The steel fortress turned its gun barrels, and the gears and bearings began to work. The steel monsters that knew no mercy poured death and hatred on the prosperous land. Just like the soldiers and weapons that invaded Amerda's homeland when he was a child. It's just that the victims of the past have transformed into high-ranking perpetrators.

The red-haired young man calmly watched the humans and the old-style duel facilities being destroyed in the artillery fire, but his eyes could not help but start to diverge.

Why is the monster born from the darkness in his heart a cold and cruel weapon of mass destruction? Isn't this exactly the same as those hopeless invaders?

It's rotten, me, humans, and this world. Let's destroy them all.

...Then, what about that guy Hoshimi Hitomi? I have to keep a close eye on him, even when he eats, drinks water, and goes to the toilet.

Amerda came to his senses, took out a telescope from his pocket and began to scan. Hoshimi Hitomi was carrying a transmitter, so Ameruda knew the approximate direction.

"Oh, I found it. It's still 300 meters from the ground. This guy is good. He tried to open the parachute at low altitude for the first time?"

"200 meters, he is really brave for a novice. It should be said that it is worthy of Master Dazhi to take the risk to bring people into Doma?"

"100 meters... Isn't this distance a bit dangerous?"


Ameruda opened his mouth and watched Hoshimi Hitomi fall into the forest next to the city of Becasburg, and he didn't open the parachute bag until the end.

"??? Damn, how should I explain to Master Dazhi!? 'Hitomi Hoshimi didn't open the parachute bag when she jumped, and fell to her death'!?" The red-haired young man Ameruda doubted his life for the second time since his brother's death.


"Plop!" The sound of heavy objects falling into the water was heard. Hoshimi Hitomi slowly poked his head out from the shadow: Is this the world of the strong?

He was so excited that he forgot to open the parachute. If Xiaomi hadn't caught him, he would have become a Hoshimi-kun.

He walked out of the shadow and stood on the ground. The air was filled with a strong smell of gunpowder. The bombing of the Santa was still going on. Buildings were destroyed, trees were overturned, and flames shot up into the sky. The firepower of the Santa could almost support a local war.


"Don't worry, no casualties. Everyone except Bekas has sunk into the shadow prison. They will be let go after everything is over."

"Okay. Next..." Hoshimi-kun threw the transmitter into the air, and the azure pyramid barrier wrapped it, then immediately shrank and crushed the transmitter into sparking parts.

"The transmitter was broken when parachuting. Such a delicate thing is really unreliable." (Reading)

"Then go to meet the father of duel monsters according to the plan." Hoshimi-kun raised his head and looked at the white-haired man in red who ran out of the castle and seemed to be ready to take refuge, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chapter 53 19 What Israeli behavior?

Becas was running away, out of breath.

He felt wronged and angry. He was sitting at home, eating steak and singing songs. Who knows which psychopath came to bomb him with saturation fire without even saying hello. What Israeli behavior?

What Israeli behavior? .jpg

But there was no way, he had to run. It was important to save his life. Fortunately, the other party deliberately let go of his conspicuous castle and focused on bombing other places, otherwise he would have become a charred corpse.

It was a pity that he made many cards and didn't have time to collect them all in the castle. I don't know what the end will be.

Suddenly, Becas stopped. In front of him, a figure walked out of the shadows.

"Hehe, very sharp. You are worthy of being the former owner of the thousand-year artifact." Xing Jiantong had a very evil smile on his face and placed the duel disk horizontally in front of him.

"Duel... King!" Bekas' pupils suddenly shrank, and he took a half step back, "We should have no hatred..."

"Ah, indeed. But, your existence is blocking our way." Hoshimi Hitomi slowly pulled out 5 cards from the top of the deck, rubbing them with ease, "So, let me send you on your way."

"You should feel honored as a duelist to be defeated by the Duel King, Bekas..."

Although Amerda was not monitoring at this time, he was still playing the role of the Duel King (blackened). After all, Amerda was just a pawn in the open, and who knows if Dazi secretly arranged the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth levels of secret monitoring. Anyway, if Hoshimi Hitomi was Dazi, she would never put all her eggs in one basket.

Moreover, Bekas' soul would be sent to the Mountain Bronze God. What if she was found out because of her abnormal behavior, and then Bekas' big mouth leaked the information... Wouldn't the plan fail at the beginning?

"Hoshimi boy, you should be a proud duel king, you shouldn't fall into darkness..." Bekas still wanted to persuade him. He knew his own weight. It was hard to fight Kaiba, let alone fight against Hoshimi Hitomi who bitched Kaiba twice. If the Millennium Eye was still there...

"You can do whatever you want, anyway, I will attack first. Magic card, Temptation of Darkness, draw 2." Hoshimi Hitomi didn't intend to talk nonsense, one reason was that he was really unfamiliar, and the other was that he had to put the blame on Bekas. So he had to make him visit the Orichalcum God like in the original book.

Although he helped Hoshimi Hitomi seal the Unrealm before, and theoretically he owed Becas a favor, but this was to save the world, so Becas would be selfless and wouldn't care. It's not that he rescued Becas so that he owed Hoshimi Hitomi a favor. He was plucking the wool and printing the Thunder Dragon Seal and ABC printing the deadbeat Zai Hezhong. Oh, that's not the case.

"Use the effect of Dark Temptation to banish the Tragedy of Death Hell actor. Then, if Tragedy is blocked by the effect of banishing it, add Albert, the guide of Death Hell Township, from your deck to your hand." The pitch-black black hole spat out 2 cards. After the card, swallow up 1 card from Hitomi Hoshimi's hand. Amidst the shrill laughter, a deep purple brand appeared out of thin air, and a card was sent into Hoshimi Hitomi's hand, which was Guiduan.

"Gu... I can only accept the challenge desu." Bekas took the duel plate handed over by the servant and waved his arm a little awkwardly. Out of his dislike for Kaiba, he actually didn't want to use the Duel Disk, a product produced by Kaiba. But now the wireless signal is blocked, and the power facilities have been blown up by Amaluda. Even if Hitomi Hoshimi is willing to move to an old-fashioned duel facility, the machine will not be able to operate. Therefore, Bekas could only reluctantly use the duel disk produced by Haima Company.

"Then, I normally summon Albert. If Albert's summoning or special summoning is successful, I add field magic, Branded Theater and Death Hell Town of Despair to my hand from my deck. Then I activate it."

The red clown bowed in salute, and the building full of evil and ominous atmosphere slowly rose. Mr. T and the unknown sidekick were defeated by this brand theater city before. Will Bekas repeat their mistakes? Everything is still unknown.

"Tragedy, Guidance, Brand Theater City..." Bekas looked at Hoshimi Hitomi's operation, his eyes widened in surprise. This perfect retrieval chain was something Becas had never thought of when making cards before. This search chain is very standardized and very... good.

"Then, activate the effect of Brand Theater. Once per turn, send the fusion material determined by the fusion monster card with level 8 or above from the field or hand to the graveyard, and fuse summon that monster."

"What!? Use field magic to fuse!?" Bekas was shocked. Fusion Gate had not been released at this time, and using field magic to fuse was unprecedented.

"The fusion material is a Death Hell monster + a light or dark attribute monster. The Albert on the field and the Shadowdoll Hedgehog in the hand are fused together." Hitomi Hoshimi wanted to make a fusion summoning action of holding fists with both hands, but was embarrassed to find that her left hand Still holding the card, he had no choice but to raise his right hand high in frustration.

"Apostles of Utopia of Despair, Bound in Hell, now merge into one in the brand, and bring cruel and comical comedy to the world! Fusion Summon——"

"The Actor of Death Hell and the Visitor of the Holy Sepulchre!"

As the saying goes, once a child gets old twice, he will become familiar again. Now Hoshimi Hitomi is able to show off his composure without changing his face. It has to be said that this is a huge improvement. Moreover, being immersed in one's own world is called chuunii, and actually summoning monsters is the aura of a strong person! For example, Hoshimi Hitomi at this time. Becas would never complain about how shameful Hitomi Hoshimi's lines and actions were, but would only be shocked by the terrifying appearance and evil aura of the visitor to the Holy Sepulchre.

"How... what an evil monster! Hoshimi boy, have you really fallen into darkness!?" Bekas had a heartbroken expression, and he didn't know how he came to this conclusion.

"Ha, that kind of thing is okay. For the sake of strength, darkness is nothing." Hoshimi Hitomi said Zayu's lines with an evil smile on his face. He looked like a Zayu who was about to be killed. Like fish. However, the ferocious Visitor to the Holy Tomb somewhat propped up the aura, preventing Hitomi Hoshimi from becoming a low-level helper who was killed instantly - at least a stepping stone fish who had to fight the protagonist for two or three rounds. .

"If Shadowdoll Hedgehog is sent to the graveyard by a card effect, I can add 1 Shaddoll monster other than Shadowdoll Hedgehog from my deck to my hand. I add Shadowdoll Wings Venti to my hand. Then cover 1 Card, the round is over.”

At this time, Hitomi Hoshimi only has the Visitor of the Holy Sepulchre in defense position in the front field, and has 1 cover card in the back field. There is a Brand Theater City in the field area, and there are 4 cards left in the hand. This kind of single-site big monster should be a very common operation in the DM world view, but Hoshimi Hitomi said——

You see, this is the minimum limit for shadow students. The lower limit is not much stronger than Gaiguai.

Yes, shadow student. The scumbag Alai was kicked out of the build. Theoretically speaking, the one who was kicked out should be Death Prison Village, but Hitomi Hoshimi also needed Death Prison Village to act with Tatsu, so he kicked out the scumbag. Otherwise, the extras would be really explosive.

Deeply mourning the passing of Yuan Longping and Yuan Laoxian! It is these pillars of the country that have erected the backbone of our nation and saved us from war and from becoming Palestine under Israeli fire!

Chapter 54 20 Sit down, basic practice, don’t 6

"My turn, draw a card desu!" With a bad accent, Becas drew a card with a serious face. He knew that the odds were against him facing Xing Jiantong, so he just wanted to hold on for a few more rounds to leave a glimmer of hope for the servants and housekeepers.

"I activate the magic card, Pot of Desire desu! According to its effect, draw 2 cards desu." The green kettle that had not been seen for a long time appeared on Becas's field, and Becas reached into the mouth of the pot and pulled out 2 cards.

"Oh! Lucky! I drew a cotton ball! When this monster is added to the hand from the deck by a card effect, it can be specially summoned!" Bekas's face was filled with joy, and he placed one of the cards he had just drawn. Monster area, "Special Summon desu in defense position with Cotton Ball!"

Adorable furry monsters appear on Bekas' grounds, trembling under the pressure of visitors to the Holy Sepulchre.

【Cotton ball】

[Race: Angel] [Lv1] [Attribute: Light]

[ATK: 200] [DEF: 300]

"Hmph, do you want to summon a monster from a higher level? But it's useless in front of the visitors to the Holy Tomb!" Hitomi Hoshimi leaned back tactically, looking confident against the light-attributed demons on the field who had neither resistance nor health. Such a look made the visitors to the Holy Tomb think that they had some hidden ③ effects.

"Oh, cotton ball-chan, don't be afraid of desu. It will be over soon." Becas comforted his monster and inserted a card into the magic trap area, "Then activate the magic card and suddenly mutate desu! "

"...unique skill." Xing was stunned when he saw his pupils, with an expression on his face that said, "Isn't that pretty good?" Because the current environment fusion card pool is so shallow that it makes people cry, and the environment is special, there is no limit to sudden mutations. And Bekas' 1-star fusion monster... it must be that one. Otherwise, you can't buy an independent nightingale and summon the tyrant Neptune from your superiors, right?

"The effect of sudden mutation, the cotton ball is presented as a sacrifice, and the fusion monster desu of the same level is specially summoned from the fusion deck!" Bekas imitated Hitomi Hoshimi and raised his right hand high.

"Come on, the omniscient god with a thousand eyes! Thousand Eyes Na Sacrifice God!"

Following Becas's call, the small body of the white cotton ball expanded rapidly, growing like a cancer. The down fell off, the body split and slits turned into eyes, a big mouth and sharp claws grew, and finally mutated into an evil god whose appearance was as evil as a visitor to the Holy Tomb. At first glance, he was not a decent character.

【Thousand Eyes Na Sacrifice to God】

[Race: Magician] [Lv1] [Attribute: Dark]

[ATK: 0] [DEF: 0]

"Thousand-eye Najijin is the monster desu that was born from the darkness in my heart. Hoshimi boy, although this guy's attack power and defense power are both 0, he is as powerful as you, the visitor to the Holy Tomb." Power desu!" The Thousand Eyes Goddess appeared, and Bekas seemed to become more confident. He waved his hand and activated its effect.

"The effect of Thousand Eyes Natsume is activated desu! Once per turn, seize 1 monster on the opponent's field and use it as an equipment card to equip Thousand Eyes Natsume. The attack power and defense of Thousand Eyes Natsume increase. Equip the monster’s respective values! Thousand Evil Eyes!”

The eyes of Qianyan Naji God suddenly opened wide, emitting a strong attraction. The visitor to the Holy Tomb turned around and spread his hands helplessly towards Hoshimi Hitomi, who was sucked in by the Thousand Eyes of God.

[Thousand-Eyed God ATK: 0→2500] [DEF: 0→2500]

Bekas glanced at Hoshimi Hitomi's Gaika, a little concerned. But there was no wind in his hands, so he had no choice but to climb into the pit.

"Battle phase desu! Thousand Eyes God, attack Hoshimi boy directly desu! Take the attack from your own monster!"

Following Bekas's order, the eyes of the Thousand-Eyed God of Nasas flashed with evil light, and the visitor to the Holy Tomb who was sucked in reluctantly waved the weapon in his hand and hit the ground next to Hoshimi Hitomi, splashing A pile of rubble was thrown up.

[Hoshimi Hitomi LP: 8000→5500]

"Main stage 2, I cover the two cards, turn end desu!" Hitomi Hoshimi's cover card did not activate, and Bekas clearly had the advantage on the scene. He was a little relieved, and even a little nervous. Confidence: Maybe we can win?

"Hmph~ Why don't you use your unique cartoon monster?" Hitomi Hoshimi snorted coldly, showing a silly smile, "Could it be that you are still comfortable enough to show off against me?"

Suddenly mutated into a Thousand-Eyed God... This kind of operation was quite rampant in the early OCG environment for a while, until the killer snake, sudden mutation, cup noodles and other keys were stuck in the small black room. How did Becas come up with the idea? Did he see a specialized super-magical build like Duel City King, or was it the revelation brought about by the raging alien planet some time ago? Or...Becas is the trumpet player Takahashi?

"Hoshimi boy, what you said after defeating Kaiba in the semi-finals of Duel City gave me a hint. My previous deck was just like Kaiba boy, it was just a stitch monster that roughly stitched together Toon and the Demon of Natsuri. Therefore, I restructured the previous deck into two different decks. There is no cute cartoon monster desu in this deck," Bekas said seriously.

"Hoshimi boy, it's impossible for a duelist who doesn't love Duel Monsters to express such thought-provoking insights. Why do you, who loves Duel Monsters—"

"I have nothing to say to you. It's my turn to draw Kaou!" Hoshimi Hitomi drew a card with a grim smile.

At this time, Bekas has 1 Thousand-Eyed Na Sacrifice in the front field, 2 cover cards in the back field and 1 Holy Tomb Visitor as an equipment card, and 3 cards in his hand.

However, Hoshimi Hitomi's front court is empty, with 1 Brand Theater City in the field area, 1 cover card in the back court, and the hand has just been filled to 5 cards.

"You actually used a fusion monster on Kono Hoshimi Hitomi. I really deserve a compliment. You idiot is ignorant of the world." With his eyes one big and one small, his facial muscles twitching, Hoshimi Hitomi controlled the magic slime to make six moves. Sui'er praised Yan Yi, who received perfect marks, "You should feel honored to use this card to send you on your way!"

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