He passed his thumb across his throat and made a slitting motion.

"No, no, no, no, no..." The two shook their heads like rattles, "We can't involve innocent people! Moreover, the soul of the Pharaoh is an important sacrifice and cannot be entered into reincarnation casually!"

"Then let's use hypnotic gas. You can get it from the nearby US military base!" Hoshimi Hitomi shrugged. In fact, he was just pretending, and it was impossible to actually use poison gas bombs. "Anyway, the US military stationed in Japan smuggled arms and You can get drugs and be a gangster for a day or two, right?"

"Oh, the guy in the city also lost one in his house. That guy is quite troublesome and might get in the way. The other little shrimps don't matter."

Chapter 58 24 Speaking of which, has it been a long time since you played cards?

In the original plot, the plan to snatch the God Card was nonsense. Like a third-rate robber, Rafilu's subordinates rushed into the store, snatched the God Card, and ran away, while the three phantom gods who could strike people with lightning didn't react at all, as if they hadn't woken up. Then, while Wang Yang and Zayu were playing cards, Jonouchi and others stood by and OMO'ed, neither calling the police or calling anyone.

The transition of this plot is very blunt, and the purpose is to confiscate the Three Fantasy God plug-in and open a copy of the Doma Organization. But since Hitomi Hoshimi has intervened, there is no need to follow the original plot. Anyway, Wang Yang will be involved in the battle with Doma Organization. As long as his kingly face looked exactly like Timaeus in his knightly form, there was no way he could stay out of it.

So, the three of them discussed some details and finalized the plan. Rafiru and Baron went to purchase sleeping gas, while Hitomi Hoshimi wandered around Doshino Market with nothing to do.

Wearing a mask and sunglasses, he walked on the familiar yet unfamiliar streets, looking at the busy flow of people and traffic, feeling a little dazed.

When he participated in Duel City before, he had been very nervous and afraid of the future, and he had not even visited the city carefully. And what happened in Duel City is still vivid in my mind, as if it was yesterday.

Unconsciously, his thoughts changed from avoiding danger to actively eliminating danger. He didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Mingming had been thinking about finding a nest in the deep mountains and old forests until Wang Yang returned to the underworld and then came out to do some activities.

Hitomi Hoshimi bought a map of Doshino City and started to kill time. Because of the Duel City Competition not long ago, this small city with no characteristics suddenly became famous and became a holy place in the minds of duelists from all over the world, and the tourism industry has greatly prospered. What followed was a business boom and investors settling in. This small city is filled with new vitality.

Naturally, the places where several major events in the original plot took place have also been marked and developed as tourist attractions. For example, a large screen was erected by a river where Wang Xiang and a puppet were dueling, and the duel was played on a loop 24 hours a day. As well as the rooftop where Wang Yang and Kaiba teamed up to fight against the Mask of Light and Darkness, I heard that a Duel City Museum was being built.

The Masked Brothers of Light and Darkness, who were unemployed after the disbandment of Gurus and changed their minds, were also expected to work in the museum and became official civil servants. As long as you pay the admission fee, you can also cosplay as Wang Yiang and Kaiba, form a team to play cards with the Mask of Light and Darkness, and experience the treatment of the Duel King and the top four (emphasis added).

There is another museum in Doshino City, but because many supernatural phenomena have occurred in just a month or two, ominous rumors have spread, and it will be closed down by the government. First, the museum owner and his secretary suffered a heart attack and died mysteriously on the same day (Xia Di’s fault, comic book volume 3), and then the Egyptian mummy was resurrected and took away the exhibit Pyramid of Light. It's really scary.

Hoshimi Hitomi silently covered the "swag" around her neck with her coat.

Turtle Game House—that is, the store opened by Jijiang. Wang Yang lives here and is surprisingly not disturbed much. This is because Haima put pressure on the city government to keep Xiaobiao and Wang Yang's residence secret. Maybe it was because of the mentality of "you idiots are worthy of challenging my old enemy!?", but Kaiba did do a good thing.

Otherwise, this place would have been trampled down by duelists who came here for their reputation, and Wang Yang would have to face challenges from countless duelists every day. According to Wang's character of "a duelist never refuses a challenge", he was busy 24 hours a day.

Tongshiye Market is not big, so Hoshimi Hitomi visited most of the city before the sun was about to set. There are still a few hours left before gathering. So he wandered aimlessly on the street. Japan is not like a bad country, and the public security is pretty good. It is not so chaotic that you should not go out at night.

Suddenly, he stopped and looked towards an alley not far away.

The walls of the alley were densely covered with red letters with unknown and serious words such as "Danger", "Bloody Abyss", "Restricted Area", etc. From a distance, it looked like it was stained with blood, giving people an ominous feeling. Hoshimi Hitomi tilted her head in confusion. Isn't this the same alley where he played cards with a certain sidekick and Gurus?

That was the place where he played cards for the first time after traveling through time. He still remembered that the ace in the suit was a 4-star mortal bone from the Dragon Clan. But when I came here before, it was just an ordinary alley, not as spooky as it is now, right?

He flipped through the map and found such a place name. It seemed to be a pretty famous place.

[One of Tong Shiye’s Seven Mysteries: The Alley of Blood Sacrifice Duelists]

【After nightfall, when you approach this alley, you can hear screams and monster roars even though there is no one there. If you accidentally enter, ordinary people can still come out, but they will be terrified and keep it a secret. As for the duelists... no one has ever seen them again. 】

"What is this? Such a clichéd third-rate horror story." Xing Jiantong couldn't help but complain, "Seven incredible things... Are there six more such ridiculous stories?"

"Hey, don't you know?" A passerby heard Xing Jiantong's complaints and explained enthusiastically, "The Seven Wonders of Tong Shiye are incredible events recognized by duelists all over the world."

"First, the alley for blood sacrifice duelists. Ordinary people will be fine, but duelists will be devoured and their bodies will be gone if they enter. I heard that this alley is connected to the demon world where duel monsters live, which is very scary."

"Second, Tong Shiye's old blog Museum. Legend has it that the previous curator opened the gate of hell and died a violent death. Every night he wanders in the ruins with countless demons, wailing miserably. "

"Three, a boy with three eyes. Walking on the street at 12 o'clock midnight, you may encounter a boy with three eyes. If you approach him and talk to him, your soul will be devoured and you will become a vegetable who will never wake up. "

"Four, a garbage dump that devours cards. Legend has it that after the end of the Duel City, all the cards abandoned by the duelists and piled up in the garbage dump disappeared overnight. There was only a dark fog in the surveillance that night. Legend has it that the resentment of these cards being abandoned called on the alien The Devil of the World."

"Five, Madhouse. Legend has it that there are many strange patients living in the Madhouse in the suburbs. Some people think leaves are money, some people see everything in mosaics, some people stand lighters on the back of their hands all day long, and there are magicians who think dolls are lovers... Oh, it is said that they all saw something unclean. "

"Six, Yu-Gi-Oh. Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh, one of the legendary Duel Kings, is a schizophrenic. One personality is a very ordinary high school boy, but the other is a delusional personality who claims to have dark power. "

"Seven, Star King. Legend has it that the Duel King of the Twins The Star King is a traveler from another world, and Hoshimi Hitomi is his incarnation. His true form is a giant dragon that covers the sky, so XP is so weird. You know the dragon incident in Duel City before? Legend has it that the red dragon is the true form of Hoshimi Hitomi. "

"There are many people like you who regard these seven wonders as ordinary strange stories. Some even want to investigate and uncover the truth. But I heard that these people's endings are not very good. Some are still lying in the hospital and have not woken up, and some have become new patients in the mental hospital..." The passerby had a mysterious expression on his face, as if it was true.

"...I..." Hoshimi Hitomi was speechless for a moment. These seven wonders were also related to him. Please, isn't it normal for the card guy XP to be a little weird?

He is a dragon lover, carrot lover, Furui lover, and transvestite lover, but ordinary cute girls are not annoying. Compared with those who like ice love, broken limbs and internal organs flying all over the sky, he is simply a little fresh, okay?

[Activate side quest: Seven incredible truths. ]

[Quest description: Some of the seven incredible things are rumors, but some are real. Investigate the truth behind the legend! ]

[Quest progress: There is only one truth! ]

[Quest reward: Undead monster self-selection ticket × 1. ]

Hiroshi Mitsugu was slightly stunned. Side quests, how long have I not encountered them? The last time seemed to be during the Naia chapter. Undead monster self-selection, this reward... is really not good!

But this quest is just like the main line of the previous light and dark trial, there is no explanation on how to complete it! ? Just one sentence "There is only one truth"... He is not a death god elementary school student!

After asking the kind passerby for some details, Hoshi Mitsugu nodded to thank him and let him go. This passerby is just an ordinary person who likes to surf the Internet, and there is no more useful information to ask.

Hoshi Mitsugu leaned against the wall, staring at the translucent screen that only he could see. The time of the action was set at eleven o'clock in the evening, and it was just after six o'clock at this time, so there was still enough time. Then let's use the elimination method first--

First, eliminate six and seven. Six is ​​true, and Muto Yugi does have a dual personality. Seven is half true and half false, and Hoshimi Hitomi is indeed a visitor from another world, but her true form is not a dragon.

Then four and five can also be eliminated. There is only one garbage dump in Tojino City, which is the garbage dump where Mr. T descended before. The resentment of the card did call upon the devil. As for the lunatic asylum-if nothing unexpected happens, all the people there are victims of the thousand-year-old artifact. There is no "truth" to speak of.

So the key points are one, two, and three... Hoshimi Hitomi looked up at the sky, and the sun had completely sunk below the horizon. Dusk has passed, and now it is "night".

"G, the proliferating one, go explore the alley. Shadow Yilong, you go to the museum and be careful to hide, don't mess with the grass and attract snakes. Then I..." Hoshimi Hitomi narrowed her eyes, took out her mobile phone to call up the address book, looked at a number, and slowly pressed the dial button.

"Beep...beep...Moses? Hoshimi-san?" After two rings, the phone was connected, and a somewhat silly voice sounded on the other end.

"Sora Jojo Taro-san is dead... Just kidding."

"The Millennium Key, Millennium Scale and Millennium Staff are in my hands. I want to see you in Tongshiye Central Park in ten minutes, otherwise I will shoot them into the sun with a rocket. I wonder if the dark power of the Millennium Items is stronger, or the energy of the stars is stronger? I am very interested in this."

"...Huh? Are you threatening me, you bastard!?" The cute voice suddenly became sinister, as fierce as a beast, "I still have a score to settle with you, and you dare to..."

"By the way, you still have nine and a half minutes. See you later, Ciao~" Xing Jiantong whistled frivolously and hung up the phone.

About five minutes later, the phone rang. He answered the phone and moved away from his ear.

"Where are you, you bastard!? Get out here, I'm going to kill you!!!" A roar full of tyranny sounded, but Xing Jiantong heard the panting that the other party tried hard to hide. Well, there is also a physical roar, it seems that it needs to be trained.

"Okay, now you have ten minutes to get to Seahorse Paradise. By the way, I remind you that it is rush hour now, and you will risk traffic jams if you take a taxi~"

"! @#¥%……\u0026*Du." Ignoring the scolding, Xing Jiantong hung up the phone directly.

He leaned against the wall and whistled, without any intention of changing his position.

At this time, countless proliferating gs carried a man in a black robe and foaming at the mouth out of the alley, making rustling sounds. The forehead of the black robe was embroidered with a golden eye of truth. Xing Jiantong saw that it looked familiar: Isn't this the uniform of the Gurus Organization?

After two slaps, the man woke up slowly. Looking at the densely proliferating gs under him, he was so scared that his face turned pale and he almost fell over again. Under the powerful pressure of the elves (the fog), he confessed everything like a bamboo tube pouring beans.

It turned out that after Malik disbanded the Gurus organization, some of the original members were unwilling to accept it and spontaneously organized a Gurus organization with their base in this alley. They spread rumors to attract duelists who did not believe in the evil, and then fought against each other to snatch Leya Card.

Most of them were scum who were used to being domineering and getting something for nothing, but without the support of large-scale fake cards, their strength was greatly reduced and they could not make any waves. In addition to this man, there were seven or eight people lying in the alley. Xing Jiantong made an anonymous call to the police directly. I think the government department, which has become a running dog of Kaiba Company, will deal with these guys.

After hanging up the phone, Xing Jiantong whistled and left the alley. One of the seven wonders, the alley of blood sacrifice duelists, was solved. Next is the other two.

About twenty minutes later, after calling the other party to run four or five places, Xing Jiantong finally met the other party in Central Park in a friendly manner.

The out-of-breath Baimao had a murderous look on his face, his eyes were bloodshot, and his face was flushed. Just as Xing Jiantong said, it was rush hour, and shared bikes had not yet been introduced. He ran all over Tongshiye City in 30 minutes on his own two legs!

Looking at Baimao, who was about to die with his hands on his knees, Xing Jiantong's mouth curled up slightly: "Well, now we can have a good talk."


Chapter 59 25 Dazi, you are so powerful!

"Xing Jiantong, you bastard, I'm going to kill you!" An Bakuliang, who barely caught his breath, was about to start the dark game. Of course it was not a duel. No matter how confident he was, he didn't want to use cards to decide life and death with the duel king. He was going to start a Russian roulette game, and then use the power of the Millennium Wisdom Wheel to give the roulette soul to cheat.

"Next." However, at this moment, Xing Jiantong threw something over, and a golden light flashed by. An Moliang's face condensed, and he reached out to catch it. He saw a golden scale firmly held in his hand, and the Eye of Truth on it flashed an unknown light.

...It is the real thing, absolutely no mistake. Whether it is the craftsmanship with no gaps at all, or the vigorous dark thousand-year power, it proves that...this thing is the real thousand-year artifact-the thousand-year scale, there is no mistake.

"This is the errand fee. And...this thing." Xing Jiantong stretched out his right hand behind his back and inserted the golden scepter into the soil in front of him. It was the thousand-year artifact, the thousand-year tin staff.

"This thing can also be given to you. But in return, you have to answer a small question for me." Xing Jiantong said lightly.

"...Huh? What are you thinking about?" After putting away the Millennium Scale in his hand, An Moliang showed a grim smile, "Why should I do what you say!? Since you appear in front of me, I can kill you directly, and all your Millennium Artifacts will belong to me!"

"Go, ghosts, kill that bastard!" As An Moliang roared, the Eye of Truth on the Millennium Wheel of Wisdom shone brightly, and countless roaring evil spirits emerged from it and attacked Xing Jiantong.

"Die, Duel King!" Under An Moliang's excited gaze, Xing Jiantong was drowned by the ghosts without any resistance, and then...

Blue light flashed.

The light full of destructive meaning formed a blue pyramid that wrapped Xing Jiantong, and the ghosts that touched the light barrier were instantly annihilated. The light pyramid on Xing Jiantong's chest, the scarlet eye of truth flashed an ominous red light like a demon star, and black flames surged in it.

"Oh, don't worry. Actually, there is no reason for hostility between us." Xing Jiantong put his hands on the Millennium Tin Staff in front of him and said lightly. As he spoke, the scarlet Eye of Truth appeared on the large pyramid that protected him, spewing out black flames.

The flame was like a thorn in the flesh, and it could not be extinguished once it was contaminated. Countless undead souls wailed and were burned to ashes by the black fire.

"Tsk... It's really a turtle shell." After sensing the thickness of the barrier, An Moliang smacked his lips in dissatisfaction. The power of the light pyramid is almost as good as the Millennium Building Blocks at the top of the Millennium Props. His Millennium Wisdom Wheel cannot break the turtle shell.

If you want to defeat Xing Jiantong and seize the Millennium Tin Staff, I'm afraid you can only do it through a duel.

"In that case, just..." "No." Xing Jiantong stretched out his index finger and shook it gently.

"I told you before that I have three thousand-year artifacts, the thousand-year key, the thousand-year scale, and the thousand-year staff. But I only brought out two. The thousand-year key, I hid it in a place you can never find."

"If you must fight me to the death... let's assume you win. You will never be able to find the whereabouts of the thousand-year key."

"Ha, idiot, my thousand-year wisdom wheel can point out the direction! How could there be something that the thousand-year wisdom wheel can't find!" An Moliang leaned back tactically, with a look of disdain, "Millennium Wisdom Wheel, point out the direction of the thousand-year key!"

So, the real eye in the center of the thousand-year wisdom wheel radiated a strong golden light. The pointer just below the eye floated up and turned a circle as if to locate the direction. Then--

360° rotation.

"Nah...!?" An Moliang's pupils suddenly shrank, and he said in surprise, "Did you really shoot the thousand-year key into the universe!?"

The thousand-year wisdom wheel has the ability to help the holder guide the way, so it is called "wisdom". As long as the things the user desires exist in this world, no matter how far away they are, they will definitely point the way.

Therefore, the first thing that An Moliang suspected was that the Millennium Key had been destroyed by Hoshimi Hitomi by shooting it into the sun, and it would never be found again.

However, he immediately calmed down and remembered that he had been tricked into a different world by a bastard who called himself Dazhi and suffered a great crime. That world was full of black air, and the dark attribute energy was so rich that it almost replaced the air. For humans, even the air in that world was a deadly poison.

His soul was attached to the Millennium Wisdom Wheel, and he experienced a thrilling adventure. It was not easy to find a dimensional gap with the power of the Millennium Wisdom Wheel, and returned to this world and re-entered the host Moliang's body.

Now that he thought about it, he was thrown into the other world by someone in Hoshimi Hitomi's room. What Dazhi, he was simply diverting the trouble. It was Hoshimi Hitomi who did it, absolutely!

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