Amaluda picked up the card and squinted his eyes to read it over and over again, not missing any detail. He also took out a blank barrier with no soul sealed and compared it word by word.

Card name, no problem. Effect, no problem. There is not a single symbol wrong in the card drawing. The power of Oriha Steel, no problem.

……There is no problem. Next, as long as Master Dazi is sure that Becas's soul has entered the stone slab of the temple, the mission will be declared complete. And... Hoshimi Hitomi didn't show any abnormality, except for being a little manic.

However, Dorma is not a conscientious company that cares about the mental health of its employees. As long as you obey orders and do good things, who cares if Hitomi Hoshimi has a mental problem?

Amaluda placed the barrier that sealed Becas's soul close to his body and stood up.

"The mission is half completed. Next we go to Bekas's castle and bring back all the cards inside."

"Why don't you confirm with Master Dazi first? Send a text message or make a call or something, soon?" Hoshimi Hitomi reminded lightly.

And Yameruda shook his head: "Master Dazi doesn't like modern technological products, and will only use the power of Oliha Steel to communicate with us remotely. There is no barrier here, so we can't contact Master Dazi. Even Pa At Latis Company, all operations related to computers and technology are left to the secretary.”

It seemed that he had initially trusted Hoshimi Hitomi, and Amaluda said a few more words.

Dazi doesn't like modern technology. Hoshimi Hitomi silently recorded this information in her mind.

"Speaking of which, after I joined the Doma organization, I haven't met Master Dazi in person. As the representative of gods like us, Master Dazi has to deal with many things every day, so he must be very busy, right?"

"It's not that busy at all. Almost all the company's affairs are handed over to the secretary and us Three Musketeers. Master Dazi is now only responsible for arranging the various branches of the Doma Organization around the world to collect high-quality souls, and meditating to connect with the gods on weekdays. Now Lord Dazi almost never leaves the temple."

"Temple?" Xing Jiantong's heart skipped a beat, and he asked casually, pretending to be a casual question.

"...Too much to say." Yameruda closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, Hoshimi Hitomi stared at the back of Amaluda walking in front, thoughtfully. It seems that Amaluda knows something, maybe including the location of the temple. Do you want……

...No, attacking one of the Three Musketeers of Doma would be easy to provoke. Moreover, Dazi had some suspicions about him, so it was impossible to send just one Yameruda to carry out the mission with him. There must be some surveillance in secret.

There were many times when the Three Musketeers in the original work were alone, such as when Amaluda singled out Seahorse, Rafiru singled out King Xiang, and Barong singled out Orange Juice. It's not too late to wait until then. Now, just complete the tasks normally and gain trust.

As a result, Hoshimi Hitomi followed behind Amaluda without any movement.

About half an hour after the two left, the sound of rustling leaves sounded. A tall white man with blond hair walked out of the bushes and seemed to stay here for a long time.

He leaned over and observed the unrecognizable corpse on the ground, with a normal expression, and kept comparing it with the photo of Becas on his phone.

After a long time, he put down his cell phone and said to someone in the distance through the communication device in his ear: "Tell Mr. Dazi that there is nothing unusual."

In a distant branch of the Doma organization, the Doma members who received the order knelt down and worshiped in front of the Dazi projected by the Oliha steel hexagram on the wall.

"Master Dazi, Master Rafilu's report is nothing abnormal!"

Dazi in the Atlantic Temple gently tapped the stone handrail and raised his head. There were more stone slabs with human beings printed on them than last time, filling almost half of this huge temple. When all the stone slabs in the temple are filled, it will be the time when the God of Steel Oliha will resurrect and reset the world.

In the direction that Dazi looked, Becas's soul was also among the many stone slabs.

"Huh huh huh... The Three Musketeers of Doma are going to become the Four Musketeers." Dazi knocked on the armrest, feeling happy and letting go of her last doubt about Hoshimi Tong, "Soon, soon..."

On the dome of the temple, the evil snake god statue reflected the firelight, standing high as before. But I don't know if it's an illusion, but I always feel that those evil pupils are not as domineering as before, like... a teenage student who stays up late to get grades and has to get up early to go to class, sleepy?

At the same time, on the other side of the distant ocean. Duel Kingdom on an isolated island.

Hidden in Hoshimi Hitomi's pocket was the semi-finished Thunder Dragon - Brontosaurus that he had squandered. He and Amaluda had a large iron box in their hands, which was filled with cards newly made by Bekas that were looted from the castle.

Of course, these are all small heads. Hoshimi Hitomi knew that the most important blank card had long been secretly hidden by Becas in a secret room at the headquarters of the International Illusion Society in the United States. But of course Hitomi Hoshimi would not tell Doma this.

A helicopter bearing the Paradis logo was parked on the tarmac. Next, only Hitomi Hoshimi will return to the United States to resume his life. America will stay here, pretending to be Becas, and play a rivalry with Kaiba.

The helicopter took off, and Hitomi Hoshimi looked down at the blue sea outside the window, feeling a little uneasy.

Any clues?

Chapter 57 23 You can become stronger by abandoning the lower limit

"Master Dazi, I have sent that guy Becas to the side of the gods. That guy is too weak, let me kill someone stronger! Yugi or Kaiba, I will also seal their souls!" In the secret room of Paradis Headquarters, Hoshimi Hitomi looked at Dazi's figure through the six-pointed star, with a look of admiration and eagerness.

This time, Dazi did not cover her face or change her voice, but spoke to Hoshimi Hitomi with her true face. The long blue hair, white priest robe, and eyes of different colors are exactly the image of Dazi in the animation.

This seems to mean that his monkey version of Orichalcum Barrier + poor acting skills have successfully deceived the Ten Thousand Years Old Immortal, making Dazi lose her guard against him?

But it's far from time to relax. Only when the old immortal Dazi is reduced to ashes by him can he really feel relieved.

"Hehehehe, don't worry, Hoshimi Hitomi. The Four Musketeers of Doma cannot do everything by themselves. Preserving your strength until the critical moment is what you should do." Dazi seemed to be in a good mood, and he was shaking his hands in a decent manner. The red wine in the glass looks like an old-time aristocrat who should be sent to Louis XVI's happy table.

"But...since you are so eager, I will give you a new task as you wish."

"That's great, Lord Dazi, please give the order... Huh? The Four Musketeers of Doma?" Hoshimi Tong was stunned.

Da Zi smiled and took a sip of red wine: "Exactly. Hitomi Hoshimi, your strength is seen by all the world, and you are loyal to Oliha Steel. Although you have only joined the organization for a short time, I am willing to give you 'trust', Let you become the fourth cadre of the Doma Organization. Are you willing to respond to this 'trust'?"

"Of course, Lord Dazi! Your will is the direction I will move forward!" Hoshimi Hitomi knelt down on one knee with tears of gratitude on his face.

'When will the plot start? I've become the Four Musketeers of Doma...'

"Well, very good. Then you can rest for two days. I will give you a new task in two days." Dazi looked pleased.

After that, Dazi said some words of encouragement, "Come on, destroy the world, I'm optimistic about you and so on." By the way, Bala Bala uses a lot of fallacies that nihilists like to brainwash. On the surface, Xing Jiantong kept saying yes, but in her heart, she thought that this Zai Hezhong could take a selfie and use it as a family portrait, so she didn't have the same experience as him.

After talking this nonsense for half an hour, Xing Jian Tong's legs were sore, and in his heart he started greeting Dazi's mother and then extended his greetings to his eighteenth generation grandmother. Finally, Dazi's nonsense is over.

"Well, the meditation time is coming soon. Let's stop here today." As Dazi finished speaking, the green hexagram fluctuated, the connection was disconnected, and his figure disappeared.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and Hoshimi Hitomi slowly stood up. My legs are numb.

On the other side of the distant ocean, Duel Kingdom Island.

With the financial support of Paradis Company and the power of Oliha Steel, it took only half a day for Amaluda to cover up the traces of the Holy Tower's bombardment. Natural environments only, of course. The old dueling facilities that were blown up cannot be restored in a short time. It can only be a pretense. It looks fine from the outside, but in fact it is an empty shell inside and cannot run at all.

There were also duelists and servants on the island, all of whom died in the bombing of the Holy Tower (in the eyes of Amaluda), so he mobilized a Doma branch to act as a front on the island. If Seto Kaiba dares to come, he will definitely be given a huge surprise.

In order to better play Becas himself, Amaluda himself is practicing his micro-expressions, tone of voice and body movements. His disguise technique can only make his face lifelike, but other aspects of the performance require him to be familiar with the character.

"Oh, Kaiba boy! Here you come... No, Becas can't use the whole sentence in English..." Amaluda looked at the words and deeds of Becas recorded in the notebook in his hand, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "This guy's native language is really Is it in English? I feel like this guy is a Japanese who can speak a few words in English..."

"Ha, forget it. That's it for today's accent imitation. Let me see this guy's diary." This is naturally not a bad idea to peek into personal privacy, but to better understand Becas's psychology.

Moreover, this diary was hidden in a safe behind a portrait of a blond woman, and it was not easy for Amaluda to discover its existence. There must be some secret hidden inside, otherwise there is no need to hide it so deeply!

Although no serious person should keep a diary, a person in a high position like Becas has a lot to say in his heart. Maybe he will reveal his true feelings in his diary? No matter what, he might use the diary as a work memo, right?

So, with the mentality of not looking at it in vain, and if there is anything to gain, it will be earned, Amaluda opened the diary with the cover of Becca's cartoon character.

[Oh, Cyndia, my lover! I miss you so much...]

"Holy shit!" Americaruda almost couldn't help but tear the diary in his hand into pieces, the smell was too strong.

After turning over a dozen pages with a frown, Amaluda pressed his temples, his head throbbing painfully.

This diary is full of love poems written by Becas to a woman named "Scindia" - this is not the point. The point is that Becas obviously has no literary literacy and the poems he wrote are nonsense. There are also a lot of Japanese and English mixed with Bayesian language and grammatical errors, and even spelling errors.

Except for Becas himself, there may be no other person in the world who can fully understand the contents of this diary.

No, no, no, wait, I'm professionally trained. How could Becas hide such a bullshit diary in the safe behind the portrait! ? Moreover, as a native English speaker, this grammar and spelling... must be some kind of encryption method! There must be some mystery hidden in this bullshit diary! Ameruda's eyes flickered, and his fighting spirit was ignited.

In the next few days, he tried every possible way to decipher Becas's diary. Including using various encrypted telegram deciphering methods to decipher, scrambling and reorganizing every letter and pseudonym in the entire diary, consulting world cryptography experts, atomic-level microscope observations, various visible waters, dark power deciphering, elf deciphering... and so on, he tried every deciphering method he could think of.

But nothing was found. This damn diary really seems to be a bullshit diary! But this is absolutely impossible!

"Damn, it seems that I underestimated Bekas. This guy is actually a world-class encryption expert! But I won't give up. I will definitely unlock the secret hidden in this diary!" Ameruda, full of energy.

And in his shadow, Shadow Falcon flipped through a book with his mouth, reading it with relish.

[That bastard Kaiba actually asked me to make a card, how ridiculous! But since it was the suggestion of that Duel King Xing Jiantong, I reluctantly agreed, just as a favor to the Duel King. And making cards based on UMA is really interesting! ]

[However, I really didn't expect that Kaiba would actually accept other people's requests... Everyone is growing up, but my heart has passed away with Scindia. The new era will be entrusted to new duelists! I can no longer see the future that Duel Monsters have not yet reached. ]

["Unbounded Realm"... I know very well that they were not made by me. They just came to this world through my hands. I know very well that there is no duelist in this world who can control them except Hoshimi Hitomi. Just like that unknown Thunder Tribe monster... Even if I want to copy it, I can't do it at all. I can only make useless waste paper. They are cards that belong only to Hoshimi Hitomi! 】

[Hoshimi Hitomi, who are you! ? 】

This is the real Bekas diary. Hoshimi Hitomi learned of its existence from Bekas' memory. It would be bad if the contents were discovered by Ameruda, and only tearing off a few key pages would also arouse suspicion. Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi simply replaced the real diary with a cat.

But because it was a hastily made fake and had to imitate Bekas' handwriting, there were a lot of grammatical errors and spelling errors in it. As a result, it was mistakenly thought to be an encrypted password diary by Ameruda, and a lot of time was spent on it, which was unexpected.


The other side of the distant ocean.

At this time, Hoshimi Hitomi has received a new order to go to Tomino City to snatch the God Card.

In the original plot, the three Doma musketeers should have collectively gone to Tomino City to ensure the success of the God Card snatching operation. After that, Amerda went to the Duel Kingdom Island to pretend to be Bekas, duel with Kaiba, and caused Kaiba to get the Legendary Dragon Card.

But now because of Hoshimi Hitomi's intervention, the action time of the Doma organization has been greatly advanced. Amerda was also tripped up by inexplicable trivial matters (referring to the interpretation of the diary) and could not come to escort. Therefore, Hoshimi Hitomi and the other two three musketeers formed a team to ensure that the three God Cards were obtained.

And Hoshimi Hitomi finally met the three Doma... oh, now the four musketeers, the first ranked swordsman, Rafiru.

This blond young man is amazing. Not only is he very strong and can fight physically, he is also very strong in playing cards, and even defeated Wang Yang once. The most important thing is loyalty - at least he was loyal before Wang Yang's mouth cannon.

On the way to Tong Minye City by plane with Baron, he knocked on the side of the temple. Baron should know the location. In the original plot, they went directly to the temple to give it to Dazi after grabbing the God Card.

Baron said - I don't know.

Yes, he did enter the temple many times, but each time he went there, he was teleported by the power of Orichalcum. Just in front of the barrier that Hoshimi Hitomi saw on the wall before, he entered the temple with a flash of green light. After the meeting, Dazi never let them wander around or leave, and it was also a flash of green light that sent them back to the original place. Therefore, even the cadres didn't know where the temple was.

You are worthy of it, Dazi! You really don't give people any chance to take advantage of it! But it doesn't matter... As long as Hoshimi Hitomi grabs the God Card, Dazi will let him enter the temple! At that time, Wucibei will kill them all, and the problem can be solved fundamentally!

Therefore, this God Card snatching operation... he had to complete it. After all, the God Card had to be handed over to Dazi, and everyone had to go there to hold a meeting, and to hold a meeting, he had to bring a cadre like Hoshimi Hitomi with him.

As for absorbing the power of the God Card to speed up the recovery of the Mountain Copper God... Alai had drugged it before, and the addition and subtraction should almost cancel each other out.

Hoshimi Hitomi lowered his head and thought, and at this moment someone patted his shoulder.

"Hey, don't be absent during the meeting. Or, do you have any ideas?"

Hoshimi Hitomi raised his head. The person who patted him was Baron. At this time, Hoshimi Hitomi, Rafiru and Baron were having a meeting in a single room in a hotel. This hotel was on the verge of bankruptcy due to poor management, and the management was also chaotic. No identity proof was required to check in. And Rafiru had also confirmed that there were no surveillance and eavesdropping devices in the room, so it was a good place for a meeting.

That is, when the front desk saw three big men opening a single room, their eyes were very frightened. But since all three of them were wearing masks, it didn't matter.

"Well, let me confirm the plan first. Rafilu, you send your men to rush into the store, punch out the famous former archaeologist and tomb robber leader Shuangroku Muto, and then ignore the possible existence of gods. Punishment, the dark power of the Millennium Brick, and the secret protection of the Tomb Keeper, grab the card and run away, and then let your men activate the barrier and Muto Yugi to buy time for us, and treat legendary duelists such as Jonouchi and Kaiba as fools. ...Is that so? That’s the plan, right?”

Xing Jian's eyes were empty, and he squinted at the blond young man sitting neatly on the sofa.

"...Kaiba went to the Duel Kingdom Island to find Becas." Rafilu looked a little embarrassed, " seems that more research is needed."

"Forget it, Rafilu, you and I are only suitable for carrying out tasks, not for making careful plans. In the past, this kind of thing was done by Amaluda." Baron lay carelessly on the bed, falling headfirst. He looked at Hoshimi Hitomi and said, "Hey Duel King, if you have any ideas, just tell me. If I think there is no problem, I will act according to your instructions."

Rafilu also nodded, acknowledging Baron's words. Because of the power of Oriha Steel, it is absolutely impossible for Hoshimi Hitomi to betray, so if he really has a brain, it doesn't matter if he obeys his command.

"Hmm..." Hoshimi Hitomi thought for a while and said, "How about we use poison gas bombs while Muto Yugi is asleep..."

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