Hitomi Hoshimi's heart skipped a beat, but she remained calm: "Lord Dazi, the 'Teaching' card is a brand new card made by Pegasus. Kaiba sent someone to give me the 'Teaching' and 'Unbounded' together before. It might be hush money."

"Well, Pegasus..." Dazi did not comment on what Hitomi Hoshimi said, "This is also an obstacle."

"The Father of Duel Monsters may come into contact with the enemy of our gods, and his soul is also a high-quality sacrifice. In this case, let's get rid of Pegasus and acquire the International Illusion Society by the way." Dazi's tone was indifferent, as if he was talking about something as common as "the weather is cold", instead of killing Pegasus and acquiring the International Illusion Society.

"In that case, please let me go, Lord Dazi!" Xing Jiantong's heart moved, and he quickly grinned, revealing a cruel smile, "As my token of loyalty, I will definitely offer the soul of Bekas to you and the gods!"

"Hmm..." In the temple of Oliha Steel, across the distant ocean, Dazi bent his fingers and tapped the handrail, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Out of prudentness, Dazi subconsciously wanted to refuse and let Peacock Dance or the Three Musketeers take action to deal with Bekas. But he stopped this impulse. If Xing Jiantong really had second thoughts, with his strength, it is very likely to cause irreparable losses to the Doma Organization. Therefore, it is better to just throw this mission out as bait.

If Xing Jiantong really wholeheartedly contributes to the cause of the Doma Organization, then everyone will be happy. And if Xing Jiantong has second thoughts, the loss is only one less soul of Bekas, which is completely within the acceptable range.

The Doma Organization is exposed? As long as the temple where Dazi is located is unknown, it doesn't matter even if Doma is uprooted. At most, it will take a few more years to brainwash the members. Having lived for tens of thousands of years, Dazi doesn't care about a few short years.

"Then, go, Xing Jiantong, and take Bekas' soul for me. And his newly made cards, grab all of them for me." Across a long distance, Dazi gave the first order to the new member Xing Jiantong.

"Of course, everything is for Oliha Steel!" Xing Jiantong took the order with a look of reverence.


Xing Jiantong handed the barrier card that sealed the dragon soul to Baron, received a stack of unused barrier cards, and then took the elevator to leave the meeting room.

Dazi explained some things to Baron, who took out a fragment of Oliha Steel, a stack of barrier cards and a list and gave them to Kong Quewu. Because the task originally given to Kong Quewu was taken away by Xing Jiantong, Kong Quewu's task was different from the original work-she was responsible for collecting the high-quality souls on the list. Of course, it was through duels.

After that, Peacock Dance also took the elevator and left. Only the projection of Dazi and Baron were left in the conference room.

"I'm worried about Hoshimi Hitomi. Let Ameruda go and secretly monitor him. If everything is normal, use Ameruda's proud disguise to disguise as Bekas and lure Kaiba Seto into the trap." If it's not normal, then Ameruda will probably not come back, and there is no need to report.

"Yes, your will, Lord Dazi."


Time went forward a little.

After the elevator door closed, Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes slightly.

'Alai, Xiaomi, can you track Dazi's position? '

'Unfortunately, the other side is very cautious. In fact, it's not impossible to locate it. Tracking fluctuations is still very easy. On the contrary - the range is too wide. '

'The thousands of islands and seabeds in the entire Atlantic Ocean are countless energy nodes that emit the energy of Orichalcum. We can't use the exhaustive method to scan them one by one. '

'It seems that I still need to infiltrate from the inside. 'Xing Jiantong walked out of the elevator and walked quickly into the men's toilet.

"The proliferating g, and the shadow animals... go and investigate this building carefully. Be careful not to be discovered by the people of Doma." Xing Jiantong slapped a few cards in the monster area, and the small toilet cubicle was in chaos.

After dismissing the elves, Xing Jiantong walked out of the cubicle and was about to leave. At this moment, the voice of the young man sounded from behind.

"You... It's not a good habit not to wash your hands."

Xing Jiantong raised his eyebrows and looked back at the person who made the sound. The brown-haired young man looked at him with his arms crossed, and there was a little disgust in his eyes. It was Baron.

"Wow, thank you for reminding me." Xing Jiantong turned on the faucet without changing his expression and began to wash his hands, "But I don't think you came here to remind me to wash my hands."

"Huh, of course. Here." Baron threw a bunch of keys over, and Xing Jiantong stretched out his soapy hand to catch it, a little confused.

"What is this?"

"A three-story villa in the rich area, decorated in a Western style, with water, electricity, gas and electricity bills prepaid for one year, and a garden and garage. It's considered a membership benefit. Enjoy it, after all, it will all be gone in a few months." Baron said lightly, "The property certificate and green card are on the table opposite the entrance. In addition, there is a black card from the Swiss Bank, which can be used at will. There are also several good restaurants nearby, so eat less junk food."

"Have a good rest tonight. There will be a special plane to take you directly to Becas Island at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. The address has been sent to your mobile phone. Do you have any other questions?"

Hiroshi Mitsuko narrowed his eyes slightly. The Doma Organization has figured out his background thoroughly. Knowing that he lives in a hotel, they gave him a house. Knowing that he ordered takeout every day this month, they asked him to eat less junk food.

But this is normal, after all, he has not hidden his tracks for a month. Otherwise, if he hides in the shadows, Doma will be at a loss.

"Thank you very much, I will accept it without hesitation." Xing Jiantong smiled. It would be a waste if he didn't take it. Just think of it as robbing the rich to help the poor.


"Wow!" Xing Jiantong found the location on the phone and couldn't help but sigh. A three-story villa, a garden with a fountain, and a garage that is a circle larger than the house before he crossed over. He is now also an evil social elite.

Of course, the premise is that he has to stop the God of Orichalcum from destroying the world. Otherwise, all this will become dust in the fire.

Xing Jiantong opened the main door with the key and walked into the living room. The air was filled with the rotten smell of long-term uninhabited people. It seems that this villa is a piece of land speculated by Paradis Company. No one has lived in it after the decoration. It is cheap for Xing Jiantong at this time.

"But, you have to 'clean' it before moving in." Alai walked out from behind Xing Jiantong with a meaningful smile on his face. He waved his hand and pulled out the staff from the magic circle, and tapped the ground lightly. The azure wave spread from the tip of the staff. In this villa that had been idle for a long time, every corner where the wave swept through appeared a green hexagram, emitting an ominous light.

"Really cautious, surveillance cameras, eavesdropping devices, Orichalcum enchantments, card elves, and small items that invade private privacy are all included. If it were an urban novel, it would be a spy war plot with a million words." Alai's smile did not diminish. The outer side of all the Orichalcum enchantments in the entire villa was wrapped in a layer of azure magic circle, and then all fell silent.

The shadow under Xing Jiantong's feet twisted and expanded, instantly covering the floor, walls and ceiling of the entire villa. Amid the shrill hissing, several dark green sea urchins with big eyeballs were pierced by purple silk threads, and their struggling movements gradually stiffened, becoming puppets of Yingyi.

Xing Jiantong looked familiar: Isn't this the sea urchin that absorbs damage and special summons the Mountain Copper God? What's the name...

"Okay, now they can only see and hear what we want them to know." Alai clapped his hands and finished the job.

"Wait, where are the surveillance and eavesdropping devices?" Seeing that Alai was about to return to the card, Xing Jiantong hurriedly reminded.

"Oh, that. The fire dragon has been taken care of long ago." Alai said lazily, and the whole person turned into a light spot and dissipated. The shadow under Xing Jiantong's feet also returned to its original state. The villa is still the same villa, but many things have changed in secret.

"So, can you breathe a sigh of relief?" Xing Jiantong's face began to fade and dissolve, turning into a sticky liquid. Reaching out and grabbing it, the sticky liquid-like thing was pulled off and squirmed in Xing Jiantong's hands.

Xing Jiantong's real face was exposed to the air, showing a little fatigue. He threw the things in his hand to the ground casually, and the whole person sank into the sofa like Ge You.

"Acting is really a physical job, much harder than I thought."

The viscous liquid that Xing Jiantong threw on the ground faded its flesh color, revealing its original blue color. It was a squirming slime monster - the magic slime. This card was one of the slime cards given by the system in the finals before, but it was not put into the construction because the effect was too salty. But Alai knew this thing - the color and shape of the magic slime can be fine-tuned!

As long as this monster is covered on the face, any expression can be perfectly performed, even the eyes are vivid. What's more amazing is that this monster can also change color, and a green hexagram appears on the forehead, the pupils turn red, and the seven orifices spray green light. This can be done!

It's a pity that this monster is limited in size. Clinging to Xing Jiantong's face, fine-tuning the expression is already the limit, and it can't fundamentally change the appearance. Otherwise, he could completely disguise himself as another unrelated person to join the Doma organization. However, most of the nameless passers-by will not be valued by Doma. It is very likely that Wang Yang and his team have not become a team leader even after entering the temple.

Before, he responded to Dazi's question by blaming the existence of the teaching on Bekas, which was naturally a lie. And lies can only be covered up with more lies. He has not yet completely gained Dazi's trust. Dazi will most likely send other members to follow Xing Jiantong - even most likely the Three Musketeers will go into battle personally. He should not let her go openly, but he can still do some small actions in secret.

The sky gradually darkened, and the lights in the villa turned on automatically, as if they were controlled by a photosensitive switch. Staring at the unfamiliar ceiling, Xing Jiantong suddenly felt confused and didn't know what the meaning of his existence and behavior was. At this moment, he suddenly missed the twelve beasts driving the Gundam, the lazy Zai Hezhong, the six bullets Chongguang, the little golden man, and the skateboard cover 4.

Maybe this is the so-called homesickness of "being a stranger in a foreign land".

When Xing Jiantong was lost in homesickness, a strange light flashed and attracted his attention. He looked intently and saw the dimension wall flashing, and the half-dragon maids, led by the dragon housekeeper, appeared together.

The gentle and dignified dragon housekeeper, the sunny and cheerful distillery dragon girl, the gentle and loving baby-raising dragon girl, the smart and lovely living room dragon girl, the reckless laundry dragon girl, and the shy and lovely bedroom dragon girl.

The half-dragon maids appeared together and bowed to Xing Jiantong: "Welcome back, master."

The laundry dragon girl glared at Xing Jiantong angrily at first, as if blaming her for not taking her to play. In the end, under the strong pressure of the baby-raising dragon girl, she still pouted and lowered her head.

"Please wait for a moment, Master. We will start preparing for the dinner soon." The dragon girl in the distillery smiled and rushed to the kitchen.

The dragon girl in the living room sat next to Xing Jiantong, and she stuck to him with a devilish smile: "Hoo, Master, do you want to enjoy dessert before dinner? Or... enjoy me?"

Grass grass grass grass grass (Plant family)! Feeling the soft touch and burning body temperature on his arm, Xing Jiantong could no longer think of anything except the solitary fire flower and the giant plant.

"Tianfeng, don't bully the master!" The baby-raising dragon girl hugged Xing Jiantong's other arm, and squeezed it with a bad part, "The master is very troubled!"

You make me more troubled!

"Big bad master!" The laundry dragon girl jumped on Xing Jiantong's body, looking down at him from a high position, showing an expression that she thought was very fierce but was actually cute, "Take me to play!"

"No!" Xing Jiantong refused without even a moment of hesitation. It's definitely weird to lower your strength!

So the little pink fist of the laundry dragon girl hit down.

The bedroom dragon girl stood aside and watched the play of three dragons, showing a gentle aunt's smile, as if she was watching her husband and daughter playing.

Where is the housekeeper? The housekeeper was beating Xiaomi. All the shadow animals were sent out by Xing Jiantong to perform tasks, and the other shadows were killing weapons that only listened to Xing Jiantong's command, so she couldn't do it alone. She was suppressed by the housekeeper with one hand and couldn't raise her head in the shadow.

"Master, didn't we agree to play the role of a half-dragon maid with full of vitality?" The living room dragon girl leaned close to Xing Jiantong's ear, breathing like orchid.

Xing Jiantong opened her eyes wide: "How can you slander someone's innocence like this..."

"What innocence? I clearly heard you say, 'Tail up, polish my spear.'" The laundry dragon girl came up with a smirk on her face.

Hoshimi Hitomi's face flushed, veins on her forehead popped out, and she argued, "YY's business doesn't count...YY! Can the card man's business count as YY?" Then she said something incomprehensible, such as "I want to be the world's number one, women are a hindrance", "I will only affect the speed of women drawing swords", etc., which made all the maids laugh: the cold and lonely villa was instantly filled with a happy atmosphere.

Hoshimi Hitomi was embarrassed by the teasing, but the corners of her mouth raised a shallow arc unconsciously, and the melancholy and loneliness were thrown away.

Chapter 52 18 Is this the world of the strong.jpg

"Then let's confirm it one last time, Ameruda. The logistics personnel are responsible for helping us paralyze the surveillance cameras and radio signals. After that, you are responsible for dealing with the duelists and bodyguards hired by Becas, and I am responsible for the decapitation operation to seal Becas' soul, right?" Hoshimi Hitomi tapped on the laptop and asked the red-haired young man opposite.

The violent vibration and the sound of the air being cut forced him to shout at the top of his voice. The laptop in his hand was so big and bulky that it was not worthy of the name "laptop". At this time, they were on a supersonic plane, and there was about 15 minutes of air travel left to the Duel Kingdom Island of Bekas.

"Ah, that's it. As the Duel King, you shouldn't be unable to deal with Bekas, right?" The red-haired young man said coldly, as if Bekas, the father of the Duel Monster, was a third-rate duelist picked up on the street.

"But it doesn't matter. If you fail, use your own soul as a sacrifice."

Ameruda had received a notice from Dazi and knew that the person who really needed to be paid attention to in this mission was the "friendly force" Hoshimi Hitomi.

"Master Dashi has high expectations of you, you'd better not let us down."

Hiroshi Hoshimi controlled the magic slime on her face and showed a cruel smile: "For the great God of Orichalcum, to clean up this evil world! I will clear all obstacles for Master Dashi!" As if to respond to his words, the Eye of Truth on the Pyramid of Light flashed a seductive red light.

"Hmph... it's better to do so." Ameruda snorted coldly, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes to rest.

After his brother died, Ameruda had no interest in anything in this world except Dashi, Doma's plan and Kaiba Seto. For him, it was best if Hoshimi Hoshimi had no second thoughts. If she had second thoughts, he would just go up and fight. Whether he won or lost, he would be one step closer to the awakening of the God of Orichalcum.

Hiroshi Hoshimi saw Ameruda closing his eyes to rest, so he followed suit and closed his eyes to rest. In secret, he communicated with Alai and Xiaomi, asking them whether they could find a way to search the soul of Bekas before handing it over to the Mountain Bronze God, or simply add some ingredients to poison the Mountain Bronze God.

Time passed by minute by minute.

About a quarter of an hour later, the fuselage of the plane shook, and the speed began to decrease significantly. Hoshimi Hitomi and Ameruda opened their eyes at the same time: We're here!

"Then, the mission begins." Ameruda pulled down his goggles to protect his eyes, took out a remote control from his pocket, and pressed the button.

Under the two of them, the door of the plane slowly opened, revealing white clouds and an isolated island in the sea. It was the Duel Kingdom where Bekas lived.

The roar of breaking through the air and the sound of the wind seemed to tear people's ears. Ameruda made a gesture to Hoshimi Hitomi and jumped out of the cabin directly.

Hoshimi Hitomi took a deep breath and jumped out of the cabin. The air at an altitude of 10,000 meters was so cold that it seemed to freeze the bone marrow, and the dazzling sun was closer than ever before.

After the strong feeling of weightlessness, hot blood rushed to the brain. Then came the intense excitement: at this moment, the world abandoned me, and I also abandoned the world. I am absolutely free and not bound by anything. Hoshimi closed her eyes and enjoyed the pleasure of free fall.

At this time, Ameruda had summoned his monster: Ziggurat, the tower of the temple. The giant monster, which was more than twice the size of a jet airliner, carried Ameruda and hovered directly above Bekas Island.

Although this was nominally a covert operation, Ameruda's Fortress of Magic Sky was simply impossible to carry out that kind of sophisticated infiltration operation. Dazhi certainly understood this. The armor deck of Baron was suitable for this kind of single-soldier infiltration operation. But even so, Dazhi still sent Ameruda, so the meaning was very obvious.

"Radio signals and satellite images have all been blocked. This Duel Kingdom has become a veritable isolated island in human society." Ameruda looked down at the island below him, his eyes flashing with cruel coldness.

"Leave no one alive except Bekas. Santa, fire all your missiles!"

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