands of years. If he lives for this long, he will become an immortal even if he is a pig. If his true thoughts were discovered, Hoshimi Hitomi might not even know how he died. Even if you get through it temporarily, there is no guarantee that your flaws will not be exposed forever. This kind of behavior is like a roc spreading its wings on the tip of a knife.

However, Hoshimi Hitomi also made some preparations.

The first is the Pyramid of Light, which can inadvertently affect the wearer's thoughts. As long as the dark purple thread is hidden, Hoshimi Hitomi's blackening will be a matter of course. And this is very easy for Xiaomi. At this time, the dark purple silk thread around his neck has been disguised as black strings that can be seen everywhere. Alai said that if he didn't know in advance, even he wouldn't be able to see through it.

Then there was a card he drew from the card pool in Duel City. That card can act as a Dinghai Shenzhen, greatly dispelling Dazi's suspicion of him.

Finally, whatever is lacking, I make up for it with courage or not, acting skills. Of course, acting skills cannot be developed in a few days, and Hitomi Hoshimi really has no acting talent. He even has very few expressions. But it doesn't matter, he has a plug-in. When I faced Wang Yang in the Forbidden Summit, the system issued a lot of useless salted fish cards, and I could use them right now.

"We're here." Barong stopped and said calmly. His voice was hoarse after not speaking for a long time.

Xing Jiantong, who was looking down in thought, raised his head and found that Barong had led them to a magnificent building. The building is bustling with people coming and going, giving it a bustling scene.

"Paradis Company - the largest and most powerful company in the world, with economic reserves even greater than that of Haima Company." Peacock Dance seemed to know this and said, "Is your organization... an organization under Paradis? "

"The priorities are reversed." Baron pretended to be casual, but his tone revealed a strong sense of pride, "Paradis Company is a subsidiary of our organization, Doma."

"I have one hundred and eighty buildings like this, scattered all over the world. If you want one, I can give you one as a gift." Barong pretended to be very urban. This is not bragging. As one of the Three Musketeers of Doma, he is indeed qualified to mobilize most of Paradis' assets. It's just that he usually doesn't want to waste time dealing with these trivial matters, so he leaves them all to his subordinates.

It's a pity that no one cares about his pretense. Peacock Dance looked unconcerned. She only longed for the power of a duelist, as long as she had enough money and so on. She was obviously a hedonist when she was in the duel kingdom, but now she has become a naked dueling ascetic.

At this moment, Hoshimi Hitomi was giving orders to Alai and Shadow Yi to conduct a comprehensive scan of the building, and didn't care about Baron's pretentiousness. Otherwise, there should be some reaction.

Seeing that there was no response from the two of them, Barong, who was asking for trouble, didn't care and led the two of them into the elevator. While walking through the hall, countless employees cast curious and scrutinizing glances at the combination of the three yellow men—in the United States, Asians are not even considered average. Maybe just a little better than a stowaway.

In the elevator, Barong took off the green Oliha steel fragment he was wearing around his neck and shook it at the elevator control panel. The elevator started to move on its own, rising at an extremely fast speed.

"Did you feel the look just now?" Baron crossed his arms and said lightly, "This country is so disgusting, but it is only a tiny part of the darkness of mankind."

"Even... this ugly country is enough to be called a 'beacon of civilization', only for the citizens of this country. Those countries that are still in war, the people living there are still hungry, drinking sewage, and living in fear all day long in bullets and artillery fire. That is the real hell."

"That's why we want to destroy this stupid and ugly world."

A supporter of nihilism, a brainwashed idiot. He knows everything when criticizing society, but he becomes a turtle when he needs to contribute to society or put forward constructive suggestions to improve problems. This kind of stupid Xing Jiantong didn't know how many times he had been online on Weibo before he crossed over, but now he can only show a "yysy, qs" and a thoughtful expression.

It's very uncomfortable to hold it in, to be honest.

Peacock Dance frowned, seeming to disagree with Baron's words, but was too lazy to argue. Seeing Kongquewu's unhappy face, Baron remained silent. It seems that nihilists also have to bow to the hormonal restlessness.

Xing Jiantong took a step back without a sound. Kongquewu's perfume was too strong, and it was so strong that it was pungent in the narrow elevator room. He couldn't stand it. Well, he liked the faint fragrance of Yaoguang, Xiaohei and Xiaomi.

The three of them were thinking about their own things and fell into awkward silence again.

"Ding!" As if to ease the embarrassment of the three people, at this moment, the elevator arrived.

Baron took the lead and walked out, Xing Jiantong followed quickly, and Kongquewu fell last.

In front of the three people, there was a completely closed hall without windows. The fluorescent lights illuminated the hall transparently.

On the wall facing the three people, there was a six-pointed star pattern that gave people a sense of evil and ominousness. With the arrival of the three people, it emitted a green fluorescence, which was annoying.

The light pyramid on the chest of Hoshimi Hitomi and the red light on the Eye of Truth flashed, as if responding to something.

"Wait a minute." Baron turned around and said to Hoshimi Hitomi and Peacock Dance, then took two steps forward, came to the front of the six-pointed star pattern, and raised the fragment of Orichalcum on his chest.

"Supreme Orichalcum, please listen to my wishes and pass the images and sounds here to the agent of God, Lord Dazi!" Baron shouted loudly. The fragments of Orichalcum and the magic circle on the wall flashed a faint green light at the same time, and the disturbing aura began to dissipate.

Hoshimi Hitomi raised her eyebrows. This is the application of the power of Orichalcum that did not appear in the original book. It is indeed high-end... But wouldn't it be easier to install a large screen and start a video call? If you are afraid of leaks, spend money on an encrypted communication line. Dazi doesn't lack this little money.

Well, it's an old antique, nostalgic, understand.

About half a minute later, the hexagram on the wall rippled like water waves, reflecting a dark figure. The face could not be seen at all, but judging from the hairstyle, it was Dazi.

As if to confirm Xing Jiantong's guess, as soon as the figure appeared, Baron knelt on one knee: "Lord Dazi."

"Baron, what's the report?" A harsh voice sounded, and Dazi's voice was hoarse, turbid, and annoying as if there were ten mouthfuls of phlegm stuck in his throat. It was obvious that he had undergone a voice change.

"Lord Dazi, as you expected, Peacock Dance agreed to contribute to our great cause. However, an unexpected change occurred... This person also expressed interest in our great cause. I can't make the decision, please let Lord Dazi decide." Baron kept his right leg that supported his body still, and moved his left leg on the ground 90°, making way for Dazi to see the person behind him.

"Wow, you are..." Seeing Hoshimi Hitomi wearing a white windbreaker and a pyramid of light hanging on her chest, even Dazi's voice was filled with a hint of unexpected emotion, "King of Stars Hoshimi Hitomi, as far as I know, you should have a good relationship with the nameless Pharaoh."

"Why do you want to join the Doma organization and be enemies with the nameless Pharaoh and others?"

Hiroshimi Hitomi's eyes condensed, and she was very alert, ready to show off her acting skills to deal with Dazi. As long as she passed this level, the rest would be easy.

"Lord Dazi, please allow me to explain." However, just before Hoshimi Hitomi spoke, Baron said at the right time, probably because he didn't want Hoshimi Hitomi to say it again and rub salt into the wound?

Since Baron spoke, Hoshimi Hitomi was happy for him to fill in the gaps. After all, for Dazi, Baron's words were definitely more trustworthy than Hoshimi Hitomi's words.

So Baron reported to Dazi all the (non-existent) unfair treatment that Hoshimi Hitomi suffered.

"Wow, that's how it is..." Dazi's voice was somewhat meaningful. Although his facial features were blurred, Hoshimi Hitomi could feel that Dashi's eyes were always on the pyramid of light on his chest.

"I hate Yugi Muto who took away my God Card, I hate Kaiba Seto who threatened and humiliated me, and I hate this world full of ugliness and injustice. I am willing to join Doma and destroy everything!" Hoshimi Hitomi's face was ferocious, and the flame of hatred was burning in his eyes. As if echoing his words, the Eye of Truth in the center of the pyramid of light emitted an ominous red light, shining like a demon star.

Dashi on the opposite side fell into silence, as if he was considering.

In the disturbing silence, Hoshimi Hitomi's heart was tightened bit by bit.

About five minutes later, just as Xing Jiantong was thinking whether she had been exposed and whether she should take the initiative to kill Baron, Dazi's voice rang out.

"Baron, give him a fragment and a card."

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